A sad story

Y/n's pov:

You were back at the library, walking down the stairs when a creature stepped in your way. This time you were alone. No Alex or Robin for backup. You could feel the anger rise in your body, as you stormed down the stairs. The creature's smile disappeared when you hit its face with your fist. It fell on the ground and you proceeded with punching the shit out of it. You suddenly realized that you had no longer hands. They were more like giant paws with very sharp claws. White fur covered them. You let out a loud howl, as you looked up to the sky while more creatures were approaching you.

"Easy." You thought and started your killing.

You mowed them down like grass. Blood was everywhere, as you hit them with your claws and bite down on their bodies. You felt the anger fade into a blood rush. There was nothing that could stop you.

"Y/N?!" Someone yelled behind you.