The deepest trust

Y/n's pov:

You looked at your wife intensely. She seemed to hesitate for a moment but walked over to you. The two of you sat down on a bench but stayed silent.

"What is up with you? Why do you keep pushing me away?" You asked and focused your gaze on the floor.

You had rested your forearms on your knees and were currently playing with your fingers. It was a sign that you were nervous. Elenor knew that and immediately grabbed your hand. Her cold fingers intertwined with yours.

"I don't mean to push you away. I just need time to get over the things that happened." Elenor replied and let her thumb brush over the back of your hand.

"I know, but something else is bothering you." You pointed out and were finally able to look into her eyes

"There is nothing." Your wife said and you knew it was a lie because tears built in her eyes.

"Don't. Just tell me the truth. I can't stand this." You explained.