A new beginning

Y/n's pov:

You heard people walk around the house as soon as you woke up. Voices talked quietly with each other.

"Who is so loud this early." You groaned.

You turned your head to the wall where usually your clock was located. Now you remembered the last few days. You looked around this unknown room and realized you still wore the smoking. With a loud groan, you got up and stepped out of your new room. There was noise on the lower floor. An unknown man came up the stairs and said something to the person behind him. In his hands, he carried a cardboard box. He greeted you, as he walked past you. Behind him, Elenor came up the stairs as well. She was wearing a black hoodie and a pair of gray sweatpants. Her hair was in a ponytail. The usual smile was on her lips as she greeted you.

"Good morning." She said happily.

"I see you started to move in already." You replied with an annoyed face.

She nodded and said: " Maybe you should start yourself, or do you want to wear that smoking for the rest of your life."

She chuckled over her statement. You looked at her with a sneer expression and walked past her without any words said. She simply shooked her head at your action as she followed your movements with her eyes. As you stepped out of the house (more like a villa) you saw three white vans in the gateway. A few cardboard boxes were stacked beside them. You wanted to get into your car when two black vans pull up the gateway as well. One of your parent's employees jumped out.

"Morning Y/n. Your parents send us to bring your stuff over." He said.

"At least I don't have to get it myself." You replied.

You helped them carry your stuff into the house. The Werewolfs wrinkled their noses when they saw the Vampires. You gave them an understanding look. Not all Werewolves liked the Vampire it was more like tolerating each other.

"Is that all?" You asked them.

They nodded and got back to their vans. You waved them goodbye and turned around. Now you have to get everything to your room.

"Do you need help?" You heard Elenor ask behind you.

She was standing on top of the stairs and you had to look up at her. The smile she had on her face made you feel safe and forget your anger.

"No, it's alright. I want to do this myself." You answered.

Your gaze wandered back to the stacked boxes.

"There is an empty shelf in the living room. If you want to put anything there." She told you.

"Mhm." You hummed and started to ignore her.

Your gaze wandered to the huge amount of boxes and you immediately regret declining her help. You looked up again but she was gone. A sigh left your mouth and you started to search for the living room. After you found the kitchen and what appeared to be a dining room, you found the large living room. The furniture was a little old-fashioned, but the large TV and the couch in front of the fireplace looked pretty new.

"This must be Elenor's." You thought and let your hand glide over the soft fabric of the couch.

It looked comfortable. You looked around and found the empty shelf your wife had talked about. Next to it was another one that was filled with books. You raised one eyebrow.

"She likes to read? Well, that is interesting." You whispered to yourself.

It seemed that you had at least one thing in common. You got the box with your books and started to place them on the bookshelf. After that, you carried the other boxes to your room. You begun to place everything where you think it would look best. It took you the whole day and when you were finished you took a hoodie and sweatpants and searched for the bathroom. You found two. One was already taken by Elenor, so you took the other one. You place yourself under the shower and let the water wash away the memories of yesterday.

With the worn smoking in our hands, you stepped out of your new bathroom. Elenor came out of her room at that very moment and you cleared your throat.

"Does this house have a laundry room or something?" You asked without looking at her.

"Yes, follow me." She responded.

You followed her down the stairs to the basement. The walls were made out of stones and the air was chilling but dry. She opened the last door on the right side to reveal a room with a washer and a dryer. There were even a few strings where you could hang your washed clothes. You put your smoking in one of the laundry baskets and turned around. Elenor was staring at you but you avoided eye contact.

"What is behind these other doors? Torture chambers?" You asked with sarcasm in your voice and pointed to the said doors.

"No, just storage rooms and wine cellars." She replied friendly.

"How can she be this friendly all the time." You thought.

Elenor's pov:

She noticed a confused look on Y/n's face.

"Why, do you want to see some torture instruments on your first day here?" Elenor asked.

"No, I just thought Vampires would have stuff like that around their house," Y/n replied, while she walked past Elenor.

She was already on the first step of the stairs when the Vampire girl turned around.

"If you are hungry, I brought some food. Dinner will be ready at six." Elenor said.

"Cool." Was Y/n short reply.

"Still rude." The Vampire girl whispered to herself. "Well let's see if I can change that."

She got up the stairs as well and headed for the kitchen. After that, she started to prepare dinner. When she was finished she placed the two plates on the table in the dining room and opened a bottle of wine. The grandfather clock in the dining room struck six, as she placed herself at the table. She waited patiently for five minutes but it seemed that Y/n wouldn't come. That made Elenor a little sad. She had hoped to properly talk with her wife to get to know her better but it seemed that Y/n didn't want the same thing. Elenor promised herself to do anything to get the Werewolf girl to like her so she tried to be nice although Y/n was acting cold towards her. She wanted to make this relationship work.

Light footsteps pulled her out of her thoughts and she looked up. Y/n placed herself on the opposite side of the table with a blank expression.

"I thought you would not come," Elenor said while sipping on her wine.

She was happy that Y/n decided to eat dinner with her.

"Why not? I'm always in for food." Y/n responded as she grabbed the fork.

Both girls started to eat.

"Well, I expected something more bloody but this taste good. Did you make it yourself?" Y/n asked.

"As I told you before. I like to do things myself." Elenor replied. "Thank you."

She didn't know why but Y/n's compliment made her heart flutter a little.

"Don't you have to drink blood? Can you even eat this without dying instantly?" Y/n asked.

"Why are you asking?" The Vampire girl questioned back.

"I'm just curious. If my wife dies I inherit all her stuff." Y/n said with a sarcastic smile.

"Well, first of all, I don't die and second we just have to drink blood 3 or 4 times a week. But we can eat almost everything without any danger. We actually need to, otherwise, we wouldn't look like a human. We would look more like a corpse, a very old corpse to be honest. I know Vampires that just drink blood and they are not good-looking at all, trust me." Elenor explained and Y/n nodded. "Talking about blood, I will keep some capsules of it in the fridge. If that is okay with you." She added.

Y/n looked up from her plate and seemed to think.

"I guess I can live with that." She responded.

"Thank you," Elenor said.

They finished their food in silence and Elenor started to do the dishes.

Y/n's pov:

You remembered the talk you had the other day with Mr. Dawson.

"Okey, I need to be nicer. Uhg." You thought.

"Should I help?" You asked behind gritted teeth.

"No, It's okay. I know you don't want to." Elenor replied.

You hummed in response. You made your way to the kitchen door when a thought crossed your mind. You turned around to face the Vampire.

"This house is really big. Can you give me a tour tomorrow?" You asked.

One hand scratched the back of your head as you avoided looking at her. Dami wanted to know more about you you could feel it so you wanted to give her a chance. Soon she will find out about your real self. The depressed and scared Y/n is the person you wanted to hide from everyone, especially your wife.

"Why do you want that?" Elenor asked you with a curious look on her face.

"I just want to know my new home a little better. That is all." You answered.

That was the truth, to be honest. The only thing you could do was try to be nice to her and a spend little of your time with her. Although it was hard for you. She was still a Vampire and you hated to do small talk plus you had social anxiety which made it really hard for you to interact with other people.

"Plus we need to know us a bit better. We will be a long time together and I don't want to die without knowing the birthday of my wife." You added with your trademark sarcasm.

She had still a curious look on her face.

"I think I can give you a tour," Elenor replied.

"Cool." You said and headed for your room.

Your heart beated fast and in your stomach was a weird feeling. It felt so good to be around her but you would never admit it. She made you feel calm and safe. It was strange for you but you started to like your new home and the person you shared it with.