The gift

Robin's pov:

Her desk was overfilled with reports and papers. The cases came flying in by the hour and it was clear that every victim was either Werewolf or Vampire. The two detectives she worked with pressured her to be quick with the autopsy. She hated being under so much stress. The only thing that kept her from breaking down was her fiancee. Alex looked so happy the past few days and Robin was sure her proposal was the reason. They still haven't told anyone yet. It was a stressful time for everyone who was involved with the Skugga. Even Ellen, Jacob's girlfriend and fiance, noticed something was wrong. Robin heard a soft knock on the office door and looked up. Dark rings were under her eyes from the lack of sleep.

"Come in." She said.

The door opened and Jacaob entered.

"Hey, I need your signature for this." He said and handed her a lot of sheets.