First practice

Alex's pov:

A few days have passed. Robin and she had decided to keep the engagement a secret for now.

"The time will come when everyone gets to know it." Alex thought. "We have other things to focus on right now."

She was currently in one of the many churches in the city and searched for a possible hideout. A few other Werewolves were in the building too.

"I hate churches. It always seems to be cold inside of them" Alex whispered and examined the wall for a hidden mechanism, but there was nothing to be found.

"I think this one is clean." One of the other Werewolves said.

Alex nodded in agreement and looked at the tired faces of her friends.

"Do I look as tired as they do?" She asked herself.

A quick glance at her wristwatch told her that it was long after midnight.

"Robin will already be fast asleep." The small girl thought and turned to the door.

"Okay let's wrap it up, boys. I want to go home." Alex said and yawned.