The ex-girlfriend

Kathrin's pov:

Y/n had texted her if she could help her at the barn after work. Kathrin agreed and put her phone back in her pocket. She was on the way to the Alpha's office. He wanted to see her. It was a hot summer day and Kathrin would prefer to stay in the cool torture chamber, but unfortunately, she had to go upstairs.

"I hope he will make it quick. I can't stand this heat." She thought and opened the door to the Alpha's office.

He stood in front of the window and looked outside.

"Ah Kathrin, I'm glad you are here." He said without turning around.

"You wanted to see me?" The girl asked.

"Yes, please sit down." He replied.

Kathrin did as she was told while the Alpha was still standing by the window.

"I want you to protect Y/n." He said. "Spend as much time with her as you can."

"Yes, but why?" Kathrin asked.

"I think her uncle will do something to her. Maybe he will try to attack her or her wife and I don't want them to get hurt." The Alpha replied.