
As soon as I approached the carriage, the doorman immediately offered his arm as to assist me with entering through the door. I thanked him kindly and accepted the formal gesture before stepping inside. The spacious interior was designed as to perfectly reflect the extravagance that the exterior of the horse-drawn vehicle also featured. There was enough space on either side for more than a few people to be seated inside, although it would only be myself and Ruth. Directly in the center of the wall across from the door was a window that I found myself taking an immediate liking to. Upon taking note of this, I decided to seat myself on the backseat adjacent to the glass. After, I delicately set the letter of invitation beside me since holding it only fueled the speed of the butterflies that fluttered in the deepest pit of my stomach.

Just as I had chosen a spot to sit I heard shuffling behind me. I quickly glanced over at Ruth in time to watch her take a step up and into the space of the vehicle as to join me for the ride. The door clicked as it shut behind her.

I shot her an uneasy smile as she took a seat on the other side of the booth beside me.

She flashed me a toothy grin before signaling to the coach that it was okay to close the door with a flick of her finger.

It was easy to tell that she was more than used to this type of treatment as opposed to me, someone who has never encountered anything close to wonderous extremities. I can recall moments in my life that could be treasured as a luxury due to significant thoughtfulness and genuine intention, but nothing came close to mirroring this kind of occurrence in nature.

I'm sure my mother would've loved this.

Then again if she hadn't disappeared that night, I'm oddly unsure if any of this would've even happened to me at all.

Although I was thankful for the opportunity to experience a slice of the life that someone who is highly favored by the society around them could live, for some reason my eyes still gathered with tears.

I looked to the ceiling as to hopefully avoid the feeling of sorrow my mind had suddenly succumb to. Plus, I really didn't want to ruin my makeup. I'm not sure how much any of this would've costed them, but I'm sure I've already had enough favors counted for me as is.

If I could've thought of anything that was to happen after touching that stump it was nothing like this.

A plethora of forest, danger, and confusion I expected.

Not some lavish supernatural fairytale.

The simplicity of home suddenly appealed to me even more than it had before. Falling into routine seemed comforting as opposed to the misery and solitude I had previously believed it to be and was entrapped within.

"Take a deep breath, Blythe."

Instead of meeting her eyes I continued to stare out of the window. I knew it'd be even more difficult to stop the tears from falling if we made eye contact, so I quickly decided against it.

It was much easier to keep a facade when there was people around you to distract you or things to keep you and your brain occupied. My thoughts became a lot louder once it was the two of us alone in the carriage.

I subconsciously wished for something to do aside from wait and think, so my hands took the chance to fiddle with each one of my fingers as a slight distraction from the rising of my unsettled nerves.

As soon as the watery blur disappeared from my eyelids, I heard some noises coming from what I assumed was the front of the carriage. In the same instance, the horses finally began to move forward as to embark on our journey toward the castle.

From outside the window more and more of the aubergine night sky was revealed as we carried on. Whenever I leaned my body forward I was capable of seeing the trees attempt to conceal the new moon as it threatened to peak and venture above their stagnant length. The brightness hidden by the dark side of the moon seemed to illuminate and encircle the edges of the earth's personal satellite. The darkness seemed to favor the light rather meticulously and chased after it with clear intention of entirely screening the moon, yet it wouldn't find complete success in doing so. The presence of stars were also divulged as a result of the murky hues of purple casting across the ether. Each one of them glistened upon receiving attention from anyone that gazed into space; glimmering and excited to be noticed. Even so, the branches of each tree managed to obtain a point that beckoned the skies closer as to bring the tallest tips of earth to the inclination of the sky and meet.

The earth and the heavens told a story together and would forever be in connection.

A sigh escaped from my lips as I inwardly succumbed to thoughts of accepting my fate; deeply peering into the night as I pondered the idea of a brief encounter easily adapting into a change of lifestyle.

"I'm almost positive that Jadelle is already halfway to her destination," I heard Ruth say as a means to clear the heavy silence that settled in the atmosphere of the vehicle.

I nearly swung my head in her direction at her statement since I didn't expect her to say anything else, but I decided to continue staring beyond the glass instead. I glanced between the glass and the floor momentarily as I debated if I even wanted to reply to that comment at all.

"How were you able to find me in this vast amount of forest? It must be really hard to see anything when you're running with such speed," I asked as my fingers paused fiddling with another to brush against the material of the gown I currently adorned.

"Actually, each one of us is blessed with the capability of discerning what is what before we come in close contact with it. Most of us are able to sniff or sense something or someone around us within a certain distance from our physical being, and those who own a speciality are able to see clearly no matter the time of day. Myself and Jadelle both happen to be blessed with the gift of nocturnal vision in this life. Also, since I've lived amongst the trees for a while it is way easier for me to navigate through them even if I did happen to experience a low visibility. It is a natural instinct of our kind to imprint and mark a territory we deem as our own and familiarize ourselves with the layout and any potential benefits of that area."

I've come to the realization that the more I learn there's less that I actually know.

"Why didn't you leave me there?" I questioned as I allowed my eyes to meet her own.

The world around us may be darkening as time progresses, but the light provided by the carriage hardly seemed to cast any shadows around or within. As a direct result of this, the moment we made eye contact I noticed the shadows within each iris deepen and extend upon hearing my inquiry.

"It's rather unfortunate you don't think we can share the same sentiments as humans. Although you may not believe me, I wouldn't have left anyone there no matter who they were. I'd make sure they safely return where they belong or at least reach a place of shelter for the night."

"Then why did you take me with you? We could've tried to find a way for me to go back home."

"I'm not sure exactly what it is, but something about you appealed to my wolf and it caused me to immediately grow fond of you the moment I laid my eyes on you. Something inside of me led me in your direction, though I wasn't aware you'd be lying unconcious against a random tree close to the edge of the forest. I do wish for you to return to wherever you may have come from, but it seems to appear that maybe a piece of you also belongs here, if not with me then somewhere within this world of ours."

I wasn't sure of what to say after her confession so I opted to remain silent.

I'm sure the lack of some sort of response from me affected her in some way, and I could tell by the apparent uneasiness laced within the next set of words she spoke.

"You may not know it yet, but there's a reason that you're here."

"I remember how I landed here, but I'm not sure of the reason why," I said as I released a small huff of air.

"If you'd like a second perspective, I think it may have something to do with the streak that used to be in the middle of your forehead."

I was immediately reminded of the little boy named Enzo after hearing her suggestion. Earlier he had mentioned that the streak was a way for someone to protect their mate. I'm pretty sure the meaning of the word was briefly mentioned when I was introduced to the legend and origin of their species, but I wasn't certain on what it actually meant. Instead of focusing on the story I was more than worried and overwhelmed by the simple fact that supernatural creatures had indeed roamed the earth amongst humans.

The information from the legend would've been more useful if presented to me right now instead of back when I was aware of a lot less.

For a second I forced myself to recall all of the times I may have heard the term 'mate' being used, and it only took a few seconds for me to remember that Leo had referred to me as such the first time I met him. Then it was brought to my attention again within the legend. Again when I walked into town square and stumbled into the flash mob. Then again when I met Enzo.

All of my thoughts began to shift toward everything that has subsequently led to this very moment. I had no choice but to reflect on what has happened to me before and after arriving in Celestial Cove. Each moment played a crucial role in my life as of now even if I didn't want to accept it. Somehow, everything that happens seems to be coincidentally involved with my ongoing situation; falling in line with each occurrence I've encountered today.

When I finally processed what was happening in the present, my mind came to a screeching halt as I removed myself from the never ending train of thought that always threatened to move on to something else.

Wait a minute . . . Did she say used to be ?

"The streak that used to be? I thought-"

She swiftly interrupted me before I could finish, "It's not there anymore."

"When did it disappear? Why didn't you say something about it to me in the first place?"

My previous frustration with her lack of honesty slowly began to resurface to the forefront of the unattended emotions I've gathered today. I nearly wanted to jump at her as a thousand different outcomes began to play out in my mind all at once.

Although I didn't ask for nor want the streak at first, knowing that it was a symbol of protection secretly provided me comfort equally as much as it frightened me. Most of me was thankful that the blob fuck was finally gone after showcasing itself all day for any and all to see, while inwardly some part of me was more so worried that something may happen to me.

Either way, I couldn't help but wonder what made it disappear.

"I didn't get the chance to apologize to you earlier, I am terribly sorry for not telling you the truth. I just didn't want you to freak out but it seems that was inevitable."

"You think?"

A few silent and awkward moments passed by alike the scenery outside of the window the further we ventured.

"Maybe it'd be easier to tell you the truth if you listened with your ears instead of your feet."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

I would've crossed my arms if it hadn't meant that the corset I was currently wearing would be given a reason to tighten itself. I briefly spared a glance to the side of the booth she was sitting without turning my head.

"You can't run away forever."

Silence followed the weight of her words.

"If I'm not mistaken, the reason why your mark has suddenly disappeared is because you're in close proximity to whoever left it. That being said, there's no need for the streak to protect you when hypothetically they can do it themselves."

"How close does he need to be for that to occur?"

"That's something I'm not sure of quite yet. For all we know he could be on the way to the castle just as we are, or maybe he's already there. Either way I'd say it's safe to say you'll be seeing him again."

"I don't know if I'm looking forward to it considering I didn't know what to expect from him. I haven't even thought of what'd I say when I do see him again."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out."

I grabbed the letter of invitation from the seat beside me and took the time to read it over a few more times. Everything about it seemed to remind me of him though I hadn't known much if anything at all about him aside from his name. However, my stomach always twisted itself tighter and tiger the more I thought about him.


"How do I know if I've met my other half?" I questioned curiously.

"Ah, I'm surprised it took you this long to ask."


My eyebrows pinched together.

"While it is easy for werewolves to tell when they have met their mate, other species find it to be a little harder and some even a challenge. Especially humans considering most roam the world their whole life trying to find their other half. When it comes to being mated to another species, some humans may still face the same struggle with detecting their partner but are usually offered more emotional incentives that attract them toward the completion of the bond. If you think you've met your match, you should take the time to acknowledge how they make you feel."

"I'm not sure how I feel about him at all."

"Nothing worth your time will ever be easy. Instead of thinking about what they've done to upset you, maybe you should think of how you physically and emotionally react to them. When you touch, think about them, spend time with them, and most importantly when you meet them."

Just as I was about to respond and share how I truly felt, Ruth pointed toward the window and nodded as to gesture for me to look that way.

"We're already here."


Medieval in appearance and gigantic in stature would be the first approach to describing the decadence of the castle that stood more than several yards away from the carriage. The area around the tower was raised ground that was filled with plush bushes that wrapped around the outer curtain of the fortress. Somewhere off to the side on each side of the primary entrance was a barbican that was positioned to view those on the trail and in the courtyard. Bushes wrapped around the root of the tower the way a bracelet would on a wrist. Alike a lighthouse, several beams of light streamed from the base of every tower. I could faintly make out at least three silhouettes standing at the top with telescopes and goggles.

We entered the outer gate and went into the outer court. All that could be seen around us was grass laden with a field of colorful flowers that were on the verge of blooming or had already blossomed.

I was beyond enamored by the beauty that seemed to encompass the eye of whoever had the opportunity of choosing the layout and decorum of the citadel.

I leaned forward in order to capture more of the view in my range of eyesight. It was then that I was able to also see the water that swayed beneath the drawbridge which would lead to what I assume Jadelle referred to as the head gate. The moat beneath the castle seemed to sparkle beneath the stars, and the fortress itself was lined with several shimmering lights that caused it to appear as enchanted. There were more than several towers protruding from the walls of the structure and on the tips of each wall and or tower were battlements that lined them and dictated the design of the roof. All around the castle was windows that would've allowed anyone to see what was going on inside had it not been for the raised geography of the area, or for the fact that they appeared to be tinted as well. As we neared the bridge that would lead us across the moat, I was greeted by the sight of guards that were stationed against the edge and directly in front of the suspenders all along the way to the head gate. They were clad with formal attire, spaced out evenly, inline with another in placement, and appropriate in posture and stance. I'm sure it would be hard to tell them apart with the way that each one of them took to mirroring another. As we passed them by, each one of them bowed gracefully and in consecutive order of whoever was closest to our vehicle.

I watched them with my mouth agape, but the moment I remembered to close it I decided to offer a small wave from behind the glass.

More than a few of those that caught my gesture had smiled. I found it rather easy to return the smile as I observed the others align with them; raising their body and straightening their back only to carefully fall back into place and their original stance.

When envisioning what the castle would potentially look like this was nothing even relatively close to what I had in mind.

As soon as the distance between the outer gate and the carriage had almost come to a close, the wheels of the vehicle rolled forward slowly before coming to a complete stop. I heard footsteps coming from the left and was able to see someone standing behind the door of the carriage. In unison to the person at the door, someone else shined a flashlight through the window and it caused me to jump at the sight. I quickly eased backward as far as possible before a couple sharp knocks resounded at the door.

"Come in!"

Immediately after Ruth permitted them to open the door a guard, with a hat taller than the one we had previously seen on the rest of them, stepped up and into the interior of the carriage. He initially entered and stood at the door with his hands at his side and his chin held high.

He waited a second before speaking emotionlessly.

"Identification and permissions."

"Ruth and Blythe," she spoke again in a firm tone.

The guard had come to stand in front of Ruth after he appeared to recognize her name. He then offered her a respectful bow before raising himself up and transitioning into a sharp turn. He followed the invisible line that would lead him a few feet away from me before he turned once more to directly face me. The entire time I had opted to stare at his feet as he addressed Ruth so I had still been looking at the floor.

"Blythe?" He questioned in a stoic manner.

I looked up and into the eyes of the guard after realizing what he asked of me. I simply offered the letter of invitation to him from my spot on the booth. He nodded his head once before he made his way toward me and obtained the sheet of paper from me. He skimmed over it briefly before handing it back to me. I thought he would've taken more time to read it since he hadn't initially recognized my name as he had Ruth.

Instead of turning away and heading toward the door as I thought he would, the guard leaned into another graceful bow. It wasn't as quick as the one before and it struck me as odd considering he chose to hold it longer than he did for the person he knew by name. I tilted my head in confusion as I watched him rise from the ground and walk right out of the door he had came in. Someone carefully closed the door behind him before I heard his voice speaking to someone else.

"Two people confirmed. Permission to continue toward the regal entrance."

Another voice spoke, "Access granted."

The carriage began to move forward once more.

Just as Jadelle had said, I could see another line of guards positioned along the path that must have been the main entrance. Alike the guards before in every which way, shape, or form, they awaited anyone that was to arrive, yet I couldn't see anyone progressing past them.

"Where is everyone?"

"Already inside, we're technically late. As stated before, commoners are expected to arrive as soon as possible and as early as they can be."

As we ventured off to the side and toward the royal entrance my anticipation climbed to a peak. I couldn't believe the magnificence of the castle or the professional formality of the staff. I was beyond overwhelmed and anxious to see what awaited us.

"I hadn't shared this before, but I also have one last thing I must attend to before I can present myself in the ballroom with confidence. I would've liked to see you off but unfortunately I won't be able to do so."

As if tonight couldn't get any better.

"Jadelle said you finished all of your tasks," I found enough strength to say once I remembered how to breathe. I'm sure my face paled as I tried to think of any reason as to why either of them would want to deceive me. Deep down inside I hoped that neither of them had done this on purpose considering that nearly everything else had proved to be planned out.

"I apologize for the confusion. I believed that I had completed each and every last one of them, but apparently I didn't. I wish I would've known before we left, but either way you'll be just fine I promise."

Not only was I forced to attend, but now I'd be forced to enter alone.