
Lena's pov:

She closed the car door and watched, as Alex drove away.

"Well, it could be worse." She said to herself and walked up the few steps to her front door, Y/n's beat-up face still in her mind.

She unlocked the door and stepped in. After she kicked off her shoes, she noticed that there was still light in the living room. She walked quietly towards the open door and peeked her head in. The TV was still on and illuminated the room. The sight was just too cute for her to handle. Lizzy was sleeping on the couch in one of Lena's hoodies. Lena turned off the TV and got out of her coat. The room was no longer illuminated. That made it hard for her to orientate. She managed to grab a blanket and lay down beside Her girlfriend on the couch. Lizzy started to wake up.

"Hey, you are back." She pointed out sleepy.

"I am," Lena replied and threw the blanket over herself and Lizzy.

"Did everything go well?" Lizzy asked half asleep.

"Don't worry, baby. Everything is alright. Go back to sleep." Lena replied and placed a kiss on her girlfriend's temple.

Lizzy wrapped her arms around Lena and snuggled her face into her neck. Lizzy caressed the other girl's face. She knew how Y/n must have felt at the moment when the creature threatened to harm Elenor. If it would have said something about Lizzy, Lena would have frozen too. She pulled Lizzy closer to her body and breathed in her scent. It was so familiar.

"I love you." She whispered as she closed her eyes.

Lizzy mumbled something in her sleep. Soon after Lena fell into a deep slumber.

Alex's pov:

She made her way up the stairs. As she reached her apartment door she pulled out her keys to unlock it, but it opened at that very moment and she was pulled into a tight hug.

"I was so worried." She heard Robin say.

"You waited for me?" Alex said in surprise.

She knew too well that Robin had to be early at work tomorrow and it was already after midnight.

"Yes, baby. I was too afraid to go to sleep." Robin replied as she pulled back.

"Well, you don't have to be afraid any longer. I'm back and safe." Alex said and smiled.

"And I am thankful for that," Robin replied, pulling the smaller girl into the apartment.

Alex let out a surprised giggle.

"You have to tell me what happened," Robin said.

"Can that wait until tomorrow? I'm tired and I need a hug." Alex pouted.

She kicked the door shut.

"Sure baby girl." The other girl replied.

Alex got out of her coat and hung it on a hook. Her face looked exhausted and her girlfriend noticed it.

"Do want me to carry you? You look tired." Robin offered.

"Yes please," Alex replied and opened her arms.

Robin picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. She lay her down on the bed and placed herself beside her. Alex turned towards her girlfriend and pulled her closer. She hid her face in Robin's neck as a few tears started to fall from her eyes. A sob escaped her lips.

"Hey, hey, hey what's wrong? Did something happen?" Robin asked in concern.

"It's because of Y/n. She got beat up pretty bad and I was almost too late to save her." Alex managed to tell her girlfriend between sobs.

"But I assume she is still alive and you caught the creature. That is what matters." Robin tried to comfort her.

Alex nodded.

"See. You did a great job." Robin added.

"Why do you always know what to say?" Alex asked and pulled back to face Robin.

"I don't know," Robin admitted. "Maybe it's because I know you too well." She added and leaned in for a kiss.

Alex closed the gap and made their lips collide. The tenderness of her girlfriend's lips made Alex feel safe and secure.

"You should sleep. You have work tomorrow."Alex said after she pulled back.

"Just one more kiss," Robin said and leaned in again.

Their lips danced together for a while and after they pulled away they breathed heavily. Alex snuggled into Robin's body, as Robin pulled her closer. After a while, Robin's breaths got softer, as she fell asleep. Alex on the other hand had a hard time falling asleep. The thought of almost losing her best friend roamed in her head, but then she remembered what Robin said earlier and calmed down. The steady breaths of her girlfriend lulled her to sleep at last.

Y/n's pov:

You tried to close the door, as quietly as possible in your damaged condition. There was no light in the house, so you assumed that Elenor was already sleeping. You quietly kicked off your shoes, as you heard steps behind you.

"Damn it." You thought.

"Thank god, you're back," Elenor whispered.

You didn't turn around.

"Did you expect something else?" You asked cockily.

"Actually, I thought you would be dead by now?" Your wife jokingly replied.

"Yeah, that was almost the case." You thought.

You heard her steps coming closer. She wrapped her arms around you from behind. It was a little too tight and you had to hold your breath to not scream out in pain. Elenor released you from the back hug and forcefully turned you around by grabbing your shoulder. She must've noticed that your body tensed while she touched you.

"What happened?" She said with slight anger in her voice.

"Nothing." You lied and turned your head away from her.

There was a slight potential that she didn't see your beat-up face but she grabbed your chin and turned your head to face her. You looked everywhere, but not into her eyes. It was embarrassing for you, to let her see you in this condition. You swallowed hard, as you waited for her to say something. Your anxiety kicked in and you faced the floor again unable to look at your wife. Her gaze was still fixed on your face. You could feel it.

"Oh, my god." She whispered as she examine you.

She used her fingers to turn your head slightly to the side to examine the long cuts on your face while you clench your jaw. You felt so embarrassed. Your eyes slowly wandered up to look at Elenor but her stare was fixed on your wound. She looked concerned as tears started to build in her eyes.

"Hey, it's nothing." You tried to smile but it was hard due to the pain.

"I thought you are a good fighter." She said as she finally locked eyes with you.

Her hand still held your chin but she let her fingers run down to the collar of your shirt.

"I am." You replied.

"No, apparently you're not." She said and nudged you in the side.

Unfortunately, it was the side with the bruises and you hissed in pain.

"Shit." You cursed, as tears of pain started to grow in your eyes.

You took a few steps back and pressed your hand to the spot your wife just touched you.

"Oh, my god. I'm sorry." Elenor said as she grabbed your arm to support you. "Maybe we should clean your wounds." She suggested.

"That would be great." You replied.

She guided you up the stairs towards her bathroom and made you sit on the bathtub's edge. In the cabinet to your left, she pulled out a first aid kit. It was the same one you used last time to take care of her injuries.

"I'm glad that I bought some disinfectants." Your wife said as she put some of it on a cloth. "Or would you prefer some scotch?" She added.

"I wouldn't mind a drink right now." You joked.

She chuckled, as she got closer to you.

"Are you ready?" She asked.

You nodded and closed your eyes. A hiss left your lips as the fabric touched your skin. The left side of your face started to sting even more.

"We are almost done," Elenor explained after a while, as you clenched your fists.

She rubbed the dirt and dried blood away from your face as well.

"Now you look almost as pretty as before." She said and gave you a soft kiss on your forehead.

You opened your eyes.

"Thank you." You replied.

"How about your ribs?" She asked and gestured towards them.

"I don't think there is a wound." You said and started to lift your shirt, but you had to give up because of the pain.

"Maybe you should change your clothes first. They are really dirty and blood-soaked." Elenor pointed out and guide you to her room.

She made you sit on the edge of her bed and started to grab some clothes from her closet. She put a gray sweater and a pair of black sweatpants beside you on the bed.

"I think I have some painkillers in the kitchen. I grab them for you." She explained and left the room.

You stood up and changed your pants, as you wanted to change your shirt, you had to stop. The pain was just too much. You waited for Elenor to return and looked in the mirror. The left side of your face was bruised and swollen. Three long cuts started right next to your eye end ended on your jaw. They were not deep and had already stopped bleeding. You had a cut on your bottom lip as well, but your ribs hurt the most. You heard the door close and turned around. Elenor handed you a few pills and a glass of water.

"Thank you." You said, as you swallowed the pills and took a few sips of water.

"Everything for you," Elenor replied. "Do you need help with the sweater?"

You nodded. The Vampire girl helped you out of your shirt slowly while you tried not to scream out in pain. She gasped when she saw your side. You immediately looked down as well. The purple dots got bigger. They almost covered your whole side.

"Maybe one of your ribs is broken," Elenor said with wide eyes.

Her gaze was still glued to your side. It could be possible. The force the Skugga had used to tackle you down was strong and the ground was anything but soft.

"I don't know." You replied.

"Let me see," Elenor said and started to touch your ribs one by one, to check if they are in one piece.

Her fingers glided over your skin and the cold touch made you shiver. She was very gentle as she did it.

"I think they are all good." She explained.

"At least some good news." You joked.

Elenor looked at you annoyed.

"Stop the bad jokes, or I will poke you in the side." She threatened you.

"Please don't." You said with wide eyes, as you took a step back.

"This is serious. Maybe you should stay at home tomorrow." Elenor said with concern in her voice.

"I will send a message to my father later, but first can you help me put this sweater on please." You whined.

"Sure." Elenor smiled.

She helped you in the sweater and you kissed her cheek afterward.

"You are my angel." You whispered.

"Sure I am, but if you do something stupid like that again, I will turn into a devil." She promised, as her eyes darken.

You swallowed hard and were suddenly threatened.

"How can she be this threatening, when she usually is so kind." You asked yourself.

Her face turned back to her trademark smile after a few moments as she wrapped her hands around your neck.

"I'm joking. I'm actually glad that you are back in one piece." She admitted.

"Thanks to Alex. She saved me." You told her and put your hands on her hips.

"Then I have to thank her. Without her, my lovely wife would have died and that is something I don't want to happen." Elenor said.

You chuckled but stayed silent. The anxiety you felt before was long gone.

"Can I kiss you?" Elenor asked with a soft voice.

You looked her straight in the eyes.

"It will probably hurt, but I'll take the pain." You nodded.

Elenor leaned in and gave you a soft kiss on the lips. You deepened the kiss by pulling her closer. You started to make out, but it was soft and gentle. Elenor didn't want to hurt you. After a while, her kisses got a little bit more aggressive. Her hand moved down from your neck to your chest.

"Ahh-" You hissed as you backed away.

She had touched your ribs a little too hard.

"I'm sorry, puppy. Did I hurt you?" She asked.

The serious concern in her voice made you feel butterflies.

"It's okay. You didn't mean to." You said and flashed her a smile.

"I'm really sorry," Elenor replied sadly.

"Don't worry. I'm big and strong. I can take the pain." You explained to her, still in pain.

She looked at you in disbelief.

"Maybe you think you are, but your eyes tell me something else." She said and caressed the unharmed side of your face.

At some point she was right. You had tried to hide your pain as always but Elenor must've looked straight through your mask.

"Come on let's sleep," Elenor suggested.

You nodded and both of you climbed into bed. After you found the most unpainful position, the painkillers started to do their job. You lay on your back and faced the ceiling. Elenor threw the covers over you and lay down on her side. She supported her head with one hand, so she can look down at your face.

"What did happen? How did you end up with a beat-up body, darling?" She asked.

You let out a sigh and started to tell her the story. She listened without interrupting you. You left out the part, where the creature was talking about her. After you finished, she gave you a scolding look.

"Well, it looks like YOU owe Alex big time." She said as she stroked your arm.

"Yes, I do." You replied.

"But I think you didn't tell me the whole story." She said and looked you in the eyes.

"The creature said something that took me completely aback." You admitted and looked at the ceiling again.

"You don't want to tell me, right?" Elenor asked and her hand glided down your arm to your hand.

She interlocked your fingers. The touch was so soft and made you feel safe. Usually, you would never tell her but you knew that she was different. You felt safe when she was around and your anxieties were washed away but you didn't want her to worry so you decided to lie.

"It's not that important." You lied.

"But it is still bothering you." She pointed out. "Why don't you tell me already? You can trust me."

"Okay, I will tell you." You finally gave in. "It said that it should have gone for you instead and I couldn't handle the thought of you being hurt by such a stupid creature." You added.

Your cheeks had turned red, but thanks to the bruises Elenor couldn't see it.

"So you got beat up because you care for me and didn't want something bad to happen to me?" Elenor asked.

The look she gave you was filled with love and adoration.

"There were just a lot of thoughts in my mind at that time. I don't know what I wanted." You said.

"I think it is exactly like I said," Elenor replied.

She started to play with your fingers.

"If you say so." You said and grabbed your phone.

Midnight was long gone, but you send a quick text message to your father anyway. It holds all the information he needed. You placed your phone on the nightstand, as Elenor watched you. You noticed that moving no longer hurt that much, as you lay back down.

"Can we just sleep? I'm tired." You asked.

"Of course," Elenor said and leaned down to kiss you on the corner of your lips. "My sweet little hero."

She moved closer and carefully wrapped one arm over your waist to avoid touching your ribs. The sudden closeness made you feel better. A few kisses got placed on your cheek and temple before Elenor snuggled her face into your neck. You closed and let her hold you. It didn't take you long to fall into a deep slumber.