The wedding

Elenors's pov:

She was tired. The last few days had been exhausting. Trying on dresses and shoes. Picking the flowers for her bouquet. Now she stayed in one of the fitting rooms in her white dress, looking in the mirror. Her makeup was perfect and the stylist did a great job with her hair. She didn't want to cry, but tears build up in her brown eyes. Never had she seen Y/n in the past week and this would be their second meeting. The second meeting which turned out to be their wedding.

"It's okay Elenor. This is not the end of the world." The Vampire girl told herself.

Her mother peeked her head into the room.

"The ceremony will start soon. Are you ready?" She asked with a commanding tone.

Elenor nodded and put the veil over her face. She swallowed hard and walked out of the room. Her father already waited to guide her down the aisle. He even looked sadder than Elenor herself.

"Are you ready ?" He asked with a soft voice.

"Yes, I am ready." The Vampire girl answered.

The music started to play and they began to walk down the aisle. Elenor's breath got heavier as she looked at Y/n. The Werewolf girl looked nervous. Elenor noticed that she played with her fingers.

"I can't believe I'm gonna marry this rude Werewolf." She thought to herself.

Y/n looked good. Elenor couldn't deny that, but Y/n's wardrobe choice was a little too much for a wedding the Werewolf girl didn't want to attend. She wore a classic black smoking with a blue bow tie. Almost looking like a spy or a very rich snob. She looked at the ground until Elenor stood in front of her. Y/n looked up and met her gaze. For the first time, Elenor noticed Y/n's eye color. They were so bright. Elenor could just drown in them. Her heart skipped a beat as a blush started to cover her cheeks

"She has really beautiful eyes." That was Elenor's first thought. "But that doesn't make up for her rude character."

Elenor offered her hand for Y/n to hold. The Werewolf girl took it with hesitation and intertwined their fingers. The priest or whatever started to talk, but Elenor didn't listen. Her attention was on their interlocked hands. She could feel how nervous Y/n was. She started to brush her thumb over the back of the other girl's hand. It seemed to work. Y/n started to calm down.

The ceremony lasted way too long and the handshaking and good luck wish afterward even longer. After what felt like hours they sat at a table in a big ball hall. It was decorated with Elenor's favorite flowers. Probably something her father had organized. She looked at her father and mouthed a thank you. He simply winked in response. The waiters began to serve the food and the evening rushed by fast. A handful of the guest was still left when Elenors's father approached the newlyweds. Elenor stood up and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you for the flowers." She said.

"Anything for my precious daughter." He replied and pulled back.

Y/n also stood up from her seat and joined the little conversation.

"I have to tell you two something." Elenor's father said. "You remember the old farmhouse in the countryside?" He asked.

Elenor nodded and Y/n stood there in confusion.

"Well I renovated it and I want to give it to you as a wedding gift." He told them with a huge smile.

"WOW, are you serious? Thank you so much." Elenor answered in surprise.

Her father know Elenor loved that house and the time father and daughter had spent there when she was a child. Even Y/n was surprised by such a generous gift.

"Thank you, Mr. Dawson." Elenor heard Y/n say.

She even bowed a little to her father. That was a surprise for Elenor.

"So, she can be nice if she wants to." Elenor thought.

Elenor's father handed her the keys to the farmhouse.

"You two should get some rest. You look tired." He said.

"Well, I think we should take our leave. Shall we?" Elenor asked and looked at her now-wife.

"Sure." Was Y/n's short reply.

The Vampire girl waved her father goodbye and they made their way to the parking lot.

"Should I drive? I came with my car." Y/n asked.

"Why not. You didn't drink, right?" Elenor said.

"No," Y/n mumbled while unlocking the car.

"Can you open the door for me, please? My dress and all." Elenor asked with a polite smile.

Without any words, Y/n opened the car door for her.

"Thank you, my dear," Dami said and got in the car while flashing a smile at the other girl.

Y/n's pov:

The nickname she just called you made you blush but thankfully she couldn't see it. You walked around the car and got in.

"I don't know the way. A little guidance would be good." You said with a calm expression.

You started the engine and began to drive. From time to time Elenor gave you indications. Soon the two of you were no longer in the city. You drove along a lonely road. A long down the road was a big corn field and it made you feel like you were in one of these trashy horror movies.

You cleared your throat and started to talk in a quiet voice:" Thank you, for what you did while the ceremony lasted."

Elenor side-eyed you. You could feel her gaze on your face while your eyes were fixed on the road.

"You mean holding your hand?" She asked.

"Yes." You answered.

"I guessed you were just as nervous as me." She chuckled.

"Oh, you have no idea." You thought and tried to forget the panic- attack you had earlier.

No one had witnessed it and you were grateful for that. A tiny smile crept on your lips. The way this woman made you feel was good. You still hated her guts but being around her made your anxiety go away. She still looked at you while you were driving. It was already dark, but thanks to her Vampire genes she could see the tiny smile on the corner of your lips.

"I'm not good with situations like that. I hate to be in a crowd of people. It makes me anxious." You replied after a while.

"That is no problem. I'm your wife now and will help you even if you don't want me to. I know that you don't want to be around me, but we will spend a lot of our time together in the same house. I will make sure that you feel comfortable and less anxious." Elenor said.

You just raised one eyebrow.

"Then you would be the first person to care about my anxiety." You whispered.

Your voice was barely audible.

"What did you say?" Elenor asked with a curious look.

"Nothing." You replied.

You thought Elenor didn't hear it, but she did. She even noticed the sad look in your eyes. The rest of the car ride was silent. After a while, a house with a barn next to it appeared on the horizon.

"Is it that one?" You asked.

"Yes," Elenor said with happiness in her voice.

"Wow, it's more like a villa." You thought.

You parked the car and got out. You figured you had to open the car door for your wife again so you got around the car and opened it. She was holding out a hand and you helped her climb out. You didn't want to touch her from now on. It was pleasant while the ceremony lasted otherwise your panic attack wouldn't have stopped but now her cold hands just gave you a shiver.

She fidged with the keys while walking to the entrance. After unlocking the door, the two of you decided to sleep in separate rooms. Elenor said good night and closed the door to her room. You turned around and opened the door on the opposite side of the corridor. In your new room, you placed yourself on the bed and loosen your bow tie. Your eyes were heavy and you soon drift off into a deep slumber.