
As long as the night had already been, time still seemed to pass by much more quickly than I expected.

The span of an hour or two progressed as fast as what felt like several seconds.

Just after Jadelle revealed the dress she designed for me, Ruth stepped away for a moment and retrieved a set of silky and seamless undergarments. I found that both the bra and underwear secured the curves of my body rather well considering neither of them would know my size. Thereafter each one of them provided me assistance when it came to slipping on the corset before they would move on to the helping me adorn dress. As soon as it came to an idle contact with the surface of my skin it made sure to hug my waist even tighter. The cusp on each side of my chest was tighter than the rest of exquisite ballgown as well. I also came to notice the span of my hips appeared to be more than flattering in width when I glanced toward the floor. In my peripheral vision I could see length of the dress surrounding me on each side.

I watched a large mirror be brought into the room by the two women who assisted me with preparation for the night earlier on. I hadn't even realized that either of them were still here until they brought it into the living room from somewhere down the hallway. Each wore a broad smile and made sure to acknowledge my presence in the room by making direct eye contact with me as they set it before me, yet unfortunately the mirror faced the other way as to conceal any possible view I could obtain of myself.

How convenient for them.

Instead of saying anything they took to staring at me as Jadelle tweaked and toyed with different aspects of the dress as to assure it was presented the way she wanted it to be.

A few spare moments pass and I felt her step away from me entirely.

"You may collect the pins and rollers from her hair at this time."

Following Jadelle's command, one of the staff from earlier approached me and unrolled each curl individually before untucking any pins that had a place in my hair. In unison with her movement Ruth, took to replacing her empty position on the side of the mirror the woman previously stood as to support her companion. I tried not to stare directly at the pair that as they stood before me, but I was aware they were watching as her fingers separated each curl from itself and positioned it according to its spot or section in my head.

"Perfect," she said once she finally finished. She flashed me a toothy grin before turning away and walking back over to the mirror.

Ruth immediately recognized her intentions and stepped off to the side as to allow her to reassume position.

"Are you ready to see the final look?"

Without awaiting an answer both of the women ahead of me lifted the mirror and flipped it over to the side with glass.

I gazed into my reflection and hardly recognized the woman staring back at me.

Not only did the color of the dress compliment my skin, but my makeup also held specs of gold wherever highlighter was placed as to match said colors. There was also a gold piece in the center of my forehead that thinly mimicked the crescent moon brooch attached to my neck and above the corset. My facial attributes were emphasized but not overwhelmed by the layers of makeup used. The outline of my frame was tastefully curved and the dress was more than accustomed to my body.

Each feature I owned was accentuated properly and carefully.

Attention to detail was paid extensively and made to be broadcasted across every single aspect of the entire look itself.

This was beyond anything I could ever be able to accomplish on my own let alone afford.

I looked to be one of royalty, though it would be far from the truth.

"I'm not sure I believe any of this is real."

"Would it help if I pinched you?" Jadelle asked from behind me as she crossed her arms.

"I'd actually prefer if you didn't," I said as I attempted to suppress a chuckle.

"Then how about instead of wondering what made you deserve this and if it makes any sense, you simply say thank you and let it happen? I'm sure that'll be much easier to process while you're still learning the reasons behind everything that has happened to you. You have much bigger things on your plate to attend to anyways."

Ruth gave a brief apology as she stepped further off to the side.

"Speaking of things to attend to, could you excuse my brief absence? I forgot I have a call to make. What was planned may need to be delayed just a bit longer."

Jadelle was quick to reply as if she was awaiting some sort of signal from her all long.

"Why but of course, and in that case can the two of you allow us to have some space as well? There are some things I need to discuss with her in private, and I'd like for the request I made of each of you earlier to be fulfilled in the meantime if possible at all."

Both of the woman nodded before offering a verbal response one by one.

"Anything for you!"

"We'll be right down the hall."

It fell silent as the three of them hastily retreated down the hallway. One of the woman that acted as staff gently lifted the bare mannequin that stood beside the couch and carried it in that direction as well. The light shuffling of scurrying feet could be heard before the sound of two different doors being shut one after another echoed throughout the home.

Instead of my gaze trailing after them it lingered on my reflection in the mirror.

I noticed Jadelle move from behind me.

"I believe you said you have some matters you'd like to discuss with me?" I asked as I absentmindedly admired my appearance.

"Indeed. I'd like to inform you of a couple things you may like to know before you take off."

My brows pinched together in obvious confusion.

"You say that as if you aren't coming with?"

"I'm glad you pointed that out. If you haven't already noticed, the treatment you've received tonight has been nothing less than regal. As a custom of the kingdom, those of status aren't required to be punctual and are actually encouraged to arrive a bit later to the ball than commoners. Most of the time those of rank also have certain tasks that must be achieved before they can attend anyways. Ruth and I both share that kind of status, which is why we also wanted you to experience what would normally occur for those that are held to the same prestige as us on a night like this.

Ruth was able to finish everything she was tasked with before finding you somewhere out in the town's square earlier in the day. That being said, I still have one thing I must do before I head over to the castle. I will be leaving before the two of you and don't think I'll be much longer than half an hour."

"I wasn't aware that either of you were of status," I spoke honestly.

"We didn't want to tell you too soon. If I mentioned anything much more than the legend I wasn't sure you'd be as likely to return."

I swallowed my embarrassment and took to playing with my fingers as a distraction from the fact that my ears grew hot at her words.

"Don't worry, we aren't upset with you or anything of that nature. It was expected there would be some sort of rebuttal to our confession."

That made me feel even worse.

"Anything else I should know?" I opted to ask as to lighten the mood and change the topic of conversation.

"Ah, my apologies I became sidetracked. As I was saying before, there are several different kinds of rankings and roles employed in our kingdom. Typically most humans and those of low or no rank are considered commoners in our society. Regardless of whoever you are, you will reach the head gate of the castle and immediately face inspection. They will ask for authorization or information on you such as status, permissions, and or identity. From there all commoners will receive access to the castle's ballroom through the main entrance. If you have any kind of status or permissions you will experience a quicker interaction and express direction toward the regal entrance."

I immediately remembered that the letter of invitation stated I wasn't allowed to enter through the main entrance even if I wanted to. I couldn't help but wonder what differed between me and any other human in the kingdom for me to receive such treatment.

What made me of all humans a special guest?

"What's the difference between the main entrance and the regal entrance?"

"The main entrance will lead you directly toward the front of the castle. Each commoner will walk alongside another and enter all at once under the supervision of guards stationed side by side as to guide the masses of people in the direction of where the ballroom will be. They are also there to make sure no commoners happen to suddenly disappear or wander off anywhere in the castle."

Jadelle took a brief pause that made me assume she planned on continuing to explain the answer to my question, but something else seemed to occupy her mind all of a sudden.

"Have you taken the time to read what was in the envelope you received?"

"I have," I found myself feigning indifference though I was beyond curious as to why she asked.

"Then I assume you're aware that you should bring it with you. You will have the chance to experience the regal entrance for yourself after you allow them to inspect the invitation."

How did she know?

"What is your status if you don't mind me asking?"

She offered me a sheepish smile before she began to respond with, "I ca-"

"Tell me what you think, Blythe?"

When I spun my head around at the sound of a familiar voice I was greeted with the sight of Ruth, who now adorned a flowy dress instead of her previous day attire. It was a pastel yellow dress that would also be considered a formal ball gown, but appeared to be way less dramatic as mine in nature. Upon noticing this I couldn't help but tilt my head and squint my eyes a bit at the sight of her, although she was indeed a beautiful woman already with or without the dress and makeup she was now wearing.

"Do tell, I also finished this one earlier in the day just around the time you and Ruth had the chance to come and visit my stand. Quite lovely isn't it?"

She was saved by the bell and was more than happy to take advantage of it.

"As talented as you are I'm not surprised, and it's beautiful don't get me wrong it's just. . . I'm not sure why my dress is-"

I was abruptly cut off by Ruth, who made sure to show me the devilish smirk she plastered on her face upon hearing me voice my obvious bewilderment.

"You're seriously worried about sticking out like a sore thumb? Didn't you do that all day anyways?"

I rolled my eyes at her comment and she chuckled. I cracked a smile and shook my head.

"Or maybe she is still curious about the mating ball customs? For example, you can obviously see the huge contrast of caliber your dress is fashioned to as opposed to Ruth's. I'm sure she also shared with you that she has met the true other half of her soul. A known rule throughout the kingdom's ceremonial traditions is that you are not allowed to wear anything of magnificence if you share a soul. The only pardon for this custom would be anyone within the highest tiers of status. That being said not all choose to go to such lengths to show off even if they are, and vice versa some commoners attempt to flaunt at the ball in hopes of finding a partner or as a means to impress those of rank."

"I choose not to dress as fanciful as everyone else as to respect my soulmate. If he had the chance to be here then I would happily match the decadance of his attire. That is usually the norm for those of status you will come to learn, and may be the reason why I seem so plain compared to you."

She didn't seem fazed by my question at all and was actually rather prideful in the way she described the reason behind her answer.

I could almost hear the love she had for him in her voice.

"What about those who haven't met their other half yet?"

"Then the rule simply doesn't apply to them, which is why commoners can sometimes be seen wearing wondrous attire. The key idea is that each half of the soul has come into union and join as one instead of being separate from another. The exact moment that occurs is when the rule comes into fruition. Pretty interesting, am I right?"

"Definitely one way to put it," I collected the words from my mind, but my heart was now pounding a bit more rapidly knowing I was wearing something that could cause me to be viewed as just another person wanting to parade around supernatural creatures.

If anything I didn't expect my appearance to be so lavish.

I was looking forward to avoiding receiving any attention at all and now the chances are little to none that I will be able to escape this night unscathed or unseen.

As Ruth spoke she briefly glanced over to the clock on the wall in the kitchen, "I forgot to mention this when I walked in, but our carriage will be here shortly."

I watched as Jadelle offered her a nod of approval. As soon as she was sure Ruth acknowledged this she walked around the room as to look for her things.

"Perfect timing as I should've already left."

"A carriage?" I asked immediately after.

Ruth threw a quizzical look toward an unaware Jadelle.

"You didn't tell her?"

"I didn't expect you to finish so soon Ruth. Those two women really are miracle workers."

"A carriage?" I asked again but in a louder octave since they didn't seem to pay enough heed to my inquiry the first time.

"It almost slipped my mind for a second, my apologies. I also didn't have the chance to tell you before she returned. I will be running off on my own and I figured it would be the only way to properly show you how those of our rank carry themselves for this kind of event. Most commoners will run and hardly any show up in cars. Alas, such will never compare or be appreciated as much as this kind of gesture. Usually women or those in a couple will arrive in a carriage, while men who are by themself will ride a horse. The men of status also enjoy taking the time to be seen tying said animal to their respective hitching post on the side of the castle before walking toward the regal entrance. It's also somewhat of tradition that is highly favored by commoners who've had the chance to witness it, especially the women of course."

By the time Jadelle finished speaking she was already sorting what she had gathered from around the room and placing said items in her satchel. She didn't rush her explanation and I assumed it was in favor of providing me some insight as to what I can expect from tonight.

I may not have wanted to hear everything they had to say from the start, but at least they had originally opted to offer me the truth even if it wasn't all at once. I was able to at least discern enough about my environment and it certainly settled my nerves a bit more. I can tell the two of them genuinely wished me no harm and actually cared for my well being.

I'm genuinely thankful these were the people I happened to meet first.

"People of status tend to arrive at various times whether punctual or late, so it is hard to actually catch a ranked man of the kingdom arrive on his horse, at least for a commoner. I recall a while ago, it was said that a woman was caught stalking the regal entrance from somewhere around the gate and was questioned before being turned away. She was also denied access to the mating ball for several years."

"That's so crazy!" I exclaimed after listening to her revelation with curious ears.

"It's not hard to imagine the lengths one would go to find and keep a partner, am I wrong?"

All of the lovers around the world would most definitely agree.

"Keep it in mind that a good amount of the people you encounter on this night have been coming to the ball every year for several years and still haven't found the one. Some even a few decades."

Jadelle spoke with a sharp tone as if she was trying to mentally prepare me for any odd behavior from those that dwell in the kingdom.

Little did she know I've been inwardly suppressing the urge to tremble in my heels at the mere thought of attending the ball itself. Let alone interacting with anyone else.

"That thought alone would drive anyone insane, even more so knowing there is someone out there in the world walking around with the other half of your soul," Ruth added.

A shiver crawled down my spine at the weight of their statements.

I was torn away from my thoughts when a knock at the door echoed throughout the home. I had to suppress the urge jump at the sudden sound.

My nerves threatened to climb higher and higher the further the night progressed.

"They're here. I'll be heading out now. I'll be seeing the both of you very soon."

As soon as the last word fell from her lips, she offered a cheesy grin and tilted her head as well as her body toward the ground and bowed. She began to take swift strides across the room in direction of the front door but paused when she heard me speak.

"Thank you for everything! Be safe!"

She wordlessly swiveled her body around to face me and touched her hand to her heart. She then lifted it up to wave at me with an even bigger smile than before. I also could've sworn I seen a blush stain the top of her cheeks before she turned back around and walked out of the door with a different kind of energy in her steps.

"I guess this is our cue to follow after her," Ruth said as soon as the door closed behind her companion. In unison to her words, one of the staff that helped the both of us prepare had exited the room and proceeded to head in my direction.

"Don't forget about this!"

When the woman reached just a few feet away from me she presented the letter of invitation to me and stretched her arm out as to hand it to me.

My eyes widened in disbelief.

"I forgot this was still in the bathroom! I don't know what I would've done without it, thank you."

"The pleasure is all mine. I'm just happy I was in time to see you off. I hope that each of you have a marvelous time tonight."

"Thank you."

After exchanging a few more parting words with both of the woman who assisted us today once the other one came out of the room to join the conversation, Ruth and I decided that it was time for us to finally leave her home. She assisted me with carrying my gown as to prevent it from touching the floor and claimed she wouldn't require any help with her own considering it just barely touched the ground.

When we walked out of the front door I was instantly met with the sight of four large horses attached to a white carriage that was embroidered with gold. The step beneath the door of the carriage, the reigns on each horse, the rims of the wheels, the driver's booth, and the outline of the carriage itself used a creamy color that only enhanced it's aesthetic. The golden emblem that sat in the middle of the door reminded me of the pattern on the corset of my ball gown, but was more specifically detailed in nature as to replicate the symbol it was created to represent. The roof of the carriage was alike an antique chandelier the way it curved outward and over the edge with extravagance. The ends of this design held some sort of crystals or stones that sparkled and glowed with vibrance. It served as a light that illuminated not only the inside and outside of the carriage, but also danced and clinked together when tickled by the brushes of wind that passed by.

Beside the door handle of the carriage stood a man with a formal uniform that matched the color scheme of the carriage. His companion also had the same attire but opted to remain in the front seat, so I assumed that his role was the driver while the other acted as the doorman. Each of them worked together to serve as coachmen and seemed more than prepared at any moment for us to approach and enter the horse-drawn vehicle. Neither of them said a word as to rush us to continue towards them however.

I'm almost certain this scene was stolen out of an old fairytale book.

"What are we waiting for?"