Time to heal

Elenor's pov:

She was running through a dark forest. Faster and faster, but it felt like she was not going anywhere. The only thing she knew was, that she had to be there very fast. She didn't know where or when, but she had to be there, otherwise, something bad would happen. Fear started to grow. She could feel it creeping down her whole body. It made her feel numb. The forest ended abruptly and she stood on a wide field. The wind brushed over the green grass and dragged on her clothes. Elenor looked around and saw a familiar figure lying in the grass. The fear grew stronger.

"Please, not her." She heard herself say.

She ran through the knee-high grass and immediately kneeled down, as she reached for the figure.

No, no. Please no." She said as she touched the lifeless body of her wife.

One side of her Y/n's face was completely gone. It was just no longer existent, as well as one of her arms. A huge red pool of blood was under Y/n's body. Her remaining eye stared into the sky. No life left in it. Elenor started to cry, as she lifted Y/n's head to her chest. She began to cradle her wife back and forth.

"This is not true. She is not dead. Not her." The Vampire girl thought.

Her body trembled. She could not lose Y/n. Not after she had just confessed her feelings. This was supposed to be a new beginning but it already ended. It ended with Y/n lifeless in her arms.

"Where have you been?" She suddenly heard a voice say.

A shiver rolled down Elenor's spine. There was no way she wouldn't recognize this sweet sound.

"I asked you something." The voice said.

Eenor's hands started to shake. Never in her life was she so scared but the Vampire girl slowly backed away from her wife's body. Fresh blood ran out of Y/n's remaining eye as she looked directly at Elenor.

"I was alone when they ripped my arm off. All I could think of was the fact that you let me die. You said you love me but why would you leave me alone? Why would you let me face death alone?" Y/n's and grabbed the collar of Elenor's shirt while she moved her face closer.

"What?" Elenor asked confused.

"You let me die. This is your fault." The Werewolf girl said.

"No, I am sorry. I was just not fast enough." Elenor replied as tears streamed down her face.

"Why did you do that? I thought I could trust you. I thought you love me." Y/n was now crying more blood.

Her voice had changed. It was now full of anger and sadness.

"I-" The Vampire girl started.

"WHY DID YOU LET ME DIE? YOU ARE A LIAR." Y/n yelled as she reached for Elenor's throat with her remaining hand. "YOU NEVER LOVED ME."

The cold fingers wrapped around Elenor's throat and started to cut off the air. Darkness started to embrace the Vampire girl and the last thing she saw was the evil smirk on the remains of her wife's face.

She sat straight up in her bed, as she examine her surroundings. Elenor calmed down when she noticed that she was still in her room. Cold sweat covered her body and made her shiver, as she heavily breathed in and out. It was just a nightmare.

"Hey, are you alright?" She heard the familiar voice of Y/n ask, as a warm hand rubbed her back.

Y/n must've sat up as well, without Elenor noticing. The Vampire girl turned her face to look at her wife. The moon illuminated her room and she was able to see the Werewolf girl clearly. Her face was intact and looked as pretty as ever. A stone fell from Elenor's heart. Y/n's eyes were full of concern. One hand was on her ribs the other still rubbing Elenor's back.

"I just had a nightmare," Elenor explained.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Y/n asked.

"I prefer not to," Elenor whispered.

"I understand," Y/n said and pulled Elenor into a warm hug.

The Vampire girl was still trembling as she started to cry. Her tears soaked the fabric of her wife's shirt but the Werewolf girl didn't seem to mind.

"It was so terrible and I was so scared," Elenor said as she cried into Y/n's shoulder.

"It's over. You are safe here." Y/n replied and stroked her hair. "I will protect you."

"But it was you that attacked me in my dream," Elenor explained between sobs.

"You know I would never harm you," Y/n said as she pulled away and looked deep into Elenor's eyes. "I could never hurt you, baby."

Y/n was telling the truth Elenor could feel it in her chest. The empathy and truth in Y/n's eyes washed all the insecurity and fear away that wanted to conquer Elenor's heart. The Vampire girl carefully touched her wife's face and let her fingers brush over the long cuts that still were visible on the side of Y/n's face. Trust and love started to fill Elenor's chest and she knew Y/n would always protect her.

"I was dreaming that you died and I was too late to save you. I cried and held you close to my body, as you started to blame me and then you tried to kill me." Elenor told her wife after a deep breath.

I would never do that." Y/n was shocked.

"I know," Elenor replied and hugged her wife tightly.

Y/n let out a hiss.

"Sorry, I forgot that you are injured." Elenor apologized, as she loosen her grip.

"Don't worry. I've gotten through worse." Y/n smiled.

"I like to hear that story," Elenor admitted.

"Maybe, I will tell you sometime," Y/n said, still smiling.

"Is it just me, or did your wounds already heal?" Elenor asked as she examine Y/n's face closer.

"Maybe, Werewolves have quick healing. It will take a few days and you wouldn't see that there was a wound." Y/n explained.

"Wow, I wish I would heal that quickly." Her mood was suddenly better, as she poked Y/n's cheek.

It was amazing how the introverted Werewolf girl was able to make her feel better within just a few minutes.

"Yeah, but it still hurts when we get injured," Y/n said.

"Ah, stop complaining. Your wounds heal within a few days but on my back, you could still see the scratches. That was weeks ago, remember?" Elenor pointed out.

"Yes, I remember and I also remember being worried. I thought that you were seriously injured," Y/n admitted.

"Looks like our big, strong wolf is a softie." The Vampire girl chuckled.

"If I wouldn't be in pain right now, I would tickle you until you apologize." Y/n jokingly said.

"Well, guess I'm lucky then," Elenor said and leaned in for a kiss.

"Yes, you are," Y/n replied and closed the gap.

Y/n's pov:

Elenor's cold hands brushed through your hair, as she deepened the kiss. You pulled her with you, as you lay back down. Your wife was careful to not touch your bruised side.

"Do I hurt you?" Elenor asked between kisses.

"No. Everything is alright." You answered.

"Good." She said and you could feel her smile, as she gave you another soft kiss.

She pulled away to face you. Her fingers caressed the unharmed side of your face. Your eyes were locked with hers for a while and you could see concern in them.

"Are you still scared?" You asked softly.

"No, I was thinking about something," Elenor explained.

"Do you want to tell me?" You gave her a comforting smile.

She rolled off your body and faced the ceiling. You eyed her profile, as Elenor let out a sigh.

"Do you know that Vampires can live forever if they don't get killed or burned by the sun?" Elenor asked.


"Well, I'm not dumb, Miss Dracula." You joked to lift her mood a little and to your surprise, you earned a soft chuckle from her.

"I was thinking about your lifespan. If you can die because of age. Do I have to watch you get old while I will still be in my youth?" She said and turned her head to face you.

"Well, don't worry, baby. If nothing bad happens, I will be around for a long time." You said as you looked deep into her eyes. "The transformation into our wolf form renews our cells. The old ones die and new ones will be created. The body stays young." You explained.

"So if you don't turn frequently, you would age and die someday?" Elenor asked with an eyebrow raised.

You nodded.

"Good to know. How about silver? Does it weaken you?" The Vampire girl asked with interest.

"No, that is something that only exists in movies. It's another metal that can weaken us. It's called tungsten or wolfram, but it has to be in its pure form, otherwise, it wouldn't affect us." You told her. "Silver actually can help us if we have problems with our transformation. Robin for example couldn't turn back sometimes, that's why she always wears a silver neckless." You added.

"Wow, I didn't know that," Elenor said.

"It also has other affections on Werewolf, but that is hard to explain and I am tired." You said.

"I would love to hear it anyways." Your wife pouted.

"Can it wait until tomorrow?" You whined and snuggled into a pillow.

"Yes, but just because you are injured." Elenor chuckled.

You hummed in response. Elenor kissed your temple and cuddled you. Soon both of you fell asleep again.

The next morning.

Y/n's pov:

You opened your eyes and let out a long yawn. It was long after the time you usually wake up on weekdays. You looked at your phone and opened the messages you received. One was from your father the other one was from the group chat with Alex and Lena.

Father: You did a good job. I think you can take this week off and care for your health. Please be more careful next time.

You replied with a simple "Thank you". A smile covered your face. The relationship with your father started to get better and you were happy about it. Next, you opened the group chat.

Alex: Hey bestie. I hope you feel better. Get well soon.

Lena: Take care Y/n and don't let Elenor kill you. I know how mad she can get.

Y/n: Yes she was, but just for a short time.

You wanted to put your phone away when it buzzed. There was another text from Alex.

Alex: I think Elenor can't get angry in any circumstance because she is so kind all the time.

Y/n: Trust me she can. Shouldn't you doing work right now?

Alex: Nope. Your father gave me a day off.

Y/n: Pff. Loser. I got the whole week off.

Lena: You are both lucky. We got our bookstore and my girlfriend forced me to help her.

Alex: Well, that is sad. Should I talk with her?

Lena: I think that wouldn't help at all.

Alex: I have an idea. Why don't we add our girlfriends to the group chat? It would be easier when we plan our next hangout.

Y/n: I think that is a good idea, but please stop sending these stupid memes.

Lena agreed as well. Soon Elenor, Lizzy, and Robin were added to the group chat. The first message you got was a meme from Alex.

Y/n: I said stop.

You added a laughing smiley at the end of your text. After you locked your phone you decided to take a shower. After the shower, you took a look in the mirror. Your face wasn't as swollen as last night and the cuts already started to close.

"Good, I don't look like I was hit by a truck anymore." You told yourself, as you brushed over the wounds.

The only thing that still hurt was your ribs, but you could withstand the pain without medication.

"The ribs will take a long time to heal." You thought.

You stepped out of the bathroom and heard something on the third floor. Immediately you wondered what Elenor was doing and decided to visit her. You carefully got up the stairs. The door to the office was open and you could hear the sound of her typing. You made your way to the door and peeked your head in. Elenor was sitting at her desk, with her mind deep in thought. Her fingers rushed over the keyboard, as she typed something.

"Hey, panda girl." You said softly.

She flinched a little when she heard you.

"You scared me," Elenor said as she turned towards you. "And you still wearing my clothes." She raised an eyebrow at you.

You immediately looked down. It was true you still wore her sweater and sweatpants. You must've put them on after your shower without noticing.

"I think they fit me well. What do you think?" You chuckled and stepped into the room.

"Mhm, I must admit you look cute," Your wife replied.

"So, I got the whole week off and I was thinking of visiting Lena's bookstore today. Do you want to come with me?" You asked innocently.

"Are you sure you want to go outside in your condition?" Elenor asked concerned.

"It's a lot better than yesterday, plus I need some fresh air." You told her.

"I would love to keep you company, but I have a lot of work and it's sunny weather." She said and turned back to the computer.

"What a shame." You said but in reality, you hoped that she would say no.

You had the plan to get her a little gift, to say thank you for her help yesterday.

"What are you working on?" You asked and wrapped your arms around her neck from behind and rested your chin on her shoulder.

"Just some inventory list." She answered.

"Sounds boring." You teased her and kissed her cheek.

"I like to do it," Elenor explained, still focused on her work.

"Well, I leave you to your work. I'll see you later, baby." You said and placed a kiss right under her ear.

Elenor smiled and turned around to face you.

"Be careful, puppy. I don't want to clean more of your wounds." She said and pulled you into a hug.

"I promise." You replied and placed another kiss under her ear.

"Why do you always do that when we hug." The Vampire girl suddenly asked you, still holding you tight.

"I don't know, but if you don't like it, I'll stop." You answered.

"Please don't stop it. It makes me feel loved and special." Elenor whispered as you pulled away.

"Because that is what you are." You said and winked at her.

She tilted her head and looked at you confused. You noticed her gaze and cleared your throat.

"Anyway, I have to go. " You said and walked out of the room.

"Take care." You heard her yelling after you.

In your belly were a thousand butterflies because of her words. It was good to know that she cared about you. She made you so happy and you couldn't stop smiling as you walked down the stairs.

Elenor's pov:

She turned back to work after Y/n left, but her wife's words were still on her mind.

"What did she mean by that? Because that is what you are?" She mumbled to herself.

"Was that her way to tell me that she loves me?" She thought. "I know she is not good with words and people, but can she be a bit more specific."

Elenor's phone buzzed and pulled her out of her thoughts. She quickly pulled it out of her pocket and looked at the notification. Apparently, she was added to a group chat. She opened the messages. Alex had sent another meme and every one replied with a happy smiley. The meme showed a really tiny dog.

Elenor: That dog reminds me of someone.

Alex: I hope you don't mean me, otherwise I would be offended.

Elenor: Nope. It's not you.

Robin: Hopefully not me either.

Dami: It's someone else.

Alex: Oh, I think I know who you mean.

Y/n: Hey, don't ally with my best friend, or I will not bring takeout back.

Elenor and Alex replied both with a laughing smiley.

Y/n: Omg. Robin, they will start a plot against me. You have to help me.

Robin: Never. I will be on Alex's side.

Alex chuckled at how playful her wife could be.

"Y/n can be so funny sometimes, but most of the time she is either sarcastic or deadly serious." Elenor thought. "I never saw her let her guard fall around other persons, just with Alex and maybe me, but now she did it in a group chat with three Vampires. That must be a huge step for her."

Elenor was proud of Y/n and put her phone aside to focus on work. The time rushed by fast and when the Vampire girl looked at her wristwatch it was long after 2 pm. She wasn't hungry at all, but thirsty.

"I need to drink some blood today. That sucks." Elenor thought.

She got down to the kitchen and poured some blood into a glass. Sometimes she hates to be a Vampire. The blood-drinking and not being able to go out on a sunny day sucked, but it had also good parts super good hearing for example, or fast running as well as strength.

"I guess I will never get used to the taste of blood." She told herself after she downed the glass.

She heard the front door open and a familiar voice called her name.

"I'm in the kitchen." She said and quickly washed the glass.

Elenor didn't want her wife to see that kind of thing. It was embarrassing for her to be dependent on such a stupid thing as blood.

"Hey, panda girl." She heard Y/n say.

"Hi, pup," Elenor replied and turned around.

Y/n stood in the doorframe with both of her hands behind her back. A smile on her face, as she looked innocently into Elenor's eyes. Elenor was flashed how good Y/n looked at that very moment.

"How can someone look so good by only wearing a worn-out sweater and sweatpants?" Elenor asked herself.

Earlier that day:

Y/n's pov:

You drove to Lena's and Lizzy's bookstores.

"Maybe they can help me find a gift for El." You thought.

You parked the car in front of the store and got out. The store looked a little torn but you liked it. A bell rang, as you opened the door. Curiously you looked around and closed the door behind you.

"Hello?" You said.

It looked like no one was around, so you decided to look through the shelves. The room was dark and had a mysterious vibe. Dust was dancing around in the air, as you pulled a book out of a shelf.

"I wouldn't recommend that." You heard someone say.

You turned around in surprise. Usually, your hearing was really good, but this time you didn't hear someone coming closer to you.

"I was actually looking for Lena." You said.

"You must be Y/n then. Lena is in the back. I'll get her." The girl smiled as well.

"How did she know?" You asked yourself.

She left you and you put the book back on the shelf. The girl returned with Lena in tow.

"Hi." You greeted her.

"Hi, You look a lot better than yesterday." Lena pointed out.

You gave her a quick smile.

"Let me introduce you to my girlfriend. This is Lizzy the best girl in the world." Lena said and lay an arm around Lizzy's waist.

"Stop it," Lizzy said and nudged Lena in the side. "It's nice to meet you." She added.

You shook her hand and gave her a sweet smile.

"I'm in the back if you need me," Lizzy said and kissed Lena's cheek.

Lizzy left you two alone. Lena looked after her till she disappeared.

"How can I help you?" Lena asked as she turned back to you.

"I was wondering if you can help me pick a gift for El." You explained.

"What do you have in mind?" Lena asked and raised an eyebrow.

"I was thinking about a book maybe, but I don't know her favorite author. I thought maybe you know." You said.

"Well, well, well you came to the right place." Lena smiled and made a gesture to follow her, as she walked to a specific bookshelf.

"She usually reads a lot from this author. At least she talks a lot about him." She explained.

"Cool." You replied.

You looked through the shelf and pulled out a tiny book with an all-white cover. It just caught your attention. Lena watched your every move.

"How about this?" You asked the other girl.

"That is actually the newest. It came out just a few days ago and it is a limited edition. I think El will be happy." Lena answered as she smiled.

"Really?" You asked and examine the book.

"Yes, I think it's fate that you picked it." She said, still smiling.

"Then I'll take it." You replied.

"Very well," Lena said and you followed her to the register.

"Do you want me to wrap it?" Lena asked as you paid.

"Sure. I think you will do a better job than me. I'm clumsy when it comes to wrapping gifts." You replied.

Lena started to wrap the book and you watched her.

"Thank you so much." You said as Lena handed you the book.

"You are welcome. Do you want a coffee or something?" Lena offered.

You were not sure. The only Vampire you hang out with was Elenor, so this was new territory. You were not good with new people, but since Lena was your wife's best friend you thought it was worth giving it a try.

"I would like some Icetee instead." You answered.

"Cool," Lena said and made a gesture to follow her.

She guided you to the back into a cozy room with a couch and a coffee table.

"I will be right back," Lena said, leaving you alone in the room.

You sat down and looked around. It was a tiny room with white walls. On the walls were some old-looking paintings. You were pulled out of your thoughts, as the door opened again. Lena and Lizzy came in and Lena placed a glass with ice tea on the coffee table as well as two coffee mugs. She sat down beside Lizzy and Lizzy immediately lay her hand on Lena's knee.

"So, I want to know how you made Elenor fall for you," Lizzy asked.

"I have no idea. I guess it just happened." You answered.

"I think it was fate," Lena explained.

Lizzy looked at her confused.

"I mean she picked the book that El obviously want. That's a sign." Lena said and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Yes, it could be," Lizzy admitted.

"I think it was just a coincidence." You said and smiled shyly.

Lena raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe your wolf nose guided you," Lena said, as she took a sip from her drink.

"Yeah, maybe." You chuckled.

"Speaking of wolfs. Does your grandfather have more information by now?" Lizzy asked.

"I don't think so." You said, as you grabbed the glass and took a few sips.

"Hmm. I think we will hear from him soon enough." Lena said.

The conversation drifted towards books, how much they help you with your anxiety, and how Lena and Lizzy opened this little bookstore. After a while, you took a look at your phone.

"I think I should go. El must be wondering where I am." You told the other girls.

Both nodded. You said goodbye to Lizzy and Lena guided you to the door. The gift for Elenor in your hand you followed her.

"You have to visit us again soon," Lena said and hugged you.

You were a little startled by the sudden touch, but you hugged her back.

"Thank you. I hope I can make time for it." You replied and pulled back.

"Drive safely," Lena said as she waved you goodbye.

You waved back and made your way to your car. The car ride home was short because you wanted to be there as soon as possible. You parked your car and immediately jumped out. With a wide smile on your face, you made your way to the front door. As soon as you were in the house you called out your wife's name.

"I'm in the kitchen." You heard her say.

You made your way to the kitchen and stood in the door frame.

"Hey, panda girl." You said.

"Hey, pup." She replied and turned around.

You smiled at her innocently and she was looking at you with a soft expression.