“Okay, I’ll admit it, this is a pretty cool spot.” Valda stated as she looked around the next morning before school started. We found ourselves standing on the top of the school building that was supposed to be off limits to students but I found out about this place and knew how to open it without the key so it has become one of my few hiding places in the school. The weather was perfect this morning even though the coldness was indicating that winter was definitely around the corner.
“Nobody knows about this spot so when I want to get away from the group then I usually come here.” I explained then walked to the end and took a seat against the fence. From the wires above us, I guess this used to be where they hung out anything that needed to be washed at school.
“Don’t they get suspicious about where you go?” She took a spot next to me and rested against the fence as well.
“They probably do, I just tell them that I just wanted to be alone for a while which is the truth.” I looked up at the cloud-littered sky and watched as they slowly strolled across the sky.
“I guess so.” She shrugged her shoulders then looked up as well but I could see that there was something she wanted to talk about.
“What’s on your mind?” I asked her then returned to the cloud watching.
“Nothing.” Pretty standard reply. I didn’t know why I expected her to tell me what she was thinking about so easily when all our conversations literally felt like a battle of words. I wasn’t up for a fight this morning though so I decided to leave her and enjoy the silence for once.
“What’s the deal between you and Geoffrey?” She finally asked after a few minutes.
“He’s an old friend.” That was as simple as I could put it. I knew him for a long time and we had a bit of history but we were always friends at the end of the day.
“But what is with the… weird animosity between you guys?” Now I knew exactly what she was referring to.
“Geoffrey has been with me and the rest of the group throughout our schooling. Naturally Carlene, Heidi, Felix, Martin, Mandy and I were close because we all grow up living close to each other but Geoffrey’s lives in the avenues so he was always separate from us in a sense. It was a stupid stigma but we just grew up not associating ourselves with children from the avenues. When we came here then that all changed because we matured and didn’t care about it anymore but Geoffrey’s still kind of upset about it. He takes it upon himself to flirt and try to get with any girl that one of us has just to get to us and show us that he is better I guess. I don’t mind it and he is genuinely a nice guy. We were on the team with Heidi for the debate team and he used every opportunity to flirt with her but she put him in his place time and time again. I do respect him for continuing to do that and not change like most people did around me when my mom died.” I explained. I still don’t understand why I felt so comfortable opening up to Valda. It was irrational and yet I couldn’t stop myself.
“Kind of sounds like an unnecessary feud that I definitely don’t want to be apart of.” Valda stated.
“I’m sorry that you have been apart of it. Like I said, he is a nice guy and he probably does find you attractive.”
“Well I’m not looking to get involved with anyone right now so he’ll just have to be disappointed.”
“His loss then.” The bell bang sounding throughout the school so we slowly got up and made our way back into the school making sure that I close the door properly behind us.
“There you guys are, where have you been?” Carlene said when she and Mandy got us in the hallway.
“Around.” I vaguely replied.
“Well, we’ll be taking over your duties for today.” Mandy made her way to Valda then hooked their arms together.
“You have an appointment to get to.” Carlene informed me. I knew exactly what she was talking about. It was a mandatory counseling/therapy session that the state basically ordered me to do every 3 months to make sure that I’m in a good state of mind and wanting to shoot up the school for revenge on them getting my mother killed. I understood why they would think that I would do something like that since my behavior hasn’t exactly promoted anything to the contrary.
“I guess I’ll see you girls when I see you.” I unenthusiastically made my way towards the office we’ve always used to conduct the sessions. I opened the door and unsurprisingly found my father sitting behind the desk with our usual counselor, Ms Prichard. I enjoyed talking to her and trying to trip her up in her words but she caught on way too quickly. I still enjoyed the challenge but I could tell that it irritated her to some degree. She was in her mid 40s so I knew that I probably wasn’t the first person to try that tactic on her.
“Good morning Hudson.” She greeted me.
“Good morning Ms Prichard.” I returned the greeting then took a seat.
“So, how have you guys been?” She asked us but turned to my father to answer. This was pretty normal, he usually took the lead but then he would always drag me into answering the questions. I had a feeling that this was actually something that they had rehearsed.
“I feel like we’ve actually been doing better since the last time. We have our system at home that works and we have actually been more open and honest with each other.” He was irritatingly correct there. My father always keeps me up to date with everything he has been doing and I have tried to do the same when we do speak but there is nothing really interesting in my life that needs mentioning.
“And how about you Hudson?” She turned to me.
“Pretty much the same. I don’t know how we came up with the system but it works pretty well and we’ve been communicating more. Everything is going good.” That’s as honest as I could get.
“How has the beginning of this semester been? Any changes?”
“No changes, the same teachers as last semester. I joined the debate and quiz team again.” I shrugged my shoulders but I immediately saw that I caught my attention with that last part.
“Is there any particular reason why you rejoined them?”
“Had to show the new girl where they met up then decided to just join them.” I could see that my explanation definitely wasn’t what Ms Prichard expected but it was the truth, for the most part.
“The new girl is Valda right? The one Mandy said was your girlfriend?” My dad clearly remembered that brief conversation on Monday.
“Girlfriend?” Ms Prichard asked and immediately knew what she meant, what they both meant.
“Firstly, Valda is not my girlfriend and we are not in any sort of romantic relationship. Secondly, Valda and I are teammates on the quiz team. And lastly, the only reason I am even talking to this girl is because I was forced to show her around the school this week.” I explained.
“We didn’t need all that information, a simple ‘no’ would’ve sufficed.” This is the part of Ms Prichard that I didn’t like. I loved getting one up on her but I certainly didn’t like her getting one up on me. One thing I knew for certain right now is that this is going to be a long session now.
The cold air wrapping around me felt heavenly as I laid on the roof of the school. The counselling session ended about 2 hours ago and the school usually allowed me to leave afterwards but I always ended up staying at school but just avoided going to class. This was one of the spots I usually did this in and the roof today just felt like the perfect spot to relax on. I didn’t like the coldness but I felt like I needed it today.
“Hudson, you up here?” This is not something I was accustomed to. Usually everyone left me alone and didn’t bother me after my sessions. I heard the door being opened but I immediately knew who it was; Valda.
“Hudson, you sleeping?” She asked as she closed the door. My eyes were still closed but I could hear everything that she was doing. Weirdly enough, I wasn’t irritated by her presence right now.
“No.” I groaned.
“Are you okay?” Her voice was flooded with sympathy and compassion, not something I was used to when it came to Valda. I actually think I might like this side of her.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” I replied then heard her take a seat next to me as she leaned against the fence. “Are you not supposed to be in class?”
“I could ask you the same thing?” She shot back. I opened my eyes a bit and expected to see a triumphantly stubborn expression but found a soft and caring one instead. She clearly knew what I had been doing since I last saw her and now she was probably going to do what everyone always did around me; walk around on eggshells around me and treat me like I’m some sort of porcelain doll that needs to be protected.
“I have permission to go home.” I informed her then closed my eyes again. “What’s your excuse?”
“I got lost. My usual guide isn’t at school and I didn’t feel comfortable asking anyone else yet?” She was good at thinking on her feet, I’ll give her that.
“After 3 days at this school, I’m pretty sure you know your way around.”
“I get overwhelmed easily.” I had to release a laugh at that. She was definitely not someone who got overwhelmed easily.
“You think that line would work?”
“I’m new enough so I think so.” Couldn’t argue with her logic there. I was definitely too tired right now to continue our usual battle so I let it end there. Silence settled in around us but I couldn’t seem to fall asleep. I felt like I just needed a nap but my mind was still stopping me from reaching my goal.
“Want to talk about it?” I suddenly heard her ask. Her voice definitely surprised me but I quickly
composed myself then allowed the question to swirl around in my head.
“Not really.”
“What do you want to do?”
“I want to take a nap but my mind just seems to… not want to do that at all.”
“Maybe you’re not comfortable enough.” That never seemed to be a problem with me in the past so I didn’t see why it would be a problem now. Usually I could just lay down somewhere and fall asleep despite where I was some times.
“Lie across me.” She instructed me. I opened my eyes and saw the seriousness on her face. We hardly even knew each other and she was offering to make me more comfortable like that.
“I’m good.”
“I didn’t give you a choice.” Her deathly stare immediately sent shivers down my spine. She really switched her demeanor very quickly there. I slowly pushed myself up then began positioning me so that my head rested on her thighs. It was definitely more comfortable than before but it still felt kind of weird. This was an intimate act yet we hardly even knew each other.
“Thank you.” I stubbornly muttered then looked up at her and saw the sympathetic look on her face once again.
“I’m here if you want to talk okay.”
“I know. You also have class to get to.”
“I’ll catch up.”
“You’re stubborn you know that.”
“I know.” I looked up once again and found her playful smile matching mine. I didn’t want to talk but I definitely didn’t mind the company right now.