
'Miss Eos,

The honor of your presence has been cordially requested in attendance at The 50th Anniversary of Celestial Cove's Annual Mating Ball, which will be held at the clock's first strike of midnight.

Be formally prepared for an enchanting night beyond your wildest imagination.

You will not be expected nor permitted to enter along with any common folk as you are regarded as an undeniably special guest at this event. The nature of this letter serves as express permission to proceed past royal guard and receive access to the regal entrance at your earliest convenience. From here you will directly approach the grand entryway to the castle's ballroom where tonight will take place.

Your arrival will be held in royal regard as to showcase that the time for us to finally cross paths is destined to occur and welcomed in more ways than one. May you enjoy everything you encounter on this fated night.

Till we meet again,

I'll be awaiting you.'

My stomach knotted itself into a bundle of anticipation as my mind repeated the last statement over and over again alike a broken record player. Although there were multiple ways this invitation could be interpreted, my focus solely seemed to linger on a specific phrase that sounded almost too familiar.

'Till we meet again.'

The realization of who may have sent and signed the letter immediately washed over me in a fit of several shivers that quickly traveled their way from the bottom of my spine to the curve of my neck.

It was nearly impossible to tear my eyes away from the invitation without scanning over it once again.

My fingertips traced the singed edges of the page as I scanned it over. I found it ever so difficult to tear my eyes away from each word. Not to mention the signature that was surely written by the hands of one who did more than just practice calligraphy. The penmanship was written beyond elegantly in nature.

The warmth of the page seemed to only tease the anticipation at the back of my mind as I began to think about him.

How he thrust me out of false comfort and into a world of make believe.

Or so I thought.

Everything seemed to change when the two of us met.

He made an impact in my life so quickly. It was almost careless.

Could I ever go back home?

The sound of the door opening effectively quieted the noise in my mind, yet I knew it would be only for a few moments. I took notice of at the two women who shuffled into the room with various bags immediately after and delicately removed the envelope from the shelf. As I came to tuck the page back inside of it's warmth I heard one of the women begin speak with a sweet tone.

"Why hello madam, I hope we aren't interrupting anything," she greeted rather cheerfully. I glanced upwards in time to catch her beaming smile.

"I see you've taken a liking to the bath prepared for you," the other woman spoke in a kind, polite tone as she entered and closed the door behind her.

Instead of walking over to the counter and setting the things she held down alike the woman who first came to speak she walked with leisure to where I was. I closed the envelope as she approached and returned it to the shelf carefully before coming to face her with newfound curiosity. She set her bags aside the tub and kneeled beside them as to look through them.

"Allow us to introduce ourselves properly. We will be attending to you as to offer you a relaxing and smooth transition from the bath to the mirror. Our purpose is to assist you with any needs you may have getting ready. You need not to worry about bathing, your hair, or putting on any makeup."

The woman at the counter picked up the clothes I had tossed on the floor and folded them before setting them into bin. She then moved back to the counter to continue on to open up the bag and begin to shuffle through it and pull a few things out. She chimed in not even a second after the woman adjacent to me spoke.

"We are each considered a lady in waiting. The two of us made a promise to take the upmost care of you and assure that you ease into the night."

"Lady in waiting? I'm not sure I know what that means," I confessed as one of my brows raised in question.

"She's misspoken. She meant to say that essentially we are your staff. We are at your direct service and genuinely hope you take pleasure in the treatment you are provided."

The other woman corrected her and in unison hummed their approval. I looked between the two of them as they did this and observed the cheerful woman appearing to crack a smile in the mirror knowingly. I briefly noticed this before returning my gaze to the one who just spoke.

"To make those process a bit faster the both of us will bathe you."

Just after saying such the other and much sweeter of the pair came to join her at the side of the bath; seemingly satisfied with what she had arranged on the counter. I could tell each of them had been sorting through the bags and organizing things outside of it, yet I wasn't able to see what products they would be using because of how much further into the tub I was positioned.

I was also curious as to how they would be able to bathe me from the angle of which the entrance to the bath. Especially considering that there is two of them.

As if my thoughts had been spoken out loud suddenly the walls of the jacuzzi bath tub slowly slid down in their place. I watched this unfold as it was quite impressive, and honestly I was still rather shocked the bathroom had been built so differently than the rest of the house. The decadence and expanse was rather overwhelming compared to the rest of the cozy, family oriented home. Whoever crafted this truly had a different kind of taste and appreciation for bathrooms let alone decor.

"Quite fascinating isn't it? I thought so myself when we were first introduced to it's design."

"This way it will be much more easier for the both of us to work with you at the same time, and with more ability to reach over to you comfortably. When you near this side of the bath I'll take the honor of detangling and washing your hair. In the meantime you'll receive a quick scrub before she will exfoliate your skin."

"I'll take my time as to massage you and hopefully assuage any negative thoughts you may have about this experience. After the both of us will continue to scrub, rinse, and lather you. Your feet will be not be forgotten as well to prepare you for the amount of movement you'll most likely be engaging in tonight."

"We'll also give you just enough to settle in the water before transitioning to your makeup and then on to your hair. If you'd like us to continue to talk we would love to sway your nerves and further explain each and every detail and step as to guide you through the process, but otherwise we prefer remain rather silent as to focus on pampering you."

Each of them bounced off the other so fluidly. It was almost like they had rehearsed this conversation several times and already knew the possible outcome of each and every response they may receive. I was more than aware that this was their opening act, and it made me want to release a hearty chuckle. Easing into the tub a bit was easier and I decided to reply with an indifferent statement as to clear the air.

All of this was still unfamiliar to me.

"I wouldn't mind either. I'm honestly not even sure what to say," a small sigh escaped my lips before I even realized.

"Then don't speak at all if it adds to your stress. Take a few deep breaths and come over to us."

Both of them flashed me a welcoming smile.

I could gather from observing them in a closer proximity that the one who had originally come off as sweeter was indeed the younger one of the pair. Even so, she appeared to be just as knowledgeable as the one who opted to take a formal approach to the matter. The older of the two appeared to be reserved but still inviting and open when it came to conversation. My impression was the clash of their personalities resulted in a dynamic that worked well. I'm also certain that one of them may specialize in something different in the other in order to provide quality and efficient service to their clients.

"We don't bite."

One of the women giggled and the other broadened their smile at the sound and moved their head to the side in order to briefly glance at her.

I found myself offering a small smile of my own; the corner of my mouth slightly tugging upward at the prospect of the chance to unwind on its own accord.

Although it was beyond awkward that each one of them seemed to stare at me in an odd way as I approached the center of the tub, I still continued towards them as to initiate their beginning. My body waded with the water as I advanced and I tried to remain beneath the surface as to conceal my figure beneath the murky yet fragrant water.

One of them held up a hand as a way to announce that I could halt before I almost reached the edge of the spacious tub. In the same exact instance the other woman pulled out something that resembled a headband. It was obvious that it was made of a waterproof material and I could tell it was more than useful. Probably even better for children. She politely held it above my head. I tilted my head down to allow her to place it around the perimeter of my hairline and she tucked my hair behind and inside of it the tool. It will protect my face from getting wet. How convenient for me. I turned the back of my head in her direction and swiveled my body to come to a position to sort of rest.

Just as soon as the opportunity presented itself she drenched my hair with water. Soon after I felt my hair being tugged as she began to detangle my curls.

My body couldn't help but relax further into the tub as a result of the chance to indulge in possible alleviation all of the nerves that had previously crawled their way inside of my mind.

My eyes closed and I released a few shaky breaths before my lungs could find a steady rhythm to pace the intake of each breath with.

The other woman gently lifted my arm from beneath the water and into a hand that was covered in a scrub that I could smell as soon as it entered the vicinity of my nose.

I let out a sigh and allowed the two of them to conduct what should be described as magic.

Time seemed to pass way too generously as they proceeded to preform everything they claimed they intended to do. It was all too effortless to surrender my thoughts to serenity as they carried on to scrub, wash, lather, rinse and exfoliate every inch of my body. In the same occurrence they had also shaved all of any hair I had on my legs or arms without fail. My feet had also been scraped and scrubbed, my cuticles trimmed, nail beds prepped and afterwards painted. My hands were allowed the same treatment aside from the scrapping. I then had the pleasure of enjoying a face mask as I engaged in my final soak before having to abandon the peace and warmth the tub had come to provide. Then after my face too had been rendered bald aside from my eyebrows and those too were to be plucked and shaped. My hair had also been drying in the meantime and even the towel smelled of ripe fruits.

Actually, the pampering my entire body would undergo was beyond better than any everything shower and every kind of shower or bath I've ever taken myself.

This memory would be one I would never forget.

How lucky anyone would be to receive this kind of care at their request anytime they pleased.

Alike the time they spent working with me in the marvelous jacuzzi bathtub, they had remained silent during the process of lightly coating my face in makeup. As one would blend the other began to brush and it honestly went by way more quickly than I assumed it would. Before I knew it I came to acknowledge the lack of anyone styling my hair or pressing more powder and product into my skin. The only thing that could now be felt was the quietness in the room and the silk robe against my skin as I sat in a chair in front of the mirror with my eyes closed as asked of me.

Appreciative didn't have close to enough emphasis needed to describe the way I was feeling by the time they were finished.

"I'm so excited for you to see the final look," the sweeter one said cheerfully.

I could feel the two of them gazing at me without the need to open my eyes to know.

"Am I allowed to open my eyes?"

This would be another one of the several times I asked over the span of time it took for them to complete their procedure and add any finalizing touches as they mentioned earlier. That was the only time either party, me or the staff, felt the need to exchange any words.

It gave me an an ample amount of time to sift through my thoughts.

"Not quite yet, I made them promise not to let you have even a peek until you get dressed. I'd prefer for you to see what you look like when it all comes together."

I can't recall when I heard the door open but surely that was Ruth who had just spoken. I didn't expect for her to answer for them. I opened my mouth to respond to her revelation but was interrupted by none other than Jadelle herself.

"Wouldn't you rather see the dress first anyways?"

This caught my attention.

"You're finished with it?"

"Could the two of you bring her out of the chair and to come to stand away from the mirror?"

The two women who had just finished assisting me with getting ready for tonight's ball now helped me raise myself up out of my seat before walking a few steps forward. From here they removed each of their hands from me completely. I assumed it was safe to open my eyes as I heard their steps retreat behind me and in the direction of the mirror and the bathtub.

I was greeted with the sight of Ruth who was wearing a grin unlike any other she's given me. Jadelle took to a softer smile that threatened to develop into a smirk.

"Follow me," Jadelle simply said before turning around and making her way in the direction I assumed the dress was in.

I moved forward a few steps with the intent to follow her before I swiveled my head in the direction of the staff and acknowledging their presence in the room, "Thank you. I loved having the chance to experience each of the services the both of you provided."

"It was an honor to serve you!"

"We should be thanking you."

Both of them faced me after they heard me speak and offered a curt bow before continuing to pack up what they had brought with them into the room. For some reason this prompted me to look at Ruth who shot them a nod of approval before extending her arm toward the frame of the door.

"After you."

We made eye contact for a split second and I believed I witnessed a look of pride before her expression returned to a grin. She then gestured toward where Jadelle stood patiently.

I moved as to stand beside Ruth but she instead decided to continue walking out of the bedroom and into the living room once she noticed I was following after her.

As soon as I entered the main area of the home I immediately registered the light grey cloak that was placed in the center of the room awaiting to be removed to reveal the dress that lie beneath.

I came to pause once I arrived at the couch, and just a few feet away stood both Jadelle and Ruth on either side of the dress. I looked between the two of them as each of them took to gripping one side of the cloak with their hands as to prepare themselves to unveil what lie underneath. It appeared to be of a longer length based on the size the cloak needed to be as a means to conceal the dress.

"Are you ready to bear witness of what you'll be wearing to the ball?"

"As I'll ever be."

As soon as the words left my lips the two of them had snatched the cloak off like sheets from a mattress that needed to be washed. It would've made me chuckle if my mouth hadn't dropped open in wondrous awe at the gown that lay before.

The off the shoulder ballgown that stood ahead of was adorned with shimmery fits of intricate gold. The sweetheart neckline curved into the corset with pitch black, quality lace between the rifts that curved around the edges of what would appropriately cup and conceal the breasts with a certain kind of crest that reflected in pattern on both sides. It nearly reminded me of the kind of cycles a moon could have as if to represent them and were also of golden material. A sort of small ribbon sat in the middle of the design on the chest with more frills of gold that appeared on the top of it to compliment and accentuate the corset's low décolletage. The crescent moon brooch that was attached to the neck was nearly alike a necklace.

A combination of black lace and silks accompanied the middle of the corset and framed the sides of the dress. It seemed to tuck where the waist sat. Directly underneath came a puffed skirt which was thoroughly extended by the crinoline that likely lie beneath it. It's puffiness complimented the design of each of the layers of the kind of fabric she used. The pitch black fabric similar shimmered with gold as if to mimic the way stars could shine in a dark night sky. The design presented on the torso was also patterned the same way and came down the front, the sides, and what I assumed would be on the back of the dress. This too was golden.

This was unlike any kind of dress I've ever seen before. I couldn't help but gasp as I came to think of how it took her less than a day to create this. Each aspect of the garment was extensive in awfully unique detail that I was sure should take way longer than half of a day. The skill it would've taken to create this alone and in that amount of time was incredible.

I found myself admiring her work openly. My mouth had probably fallen to the floor the moment my eyes took sight of it's enchanting elegance.

I wasn't aware that Jadelle or Ruth had moved away from their place on either side of the dress till I heard a voice begin to speak beside me.

"You look painfully flustered. What are you thinking? "

"She's right. You haven't said a single word and your mouth is wide open."

At her notice of my gobsmacked reaction I collected my jaw from the floor and responded as to clear the air.

"Th-this is for me?"

I heard Jadelle laugh and it made my head snap toward her direction in quick enough time to see her cheeky smile before she met my eyes.

"Why of course. I wouldn't allow anyone else the pleasure of wearing it besides you. It is based on your measurements and fashioned as to solely emphasize the features you own. Once you arrive with it on you'll come to understand it is meant for you and only you."

"You sure it isn't meant to be on display?"

In unison Ruth and Jadelle released several feverish giggles.

I'm happy to know my pure and utter disbelief amused them.

"I'm sure everyone will come to think the same of you once they see you tonight."