
Y/n's pov

Your alarm rang. Mondays were always annoying but that was just your opinion. You dressed in a black blouse and pants and prepared yourself for a stressful day at work. It was too early in the morning to be awake so you decided to only have a quick breakfast. You stepped out of your room and headed for the kitchen. The bowl of cereals you made for yourself wasn't as delicious as Elenor's pancakes. After you were done you cleaned up everything. A heavy sigh left your mouth. You didn't see Elenor anywhere, so you just left for work. The weather was cloudy and you figured it will rain later. You got into your car and drove to work.

Arrived at your parent's company you took the elevator to the third floor. After exchanging greetings with your work colleagues, you sat down at your desk in your office. On the schedule, you saw that you had a meeting later with your team. It was annoying how tired you were but you booted up your computer anyway. After a while, you heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." You said loud enough for them to her.

It was your father. He was dressed in his business suit and looked all handsome.

"How was your weekend?" He asked.

"It was good." You answered in an annoyed tone.

"Did you and Elenor get a little closer?" That was his follow-up question.

"Listen, I have a lot of work to do. Can we talk about my private life later?" You asked.

There was no reason for you to be mean to him so you said it as nicely as possible but your voice still sounded a little angry. It will take you a lot of time to forgive him that he married you to a Vampire but that doesn't mean your work relationship has to change. He was always nice towards you while you were at the company and sometimes you even had a good laugh with him.

"Sure." He said and left.

You got back to your work. After a while, it was time for your meeting. You stood up and walked to the meeting room with the folder that hold all the information you needed under your arm. All of your subordinates were already there.

"Shall we start?" You asked.

Soon you were in a discussion about your next steps and what type of work will accrue and how they could improve the work you and your team have already done. After that, you distributed the work and send them back to their desks.

You looked at your wristwatch. It was lunchtime soon. You decided to go to the canteen. The food there was usually really good, but you were not that hungry.

"A salad will do." You thought.

So you grabbed the said salad and paid for it. You sat down at an empty table and enjoyed your food. Soon one of your best friends and co-workers sat down on the opposite side of the table.

Her name was Alexandria Drake but you called her Alex. She was shorter than you and extremely loud sometimes. She is the most energetic person you knew. Your friendship started when you were kids and she always supported you in any way since day one. That's why she was your best friend. She was of course a Werewolf too. Like the rest of the employees of your parent's company.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be present at your wedding, but it was the only free day Robin had this month." She said with puppy eyes. "I wanted to spend some time with her." She added.

"It's okay. The wedding wasn't that good and there were a lot of Vampires too. So I can't blame you." You answered in a sarcastic tone.

The small smile on your friend's face told you that she got the joke.

"Speaking of Robin-" You added.

You nodded at the entrance, where the blonde woman already made her way to your table. No need to say she was also a Werewolf. Alex turned around and waved at her girlfriend. Robin smiled as she sat down beside Alex.

"I didn't know you would pay a visit today," Alex said.

She gave her a quick peck on the cheek while wrapping one arm around her girlfriend's waist to pull her closer.

"I don't have much time, but I had to see my little ray of sunshine," Robin replied.

You could see the scrubs Robin wore under her coat. She was a coroner and worked way too much for your liking, but that was none of your business.

"You have a lot of work?" You asked.

"Yeah, there was a murder this morning in one of the city parks. The person's throat was ripped out. You could not imagine the blood." Robin said with a glow in her eyes."He was a Werewolf by the way." She added with a whisper.

"Disgusting. I think I heard enough of your work for one day." You said with a shudder.

Alex and Robin laughed out loud together. You liked their chemistry. It was good to see at least one of you was in a happy relationship.

"You said it was a Werewolf?" Alex asked.

"Yes, baby," Robin responded.

"Who could kill a Werewolf like that?" The smaller girl asked."I mean our kind is really strong. That was not easy."

"I don't know, but it is my job to find out," Robin said.

"Maybe it was another Werewolf or even Vampire." You pointed out.

You talked for a while about the wedding and the murder. Then it was time for Robin to go back to work. She gave a kiss to Alex and waved you goodbye as she left.

"Isn't she just beautiful?" You heard Alex whisper.

You hummed in response. It was no secret that Alex was madly in love with the other woman. You can't blame her. Robin was beautiful. Her long blonde hair mixed with her blue eyes made her look like a princess plus Robin worked out a lot which made her appear muscular.

"She is good for you. Don't ever let her go. Do you hear me? You said with a serious expression.

Alex chuckled and said: " I'm not planning to let her go EVER."

"Good, otherwise I beat your ass." You replied.

You both laughed.

"Speaking of never letting go. When do I meet your wife?" Alex asked with an innocent smile.

"Well, she is a very busy woman, so I think maybe never." You responded with sarcasm.

Both of you laughed till your ribs hurt. Alex thought that you were joking but you didn't want her to meet your wife. It was not like Alex shared the same view you had about the Vampires it was more like your anxiety held you back.

Meanwhile a cross the city:

Elenor's pov:

She was barely finished cleaning the house when she got a message from her mother.

Mother: I know it's your free day but could you look through the orders? It seems there is a misunderstanding.

She let out a groan. It was her day off and her mother bothered her as always. She wanted to go to the garden to look after the plants because it was cloudy so she didn't have to protect her skin but her mother and boss interrupted her. Gardening was her favorite thing after reading especially taking care of the many plants and flowers in the backyard.

A sigh left her mouth as she made her way to her room and opened her laptop. She worked in the administration of her mother's empire. Not hard work, to be honest, so she worked from her home. Two other people did the same stuff as she did. She only paid visits to the company if it was necessary. Everything seemed to be good. Only one order was missing so she put it back on the list.

She looked at her wrist watch it was two pm. Now it was time to go to the garden. With a quick check of the sky, she figured it would be safe for her to step out of the shade of the porch. The clouds were heavy and dark. That was good for her plan. She started weeding. After a while, she heard another message. This time it was from Y/n.

Y/n: I will be back at seven

A small smile appeared on her face and she quickly replied with a thumbs-up emoji. After that, she got back to work. Her hands became dirty but she didn't mind at all. The work helped her clear her mind a little. It was getting darker by the minute and she could hear the first thunder rumble in the distance. The first raindrop hit her in surprise. She lifted her face to the sky. More raindrops hitting her now. Lightning twitched through the air and soon after the thunder rolled. She liked the rain on her face. Soon she was soaked from head to toe. She stayed there in the rain, with her face lifted to the sky.

Y/n's pov:

When you left the building it started to rain heavily. A quick sprint to your car prevented you from getting soaking wet. The car ride to your favorite Chinese restaurant was short. You placed your order and waited patiently. The food was finished in no time so you paid and took the food with you. You ran to your car again. This time you were a little slower and your jacket got all wet. You had to drive carefully because the streets were slippery from all the water on them. Soon you reached your home and you had to run for another time. Lightning flashed as you opened the door. Your jacket was soaked in water so you hung it next to the door. With the car keys and the food in your hand, you walked to the kitchen.

"Elenor?" You called for your wife.

There was no answer. As you walked into the kitchen you saw that the door to the porch was wide open. You wanted to close it because of the wind when you saw her standing in the rain.

"She gonna catch a cold or something." You said in a soft whisper as a small smile crept up your face.

The sight was stunning. Her standing in the rain with her eyes closed and her face lifted to the sky like she never felt rain before. A smile was on her face. Your heart skipped a beat. You were not sure what you felt right now but you never felt this warmth in your heart before. Could it be love?

"Hey, don't you want to come in? I have food and it's cold." You said out loud to drown out the noises of the storm.

You were a little worried.

"Stop it. She is still a Vampire." You had to remember yourself but your heart didn't want to obey.

It still pounded loud in your chest as she turned around with her eyes closed. She looked beautiful in her red shirt and beige cargo shorts. A few strains of hair stuck to her face but she didn't care. Elenor didn't open her eyes and you noticed that she was barefoot again.

"Just give me a few minutes." She answered.

"Don't get struck by a lightning." You said with your trademark sarcasm, as you turned around and got back in the house.

You put the food on the table and got two plates and cutlery. You were setting the table when Elenor came in. Soaked from head to toe she walked past you. The shy smile on her lips and her crimson cheeks told you that she was a little embarrassed.

"I will put on some other clothes. You don't have to wait. Go ahead and start eating." She said.

You raised an eyebrow and sat down, as she disappeared. After a while, she came back. Her hair was still wet from the rain. Now wearing a black hoodie with a dog on it and pajama pants.

"Wow." You thought and for a moment you forgot to continue eating.

"I love Chinese food." She said while sitting down.

"Good to know. By the way, do you do that often? Freezing your ass off in the rain?" You asked her after you redeemed yourself.

"First of all, I can't get sick because I can't feel the cold, and second I told you I like rainy days." She explained calmly.

"You heard what I said earlier?" You asked her.

"Sure I am a Vampire. I have super good hearing." She replied. "You are cute when you worry about me" She added and winked at you.

"Is she flirting with me?" You thought in panic.

You swallowed hard and hid the blush behind one of your hands. She looked down at her plate, but you saw her smirking. You were not good at making small talk thanks to your anxiety, but with Elenor, it was a little different. It felt better. After your blush and panic disappeared. You looked at her again.

"Are you working too by the way?" You asked her.

"Yes, I am doing administrative work for my mother's company." She answered.

"What is your mother's company doing?" You wanted to know.

"Well, my mother is a lawyer and I organize her office. I order things they need and write emails and bills." She answered." How about you? What is it that you do all day long?" She wanted to know.

"Well I don't think it is very interesting, but my parents lead an architect's office. I'm the leader of a team and we design new buildings from inside and out." You responded.

"Wow, that is so cool. I wish I had a cool job like you." She complimented you.

You blushed again.

"Damn it. What the hell is going on with me? I blush like a schoolgirl." You thought. "But her compliments feel strangely good."

"Do you work from here?" You asked while you were shoving some food in your mouth to hide the blush again.

"Yes, I do." She answered truthfully.

Suddenly you came up with an idea.

"Well, we can use the storage room on the third floor as an office. You can work from there and when I decide to work at night or on weekends I can work from there as well." You told her.

"We have to move all the things down to the basement before we can use it as an office." She explained.

You thought about that for a while and came up with a plan.

"One of my friends will help me. She wants to meet you anyways." You told her. " I mean two birds one stone. You know?" You added with an innocent smile.

"Oh, I will meet one of your friends," Elenor said with excitement. "I can see now why you are a team leader at your parent's company. You are full of ideas." She added

"If you want to do it yourself. I won't ask her." You said while you tried to hide your red cheeks.

Her compliments made your heart flutter and your cheeks burn.

"No, it's a good idea. When will you do it?" She quickly said.

"Saturday." You replied.

"Okay, I look forward to it. Oh, and by the way, I saw you blush. Don't try to hide it." She said with a mocking smile.

You sat there with your mouth open and looked at her in shock.

"Fuck, I thought she didn't see that." You thought.

"You are doing it again." She told you.

"Are you finished with eating I want to do the dishes now?" You said while you stood up to hide your face.