Hurt feelings

Y/n's pov:

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?" Your father yelled.


"I want you to behave like a decent person. I bet you were rude to Elenor, while I was with her parents, right? Is it so hard to be a little more socializing and nice to them?" He said with a now calmer voice. "Elenor was such a lovely girl. Imagine what she thinks of us now." He added.

"Why don't you marry her then, if she is SO lovely?" You simply replied.

There was still a little anger in your voice. Your argument lasted for the whole car ride. It was exhausting at this point. Your father didn't want to accept the fact that you would probably have a panic attack at the wedding. You tried to convince him to hold a simple and short ceremony and not invite too many guests, but he didn't want to hear about it. Your only hope was that Elenor would have the same effect on you while the wedding would last as she had the first time you two meet.

"So when is the marriage?" You asked.

"We came to an agreement. It will take place in seven Days." He said.

"That will be next Friday." You gasped with a lump in your throat.

Suddenly you felt scared. Panic spread in your body and you were close to crying. Your eyes already started to tear up.

"Listen, I know you hate Vampires but this family will help us and we will help them as well. They are important for our company. Do you understand that? For once just don't screw it up. I warn you." Your father's voice was threatening.

"I do understand the circumstances, but I don't understand why it has to be me."Your answer was just a whisper.

"You are the only descendant who is old enough. Do you want to wed your 10-year-old cousins to her?" The sarcasm in his voice was just annoying.

"No." Was your short reply?

"So are you behaving from now on?"Your father asked.

"Yes, I will." You replied.

The rest of the car ride was silent. Just the music could be heard and the steady hum of the car's engine. Silent tears started to roll down your face, as you tried to hold your sniffs back. Life was just unfair. You wanted to marry someone you love, not someone you barely knew. The fact that your future wife would be a Vampire made it even worse.

As soon as your father parked the car in front of the Villa, you jumped out. You just wanted to go to your room as fast as possible. But your father called you back. After you had turned around, you locked eyes with him.

"I know it's hard but this is how the world of none humans works. We need the Vampires on our side, so both of our kinds can grow and expand. We need to work more together. Not against each other" He told you with a calm expression.

"Yeah, I know and we let the Humans be, so they never find out about us. You told me so many times." You responded.

"Then change your attitude. You have seven days. I hope until then you know where your place is and what we expect from you, otherwise you know what will happen." He threatened you.

"Exile." You said.

Your voice was just a whisper. Your father nodded and walked inside the house without looking back. You ran to your room. Arrived in your room you throw yourself on the bed. You buried your face in your pillow to make your sobbing no longer audible.

After a while, you had calmed down. You turned to lay on your back. The hatred and sadness you feel for this world had reached their peak. It was common for Werewolves to have arranged marriages, but not with Vampires, Dami was a girl and you were sure that a lot of your kind were homophobic. You on the other hand had no problem with people from the LGBT+ scene because you were also part of that scene. Your parents knew that you were bisexual. They were not amused when you had told them, but now they even had searched for a wife that could fit you.

"Sometimes I just want to be a normal human." You whispered.

You turned your head to face the clock on your wall. Five minutes passed without you moving. After a while, you got up and walked down the stairs. You grabbed your car keys and stepped out of the house. Maybe a car ride would clear your mind and help you calm down. You still felt scared about the upcoming wedding day and you hoped that you wouldn't embarrass yourself.

The Dawson Mansion:

Elenor's pov

She was sitting in her room with a book in her hands. Barely focusing on the letters. The sun was already setting, but its glow illuminated the floor under the window. Elenor loved how the sunshine fell through the curtains, although it hurt when it hit her bare skin. She shifted a little to get more comfortable on the couch, that was in her room. A knock on the door snatched her out of her thoughts.

"Can I come in?" She heard her father ask.

"Sure." She replied.

Her father stepped into her room and closed the door behind him. He sat down and looked around the tidy room. After what felt like hours, he finally started to talk.

"What do you think of the Werewolf girl?" He asked.

"Does it matter what I think? It doesn't change anything." She replied looking out the window.

Her father stayed silent. Elenor could feel his stare on her face. The need to say something got unbearable for her.

"She was a little rude when you were away." She added after a few seconds.

"I see." He said. "I am sorry you have to do this. You deserve better." The sadness in his voice was aching.

"Don't be. It's my fate. Our lives are predetermined." Elenor said now facing her father. "Apart from her miserable personality, she was at least good-looking." She jokingly said.

Her father chuckled a little. Both of them had the same humor, even in serious situations like this.

"I am proud of you. You know that?" He asked.

She looked at him and just smiled. He put one hand on her shoulder and smiled back. His gaze wandered to the book Elenor was holding. It was one of his favorites. He grabbed it and turned a few pages.

"You are on chapter nine, huh? A good one, but chapter 11 is the best part of the book." He winked at her.

He put it back in her hands and stood up. A smile crept up Elenor's face, as he made his way to the door.

"When is the marriage?" She asked before her father could open the door.

He turned around to face her again. The sadness on his face, made Elenor feel hurt. She never saw her father like this. Usually, he was a happy person and nothing could drag his mood down.

"Next Friday." He replied sadly.

"WHAT? So soon?" She said while she stood up from her seat.

Fear and disbelief in her eyes. She never thought it would happen so fast. Elenor even hoped she could meet Y/n again before the wedding and talk to her. It was still a mystery to her why the Werewolf girl had made her feel the way she felt. It was like a tiny spark had glowed inside Elenor's heart. The trust she had felt towards the other girl was strange, but it felt so good. Like the marriage was meant to be. Elenor wanted to find out what was behind all of this.

"I know it must be a shock for you." Her father said in a sad tone. "But at least you don't have to deal with your mother every day."

That was one thing the two have in common, besides books and love for plants, the hate for the woman in charge of her clan. They both smiled at the joke her father made.

"But don't tell her." He added and winked at her.

Both were now laughing. Her father left without saying anything else. Elenor still had a smile on her face after the door was closed. It was amazing how her father could make her laugh even when she was sad. She sat down again and turned back to her book. She felt a little better than before. After a while, she arrived at chapter 11. Then she closed the book and saved the chapter for later. It was already half past 12. Although she was a Vampire, she needed sleep. It wasn't much and she would probably just sleep for a few hours, but the day was exhausting and she wanted to relax a little. After she changed her clothes, she climbed into bed and soon fell into a dreamless sleep.

Y/n's pov:

You were driving around without any clear destiny. The moon was already at its peak. You felt a lot better as the moonlight hit your skin. It gave you more power. The anger was washed away and you started to accept your fate. It didn't hurt any longer when you think about the marriage. You even remembered how incredible save you felt when you were alone with Elenor. It was strange and you started to believe that the marriage was meant to be and there was more to it than you knew.

"It's time to go home." You thought to yourself.

You made your way back to your villa, parked your car, and sneaked back to your room. There was a note hanging on the door.

Mr. Dawson wants to talk to you tomorrow.

Was written in the handwriting of your mother on the tiny post-it note.

"Great, I have to meet Vampires two days in a row." You said to yourself.

You changed your clothes and grabbed the book you are currently reading. The sleep wouldn't come anyways because you were still a little dissolved. You opened the book where you last stopped reading. Chapter 10 was written on top of the page.