The meeting

Y/n's pov:

The car ride was silent. The favorite music of your father played out of the car speakers and you looked out of the open car window. At this point, you didn't want to look at your father, because of the anger you still felt. There was also another feeling. You were scared. For a long time, you suffered from anxiety and depression. Your parents knew about it and still pushed you to your limits. They owned a company and hired you in one of the leading positions. Not your dream job to be honest, but at least you could isolate yourself in your office when it got too much for you to handle. Sometimes your social anxiety got the better of you and you were just a shaking and crying mess. You hated those days and it seemed that this day will turn out as one of them as well. Of course, you were a master of hiding it and no one ever saw one of your mental breakdowns. The wind played with your hair, as your father started to talk.

"Listen, I know you don't like this, but with this marriage, we help them. They are in our debt and we can use this to our advantage." His voice was calm and his eyes were still on the road.

You didn't want to face him and just stayed silent. After a few minutes, a huge house with a tall fence came into sight. In front of the house was a giant garden and in the middle of it was a fountain with a roman warrior on top. As the two of you approached, the gate opened without anyone in sight. It seemed that your arrival was awaited.

You had imagined the house would be dark and scary looking, like an abandoned old mansion, but it was quite the opposite. Friendly with a lot of flowers and bushes. Your father drove around the fountain and parked the car. The entrance was to your right and you had to admit, you liked the front yard. The lovely flowers and bushes made it look so beautiful. There was only one down part. The house belonged to Vampires.

You and your father got out of the car. Both of you headed for the entrance. As you got up the few steps, a pale-looking man in a uniform opened the wooden door.

"Ah, you must be the Y/l/n's. Welcome to the Dawson mansion." He said with a wide smile.

As he talked he showed his crooked teeth. Your father responded with a simple nod. It didn't go unnoticed by you that he didn't step out of the shade. He was for sure one of the blood-sucking kind. A wave of disgust struck through your body and you turned your gaze away from him.

The butler eyed the two of you up and down, nodded, and said: "Follow me. The Dawsons are in the backyard."

You and your father followed the pale-faced man through the house to the backyard. You saw three figures sitting in comfortable-looking chairs. They sat in the shade. All three stood up as soon, as they saw you approaching. Your heart started to beat faster and fear spread in your chest. Immediately you tried to focus on something else than the three Vampires.

You don't even look at them while your father shook their hands. The backyard was your main interest now. It was huge and the hedge was so tall that most of the yard was covered by their shade. You heard the others exchange greetings, but didn't bother to listen properly. It was not like you could focus on them anyway. At this point, you had trouble staying calm.

Elenor's pov:

As her parents talked to the Werewolf, Elenor eyed the girl up and down. She stood behind her father and seemed to admire the beautiful garden or was it something else? Elenor saw her body shaking a little

"Is she scared?" The Vampire girl asked herself.

The Werewolf girl was wearing all black and had her hands in the pockets of her pants. Her arm muscles were tensed as well as her shoulders. Elenor had chosen to wear a white kneeling dress with pretty flower patterns on it to impress the other girl. She chose it because she thought her future wife would like it, but it seemed that the Werewolf girl wasn't the dress type of girl.

"This is our daughter, Elenor." She heard her mother say.

"A beautiful young lady." The man answered.

"It's nice to meet you," Elenor said and bowed her head a little.

The girl's father smiled and pushed his daughter in front of him.

"This is Y/n." He said. "Excuse her she is a little introverted."

Y/n bowed as well but didn't say anything. Her eyes locked with Elenor's for the first time as she looked up. The surprise on the Werewolf girl's face was almost not noticed by Elenor. In a blink of an eye, Y/n's expression turned neutral, but her eyes scanned Elenor with huge interest.

"Hi, my name is Elenor, but you can call me El if you want," Elenor said with a polite smile.

Y/n's pov:

The surprise hit you. Your father didn't mention it will be a girl, but you were more surprised that your fear was gone. You gazed at the girl in front of you with huge interest. She had brown shoulder-length hair, and brown eyes, which were full of life and her dress flattered her figure perfectly. A stunning young woman, you had to admit, but she still was a Vampire and not even her looks could make up for that.

"She is pretty not gonna lie." You thought.

"Should we let these two alone for a bit, so they can talk a little, while we are discussing the marriage?" The older woman said, who appeared to be the mother of Elenor.

With a nod, Your father followed the two Vampires inside the mansion. The man carried an umbrella so the sun wouldn't burn them.

"Pathetic." You thought.

Yesterday you had a sword to yourself, you would show these blood-sucking bastards the cold shoulder, but your anxiety almost ruined your plan. It's not like you wanted this marriage to happen anyway. You didn't want to impress them and for sure you would never want to be friends with them. You wouldn't even mind getting a panic attack right here and now to make them think twice about their decision, but the fear was gone. Now you could fully focus on hating them. The smile that the other girl had on her face already started to annoy you.

"Do you want to sit down or maybe have a cold drink, since it's like a heat wave right now?" Elenor offered with a polite smile and gestured to the empty chairs.

"An ice tea would not harm." You said with a scoff while sitting down in a chair.

"Okay, I will be right back," Elenor said and walked into the house.

After a while, she returned with a glass of ice tea and a plate with cookies. She placed them on the table and took the seat opposite of you. You grabbed the glass and took a few sips. It tasted very good and was refreshing. Over the rim of the glass, you eyed the other girl up and down. Elenor was sitting cross-legged with her hands resting on her thighs. A smile was on the corner of her lips. Her skin was pale and made her face look perfect.

"Can you please stop smiling?" You thought.

"So do you want to talk or just stare at me?" Elenor asked with a flashy smile.

You choked on your ice tea. Her eyes pierced into yours and for a moment you felt insecure. On the way here you almost had a panic attack and were barely able to focus on something else than your overthinking brain, but since you laid eyes on her, it was different. It's like a switch was flicked and you calmed down in less than two seconds.

"Fuck, she caught me staring." You cursed in your mind. "Why does she make me feel so calm but yet so nervous."Is it because I hate her kind? You better reply something Y/n or this will get embarrassing for you."

Instead of something charming, you responded with a question yourself: " Why didn't you send a butler to get me the snacks?"

With a raised eyebrow you reached for the cookies and put one in your mouth. You hoped that they would be poisoned. That would save you from getting married to the other girl. It's not like you had a death wish, but you would rather lose a leg or a hand than marry her.

"Oh, I just like to do things myself," Elenor answered.

You already swallowed the second cookie and gave Elenor a disbelieving look.

"You just want to impress me, do you? But guess what? That doesn't work because I don't like your kind and this marriage won't change that. YOU won't change that. Do you understand?" You said as you cleaned your mouth with the back of your hand.

You saw that Elenor swallowed hard. Her brain seemed to think about a good response. She opened her mouth to say something, but she didn't come to an answer. Your parents were coming back. They chatted happily on the way. You swore you never saw your father so happy, not even when you had graduated college.

"We are leaving, Y/n. Are you ready?" Your father said.

"I think everything is said." You replied with anger in your voice and rushed past your father.

"You have a lovely Home." You said with a sarcastic tone, as you bowed to Elenor's parents.

"You must excuse her. She is not very happy about this situation." Your father apologized.

Elenor's Mother looked at him.

"Oh, that's no problem. As soon as she sees the benefits of this, she will calm down. But maybe you should teach her some respect and manners. Our Elenor knows the family obligations very well and also how to behave with elders." She said with a kind but intimidating smile.

You were not bothered by her words. It seemed that she didn't like you and that is everything you hoped for.

"I am sorry. I will talk to her. We will see us in a few days?" He asked.

"We'll be in touch." Was her answer, as she already took her to leave. Her husband and daughter followed her inside.

Your father grabbed your arm and dragged you back to the car. He looked pissed. Usually, he had this look on his face when someone fucked up at work. The grip of his hand was tight, as you stepped outside of the mansion.

"Get inside." He barked.

You had no choice but to follow his order.

Elenor's pov:

She had run through the house and spied on the two Werwolfs. The feeling she got when she made eye contact with Y/n for the first time was surprising. As soon as their eyes met, she felt this strange feeling in her heart.

"Why do you make me feel like this, Y/n?" Elenor asked herself and watched the two Werwolfs drive away.

She didn't know why, but something told her that she could trust Y/n. Something told her that Y/n didn't show her real self today and there was more behind these beautiful eyes of the other girl than the hate and anger Elenor saw in them.

Y/ns pov:

It was strange. How was the Vampire able to calm you down? Why did you felt so good in her presence? You had mistaken your nervousness for something bad, but you figured out that you were nervous, because you wanted her to like you.

"Is it true? Do I want her to like me?" You asked yourself and looked one last time back to the giant mansion.