
I could feel more than one set of eyes watching us as we walked closer and closer to the front door. From outside I couldn't exactly tell if anyone was home due to the fact that curtains were closed, yet I had a general idea that someone must've been there because of the light that illuminated from the outline of one of the windows that hadn't been fully covered. Whilst taking more time to survey the perimeter of Ruth's home, I had also happened to notice an uncanny amount of fog beginning to fester around the edge of the trees. I couldn't help but observe it's attachment to the trees themselves, and not any of the trails nor the field that encircled her cottage. I found this to be more than just odd, but then I remembered.

The forest whispers.

Even so, I couldn't shake the anxious feeling that occupied the bottom of my stomach.

I felt something.

"Did you invite someone over?" I asked as Ruth approached the path that directly led to the entrance of her home.

"More questions I see. For someone who seems to remember everything, you seem to have forgotten that Jadelle was supposed to make a dress for you to wear to the ball tonight."

"Another serving of sass, I see. I'm quite full actually and I'd like for you to put me down so I can walk a bit of those extra calories off. Thanks."

Ruth gently set me on the ground as she tried and failed to stifle a laugh from leaving her lips. I couldn't help but crack a smile myself, but as soon as my feet touched the ground and my legs buckled at the weight of my own body any remnants of the smile had immediately wiped off my face just as quickly as it came. I heard the depth of her chuckle extend and my eyes nearly rolled out of their sockets and into the back of my skull at the sound.

"You're doing a fantastic job by the way, except for the fact that you're facing the wrong way and seem to be struggling to even stand. Plus, the front door is behind you."

"Obviously I'm not looking in that direction."

"What are you looking at then? Just curious," she said as she twisted her body to spare a glance in the direction I was staring. I'm almost certain I hear the smirk making its way onto her face.

"They say curiosity killed the cat," I say with a shrug as I continued to look off into the forest with my arms crossed.

"You're next then, considering I'd qualify as a dog," she said with a snicker before turning back around to face the door.

A loud creak erupted from the front door before a familiar voice began to playfully scold us from the threshold of the home.

"There is no way the both of you are outside at this time of night bickering like little children when you should be inside getting ready. You're late and loud."

For some reason the sound of her voice prompted me to turn around and straighten my back. As soon as my body whirled around however, I couldn't suppress the wince that accompanied the movement. It was oddly hard to even move at all. It didn't seem to surprise Ruth, however.

Simultaneously as I turned around it seemed Jadelle had decided to switch her glare to a look of concern at my obvious overexertion. She gave me a once over before looking at Ruth once more with a bold look of irritation. Her eyes moved between the two of us back and forth before something seemed to finally click, and she rolled her eyes as she began to rub her temple and shake her head.

"Seriously I'm starting to think you need supervision. What in the world possessed you to give her a ride when you know the ball is tonight? Why couldn't you go for a walk like any other human would?"

"Maybe because I'm not human, and neither are you. There is no way she could've been any less tired either way! She's been walking around the Cove all day! When I found her she was casually going for a stroll through the town square! Or should I say scarfing down a muffin-"

"Hold it there! There was no reason you had to mention that."

I truly found her obvious frustration hilarious, that is until she mentioned the fact that I stopped for a quick bite.

How dare she?

"Oh I sure did. And guess who with? Enzo! Of all people she could've possibly ran into! Like seriously, she's a walking conundrum. You don't even know the half of what I had to endure on the way here!"

"I could say the same thing," I mumbled with a sigh.

Although I am extremely grateful that a finding me in the middle of the woods earlier in the morning, I'm starting to regret touching the stump entirely.

"You're lucky I don't grab you by your ear and drag you in here Ruth. Hurry inside and for goddess' sake please grab the poor woman."

"She asked me to put her down."

"Pick her up," Jadelle commanded with a stern tone and a sharp stare.

They talked as if I wasn't here.

"Ja-" I tried to begin but was abruptly cut off without hesitation.

"You will either let her carry you inside and listen, or walk inside yourself and continue to go on with many unanswered questions. I assume you've already had your fill of information on the way here so your choice doesn't matter to me. If we don't hurry up now, we won't even qualify as fashionably late."

At this point I just lifted my arms up and allowed Ruth to scoop me up and carry me into the cottage bridal style. I didn't even care to object at this point since my legs already seemed to be doing so on their own accord perfectly fine. As soon we walked into the cottage and away from the forest I couldn't help but spare one last glance backward before the door closed.

Inside of the furthest depth of the fog I had taken brief note of earlier, a pair of luminous golden brown eyes pierced through the white tufts of mist surrounding the extent of the forest. They may have been pretty far away but the light each of those orbs carried spread throughout the vapor to illuminate everything in view of their presence.

It was like they were meant to be seen before they were felt.

The beat of my heart rapidly quickened in pace upon confirming that we were indeed being watched from not only inside the house, but from the outside as well.

Although I kind of already had a feeling that it may have been true even before we set foot inside, I didn't expect it to be someone I knew.

How was he here?

Is it because of me?

More questions began to circulate in the back of my mind as I couldn't help but wonder what any of this meant.

"Did you see something out there?"

I didn't even realize anyone had said anything to me since my eyes were glued to what may be awaiting me on the other side of the door. I didn't even register that the door shut. I was more than compelled to go outside once more. I wanted to know for sure that it was him, or if it was just another hallucination my restless mind conjured up in relation to the visions I've been having since I've arrived. I needed to know since this wasn't like most of anything I've already encountered today.

This was becoming even realer than it already was before.

"Is someone out there?" I heard a voice ask once more.

It was Jadelle who cracked the door open just enough that she could be able to see who may be outside. I watched her stand there silently for several moments before slamming the door shut. She tossed her head to the side and let out a small sigh, and just when she opened her mouth to speak her eyes seemed to glaze over as if in stuck in a trance.

I recognized that look in her eyes.

"Jadelle?" I called out with hopes of trying to catch her attention.

No response.

She just stood there with a blank stare.

"I think she's just overwhelmed since we arrived so late. How about we get you freshened up and then she can reveal the dress?"

"She was just telling us we need to come inside, so why all of a sudden does she randomly decide to just stand there like she is frozen?"

"I know you haven't gotten all of the answers you need yet, but I need you to know that they will come. In the meantime I need to know if you trust me."


"That'll work for now, and we can talk about this more later," she said with a sigh as she began to lead me in the direction of where I assumed the master room would be in her home.

"We'll have to."

I opted to say nothing else seeing as I didn't seem to be getting anywhere with her about the sudden change in Jadelle's behavior.

"Oh!" I heard her exclaim from the entrance of the home simultaneously as the front door slammed shut. I found my head turning towards her on its own accord to hear what she had to say considering she had become idle out of nowhere just moments after catching me and Ruth's somewhat friendly banter outside.

I watched from Ruth's arms as she made her way towards the table to pick up a dark black envelope that was encircled by a darkly tanned ribbon ribbon that was tied into a beautifully layered bow. The bow also had a sheet that stuck out that trailed downward in the opposite direction as she cut around the table and walked back toward where Ruth had been standing with me in her arms.

As she took the final steps to greet us as soon as she neared the hall she opened her mouth to speak.

"And now that you've returned, I meant to ask if you accept me now that you know the truth?"

I was taken aback that she even chose to ask me that question, but deep down inside it reassured me that I would be safe with them. Safer with them than anyone else I could possibly run into here. After I ran away from the hut and off on my own I was secretly hoping they didn't bring anything that happened back up once they did manage to find me. We could've just swept it beneath a rug and continued as if nothing happened between us. I'd have somewhere to stay until I found my way out and of course they'd find me and continue to drag me along.

That'd be easier to deal with than them trying to earn my trust now that I know their secret.

Everything and everyone was too unfamiliar to have any trust in.

Even so, denying their existence and right to live just as anyone else could is unfair.

If anything I would've never known they even existed if it hadn't been for Leo.

They hadn't done anything to me and didn't seem to be the kind of people to hurt anyone else as far as I could tell.

You never know and I'm not one to judge.

"I accept you for who you are," I said briefly as my eyes met her own.

"What about. . . what I am?"

Somehow the knowledge of another species that has coexisted alongside humanity roaming the earth for as long as its been created had fallen into my lap. The direct result of mere chance. The shock and confusion from a mind ignorant of the truth that lie behind what was claimed to be fairytales and fiction. Any reaction would be to retreat. To feign indifference with a mind of chaos as you find yourself wandering in uncharted territory undetermined to be of a threat.

My life will never be the same.

"I mean if you hadn't noticed, I hitched a ride on the way here. Must be pretty convenient to be able to run that quickly from A to B."

I had to remain calm. I couldn't be too scared of the unknown if all I've ever known I've already lost.

Where is there to run when you're far from home with nobody to call that truly cares for you?

When everyone you've loved is gone.

When your whole life people have always come and gone.

Things arise and fade and time after time nothing changes.

And when it does, is it for the better or for worse?

"Just wait till you C what else we can do."

I was broken away from the heavy thoughts weighing on my mind as I registered what Jadelle had said. From above and beside my head I could hear snicker that turned into a hearty chuckle erupt from Ruth as she shook her head several times and smacked her teeth.

I'm not exactly excited to find out what else they are capable of quite frankly.

"That was terrible."

"I truly do wish there was another way to tell you the truth, but I fear I prefer to be as honest as I'm allowed to be. I also wouldn't know how else we'd explain the letter of invitation you received in the mail this morning to you."

Jadelle extended her arm and flicked her wrist backward as she offered the invitation I apparently received earlier today to me with a sly grin and eager eyes.

My gaze flickered from her and the letter momentarily.

"A letter of invitation?"

The bow itself had specks of tan throughout what would be observed as its petals. I originally didn't even notice the envelope when we passed the table. From afar I believed it to be a sheet but now that I could see it from up closely, I noted seeing a small piece of paper tucked towards the center of the bow that displayed my name written.

Not only was my name written, but was kissed by the pen of who I assumed to be a professional at calligraphy the nothing less than perfect way they had designed my name to look. The upward or downward tips of the each letter in my name flowed across the paper to either connect with another or swirl and curl into the rest of the space. It was penned then again golden at the edge of each letter as well as the curves of the detailed spirals of my name.

I was utterly amazed with the pure elegance of the invitation itself.

I nearly didn't want anyone to lay a single finger on it.

"I took the liberty of ripping off the envelope that was taped to the door when I arrived here earlier. It had your name on it so I figured it was addressed to you, but I wanted to personally hand it to you myself. It must've arrived sometime after the two of you left."

"How did they know my name?"

I tossed my head to the side as my arms crossed over into each other.

"Think about it this way. It's a small town with hardly any new faces amongst those who do happen to be passing through time to time. You'd assume anyone would question who you are; let alone what that thing on your face is."

I felt the hum of Ruth talking before I heard it which prompted me to look toward Jadelle, who still held the letter before me with an inviting gaze.

"The only way they could know my name is if they've met me or one of you. It came after we left as you just said yourself."

"Unfortunately neither of us have any clue nor did we share your name with anyone. However, I will honestly say there's nothing that can be done about it now anyways. You're already here and whether others know or not, they'll surely be more than curious about whoever you are once they feast their eyes on you tonight"

Ruth responded again before Jadelle could speak and it seemed to benefit her since she still seemed to be focused on handing me the letter itself. It was uncanny how she stared at me and waved the letter slowly but surely in a manner as if she was awaiting me to take it from her and witness such with her own two eyes.

"Considering there will be people from all over the globe that will be in attendance, unless you've introduced yourself to any townsfolk it's more than likely nobody will know your name at all. We don't want to scare you off and I'm sure going around and blabbing about a new human in the cove would do more than just that. Also remember that you did somehow wind up here in the first place, which mean you had to have met someone that was able to lead you here. You have to have been granted permission to enter and that requires you to be known by someone else besides us."

She wasn't wrong.

"I'm not even sure how I earned permission."

"Maybe you'll find some of the answers you've been looking for tonight," Jadelle answered. She seemed to trail along the pronunciation of her words almost teasingly.

"You think so?"

"Accept the invitation," she said with a shrug and unfamiliar glint in her eyes that reflected something alike a light command. Her tone held no room for argument however and it was forward enough to make me raise my brow and reach over towards the letter.

As soon as my finger barely grazed its surface I felt a tingle shoot through my palm at the warmth it seemed to provide. I almost jumped from the contact and I hoped neither of them noticed. I didn't meet either of their eyes as I came to fully grasp the letter in my own hands.

Tingles slowly crawled up my wrist and throughout my arm and body once I fully had it in my possession.

The comfortable heat of the envelope provided the sensation of a glove around my hand alike someone else tried to grab it at the same time. It briefly went away after I first held it but the surface of the letter itself still maintained its warmth.

"I'm almost certain," she said with eyes that had seemed to know something more as they stared upon me with an unknown fondness, "and until you then how about you start by taking a look inside the envelope and see if that gets you any closer. I've already began preparing a bath for you to soak and hopefully relax in before I reveal the dress I designed for you. I have some final touches I'd like to add and I'm sure you've had a long day. I'll finish up in the bathroom before retrieving you from the bedroom."

Jadelle then lightly palmed Ruth's shoulder as to continue to guide her in the direction she planned to go before the conversation started. I'm sure our exchange took longer than what she assumed it to be as I could tell by the haste she immediately acquired within her next set of moments.

Ruth had took to following her down the hallway yet with more leisure in her stride as she walked. Her companion had already made her way halfway down the hall before I could find the words to respond. Although I had met her eyes, my focus couldn't seem to betray the warmth at the tips of my fingers as she spoke.

"That sounds lovely. I'd like that," I voiced as I returned my gaze to the letter of invitation.

When we entered the room I heard a call from the bathroom, "Come in."

We approached the bathroom and as Ruth opened it's slightly cracked door I was met with an unexpected surprise that made my mouth open in awe. My nose was also struck with one of the most pleasant scents I've smelled in a long time.

All around the floor were these black and tanned petals alike the color scheme of the letter of invitation. The room itself contained a jacuzzi tub with shower walls surrounding the arch of entry to the bath. There was a towel holder that contained a fluffy white towel awaiting someone to use it. The bath also contained a shower head in up above the jacuzzi in case someone instead decided to shower. The mirror and sink on the wall opposite of the eye catcher were also noted to be the same prestige as the tub. The counter was graced with the same design that appeared in the jacuzzi. Same with the decorations in the bathroom as well as the structure and stature of the toilet. The sink held a set of smaller candles all of what seemed to be the same scent against the wall. A different scent could be seen inside the bath filled with colored water. There were a selection of soaps beside a sponge and loofah. Waves of heat and steam arose from the water. Bubbles could be seen inside the bath popping or settling on the surface of the water floating around the soap. A set of undergarments were also placed on the counter beside a silky robe and self care essentials.

"I am beyond thankful for the both of you doing this," I said with a smile.

"A special bath is custom for those who are held to a higher regard and especially before any significant events."

"Me? Held to a higher regard?"

I'm sure my smile faltered.

In Celestial Cove I was just an ordinary human. A newcomer, and not exactly one that would fit right in with the rest of society in this kind of place.

"We thought it'd be a wonderful way to introduce you to our culture," Ruth beamed as she came to stand beside Jadelle subserviently.

"Is that alright with you?" Jadelle then asked gently. She came to clasp both of her hands together before her as she took a few steps forward; more than prepared to reassure me.

"I- I suppose. How could I turn down a beautifully prepared bath?" I answered as with a forced chuckle.

At least I'll have some time to myself.

"Then I'll let them know to enter in a few moments. Feel free to slip off your clothes and slip into the water. One of them will remove them from the floor for you need not to worry," she said with a nod and a huge smile as she turned to leave the room.

"Them. . .?" I questioned just as she finished.

My eyebrows immediately pinched together.

"One of the women that will be bathing you."

"I'm more than capable of doing that myself," I stated as a matter-of-a-factly. I could tell my tone was harsh and I didn't see any need to correct it.

"You said it was alright. You'll be fine don't overthink it," Ruth said as she shrugged.

"Nobody mentioned anything about bathing me," I countered and carefully crossed my arms as not to disrupt the quality of the invitation. I pointed my stare at the both of them and neither of them seemed to mind nor budge.

"Relax. We'll be preparing for you to put on your dress in the next room over."

"You've had a long day you deserve it."

As soon as I was about to share my rebuttal the two of them swiftly turned and left the room in unison. I didn't even realize that they had already started to retreat as I looked between them. The door had shut as quickly as it had opened and now without them I stood in the middle of the room by myself. It took me a few seconds to drop my gaze from the door as I believed any second someone else would walk through. It made me uneasy knowing that there would be people coming to bathe me. I've never enjoyed the luxury of anything of that nature except for when I was a kid.

It reminded me of my mother.

The bittersweet taste that accumulated in my mouth would've tainted the surprise, but I'm sure having someone walk in on me changing or making my way to the bath would overpower those thoughts. This inward fear prompted me to slowly set the invitation on the counter before stripping off the day's clothes. As soon as all of them were off of me I turned to walk to the bath, yet found myself turning back around again once I remembered to retrieve the letter of invitation Jadelle brought to me.

I wanted to read it before we left for the night and I figured this could be the perfect way to put me at ease. Or even at least somewhat settle my nerves before the commencement of whatever happens once they walk through that door.

I stepped in the water and was greeted with the sweet aroma of essential soaps and oils.

I couldn't imagine how pampered a life those of higher status within the supernatural world could live. I'm sure it either matched the upper class or put them to shame.

The way my body immediately settled into the soothing heat of the water betrayed any thoughts of doubt I previously owned before obtaining this level of peace.

The only thing that hadn't been submerged beneath the surface of the water surrounding me was the letter and both of my arms.

I closed my eyes and took several deep and calming breaths. Inhale. Exhale.

Once I opened my eyes I delicately untied the string on the back of the envelope and set it aside the shelf of the tub.

I peeled the top flap of the envelope backward and noticed the dark tanned paper tucked inside.

I pulled out the short page and immediately observed it's purposefully singed edges. It also held the same amount of warmth attached to the envelope and bow. Although whoever had written the letter for whatever reason decided to burn it, somehow it only added to the mysterious allure of the entire thing. It amazed me how a piece of paper could retain a temperature without burning or having a source of heat. The bottom of the page also held a signature that I definitely wasn't going to be able to read or even try to pronounce on my own if I did recognize the letters.

Luckily enough, everything else I was confident I could read without error.

After taking the time to study the invitation itself, I finally mustered up the courage to read the following words in a soft whisper.