Vampires and Werevolves

Elenor's pov:

Elenor woke up a few hours later. She faced Y/n, who was still asleep. The Vampire girl looked at her phone. It was 3 am. She turned her gaze back to the sleeping Werewolf. Suddenly Elenor heard a crackle and remembered the movie. She got scared again and moved closer to Y/n. There was silence in the house, but that made the Vampire girl even more scared. She grabbed Y/n's shirt and burrowed her face in her wife's neck. Y/n was still sleeping peacefully. Elenor could feel her pulse against her face. She listened for another noise, but it was silent. Only the soft breaths from Y/n filled the room. Elenor was too scared to move, so she stayed like this. She closed her eyes and absorbed the scent of her wife. It helped her to calm down a bit. Suddenly Y/n moved in her sleep and put one arm around Elenor's waist. Elenor nuzzled her face deeper into Y/n's neck and tried to sleep again. It took her a long time but finally, she dozed off into a light slumber.

Y/n's pov:

You woke up because your alarm rang. Your eyes shut open, as well as Elenor's. Your face was just a few centimeters away from hers. Her eyes widened in surprise. You realized you were holding her with one arm and you backed away slowly in embarrassment as your face turned hot.

"Was I this close the whole damn time? You asked yourself. "Not that I would complain, or anything."

Elenor sat up and looked at you. Her brown orbs looked so pretty and it stunned you for a moment.

"I'm sorry. I woke up in the middle of the night and heard a noise. I was scared, so I cuddled with you." Elenor explained with an apologetic smile on her face while you got up and stretched.

"That's okay. I said I would protect you, remember? My sweet little scaredy cat." You said the last sentence with sarcasm.

Elenor laughed and raised one eyebrow.

"Well, you were the only person here. Next time I ask Alex." She said with a pout.

Both of you looked at each other and started to laugh at the same time. After you calmed down you made a gesture for Elenor to turn around, so you could change clothes. She understood immediately and turned her head. You quickly changed into your usual work outfit.

"Well, I may be a scaredy cat, but at least I'm not afraid to change my clothes in front of other people." She said in a mocking tone.

She turned her head back to you. You looked at her while putting your watch on. At first, you were embarrassed, but your confidence started to raise.

"Ha, I like to see you prove that." You said in a challenging tone and with one eyebrow raised.

A smirk started to grow on her lips and you wondered what she was thinking about. With a swift movement, Elenor stood up and walked over to you.

"I gladly accept the challenge." She said, still smirking.

She started to lift her shirt and bit her lower lip. You could swear your heart skipped at least 8 beats as she showed more skin with every centimeter she lifted her shirt.

"This is not happening, right? I must be dreaming." Your mind was racing.

You could not keep it together and started to lose your confidence again. A playful smirk appeared on Elenor's face. You could see that she enjoyed teasing you. She pulled her shirt over her head and got closer to you. Only her bra covered her perfect boobs now and you had a hard time not to stare at them. Her body was just a few centimeters away while you weren't able to move. A shiver went down your spine and you could feel your heat beating fast in your chest.

"Holy shit. She is hot as fuck." You thought.

She leaned in and whispered in your ear: "See, I told you."

Your body turned hot and cold at the same time as you felt her cold lips on your cheek. Her breath tickled your skin and you swallowed hard.

"Oh, You are so cute when you blush." She said and winked at you after she leaned back.

With a swift movement, she turned around and left your room. You stood there like a complete mess. It took you a whole two minutes to get yourself together again.

"Jesus, she just didn't do that." You said to yourself.

You made your way to work. Elenor's hot body was still on your mind. As you walked into your office, you heard Alex call your name.

"Hey Y/n, why are your cheeks so red?" Alex yelled through the whole floor.

Every person looked up and some of them seemed to be curious too. You gave Alex a mean look and she laughed while walking over to you.

"Did something interesting happen between you and your beloved wife?" She said, now on a lower volume, only she and you could hear.

You pressed your lips together and stayed silent.

"Something spicy, maybe?" She added and wiggled her eyebrows.

"Pff, No." You replied.

"Stop lying. Just tell me already. I always tell you everything that happens between me and Robin, so it's your turn now." Alex claimed.

"I never asked you to. There is a thing called oversharing, you know?" You told her.

"Well, I always leave the spicy details out, so it is still G- rated." She explained. "Just tell me, please." She added with a whiny voice.

"Okay." You finally gave in.

You told her everything that happened yesterday and this morning and the smile on Alex's face started to grow.

"Well, you got her in your bed. Next time make sure she will wear no clothes." Alex said and smirked.

You turned red at her statement.

"Stop it." You told her.

"I'm just saying, you should confess finally and maybe one thing will lead to another." She said in a playful tone.

You slapped her arm and she winked at you, as she walked away. Work was calling and you sat down in your chair. Aley was not wrong. You needed to confess.

Elenor's pov:

She couldn't believe, what she did this morning. It was a bolt move, but Y/n's reaction was worth it. The blush the Werewolf girl had on her face was just too cute. Elenor was currently in the office, going through some paperwork.

"I will have to bring this to my mother's office tomorrow." She said and let out a sigh.

She hated to go to the office. First of all, she had to interact with her mother, and second, she had to wear uncomfortable clothing. Her mother attached importance to appearance. Elenor hated that. If it was up to her, she would go to the office in cargo pants and a loose sweater. Don't get her wrong, she liked to dress up, but not for work. Comfort goes over appearance, but that was just her own opinion.

"Well looks like work is done for today." She said to herself.

It was almost 6 pm. Today it was her turn to cook dinner. She got up and headed for the kitchen. Y/n would be home soon. She prepared something easy and set the table. The door could be heard and soon after Y/n walked into the dining room. She had a shy smile on her face and sat down at the table. Elenor joined her.

"Hi, how was your day?" Elenor asked and flashed a smile at Y/n.

"It was good," Y/n replied shortly.

She looked down at her plate.

"I have to go to my mother's office tomorrow," Elenor informed the girl in front of her, as she swallowed some food.

"Tomorrow is the meeting. Do you want me to pick you up? Maybe we can go somewhere and eat something before the meeting?" Y/n asked and scratched the back of her head, while a shy smile appeared on her face.

"Does she want to go on a date with me?" Elenor thought.

"Just if you want," Y/n added and tried to hide her blush.

"I'm sorry. I can't. I think I will have a lot of work tomorrow. I will drive myself to the meeting afterward." Elenor explained.

It was a lame excuse. She wanted to go on a date with Y/n, but she was too scared and didn't think Y/n would look at it as a date. She didn't want to give herself false hope, that Y/n could possibly love her back.

"Oh, then I will see you at my grandfather's mansion. I will send you the address." Y/n replied.

There was a slight tone of sadness in the Werewolf girl's voice. Y/n finished eating without saying another word and stood up. She carried her plate to the kitchen and washed it. Elenor let out a sigh and stood up as well. She knew that Y/n's feelings were hurt

Y/n's pov:

You tried to hold your tears back.

"You dumb idiot. How could you think she possibly could like you back? Why would she want to go out on a date with you? Stop making a fool out of yourself." You thought. "Maybe, Alex was wrong."

You stored the plate in the cabinet and turned around. Elenor stood right behind you. You were surprised because you didn't hear her follow you.

"Are you okay? You look sad." Elenor asked.

"I just remembered that my uncle will be there tomorrow and I don't like him." You said.

Well, it wasn't a lie, but the real reason why you were sad was because Elenor said no.

"If you excuse me. I'm tired and need some sleep." You lied just to get away from this conversation.

"Okay," Elenor said in a low tone.

"Did she notice that I lied?" You asked yourself as you made your way to your room and shut the door.

You took a deep breath and reached for your phone in your pocket. The need to talk to someone was just overwhelming. You called Alex. After the third ring, she picked up.

"Hey, bestie." She said in her usual energetic tone.

You started to cry.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She asked and her mood changed to concern.

She waited patiently for your reply. After you calmed down, you started to talk.

"I wanted to invite Elenor on a date, but she said no. I was a fool, to think she could like me." You said.

Showing your fragile side, wasn't something Alex was used to, so she picked her next words with care.

"Maybe she had a good reason. Don't give up so quickly." Alex replied in a soft voice.

"Do you think?" You asked.

"Sure. No one acts like that if they don't like you." Alex said. "Just flirt with her a little. Don't be so scared." She added.

"You can say that easily. You don't have to tell her that you like her." You replied.

"Y/n, you are the strongest most confident person I know. Okay, maybe sometimes you can be introverted and you don't speak much, but I know you can do this." She said in a cheerful tone.

"You are right. I can do this." You replied.

"Good, otherwise I send Robin over to beat the crap out of you," Alex told you.

"Pff, like she would have a chance." You responded and wiped away your tears.

You heard someone yell on the other side of the call.

"Robin said, just because she is a nerd, doesn't mean she could not fight," Alex explained laughing.

"I don't doubt that." You told Alex, with sarcasm in your voice.

Alex couldn't control herself and laughed out loud. You waited for her to calm down.

"Well, I see you two tomorrow and then we can discuss this further." You said.

"Okay bye, see ya," Alex replied and hung up.

You put your phone on the nightstand and decided to go to sleep.

The next day:

Elenor's pov:

She was awake for the whole night. The thought, that she hurt Y/n, made her heart sting. She also cried until her eyes were red. Around 7 pm she heard someone move around the house.

"It's just Y/n. She must already head for work." Elenor thought.

She waited until she heard Y/n drive away. Then she stood up as well. She got to her bathroom and took a quick shower. After that, she blow-dried her hair and got dressed. She walked up to the office and grabbed the paperwork for her mother.

"Time to meet my mother." She thought and her mood dropped even lower.

It was a sunny day, so she had to cover herself from head to toe. She got to her car and jumped in. It wasn't as chic and cool as Y/n's, but it would bring her safely from A to B. She started the car and made her way to her mother's office. After a short car ride, she arrived. It was a tall glass building. She made her way to her tiny office and greeted some of her coworkers. Her office had a lot of plants and artwork in it. On the days when she was not around, one of her coworkers looked after her plants. Her name was Ginerva Crawford but everybody called her Ginny. She was also a Vampire. A lovely person, but sometimes a little scary. Elenor put the paperwork down on her desk and started the computer. She would bring the paperwork to her mother later. At this point, she wanted to be alone. Soon a soft knock on the door interrupted her.

"Come in," Elenor said.

Ginerva peeked her head in.

"Hi, I hope your plants are alright." She said.

"You took good care of them, as always," Elenor replied politely.

Ginerva stepped into the room and planted herself on a chair in front of Elenor's desk. The Black-haired Vampire was a good friend of Elenor. They used to hang out with Lizzy and Lena but since the wedding Elenor didn't meet her friends much.

"You look a little dejected. Is everything alright?" Ginny asked.

Elenor let out a sigh and shook her head.

"Do you want to tell me?" Was Ginny's next question.

Elenor nodded and started to tell Ginny everything about Y/n, about her feelings, about that she might have hurt her, and that she wanted to confess her love, but was too scared.

"Wow, I didn't know, that you are in love with her," Ginny replied after Elenor had ended. "If you want my advice, you should confess. Y/n seems to be an understanding and lovely person and I'm sure that she likes you back."

"Yes, Lena told me almost the same," Elenor replied in a sad tone.

"Good. Then you know what you have to do. I see you later." Ginny said and left Elenor's office.

Ginny was known to be a loner and single all her life but her advice was always valued by others. The black-haired girl also had a special ability to influence other people's minds but she never made use of it. Elenor turned back to work but was barely able to focus. Y/n was on her mind all day long. After a while, she heard another knock on her office door.

"Come in," Elenor said again.

This time it was her mother.

"Do you have the reports?" She asked very unfriendlily.

"Sure," Elenor said and handed her the paperwork she did yesterday.

"Thank you." Her mother replied.

Elenor swallowed hard. It seemed like her mother was in a bad mood, as always. She turned around and wanted to leave.

"I will see you at the meeting," Elenor said and put on her trademark smile.

Her mother turned around and was surprised.

"Why would you be there?" She asked.

"The Alpha invited me," Elenor explained.

Her mother looked impressed.

"Well, I guess I see you there." She left while reading the reports a small smile was on her face.

Later that day:

Elenor's pov:

It was almost 9 pm. The sun was already setting. She just finished a pile of paperwork and shut down her computer. It was a stressful day. She was tired and looked at her phone. Y/n had sent her the address, as promised. The thought that she would see Y/n soon, made her happy. She got down to the parking lot and drove to the address her wife had sent her. It was a very big mansion, bigger than her parent's house.

"She must be already inside." Elenor thought as she parked her car next to her wife's.

Y/n's pov:

You were standing in the entrance hall of your grandfather's mansion and waiting for Elenor. She was late. That was very unusual and you started to worry.

"Maybe something bad happened to her." You thought.

You grabbed your phone and wanted to call her when the big wooden door opened. Elenor slipped in and you have to admit, she looked gorgeous. She wore a black suit and her hair was in a bun. You let out a sigh.

"Hey, I started to worry. You are usually never late." You told her.

"I'm so sorry. We had a lot of work." She explained and hugged you.

The hug was unexpected but you enjoyed the tight embrace. After a few moments, she pulled back and you looked into her eyes.

"It's okay. Let's go inside." You replied and hold out a hand.

She grabbed it and interlocked your fingers. No one seemed to notice you two as you stepped into the room so you sat down beside Alex and Robin.

Robin's expression was pale. She was nervous, but Alex looked calm. The smaller girl whispered something in Robin's ear and patted her thigh. Robin said thank you and kissed Alex. After they broke apart, they held hands under the table. Robin looked a lot calmer than before. Everyone was here except your grandfather. The aura was tensed. You heard the door open again and your grandfather walked in. He was dressed in a stylish brown suit. Everyone looked at him with respect, as he sat down at the head of the table.

"Welcome everyone. We are here to discuss the murders of the Vampires and Werewolves and the attack on my granddaughter and her wife." The Alpha said and gestured towards you and Elenor.

Everyone in the room looked at you. You looked around into their faces and stopped when you saw Elenor's mother. Her expression was surprised, but there was something else. Was it fear? You were not sure.

"Please tell us again what happened." Your grandfather said.

You stood up and told them everything you remembered of the attack. After you were finished you sat back down. The faces of the present were filled with concern. Some of the Vampires looked surprised.

"That is not all my friends. Doctor Hayes, tell us about the murders, please." The Alpha said and looked straight at Robin.

She swallowed hard and stood up, still holding Alex's hand.

"Hello everyone. I'm working in forensic medicine and investigating the murders of five Werewolves and six Vampires. We didn't find something to identify the killer, but we found some commonalities between the victims. Their throats were ripped out and they were usually found in a park or near a forest. They were all from wealthy families or of high status and one of their hands was missing. We think all were killed by the same person or creature." Robin said and sat down after she was finished.

Sua rubbed her back and whispered something in her ear.

"What already eleven victims? That is not good." You thought

Some of the Vampire leaders gasped. Some of them became even paler than before.

"Has anyone an idea what these creatures are or what they want and most importantly how we can stop them from killing our people?" Your grandfather asked and leaned back in his chair.

No one said anything.

"Y/n, can you describe what they look like?" Mrs. Park asked.

All eyes were on you as you cleared your throat.

"I didn't see it well. It wore a black cloak and had a hood over its head." You explained.

"Well, that's a shame, but that was to be expected from you." Your uncle scoffed.

You pressed your lips together in anger. Elenor seemed to notice and grabbed your hand under the table. She rubbed her thumb over the back of your hand. The sudden touch made you calm down a little.

"Maybe we can do research in the ancient library?" Elenor said and looked at her mother.

"That is a good idea, but first we need to know what they look like." Her mother answered.

All of the Werewolves looked confused.

"What is this ancient library?" One of the Werewolves asked.

"It's an old collection of documents and books. It holds a lot of information about ancient creatures and stuff." A young Vampire replied.

"She looks a little young for a clan leader." You thought.

"As Mrs. Dawson said it's a good idea, but we need to know how they look first." Your father said.

"Maybe we can capture one?" Alex said with a shy smile.

"And how do you want to do that?" Your uncle asked in an annoyed tone.

"I don't know. Maybe a trap." She replied.

"And what do we use as bait?" A Vampire asked. "I mean they only kill wealthy people of high status. So, it has to be one of us." He added.

Everyone looked around the room, not willing to take the risk. Your uncle looked at you and started to smirk.

"How about our Y/n? She already had encountered one of them. Maybe this time she is lucky and can catch one." He said.

A smug smirk was on his face. Elenor looked at you scared, but you just gazed at your uncle. Her hand tightened around yours. He just wanted to provoke you.

"That is true. Are you willing to do it?" Your grandfather asked and looked at you in concern.

You felt everyone staring at you and looked at Elenor. In the eyes of your wife, you could read her emotions. She looked so scared, but you already made your decision.

"YES, I will do it, but I need someone to help me." You said.

Elenor let go of your hand and looked away. Her eyes were glassy and it seemed that she tried to hold her tears back.

"Is she upset?" That was all you thought until someone spoke.

"I will help," Alex said quickly.

Robin looked surprised and scared at the same time.

"And I will join as well." The young Vampire from before said.

"Good, now that, that is clear. Who wants to do the research?" Your grandfather said.

"I think my husband would like to do the research. He is known to be a bookworm." Elenor's mother said.

"Good. Does everyone agree with the plan so far?" The Alpha asked.

Everyone nodded.

"I want to be informed if your husband finds something and when you capture one of them please bring them here." The Alpha said and looked between you and Elenor's mother.

You nodded.

"Well, I think that is all. I wish everyone a nice evening and good luck to Y/n and her team." He said and stood up.

His gaze was on you and he looked proud and a little concerned. He left the room without looking back. The Vampires and Werewolves started to say good bay to one another. Elenor stood up and made her way to talk with her mother. She didn't look back at you.

"Trouble in paradise?" Robin asked with a raised eyebrow.

You shrugged your shoulders.

"Speaking of trouble. How could you volunteer for such a dangerous plan?" Robin asked Alex.

Her expression was full of anger.

"Hey, I can't let Y/n alone in such a situation. She is my best friend and I will help her no matter what." Alex said. "Are you mad at me?" She asked cutely and stared into Robin's eyes.

"Not really. I'm more scared because I don't want anything bad to happen to you. That is all." Robin said and leaned down for a kiss.

They started to make out, so you figured it was time for you to go. You turned around and locked eyes with the young Vampire that volunteered to be part of your team too. She made her way towards you.

"Hi, My name is Lena. Nice to meet you. Elenor told me a lot about you." She said.

"She did?" You asked and frowned your eyebrows.

"Yes, I'm one of her friends." She answered.

"Elenor's friends are also my friends." You said and bowed.

"Great. About the plan, can we exchange phone numbers so we can meet up sometime?" She asked.

You gladly gave her your number and saved hers in your contacts.

"I see you then." She said and waved, as she walked out of the room.

Robin and Alex were still kissing, so you looked around for Elenor, but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Maybe she is already outside." You thought.

"Hey, you two lovebirds. Let's go home." You said.

They finally broke apart. Their cheeks were red from kissing. They started to hold hands, as they made their way to leave. You leave the room right behind them. Elenor was sitting in one of the chairs in the entrance hall. Alex turned around.

"Go talk to her." She said and pushed you towards your wife and she and Robin left the mansion.

A little earlier:

Elenor's pov:

She was upset because Y/n was naive and didn't think about the danger she put herself in. As soon as the Alpha left, she stood up and made her way to her mother.

"I want to help with the research," Elenor said.

"I think your father would appreciate some company." Her mother agreed. " I assume your wife is capable of catching one of them?" She added.

Elenor's expression was unreadable.

"I do hope so." She said in a cold tone.

"You don't want her to do it?" Her mother asked. "Is it because you like her?"

Elenor looked away and said nothing, but her mother already knew the answer.

"Well, If you want my opinion she is brave and smart. I like her. If you wouldn't already be married to her, I would say go get her." Her mother explained.

Elenor looked shocked at her mother. Never in her life was her mother supportive. That was something new.

"Well mother, I will try my best," Elenor said in a low voice.

"That's my daughter." Her mother replied and waved, as she left.

"What the hell happened to my mother?" Elenor thought still in shock.

The room was still filled with people and Elenor could see her wife, so she decided to wait for Y/n at the entrance hall. As she stepped out, the Alpha said goodbye to her mother. He turned around and locked eyes with her.

"Ah, You must be Y/n's wife. I wanted to meet you." He said.

"It's nice to meet you," Elenor replied and bowed a little.

"Come on, sit with me." He said and gestured towards two chairs.

Elenor sat down beside him and started to play with her fingers nervously.

"I was really surprised when Y/n told me that she is married and even more when she told me that you are a Vampire." He said and smiled the whole time. "You have to know, Y/n didn't like your kind much, but that has changed and I think it's because of you."

Elenor blushed hard as she fidged with her fingers. Usually, she wasn't nervous, when she talked with elders, but she wanted to make a good impression.

"Well, I think it was my cooking skills that got her to like me." She answered with a joke.

The Alpha chuckled.

"You are a kind and humble person. I hope you and Y/n will have a happy life together." He told her.

"Thank you, Sir," Elenor replied.

"I saw your concern earlier when Y/n volunteered to be the bait. You care for her and don't want her to get hurt. I know Y/n can be a little naive sometimes, but she is one of the best fighters our pack has. She will not get hurt easily, trust me." The Alpha said.

Elenor smiled.

"I know she is strong and threatening if she wants, but she can also be fragile," Elenor responded.

"So, she let you see under her hard shell. That is something just a few people had managed to do." He said and chuckled.

Elenor looked at him confused.

"Well, she is a person who doesn't talk much about everything. She hides her emotions usually behind sarcasm, so if she opened up to you, she must trust you a lot." He explained. "She always acts tough but is fragile as you said but don't tell her. She will punch me." He added and laughed.

"Yeah, would definitely do that." Elenor chuckled.

"I need to take my leave. It was nice meeting you, Elenor." The Alpha said and stood up.

"It was nice meeting you too, Sir," Elenor replied with a polite smile.

He walked away. Elenor was still sitting in the chair, as several people walked past her. She waited for Y/n. Deep in her thoughts, she didn't notice that Y/n was approaching her.