A proposal

Kathrin's pov:

She walked back into the barn. The men were still working, as Kathrin walked slowly to the oddy familiar guy with the basecap.

"Hey, aren't you the son of Mr. Booker?" She asked innocently.

He looked up and Kathrin could see the restless look in his eyes.

"Y-yes, I am." He replied surprised.

"I know your father. He is loyal to the Alpha and I hope you are as well." Kathrin said.

"What do you mean?" The man asked scared.

"I can see that you are trying to hide something. I hope you are not spying on Y/n and her wife." The Werewolf girl explained in a quiet tone, so only she and the man could hear it.

"I-I'm not. I'm just here for work. I swear." He replied.

Kathrin could see that he was lying due to her experience. Sweat started to run down the man's cheek.

"Hm, well if you say so, but if you intend to harm Y/n or her wife, you will face me first and I bet you know what I am capable of." Kathrin threatened him.