No risk no fun

Elenor's pov:

Tuesday came too soon for her liking. Fear filled her chest as she walked up and down in the living room. Y/n left like ten minutes ago, to go to a park and put the plan into action. Probably picking Alex up on the way. Elenor couldn't fight the urge to look at her wristwatch every other minute. The time passed by slowly. Never in her life was she this nervous.

"Please, let her come back in one piece," Elenor whispered and fidged with her fingers.

The last days they spent together, were one of the best Elenor had in years. They already had a little ritual, whenever they hug, Y/n placed a kiss right under Elenor's ear. It was a simple gesture, but it made the Vampire girl feel special and loved.

"I should distract myself, otherwise it will give me a panic attack." Elenor thought.

She made her way to the living room and wanted to grab a book from her bookshelf when a thing on the couch table caught her attention. It was one of Y/n's books. It looked old. A few pages were torn, but still readable. She decided to give it a try. After she sat down, she opened it and started to read. The distraction seemed to work. She felt calmer and calmer with every page she read. Holding something that belonged to her wife made her feel safe.

Alex's pov:

She sat on the couch, trying to concentrate on the conversation she and Robin had but she couldn't. The words her girlfriend spoke got unheard by her. Robin lay on the couch, with her head on Alex's lap.

"Did you listen?" Robin asked suddenly.

"Yes. Of course, I did." Alex lied, as she looked at the clock on the wall.

It was almost time for her to go. Usually, she would never feel nervous about stuff like this but since her girlfriend told her how scared she was Alex started to worry too.

" NO, you didn't. You keep staring at the clock instead." Robin pointed out and pouted.

"I'm sorry, but I'm just too nervous. Please forgive me." Alex said and looked down at her girlfriend's face.

"You are forgiven," Robin replied and closed her eyes.

"Thank you," Alex whispered and leaned down to peck Robin's lips.

"You are welcome." The blonde girl said, eyes still closed.

Alex brushed through her girlfriend's hair a few times and stroked her cheek.

"You are too good for me." She said in a dreamy voice while playing with Robin's hair.

Robin opened her eyes and smiled.

"Maybe, you are too good for me." She replied, still smiling, as she nudged Alex in the side.

Alex chuckled and looked back at the clock.

"I should probably go." She pointed out.

"I wish you don't have to." Robin pouted, as she sat up.

"You know I can't let Y/n do this alone. She is my best friend and I love her, plus she is probably helpless without me." Alex explained and stood up.

"Sure," Robin said and chuckled.

She stood up as well. Suddenly Alex pulled Robin into a tight hug. The other girl wasn't surprised at all. She was used to Alex's sudden need for affection and like always Robin's hand stroke over Alex's hair.

"Please be careful." The taller girl said.

"I promise. Don't worry, baby." Alex replied

She pulled back just to grab Robin's face and gave her a soft kiss.

"I love you." She said after she pulled away.

"I love you too, baby," Robin replied.

"I see you later." Alex winked and gave her another kiss.

She pulled away and their eyes met. There was fear in Robin's beautiful orbs and it made it harder for Alex to leave.

"I will wait till you get back," Robin told her girlfriend.

Alex gave her a soft smile and turned around. She grabbed her coat and keys, as she left the apartment.

"How do I deserve such a kind and beautiful woman?" Alex asked herself, as she walked down the stairs.

Once she was outside she immediately noticed that Y/n was already waiting in her car. Lena was in the passenger seat. Sua waved at them, as she made her way to Y/n's car. Lena waved back. Y/n on the other hand seemed to be concentrating and tapped on the steering wheel with her fingers while her eyes looked empty.

"Hey, besties," Alex said as she climbed in the back seat.

The other girls greeted her and Y/n started to drive. The Werewolf girl clung to the steering wheel like her life depended on it. Alex noticed the other girls' nervousness. She knew too well, that Y/n had anxiety problems sometimes.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Alex asked.

"Just a little nervous." The other girl admitted.

"Don't be. I will be there to protect you." Alex said in the most energetic tone ever.

"That's the part, that makes me worry the most." Y/n joked.

Alex and Y/n laughed out loud. Lena stayed silent. Y/n started to relax a little. Soon the three girls arrived at the park. Everyone got out of the car.

"Well, let's get this over with," Y/n said, with her hands in her pockets, as she started to walk towards the entrance.

The other girls followed her. Alex walked faster and hooked her arm with Y/n.

"I know, that you must be scared. If you want to cancel the plan-" Alex started but Y/n interrupted her.

"No, we have to do this, and if it's just to proof my uncle wrong," Y/n said confidently.

Alex was confused.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked.

"I explain later. You two should hide behind the bushes." Y/n said and gestured to a big hedge.

Alex nodded and waited for Lena to catch up. Meanwhile, Y/n walked towards a bench and sat down.

"Come on. Let's hide." Alex said and pulled Lena behind said hedge.

Both crouched down a little.

"If I was her. I would be so scared." Lena pointed out.

Her eyes never left Y/n.

"Me too, but she has some good protectors on her side. Am I right?" Alex replied and nudged Lena in the side.

The Vampire girl nodded and smiled.

"You must know her for a long time, right?" The Vampire girl asked.

"Since we were children," Alex explained and scanned the area with her eyes. "She can be a really cold and quiet person, but if you know her better, you see that she is one of the kindest souls." She added.

"I see. She is also very charismatic." Lena said.

"Yeah, sometimes she didn't even notice it," Alex replied and smiled.

Both girls didn't say another thing. They were concentrated. Every noise and movement could be made by their enemy. Time passed and it didn't seem that any creature was around. Y/n got bored and stood up. She walked a few steps on the trail when she suddenly stopped and turned towards a bush.

"I think there is something. I can smell it." Alex said, as she sniffed the air and wanted to step out of their hiding spot.

"Stop, If you go now, you will scare it away," Lena said as she grabbed Alex's wrist to prevent her from leaving their hide.

Alex made a step back, ready to jump out anytime. Y/n walked closer to the bush when suddenly a black thing jumped out of it. Lena gasped, but Y/n didn't seem to be surprised at all. She grabbed the arm of the thing and threw it on the ground. It let out a nasty shriek. Y/n said something, but it was not audible to Alex.

"Good job, bestie," Alex yelled, jumping out of their cover.

As Y/n and the creature looked at the energetic Werewolf that ran towards them, the creature jumped back on its feet and started to run away. Y/n noticed and started to run after it. Alex did the same thing, but they were too fast for her. She could hear Yoohyeon following her. Soon she lost track, as Y/n ran into bushes.

"Should I turn to my wolf form? I would be faster." She asked herself.

There was no time for hesitation. She jumped and transformed mid-jump into a giant brown wolf. Her senses got a lot stronger as her paws hit the ground. Every smell was more intense and her eyesight got better. Now she had no problem following Y/n's scent.

"Wow, I never saw anything that cool in my life." She heard Lena gasp.

"Sure you didn't." Alex thought proudly.

Y/ns pov:

"Damn, that thing is fast." You thought. "But not faster than me."

You speed up. Your heart seed to jump out of your chest due to the adrenalin, but your mind was calm and clear. Suddenly the creature turned around and wanted to hit you with its claws. You duck and hit it with your left fist at the last possible moment. It stumbled a little and you wanted to hit it one more time, but this time you were a little too slow. It took a step back and scratched the left side of your face. Warm blood ran down your face and started to soak your coat as the creature let out a scoff.

"I thought you would be a better fighter." It said with a scratchy voice.

"Don't worry, I barely started." You replied calmly, as you got into position.

It tried to punch you a few times but missed every time. You were just too fast for it. The creature got annoyed by your fast reflexes.

"Maybe I should go for your little wife next time." It said with a scoff.

You were completely taken aback. How did it know about your marriage with Elenor?

"What did you just say?" You asked as you loosened your stance.

A thousand scenarios of Elenor getting harmed by one of those creatures rushed through your head. The creature noticed your insecurity and jumped at you and threw you on the ground. The impact knocked the air out of your lungs. It started to punch your face, as it pressed your body to the ground with its weight. You did your best to protect your head, but it landed a few heavy hits. Stars started to dance before your eyes. Suddenly the weight was lifted from your body. You breathed in heavily. Someone grabbed you by the shoulder and lifted you into a sitting position. The stars started to fade away and you could see Lena's face. She said something, but you could not hear her. You turned your head and saw a brown ball of fur and the creepy thing rolling around on the ground. Alex's teeth were deep into the creature's arm.

"I'm fine." You said and stood up.

"Easy girl," Lena replied while she grabbed your arm as you lost your balance for a moment.

Your vision was a little blurry as you tried to make a few wobbly steps. You blinked a few times to make the stars disappear. Everything started to get clear again. Alex and the creature stood face to face now. The creature bled from several wounds, but Alex looked fine. There was no blood on her fur. She bared her razor-sharp teeth. The creature wanted to attack her, but you were faster. You jumped at it and smashed a knee in its face. It stumbled and fell. The creature wasn't moving. A few heavy breaths left your lung as Alex turned back into human. She immediately pulled you in a tight hug.

"Why didn't you turn into a wolf? It wouldn't have a chance and you know that." Alex scolded you, as she pulled away.

"You know I hate that." You replied quietly.

"Well, let's deliver this guy to your grandfather," Alex said, as she shook her head.

"Sure." You replied.

"I can carry it." Lena volunteered.

You nodded your head and started to make your way back to the car. The pain in your left side and face increased with every step you took and you could taste the blood in your mouth, but you pretended like nothing happened. Lena threw the creature over her shoulder and followed you. Alex must've noticed that you were barely able to move due to the pain and hesitantly grabbed your arm.

"Are you alright?" She asked with concern in her voice.

You simply nodded, not able to speak because of the pain. Never before were you so thankful to see your car.

"Maybe, I should drive." Alex pointed out.

You were glad that she wanted to drive. Your pride was in the way to ask her earlier. Swiftly you handed her the keys and slowly climbed into the passenger seat. A wheeze escaped your lips, as you put your seatbelt on. Lena and Alex put the creature in the trunk of the car and joined you shortly after. Alex started the car and began to drive towards the Alpha's house. The drive was short and you were thankful. You wanted to get out of the car after you arrived, but your best friend stopped you.

"You should stay in the car." She said. "Lena and I got this."

You nodded and leaned back in your seat, one of your hands pressed to your left side.

"Why does this hurt so much?" You thought as you watched the other girls carry the creature inside.

You lifted your shirt a little to look at your ribs. Giant purple dots started to grow. You didn't want to imagine what your face looked like.

"Well, Elenor will be upset about this. Maybe I can sneak in, so she doesn't see me. If I'm lucky she will be already asleep." You thought and pulled your shirt back down.

The door of the house opened and the other girls stepped out of it. Alex waved at someone in the house and the door closed. Both girls got into the car again.

"Good job girls." You said.

"You should be more careful next time. I don't want to be the one to tell Elenor, that you died because you acted stupid." Lena replied.

"I'm sorry, but it said something that shook me. I was unconcentrated for a moment and he used that against me." You explained.

"What did it say?" Alex asked curiously and started to drive.

"It knows about the marriage with Elenor and it said, it will go for her next time." You said.

"So you were scared that something could happen to her?" Lena asked.

You were not completely sure, what you felt at that moment, but you were sure that you loved Elenor a lot and didn't want anything bad to happen to her ever.

"Maybe, I don't know." You answered and looked down at your lap.

Alex stopped the car to let Lena out.

"I can't blame you. I would've acted the same if it said something about Lizzy." The Vampire girl said and opened the car door.

You nodded. Lena said goodbye and closed the car door behind her. Alex started to drive again.

"You were stupid. Next time wait for backup, or simply turn into a wolf." Alex said in a serious tone.

"You know too well that I hate to turn and I was doing completely fine until it spoke about Elenor, plus you know that thing usually is no threat against my skills." You replied.

"Then use your skills next time and don't get derailed by some stupid words," Alex told you and parked the car in front of her apartment building.

"Can you drive?" She asked.

Her tone was softer than before.

"I think I can manage." You replied.

Both of you stepped out of the car. You walked to the driver's side. Alex waited for you and immediately pulled you into a hug. You suppressed the urge to hiss in pain.

"I was so worried when I saw that thing on top of you. I thought I came too late. I'm so sorry." Alex started to cry.

"You saved my life. Don't be sorry. I was a fool." You said as you pulled back. "You should go now. I think Robin is waiting for you." You added.

You said goodbye and watched her walk towards the tall building. Now it was time for you to get home. You let out a sigh, as you got into your car.

"Damn, this hurts." You thought as you started to drive.

For the first time in your life, you hated to drive. Every movement was painful. You thanked god, as a familiar house appeared in the light cone of your car's headlights. After you parked the car you clumsily got out. You hold your side as you walked towards the house.

"Please, let her be asleep." You prayed.