
The sun's radiant heat adorned my skin as I allowed myself to be briskly whisked away from the cottage by a relentless Ruth. Halfway through combing my hair she had barged into the room claiming my thirty minutes was up and that I was lucky if she even gave me another thirty seconds.

And lucky I was.

She took one of the paths adjacent to her home, dragging me along as I began to take notice of the nature surrounding us. Flowers threatened to blossom in the midst of fall. The air carrying a few stray leaves along. The wind tickling the swaying trees. It reminded me a lot of home.


I mistakenly stepped on a fallen branch, briefly glancing at my feet before my head instinctively snapped toward a deer, who had been watching us from behind bushes it paused ravishing just several feet ahead. I found my gaze meeting the doe's eyes and casually observed her head ever so slightly shifting to the right.

Ruth, who took to humming a low yet upbeat tune to match our pace, suddenly lost sound.

In the same second, I could faintly see the deer freeze. Then all of a sudden she rapidly blew a huff of air through her nose and flattened her tail, eyes captivated by our every movement.


I let my gaze flicker over to the direction of Ruth's stare and sure enough her eyes were narrowed as she studied it's movement. Coming closer to the mammal, we neared the bushes and I averted my eyes. I noticed that it took two hesitant steps backward before darting off into the forest.

I also noticed the smug look plastered on Ruth's face as if it almost... satisfied her that the deer was visibly affected by her presence. I couldn't help but narrow my own gaze; confused. It jogged my memory of something...

'I'm the predator, they are the prey.'

"Quick, we're almost there!"

The further we walked the trail the more the forest opened up, a few more steps revealing what looked to be a wide clearing. I turned around at the sight, now realizing how far we had actually traveled down the path. I couldn't see her cottage from here at all. It was as if it had disappeared.

We couldn't have walked that far.

"Behold, Celestial Cove," I heard Ruth say, but I was breathless as my mouth dropped open in awe.

Far from where we stood lay an expanse of water that led into the ocean almost entirely encircled by land before dipping back into the ocean. I could see homes hidden beneath the trees around the curves of the land. The path we were taking led directly into what could either be a festival or a marketplace, but also partially served as the town's square. The bigger and more intricately designed buildings and businesses could be spotted here, but hardly any cars drove through the streets.

Instead it thrived with a plethora of people.

In one corner of the street you could see rows of children surrounding a lady who seemed to be telling a story. One tent sold what looked to be the finest silks and scarves. Colorful huts and tents scattered everywhere along the trail and into town. Bustling crowds of people of all colors coming from everywhere making their way to whatever and going wherever their heart desires. As the town neared the shore, a beach with few houses yet many people gathered around for a good time. Bonfires and games could be seen as the waves crashed into shore. Some people were even bold enough to try to catch them, surfing through the water with ease.

The clouds in the sky told an intricate story as dawn cascaded into day. The afternoon breeze carrying not only the clouds, but mouthwatering aromas from the stands deeper into the cove. Each street and each trail had lights strung along the way, bringing a soft yet vibrant glow to each and every street, every corner. I observed as fire danced in the hands of a man doing tricks for tips as he walked. A clique of women passed out beads I observed was adorning many necks of the progressing crowds. A flock of birds then came into my view, flying over the vast forest and passing over the celebration.

It was beautiful.

"I made the same face the first time I walked down here. It's one of the best views the Cove has to offer. . . especially when the moonlight reflects over the water," she stated, her eyes traveling how far it stretched. I let mine follow her lead, imagining what it would look like once the sun set.

"It's easy to fall in love with."

"And hard to find." she remarked thoughtfully, tugging my hand once more in the direction of all the action, "This same view could be just another forest to the naked eye."


"Do you believe in the supernatural?"

I paused, taking into account everything that's happened in the span of a few weeks. There was still so many unanswered questions. . . like how did Leo actually get on my balcony? What does Noah actually do for a living? Why did he try to kill Leo? How didn't we break our ankles from the fall? Why and how did the stump bring me here? Was Leo even alive? Who even was he?

What are Ruth and Leo?

After a few beats, I finally answered, "I'm not sure I know anymore."

"Then see for yourself," she offered with a wink, forcing us to continue forward. I found myself even more entranced by the cove the further we ventured; observing with pure curiosity at the people inhabiting the Cove.

Then it quickly became a game of trying to ignore the eyes that lingered. Seemed like each burned a hole in my head; as if I could feel the weight of each one of their stares. Some looked shocked, others mildly impressed. I tried to appear nonchalant about it, but still couldn't help but wonder if they could tell I'd never been here before.

We neared the huts, making our way through the swarm of bodies as gracefully as we could. I tried to watch my step, keeping up with the swift pace of Ruth just barely. I swiveled around people as if to dodge them or the impact of any possible body contact.

Even so, someone managed to bump into me.

"Hey! Watch where your-" they paused before they could finish, a face that once glared menacingly suddenly subdued by a higher force. Their eyes briefly widened, glancing at my forehead before they darted into the crowd as if the devil himself had been chasing him. Ruth glared at his retreating figure.

Damn was my head that big?

Something else leaving me once again, perplexed.

"Are you okay?" Ruth prodded gently, "I know the people of the Cove can be tough to get used to at first."

"I'm perfectly fine," I plastered a convincing smile on my face, knowing she wouldn't recognize if it was real or not. Its the benefit of not really knowing someone and them not knowing you yet.

I could tell I had a lot to learn about not only Ruth, but the people of the Cove.

"Welcome to the festival of the Moon Goddess!"

A young woman stepped forward just before I could pass by her, allowing me to lower my head before reaching over me to center a few beaded necklaces around my neck. I noticed yet again, that my forehead caught her attention. This caused my eyebrows to pinch together, irritation growing at the thought that my forehead had been booming all morning.

I knew my shit was big but it ain't no flying saucer.

"Thank you," I muttered as politely as possible.

It must've still sounded dull because her smile faltered for mere seconds, before disappearing all together as she offered sincerely, "The pleasure is mine, Luna."

Ruth stepped between us, "Her name is Blythe," she grounded out rather harshly. Still, she lowered her head and permitted the woman to place a few beads around her neck. As soon as they fell against her skin she straightened her posture once more and stared deeply into the woman's eyes.

I looked between the two and could see no obvious connection, yet their eyes seemed to tell a different story. The woman met her gaze evenly, her orbs appearing to gloss over as they exchanged what seemed to be a wordless conversation. I couldn't help but admire the woman's prominent features and strong yet petite build. Her caramel skin further complimenting her attributes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to assume who you were Blythe. I thought you were someone else. You look so familiar," she apologized out of the blue, breaking eye contact with Ruth to show she was genuine.

I could tell she was lying through her teeth.

The apology, as genuine as can be, didn't match the eagerness in her eyes. She too, knew something I didn't.

"It's okay, this is actually my first day in town." I replied with a shrug, open to conversation. If I'm going to be here for a little while I may as well make acquaintance with someone new, right?

"Oh really? I didn't know," she replied as if on cue not even seconds after I finished.

Another lie.

I glanced at Ruth, who was still eyeballing her tauntingly.

"I really hope you enjoy the festival of the Moon Goddess. I think this is the best time to be a newcomer to the Cove. The sights you see here you won't get anywhere else, especially the light of the moon. It'll change your perspective on everything. I'm excited for you and do hope to see you again."

"I hope to see you again too..."


"Maria," I finished with a small smile in hopes to ease the weighing tension, "It was nice to meet you."

Before Maria could respond Ruth had grabbed my arm and forcefully tugged me into the continuously progressing mob of people.

"Ruth? What the hell was that back there?"


"Well it must've been something, or you're just coo coo for cocoa puffs."

"Both," she remarked with a giggle, her grip easing on my forearm, "I promise I'll explain later."

"I'm just stuck on the way you stared at her," I decided to disregard her dishonesty for now. Didn't seem like she'd crack anytime soon. For now, I wanted to have fun and distract myself from the troubles of anything I'd have to face later. Especially knowing she's hesitating to tell me.

I must be in some deep shit.

"She'll get over it. She has to."


"Cause what else would she do? Press me? I don't think that'd ever work in her favor. She knows," she smirked absentmindedly at the statement.

"Oh, so you do know her?" I questioned lightly.

"Of her. Let's just say this is a tight knit town. Everyone knows everyone. Kinda like a big family."

"Is that why everyone keeps staring at me like a deer in headlights?"

"That, or maybe the fact that you're a hot commodity. Untouched, unknown, and unfamiliar with not only the people of this town, but the Cove itself. Even so, you're my guest and newest friend, and I won't take any bullshit dished to you today or any day for that matter." She spoke with certainty in her tone, not only assuring herself but unknowingly reassuring me as well.

I could tell Ruth was very loyal and protective of those she loved. It released the anxiety brewing in the pit of my stomach at that thought that I apparently stuck out like a sore thumb. And in that case at least I had another finger on my hand to potentially rely on. If it felt like I hadn't belonged here the emotion had dulled and was quickly replaced with utter excitement.

Before I could delve deeper into my mind, I was directed toward the hut I spotted earlier that contains scarves and fine silks. Toward the counter I became aware of intricately designed dresses, fashionable clothing adorning the racks, and mannequins that displayed them for curious eyes to see.

It appeared to be a successful business and several people littered the shop whom scanned through the clothing, some desperately looking for a piece that spoke to them. I found myself peering at some of the dresses with great interest too; noticing the little patterns sewn into the hem of a couple of them seeming to be consistent in a lot of them. The style was graceful and screamed elegance.

An older woman who previously engaged in a transaction with another customer behind the register, then motioned for one of her employees to finish handling the interaction for her as we approached. She first acknowledged Ruth, her face lighting up at the sight of her. Ruth too, shared her joy and I watched from beside them as they threw their arms up to tightly embrace one another with contagious laughs.

"If it isn't Ruth! I was wondering when I'd see you again. You've been acting brand new since you started redecorating the house. Never wanna come over for tea and shit talk anymore."

That made me release my own chuckle in unison with Ruth as her hands fell back to her side. She spoke in her signature playfully tone, "You know how I get when it comes to the house Jadelle. I swear I haven't been ignoring you!"

"We'll see about that," the woman winked at Ruth before turning to me, notably intrigued by my presence as she titled her head to the side and squinted her eyes teasingly.

The woman I assumed to be Jadelle appeared fairly youthful from up close. Her hazel eyes held wisdom, yet when she smiled you could hardly tell if she was any older than Ruth. Her face had lines only visible on her rosy cheeks, her skin appeared smooth and free of acne. Her nose resembled a button. She was about my size more or less, and her skin was as chocolate as the many faces I've passed by.

She was stunning, and I could only imagine how she got down back in her day.

"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes? How rude of you to forget to introduce me to your beautiful companion, Ruth." She playfully smacked Ruth's shoulder, in which caused her to gasp and place her hand on her chest offended.

"Well excuse me for being excited to see you. Jadelle, this is Blythe. Blythe, this is Jadelle, one of my closest friends. We go way back."

"Let me tell it! When she says way back, she means I used to babysit her and her badass brother since they were in diapers. It's really nice to meet you Blythe," she commented with a wide grin as she extended her hand.

Imotioned to shake her hand yet, just as they clasped together she yanked me in for a warm hug.

I already liked her.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too Jadelle, I can't help but admire your business. How long have you been designing clothing?" I asked as I began to walk around a bit, making sure to get a closer look at anything that caught my attention.

She spoke humbly as she recalled her story, "Since I was a kid. I've always been fond of sketching patterns and using my sewing machine to bring my ideas to life but, I didn't get into selling my product until I was older. I used to just make clothes for myself and my loved ones, until a good friend of mine pushed me to pursue my dream. I love what I do to this day, especially watching others fall in love with how they look in my hard work."

I turned my head to give her a supportive smile.

"I've never seen anything like your designs, they are definitely captivating. I can't take my eyes off this one," I mentioned to her while pointing a stray finger before continuing, "I'm glad whoever pushed you, did, because the world would be damned if they hadn't seen your talent!"

At that both Ruth and Jadelle laughed in unison, prompting me to giggle to myself as she began to speak softly, "Thank you Blythe, I wish you knew how much that means to me, truly."

"And I'm glad you love them just as much as I do, because today you're getting fitted by none other than the legend herself," Ruth added with smirk, noticing my visible surprise as I whirled around in a daze.

"You said what? No way! I am broke broke!"

"Did I ask if you had money?" Jadelle countered as she crossed her arms against her chest. Her eyes were light and she too, had a smile on her face that hadn't left since we arrived.

"But I can't ac-"

"You will," she spoke firmly, leaving no room for discussion as she grabbed my hand and led me to the door behind the counter. I didn't even try to protest, knowing I'd love to wear anything she made.

Especially if it was for solely me.

"-And based on what you appear to be interested in so far, I think I know exactly what to make of your look."

"Look?" I quizzed dubiously, feeling Ruth hook her arm around my shoulder after we entered the door.

"Look, as in your outfit! Don't act like boo boo the fool now, we have no time to waste. Get over there and let her measure you." Ruth ordered to me.

"But what's going on? Why do I need an outfit?"

"Oh dear, you didn't tell her did you," Jadelle said with a sigh, throwing Ruth a hard look over her shoulder as if to scold her.

I let my gaze bounce between the two before I turned to await her answer. Jadelle shook her head and sucked her teeth teasingly as she took a seat in a cushioned stool. From the drawer in front of her she pulled out a sketchbook and what looked to be her signature pencil with stickers all over it and a fluff ball on the end. Adorable.

"I figured it should be a surprise but technically I've been keeping so much from you that it's only fair if you know... There's a ball at midnight tonight after the festival and all the eligible people of the Cove are invited," she explained with the widest grin I've witnessed emerging from her lips,

"And you're one of them."