A unecpected turn

Y/n's pov:

You made your way to your wife.

"Hey, thanks for waiting." You said.

Elenor looked up and you could see, that she was mad. Never had you seen her like this. She never got angry and there was always a soft smile on her face but that had changed. In her eyes, you could read anger and concern.

"How could you volunteer for such a dangerous plan?" She asked.

In her voice swung a tone of sadness and betrayal. You looked at her surprised and you didn't know what to say. It seemed that she cared for you a lot and you didn't know until now.

"Uhm. I'm-." You started but Elenor cut you off.

"Did you even think just for a second about the risk, or what could happen? Well, I don't think you did." Elenor said.

"Why do you even care? If I get hurt it's my problem, not yours." You replied calmly.

Elenor just let out a scoff and stood up. She looked you straight in the eyes. You could see the tears build up in them.

"Looks like, that you don't need me then." She said and turned around and left you alone in the giant entrance hall.

"She cares for me? I'm an idiot. Of course, she cares for me otherwise she wouldn't cry. Why didn't I think about her feelings? Why did I make her feel left out? Why am I so fucking stupid? She must think that I don't care about her at all. Fuck. I need to apologize." Your mind was racing.

You ran after her, but her car was already gone.

"Shit." You cursed.

You jumped in your car and drove as fast as possible home, in the hope that she would be there.

"She was just worried. Why did I say such stupid things." You mumbled to yourself while driving.

You reached your home. Elenor just got out of her car and walked towards the house. Her eyes were red from crying and a few tears were still rolling down her cheeks. As fast as possible you jumped out of your car and ran after her.

"Elenor, wait." You yelled, but she didn't stop.

You got close enough to her and grabbed her wrist, to stop her from walking away from you but she didn't turn around.

"Elenor, I'm sorry. I didn't think about what I said. I understand that you are worried and you have all the right to be mad at me because of my words." You apologized.

"It's not about what you said." She replied.

Her voice was just a whisper.

"What is it about, then?" You asked.

The pain in her voice made you tear up. You didn't want to make her sad or make her think that you didn't value her opinion. She meant the world to you but you were too afraid to make the next step.

"It's because of that stupid plan. It's because you agreed without asking what I might be thinking about it. I'm scared that something could happen to you." She explained, still not facing you.

"I'm sorry that I walked into this without talking with you first, but you know I scared one of those creatures away by just growling a little. I'm stronger than you expect, so why do you worry?" You asked her with a quiet voice.

The Vampire girl stood silent for a long time. You let go of her wrist and tears started to fall from your eyes. To know that you hurt her made you feel miserable. Elenor let out a sigh and suddenly turned around. Her eyes locked with yours. One of her hands reached out to grab your face while the other grabbed your waist to pull you closer. Her mouth crashed into yours and her lips started to move gently against yours. Of course, you were surprised but instinctively you grabbed her face with both of your hands so you could keep her close. The kiss was a little bit clumsy at the beginning, but soon the two of you found your rhythm. The Vampire girl pulled you into a tender embrace as your lips danced with each other. After some time, Elenor pulled away, because she needed some air and rested her forehead against yours. Her eyes were still closed and her cheeks were red from the kiss.

"I think you know why." She said.

You still cupped her face with your hands and closed your eyes as well.

"Yes, I understand, because I feel the same way about you." You replied.

"Well, that is lucky." Elenor chuckled.

You gently pulled her closer and placed a kiss right under her ear.

"Promise me, that you will be careful when you try to capture one of those creatures," Your wife said.

"I promise." You replied. "Come on let's go inside."

The Vampire girl pulled back and started to laugh.

"What?" You asked.

"Oh, the big strong Werewolf cried." She said mockingly, as she brushed the tears away from your face.

"Stop mocking me. I thought you hate me after what I said and it made me sad." You replied and blushed.

"You don't have to be embarrassed. I think you look cute." She told you and a smile appeared on her face.

"Haha, At least you are smiling again. That is all I care about." You admitted.

Now it was her turn to blush. You took her hand and guided her inside.

"Do you want to sleep in my room tonight?" Elenor asked shyly.

"Of course, but I need to change clothes first." You replied.

Both of you got upstairs and headed for your rooms.

Elenor's pov:

As soon as Y/n closed the door behind her Elenor made a happy dance.

"I finally kissed her and it was the best decision ever." She thought.

In her room, she changed her clothes quickly and opened her bun, to let her hair fall on her shoulders. The tiredness just hit her and she climbed into her bed. The door opened and Y/n stepped in. She wore a black loose shirt and some sweatpants. Her hair was in a messy bun.

"She looks so beautiful." Elenor thought and looked at her dreamy.

Y/n climbed into the bed beside Elenor.

"So, it's official that we are now dating?" The Vampire girl asked.

"I think it's obvious because we are married, You know?" Y/n sarcastically said.

A small smile appeared on Y/n's lips as she made eye contact with her wife.

"Okay, now that that is set. Cuddles?" Elenor said and opened her arms wide.

"Only if I can be the little spoon," Y/n replied.

"You can be the little spoon if you give me another kiss," Elenor said with a smirk.

"That is blackmail," Y/n pouted.

"Ahh, come on. Don't be shy." Elenor responded.

"Pff, I'm not shy," Y/n said and crossed her arms.

"Well, then prove it," Elenor said with a cocky smile.

Y/n leaned in and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"More." The Vampire girl demanded.

Her wife chuckled and raised one eyebrow.

"You said one kiss." Y/n reminded her.

"Please," Elenor said and pouted.

"I can't say no to my cute wife," Y/n replied.

Elenor smirked and leaned in. Y/n's lips felt so soft on hers. The Vampire girl grabbed her wife's face with both hands as their lips moved perfectly in sync. Butterflies danced in her belly and she felt pure happiness and love in her heart. She wanted the kiss to last longer, but Y/n pulled away.

"So can I finally get my cuddles?" Y/n asked.

Elenor chuckled and pulled Y/n into her arms. She placed a kiss on her head as she dragged her wife down so Y/n's head would rest on her chest. Y/n snuggled closer.

"Y/n?" Dami asked.

The Vampire girl heard a hum in response.

"I talked with your grandfather today," Elenor said.

"What did you talk about?" Y/n asked, without moving.

"I'm not allowed to tell, but I think he likes me," Elenor explained.

Y/n looked up in confusion.

"Why are you not allowed to tell me? Did he say something about me?" The Werewolf girl asked curiously.

"Maybe," Elenor responded.

Y/n frowned her eyebrows.

"Alright, keep your secrets." She said and pouted.

Elenor laughed.

"Stop being so cute," Elenor said in a soft voice and pecked her wife's lips.

The sudden kiss surprised Y/n and she blushed hard.

"Now you are even cuter, puppy," Elenor said.

"Stop it," Y/n said and hid her face in Elenor's neck. "Wait. Did you just call me a puppy?" She said and looked up again.

"Well, I think it fits you because you are half wolf and you are just adorable." The Vampire girl chuckled.

"But a puppy is tiny and helpless and my wolf form is strong and threatening. I have nothing in common with a puppy." Y/n replied.

"Sure," Elenor said in a teasing tone. "If you don't like it, I will not call you puppy again, but I think it's a cute nickname." She added and her expression got a little sadder.

"Call me however you like," Y/n said after a long pause as a soft smile spread on her face

Elenor's face lit up.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yes, but I need a cute nickname for you too," Y/n replied and started to think.

"You called me starfish the other day. How about that?" Elenor wanted to help.

" I don't think so, that was just because looked like one," Y/n replied. "Most of the time you remind me of an angel, but that's not a good one." She added.

"Hmm, I like it," Elenor said.

"I'll think of a better one," Y/n responded.

"I look forward to it," Elenor told her.

"You are the prettiest woman on this planet. I am lucky that you like me back." Elenor thought as she admired her wife.

Y/n was telling her something, but Elenor was completely lost in her thoughts.

Y/n's pov:

You could feel your wife staring at your face.

"Hey, did you even listen?" You asked her and waved your hand in front of her face.

"What?" The Vampire girl asked and snapped back to reality.

"I asked you if you want to do something together tomorrow. Maybe go out for a walk?" You told her again.

"Tomorrow is sunny weather, so I can't go out," Elenor said and gave you a sad smile.

"Oh, I forgot, that my wife will turn to ashes, when she gets into the sun, sorry." You replied.

"It's okay, but if you want to go out I can cover myself." Elenor offered.

"No, that is uncomfortable for you. We will find something to do inside the house." You said and yawned.

"Maybe, you should sleep first. You look really tired, puppy." Elenor said and poked your cheek.

"I agree." You responded and lay your head on her shoulder.

"Good night." Was the last thing you heard before you drifted into a deep slumber.

The next day:

Y/n's pov:

You woke up around 10 pm. Usually, you slept longer, but you felt something was missing. You opened your eyes and looked around. The sunshine fell through the window into the room. The door was closed and your wife was nowhere to be seen.

"She must be making breakfast or something." You thought.

You got up and stretched. Your bones hurt as you exited the room. The smell of bacon and eggs hit your nose. You made your way to the dining room as fast as possible. So excited about eating, you almost fell down the stairs. Elenor was already setting the table as you stepped into the dining room and looked up when she heard you.

"Hey, did you sleep well?" She asked.

You nodded.

"Can I help with something?" You asked back.

"Yes, you can bring the food. It's on the kitchen counter." She replied.

You did, as you were told, grab the food and placed it down on the table. Elenor was already sitting, so you sat down as well. Both of you started to eat.

"Did you figure out something to do for us today?" Elenor asked.

"Hmm, We can read together or play some video games." You said after thinking hard.

There was not much to do inside on a sunny day.

"I'm not good at video games," Elenor admitted while shoving some bacon in her mouth.

"Then I will teach you." You offered.

"Okay." Elenor agreed.

After you finished eating you washed the dishes together.

"Maybe we should start with an easy game since you have no experience." You said while walking up the stairs.

"That would be appreciated," The Vampire girl said and chuckled behind you.

You entered your room and set up your Nintendo Switch, while Elenor made herself comfortable on your bed.

"How about Mario Kart?" You asked.

"Sure." She responded in excitement.

You passed her one controller and started the game.

"Can you explain the controls to me, please?" She asked with a cute smile.

"Of course." You said and leaned towards her.

You started to explain and she listened carefully. After you finished she grabbed your cheek and kissed you. A blush crept up your face and you turned your head away while butterflies had a party in your belly.

"Thank you." She said.

"No problem, baby." You replied.

You played a few rounds and you have to admit, Elenor was really good. She won almost every race.

"Wow, you are a natural talent." You complimented her.

"Beginner's luck." She replied.

"Wow I got myself a girl, who is pretty, smart, and a good gamer, plus she also likes to read. Jackpot." You thought.

"Okay, let's make a bet then. If I win you will cook me something I'll wish for and if you win- Uhm I don't know what you want." You said and scratched the back of your head.

"Let me think," Elenor said and frowned her eyebrows.

"Ahh, I know something." She told you after a while, with a cocky smirk on her face.

"Should I be scared?" You asked curiously.

The smirk got wider.

"Well, I don't think so." She said. "I want you to change your clothes in front of me when I win." She added.

Your mouth hung open.

"What?" You thought and started to get nervous.

"So you want me to strip for you?" You asked her.

"I stripped the other day." She said and shrugged her shoulders. "But if you are too scared to lose, we don't have to bet." She added in a challenging tone.

"Pff, me scared? NEVER." You said and hold out your hand to seal the deal.

She took it and after that, you started another race. It was a head-to-head race. Both wanted to win so badly, but in the end, it was your wife that had the upper hand. You looked shocked at her and she gave you the purest smile ever.

"Damn it." You cursed.

"I'm sorry baby, but it looks like you have to do it," Elenor said innocently.

You swallowed hard. The fact you have to show your body to another person, just made you nervous as hell. Sometimes you were a little insecure about your body. Your anxiety made you feel like other people judge your appearance. Elenor looked at your face and seemed to notice your struggle.

"You don't have to if you don't want to. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, okay?" She said and looked straight into your eyes.

You could see her honesty. Her eyes were full of understanding as she looked softly at you with her beautiful brown orbs.

"I promised, so I will do it." You said and smiled confidently.

"What a brave puppy you are," Elenor said proudly.

Both of you started to laugh. After you calmed down you leaned toward her to indicate a kiss. She took the hint and closed the gap between you. Her lips started to move against yours and you responded in synch. You wrapped your arms around her neck and pulled her closer. She giggled between kisses and stoke through your hair with her hands. You broke apart and gasped for air, as well as your wife.

"You are a good kisser." She complimented you.

"You too." You said and pecked her nose.

Her cheeks started to get crimson and you thought it was the most adorable thing ever.

"So cute." You whispered.

"Thank you." She said. "Should we play another round?" She added.

"If you want to." You replied.

You played video games the whole morning and when it was time for lunch, you made some sandwiches together. You ate them on the porch, in the shade of course. Your gaze wandered around the beautiful garden. You wanted to go out in the sun so badly.

"If you want to go out, then it's okay with me," Elenor told you.

She must've noticed your gaze.

"I want to explore the forest near the cornfield." You said. "But that can wait. Today is Elenor and Y/n's day. We have to celebrate our relationship." You added.

Elenor gave you the sweetest smile.

"So, how about you pick something to do?" You said.

Elenor thought for a while.

"I bought a puzzle the other day. How about we make it together?" She asked.

"Yeah, sure." You said.

After you cleaned up, Elenor got the puzzle and you started to sort the different pieces. You lay it out in the living room and the edge of the puzzle was complete after a while. The time rushed by fast. You talked about the book you were currently reading and Elenor told you things about plants. You were impressed by her knowledge. After a while, your conversation drifted to the plan you, Alex, and Lena had to do. Elenor's expression turned into fear and you noticed.

"Hey, I will be very careful, okay? So don't be sacred." You assure her.

The Vampire girl swallowed hard.

"I just can't stop worrying about that." She said and looked at the ground.

It broke your heart to see her sad.

"First of all, I'm too fast and too strong for them to hurt me, and second I will not be alone. Alex and Lena will be there too. If something would happen they will protect me." You tried to comfort her a little.

Most of the time you were not good with words, so you don't know what to say in situations like this, but it seemed that your words were exactly what Elenor wanted to hear. She lifted her head. You could see teardrops in the corner of her eyes.

"Please, don't cry." You said and pulled her in a hug.

It was strange but since the first kiss, you shared you wanted to do everything to make her happy. Your anxiety was gone when she was around and you felt careless. The vampire girl sniffed and wrapped her arms around your body as you rubbed her back.

"I promise to be extra careful." You said in a soft voice and kissed her right under her ear.

"Thank you." She whispered.

"How about we make some dinner and stop talking about it? We even can watch your Vampire thing after that." You offered.

Elenor nodded and you pulled away from her. You brushed the tears away from her face and took her hand.

"Come on." You said and pulled her towards the kitchen.

The two of you prepared an easy meal together. You could feel that Elenor's mood was a little down, so you make some silly jokes just for her. She chuckled at your stupid jokes and that was all you wanted, to see her smile. After the two of you ate together, you did the dishes and decided to watch the Vampire series further. Elenor cuddled up on your side and you wrapped an arm around her. You watched the series in silence. Although you started to watch the series in the middle of the season, you knew the plot well. You got hooked by the story and characters quickly. Elenor side-eyed you a few times, but you didn't notice. Your eyes were glued to the screen. After a few episodes, you got tired and yawned.

"You should go to bed?" Elenor asked and chuckled.

"But the story is so thrilling right now." You whined.

You gave her your best puppy eyes.

"Okay, one more episode, but after that it's bedtime." She gave in.

"Thank you, angel." You said and kissed her on her cheek.

You watched another episode and after that, Elenor turned off the TV. She got up and held out a hand for you, but you were too tired to move. Your wife raised one eyebrow.

"Do you want me to carry you, puppy?" She asked with a smirk.

"No, just leave me here." You said and snuggled into the pillow.

"You want to sleep on the couch, with your jeans and hoodie? That will be uncomfortable plus you have to do something for me, remember?" She pointed out.

You groaned.

"I was hoping, you already forgot." You admitted.

"I would never." She replied and grabbed your wrist.

She pulled you up and pushed you towards the door. You mumbled something, but Elenor couldn't hear it. Both of you headed upstairs and into your room. The Vampire girl planted herself on the edge of your bed and leaned back on her hands. She had a glow of excitement in her eyes.

"Are you ready for the show?" You asked.

"Sure cutie pie." She replied.

You blushed hard and took a deep breath. Elenor waited patiently for you to start. First, you got rid of your pants and then you slowly pulled your hoodie over your head. Just wearing your underwear, you throw both of them on the chair and grabbed some sweatpants and a loose shirt. Your wife's gaze followed your every movement. She looked calm, but there was something in her eyes. You could not figure out what it was. Was she impressed or nervous? You pulled on your sweatpants. As you wanted to pull the shirt over your head, Elenor's gaze wandered to your chest area.

"Do you like, what you see?" You ask her with confidence.

Usually, you were shy to show off your body like this, but with Elenor it was different. You felt comfortable and safe.

"If I knew that you are that smoking hot, I would've told you earlier, that I like you," Elenor replied with a chuckle.

"Is that so?" You said and finally, put your shirt on.

The Vampire girl nodded. You made your way over to her and leaned down so you were on her eye level.

"Maybe you should change too." You said and had a cocky grin on your face.

"Since when am I this confident?" You asked yourself.

"I'm too tired to go to my room. Will you lend me a shirt?" She asked.

"Your room is like two meters away." You replied.

"Please," Elenor whined and gave you her best puppy eyes.

"Okay, but just because you are cute." You sighed and kissed her forehead.

A smile was on the corner of her lips. You got to the wardrobe and pulled out an oversized shirt.

"Do you need some pants too?" You asked.

"No, just a shirt," Elenor replied.

You threw the shirt towards her and she caught it mid-air. While she was changing, you lay down in your bed and watched her. The shirt looked more like a dress because it was that big.

"Damn, she's hot." You thought and bit down on your bottom lip.

After she was finished she slipped under the covers. You turned off the lights and lay down as well.

Elenor grabbed your arm and wrapped it around herself. You were spooning her. You hated to be the big spoon, but as long as Elenor was comfortable, you didn't mind at all.

"Good night, baby." You said and closed your eyes.

You could feel that Elenor was turning to face you. She snuggled into your neck. Her cold breath tickled your skin and the smell of her perfume filled your nose.

"Good night, puppy." She replied.