The grand tour

Elenor's pov:

She was awake since 5 Am. After an hour she got up and walked down to the kitchen to drink a glass full of blood from one of her capsules. She didn't want Y/n to see that, so she quickly cleaned the glass and put it back in the cupboard. After that, she dressed in a beautiful light blue knee-long dress. Her hair fell on her shoulders and tickled her bare skin. She didn't bother to wear shoes or socks, because it was already warm outside, plus she was a Vampire and didn't feel the cold anyway. Warmth on the other hand was different, she could feel it. It was strange to describe it. Everything below her body temperature felt normal and everything above felt warm. For example, Y/n's hand had felt so warm in hers as they held hands. Thinking about the other girl made her body tingle in a good way. Elenor wanted that Y/n liked her but didn't know why. The attraction she felt toward the Werewolf girl was something new for her.

"I think I will make some breakfast." Elenor mumbled deep in thought.

After some preparation she made pancakes. The delicious smell filled the lower floor. She placed herself at the table and wanted to start eating when she heard some footsteps coming down the stairs. Y/n peeked her head in the dining room. Their eyes met for a moment and Dami felt this strange tingle again but this time it was a lot stronger.

"Morning. Did you sleep well?" Elenor asked and flashed her wife a smile.

"It took me a while to fall asleep," Y/n replied shortly, as she stepped inside.

"If you want, there are some pancakes left," Elenor was still smiling and she knew the source of her happiness was the Werewolf girl.

The woman she could call her wife. It was strange to address Y/n as her wife but Elenor liked the idea of getting to know the other girl a little better.

Y/n swollowed hard and walked to the kitchen to get herself a plate. After a while, she came back with her plate and placed herself on the opposite side of the table. Both girls were now eating delicious pancakes. After they finished Y/n took both plates and cutlery.

"It's my turn to do the dishes." She simply explained.

There was no expression on her face and her words sounded cold but they still surprised Elenor and she followed her wife to the kitchen. The Vampire girl watched Y/n do the dishes. After Y/n was done, she stored everything back in the cupboard.

"Are you ready for the grand tour?" Elenor asked with a smile.

"Sure," Y/n replied.

There was still not a single hint of a smile on Y/n's face and Elenor started to wonder if Y/n was able to smile or if her face always looked so expressionless.

"Okay then let's start," Elenor said.

They started on the ground floor. There was of course the open kitchen/ dining room. The lighting was bright and it made the room appear bigger. With a fashionable white kitchen and some very old cabinets the room looked modern but yet classy. The dining table was also old-fashioned. The furniture and kitchen fit well together. Old and new complimented each other.

The same can be said about the living room. Elenor's couch fit well with the old fireplace and the bookshelves gave the room a lovely touch. The wooden floor was really old but well preserved. A huge plant stood next to the window. Elenor had brought it with her and had a hard time getting it to the living room due to its weight. The carpet under the couch and couch table was fluffy. Elenor could see herself relaxing here with a book in her hand and a fire burning in the fireplace on cold winter days. Maybe Y/n would even join her but that was just one of Elenor's day dreams.

There was also a small bathroom on that floor and a salon with a table and a few chairs. Two armchairs stood next to each other and it seemed that they weren't used often. The furniture was also old-fashioned. A showcase full of old whisky and scotch covered one of the walls and some of the alcoholic drinks were for sure expensive.

The second floor had two large bathrooms, three bedrooms, and a tiny library.

"You have to know my father likes to read," Elenor said. "I think he left his books here for me." She added.

"I see," Y/n replied.

The books looked old, but some of them were newer. Y/n took a worn-out book out of the shelves. Her hands held it with so gently like it would break at any moment. Elenor looked at the book in her wife's hands. It was the same book Elenor was currently reading.

"Oh, that is a good one. I have a copy myself." Elenor told her wife.

"I know. I'm currently reading it." Y/n replied, as her fingers brushed over the pages.

"Realy? Me too." Elenor responded in surprise.

They looked at each other curiously and for a moment Elenor thought she saw a friendly glow in Y/n's eyes but it was over soon. her wife's eyes turned back to the coldness they always held as she put the book back on the shelf.

"At least we have one thing in common." Elenor thought.

"Is that all?" Y/n asked and avoided eye contact as always.

"There is a third floor. It's only one room but we barely use it, just for storage." Elenor explained. "And there is the barn and backyard, but you have to go by yourself because of the sunlight," She added.

"Good, I will do that," Y/n said. "Thank you for the tour."

"No problem," Elenor told her.

It was clear that Y/n didn't want to spend more of her time with Elenor today. It made the Vampire girl a little sad but she promised to do anything to make Y/n less cold. She only wanted to see Y/n's smile once. She wanted Y/n to trust her and talk with her. It was strange but she liked the cold and introverted Werewolf girl and she thought it was cute how Y/n tried to hide her insecurities.

"If you excuse me. I have a barn to explore." With those words, Y/n turned around.

"Soon you will trust me." Elenor thought and followed her wife down the stairs.

"Have fun." Elenor wished her, as Y/n stepped out of the house.

Y/n's pov:

The morning air was warm. The sunlight dazzled your eyes, as you made your way over the gravel of the gateway to the barn. Elenor was watching you through a window. Her body was in the shade, so the sunlight couldn't hit her skin but you didn't witness any of it.

You opened the large gate and could already smell the hay. It must be used for horses, but that was a long time ago. You still could smell the horses thanks to your wolf nose. After some investigation, you found a ladder that led to a platform. You climbed it up quickly and saw a haystack. It looked comfortable so you lay yourself down with your hands behind your head. You faced the ceiling. A few cobwebs were hanging from the bars and it gave the place a relaxing vibe.

"This is a good place." You said to yourself and enjoyed the silence.

But that was maybe just your introverted self talking. You liked lonely places like this. They made you feel calm and relaxed, plus they made you forget about your anxieties. After a while, you started to think about the time you had spent with Elenor today.

"She is way to nice to me. I act like an asshole, but she just wants to spend time with me." You thought. "Is she liking me or does she just play nice because we are now married?

"Okay I need to be nicer towards her. Maybe we can build a friendship or something." You said to yourself, with a disgusted look on your face.

The thought to be friends with a Vampire just gave you a shiver. You just don't like the fact they had to drink blood to survive. It just gave you the creeps but since you knew the other girl your views had changed a little. You decided to open up to your wife and let her see your real self. It would push you to your limits you knew that but you had to try. The time passed by and you started to get hungry again.

"Must be lunchtime soon." You mumbled.

You decided to go back to the house. As soon as you opened the wooden door you could already smell food. You made your way to the kitchen where Elenor was already cooking.

"Smells good." You said.

"Thanks. You can set the table if you want. The food will be ready soon." Your wife replied.

You did as you were told. Both sat down and started to eat when Elenor began to talk.

"I need to get a few things from my parent's house later, so you have the house for yourself." She explained.

You just nodded. After the meal, you helped her clean the dishes. The two of you were barely finished when you hear the doorbell ring.

"I see you later," Elenor said and left you alone in the kitchen.

You watched her as she left and sighed. Did she already melt your ice-cold heart? Of course you couldn't ignore the butterflies anymore. They were dancing in your belly whenever Elenor smiled at you.

Later that day:

Still Y/n's pov:

You hear the door open and close shortly afterward. The sound of light footsteps reached your ears. The Vampire girl had a very soft way of moving and she didn't make any sound but due to your wolf ears, you could hear her. You heard Elenor call out your name and you looked away from the book you were reading.

"I'm in the living room." You answered.

Soon after you felt her presence in the room.

"Oh, you are reading. I didn't want to disturb you." She said.

"It's okay. I'm almost finished with the chapter." You replied.

"Which one?" She asked.

"Eleven." You answered.

"The best one so far. If you ask me." Elenor said with a smile.

You responded with a hum.

"If you are hungry, I brought takeout." She said quietly.

"Well, there is no need to finish the chapter, when there is food." You pointed out while you stood up from the couch.

You helped her set the table. Then both of you ate quietly. You eyed her inbetween bites. For the first time, you noticed how pretty she was. The perfect shape of her nose and how her eyes lightly sparkled in the light made your heart tingle. Suddenly she looked at you with a raised eyebrow.

"What is it?" She questioned.

You cleared your throat. "I'm just curious. How do you go out when the sun is shining?" You asked.

It wasn't the thing you wanted to say. Your mouth just blurted the words out. It was your social awkwardness that made you say something like that as well as your insecurities. Elenor's presence made it better sometimes but not right now. You were overthinking and just said the first thing that came to your mind.

"Well, I have to cover myself from head to toe and usually take an umbrella with me. Of course, I have to wear a mask and sunglasses too." She explained.

"Sounds uncomfortable." You replied.

"It is," Elenor answered. "That's why I like rainy days, so I can go out without wearing all the uncomfortable stuff." She added.

"Does it hurt? The sunlight I mean." You asked while looking in her brown orbs.

God, you could just drown in them. They were so clear and beautiful.

"I just experienced it once, when I was a child. It felt like a burning blade skinned me alive." She said with pain in her voice.

"Wow, that sounds painful." You replied.

"I was lucky then. If I was longer in the sun I would have died." She told you.

You looked at her in surprise. She just told you a detail of her life and you were not ready for it. Did she already trust you?

"How did you take care of your wounds?" You heard yourself ask.

"There is a salve for it but I don't remember clearly. I just remember the pain." She answered. "I heard cold water and ice could help also." She added.

You leand back in your chair not able to look in her eyes. Now you saw her a little differently. You thought she was a snobbish bitch but it seemed that she was not. She had experienced great pain in her life and it made you feel bad. You didn't want her to feel pain ever again. There was no specific reason why. You just wanted to protect her.

"I didn't know that." You said sadly.

"How could you? You barely know me." She responded.

"Well, that is true." You said with a sad smile.

Suddenly you wanted to know more about her and her past life. To be honest you got used to her presence and the kind smile she always flashed at you whenever you talked made you feel less anxious. It felt so good to be close to her so you decided to change the topic before you would say something stupid.

"I have to go to work tomorrow. " You told her.

"You work at your parent's company?" She asked.

You nodded and said: "We have this stupid project, so I think it will be late till I'm back home.

"I understand," Elenor replied.

"But I can bring some take-out as well." You offered.

"Maybe, we can exchange phone numbers, so you can send me a text when you are finished with work," Elenor said with her trademark smile.

"Sure." You smiled as well.

You were just happy that she wanted your number.

"Wow, is that an honest smile I see." She mocked you.

"Don't get used to it." You replied with a chuckle.

"Well, it suits you. You should smile more often." She complimented you.

You raised one eyebrow and focused back on your empty plate.

"Come on let's do the dishes." You said while getting up just to hide your blush.

Elenor chuckled and got up herself. Together the dishes were done quickly. After saying good night you both headed for your bedrooms.