The need to talk

Ginny's pov:

She arrived at Elenor's and Y/n's house and parked her car next to Kathrin's. Happily, she made her way to the barn and opened the big wooden door. A few other people were already inside. Ginny looked out for the blonde Werewolf and found her staying in a corner a little distant from everyone else. The shadow covered her silhouette as Ginny approached her.

"It's just Kathrin. Calm down." The black-haired girl told herself.

"Hey." She greeted the other girl.

Kathrin looked up and met her gaze. Her face didn't show any expression or emotion. It was plain as always as she gave Ginny a quick nod.

"What's up?" Kathrin asked and leaned on the wooden pillar next to her as she crossed her arms before her chest.

"Not much to be honest," Ginny admitted.

The two girls chatted a little, while the hall filled with more people. The only ones missing were Elenor and her wife.

"Why are they late? They are never late." Kathrin pointed out.