I love you

Y/n's pov:

You woke up and felt Elenor's hand brushing through your hair. It made you feel loved. You didn't open your eyes and enjoyed her touch. Suddenly she stopped and slowly took your hand away from her body. She stood up and left the room.

"Strange." You thought and opened your eyes.

You looked at your phone and realized you had to get up in a few minutes anyway, so you decided to stand up. Your hand hurt a little, as you took the bandage off, but the cut was already closed. You changed into your work outfit and exited your room.

"El?" You called for your wife.

There was no answer, so you used your nose to pick up her scent. You followed the familiar smell to the office. The door was open and you peeked your head in. Elenor was sitting in front of her laptop. Her head rested in her hands, as her laptop illuminated her upper body.

"I will leave for work now." You said.

Elenor flinched at your sudden words. It seemed that she didn't hear you approaching.