
Elenor's pov:

The week rushed by fast. Elenor enjoyed the little conversations she had with Y/n. She also noticed that the Werewolf girl was getting a little bit more comfortable around her. Sometimes Y/n was just a blushing mess and Elenor couldn't help but flirt a little. The panic in Y/n's eyes was funny and cute. Elenor started to like Y/n more and more as the days rushed by.

"She is so sweet. I like the cute expression on her face when she concentrates." Elenor thought while looking at her wife.

The Werewolf girl was reading her book on the couch, while Elenor was leaning against the doorframe. It was Friday evening. Y/n's favorite time to read.

"Mind if I join?" Elenor asked.

Y/n looked up from her book and moved a little, so Elenor could sit down beside her. The Vampire girl sat down and took a blanket over her. She opened her book and began to read. It was already dark outside and Y/n had lit some candles. A romantic aura was in the room but Y/n didn't seem to notice it. It was a thing that whenever the Werewolf girl was home there was always a candle lit. Some of them were scented and made the house smell amazing. Elenor figured that it was because of Y/n's sensitive nose. The girl was part wolf after all. A small smile was on Elenor's lips as she enjoyed the time with her wife. After a while, Y/n closed her book.

"I see you are almost finished." She said.

"Yes, just one chapter left," Elenor answered.

"Well, don't tell me about it. I don't want to hear any spoilers." Y/n said with a serious tone.

"I would never," Elenor replied with a smirk.

The Vampire closed her book as well.

"Tomorrow your friend will come, right?" She asked with excitement in her voice.

"Yes, she will be here at nine," Y/n said.

"Cool," Elenor responded.

She couldn't help herself but smile. Y/n was introverted, and this was the first time they talked today. It made Elenor happy to hear her wife's voice after a long day and relax with her on the couch. Sure they were not a real couple but this was the closest Elenor could get to experiencing a real relationship. Y/n took a sip from her tea and Elenor watched her every move.

"She is so cute." Elenor caught herself thinking. "Wait a second am I starting to like her? I mean really like her?" She thought.

"What?" Y/n said while turning her head towards The Vampire girl.

It appeared Elenor had stared for a little too long. This time it was Elenor's turn to blush.

"Nothing." She said with red cheeks.

Y/n looked at her with suspicion but said nothing. Elenor swallowed and turned back to her book, her cheeks still red. Y/n can't help herself but smile. She inspected Elenor's face from afar. After what felt like hours for Elenor, Y/n finally turned away.

"I will head for bed. Good night." Y/n said as she stood up from her seat.

Elenor hummed in response. Soon the light footsteps of her wife faded and the house turned silent. The only thing that could be heard was the loud beating of Elenor's heart.

"Why does she make me feel like I'm in heaven?" The Vampire mumbled and watched the flame of the candle.

Was she falling in love with the introverted Werewolf or was it something else?

The next day:

Y/n's pov:

It was almost nine when you heard the doorbell ring. Quickly you made your way to the entrance. Alex stood there with a white plastic bag in her hands.

"I brought some snacks." She said happily and held the bag in front of your face.

"Come in." You replied.

"Wow, you didn't mention you live in a villa," Alex said while raising an eyebrow.

"I think it would be best to start with the work first then I can give you a house tour." You suggested.

"YEAH, Let's do it," Alex yelled.

The two of you started to move the things to the basement. There were a lot of heavy furniture and old antiques. When you placed a heavy cabinet in its new location, a piece of paper fell out of it. Alex picked it up and looked at it with interest.

"Who do you think is that?" She asked with a curious look on her face.

You took a look at the photo. It showed Elenor's father, who sat in a chair. On his lap was a little girl. It looked like he read out to the girl. Both were not aware that a picture was taken as the girl was smiling brightly.

"The man is Elenor's father and I guess the girl must be Elenor." You replied.

"Wow, She must be beautiful now." Alex pointed out.

"Yes, she is." You responded with a soft voice.

"What was that? You said something nice about a Vampire. Who are you and what did you do to my best friend?" Alex said in a mocking tone, as she slapped your shoulder.

"Stop it." You told her, as you took the photo out of her hands and put it in one of your pockets.

"Well, I ship it." She replied.

"We have more to do. So let's get to it" You said, as you turned around.

You were hiding a big blush. There was no reason for you to say something like that about Elenor It just slipped out of your mouth. It took you a while to move all the other stuff. You decided to make a break and clean the room afterward. The two of you sat down on the floor in your new home office. Both snacked on the food Alex brought with her.

"So, when do I meet your wife?" Alex asked.

"She must be around somewhere. You will see her soon enough." You replied.

You were so nervous and hoped the two of them liked each other. Elenor was a friendly person and sometimes she had this charming smile on her face. Thinking of it made your doubts wash away and suddenly you were sure they would get along well with each other. It was amazing how the Vampire girl had such an impact on you. Since you have known her you never suffered from a panic attack and you were sure she was the reason for it.

Elenor's pov:

Elenor wanted to let Y/n and her friend work, but she was curious if they were already done. So she got up the stairs to the third floor. She heard the two talking. Her name fell and she realized they were talking about her.

"She is good at cooking." Elenor heard Y/n say.

"What? They eat something else than blood?" Y/n's friend asked.

"I know. It was a surprise for me too." Y/n replied and laughed.

Elenor chuckled a little. It was the first time she witnessed Y/n talk so much.

"It must be because of her friend." Elenor thought as she entered the room.

Both girls looked up at her in surprise.

"Hi, you must be Y/n's friend. I am Elenor, but you can call me El." She said with a smile.

Alex stood up and held her hand out.

"I'm Alexandria. Nice to meet you." The small girl said.

Elenor took her hand and shook it. Alex's hazelnut-colored eyes had a friendly glow in them.

"I see you are already finished," Elenor said.

"Yes, we just have to clean the room. As you can see It is a little dusty in here." Y/n responded while she stood up as well."

"Do you want something to drink? I can get you some." Elenor asked while giving them the sweetest smile possible.

Elenor looked unbelievably good in her white shirt and black skirt. Her hair was in a side braid. Y/n turned red because of the beauty she witnessed. Elenor knew that and was sure the Werewolf girl was nervous because of her.

"Sure." Y/n took the offer while blushing.

"A coke for me please," Alex said happily.

"And let me guess, an ice tea for you?" Elenor asked while looking at the blushing mess, that was her wife.

"Yes please," Y/n said.

"I will be right back," Elenor told them and winked at Y/n.

She turned around and made her way to the kitchen, to get the drinks. After a while, she came back. She waited midways the stairs when she heard Alex's voice.

"OMG, Your wife is just gorgeous. I would marry her myself, but you were the lucky one and I already got Robin." Were her words.

Elenor waited for Y/n's answer.

"She is still a Vampire and I thought you would never break up with Robin ever and now you want to throw your long-lasting relationship away for a random Vampire girl?" She joked.

"Come on. Don't play that card again. They are just creatures like you and me. Don't be vampire-phobic, please. Plus I saw how you turn red earlier." Alex said with an annoyed tone. "You like her, right?"

"No," Y/n replied.

Never would Elenor think that Y/n's words could hurt her but deep in her heart she felt a sting. Of course, she hoped that Y/n liked her, and if it was just a tiny little bit.

"Y/n, I know you for my whole life. I know when you are lying. Why can't you just admit it?" Alex said.

"Okay, maybe I like her." Y/n finally admitted.

"See, it wasn't that hard." Alex mocked her friend.

"Stop it. She might hear us." Y/n hissed at Alex.

"Oh, I will ship it forever," Alex yelled.

"I said stop," Y/n told her friend while a slight tone of panic swung in her voice.

Elenor let a few moments pass until she stepped into the room again while a small smile was on her lips. Y/n's words made her smile like a fool. She didn't know why the Werewolf girl's words made her heart flutter but it felt so good. The sting in her heart was gone and a warm feeling had taken its place.

"I got your drinks," Elenor said with a smirk.

Both girls said thank you and took a few sips.

"Do you want to stay for dinner, Alexandria?" Elenor asked.

"Well, I have plans with my girlfriend later. Maybe another time." Alex explained.

"She can come as well. If she wants." Elenor told her. "Isn't that right Y/n?"

"Yes." Y/n simply said.

Alex changed looks between the two other girls.

"Y/n said you are a good cook. I have no choice but to say yes. I will call Robin real quick." Alex said with a smile on her face. "If you excuse me for a minute." She added.

Alex left the room to make the call. Elenor and Y/n stood there in silence. It wasn't awkward at all. Elenor licked her lips and looked at Y/n, while the Werewolf girl stared holes in the air.

"You did a great job. Thank you." Elenor said with a polite smile.

Y/n nodded.

"You have dust on your face," Elenor pointed out and before Y/n could say or do anything, Elenor had her hand on her wife's face and brushed the dust away from her cheek.

"There you go. Now I can see your beautiful face again." Elenor said with a soft voice.

"T-thank y-you," Y/n stuttered.

Her face had turned bright red. Elenor's hand still cupped her face. She caress Y/n's cheek one more time and smiled.

"Anytime dearest," Elenor said, while she pulled her hand back, still smiling.

Her eyes were locked with Y/n's. After a while, Y/n cleared her throat and looked at the floor. Her hands were in her pockets. It was cute how she tried to hide her blush and keep her composure. The Werewolf girl was embarrassed.

"She is so cute when she blushes." Elenor thought while looking dreamy at her.

The Vampire chuckled a little and bite her lower lip.

"I think we are at least friends now. I mean she let me touch her, that never happened before. She always shrugged away when I want to do it before. Plus she said she likes me." Elenor was deep in her thoughts when she heard steps.

"Great news guys. Robin said yes." Alex yelled as she came back.