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Chapter 6

“You guys destroyed that quiz, well done.” Geoffrey said as he approached Valda and I while we packed our things. Thankfully it was Friday and this was the last thing I had to do at school so I definitely couldn’t wait to get out of here.

“Thanks.” Valda half-heartedly replied. She had been very… distant when it came to Geoffrey since yesterday. I hoped it wasn’t because of what I told her on Wednesday but she was also packing her bag so maybe she was just focused on that.

“You guys make a great team, maybe even better than Hudson and Heidi.” Geoffrey stated. I did work well with Valda now. I’ll even admit that it felt simple and easy being on a team with her. We didn’t agree on some of the answers but we didn’t end up fighting each other on it. Come to think of it, we haven’t been doing much ‘fighting’ since Wednesday. Our conversations were just regular smooth flowing conversations now. She opened up a bit more to me about her family and I tried to do the same. We just fit somehow.

“I guess Hudson is the common denominator. He makes it work.” I guess I wasn’t a difficult person to get along with but anyone is easy to get along with when they hardly speak.

“Or he sucks enough for both of you.” Geoffrey’s jab at me definitely didn’t escape my ears. I looked up once I closed my bag but saw that he was focused on Valda and her alone. Caring eyes, stern jaw, head slightly tilted; I had seen him do that face many times when he wanted a girl and weirdly enough his had some success with it. Maybe he really did like Valda and not just want to ‘steal’ her away from me.

“Screw you.” I told Geoffrey as I put my bag on my back. “I’ll wait for you at my car.” I told Valda.

“Let’s walk together.” She put her bag on her back but Geoffrey immediately stepped in front of her.

“I know you’re new to town so I wondering if I can show you around sometime. I know where you can get the best burger as well.” Definitely one of the best ways I’ve heard him ask a girl out on a date.

“I’m not really a ‘burger’ person and Hudson already offered to show me around but thanks for the offer.” Not the worst way to shoot someone down but that still has to hurt. I did feel this unwanted joy inside me for some reason. I mean, I never liked seeing someone being rejected even if it was Geoffrey.

“See you on Monday.” She greeted him then joined my side. We made our way out of the library together then walked down the hallway.

“You didn’t have to turn him down because of me though. I’m pretty sure he’d be a more energetic guide than me.” I spoke up before an awkward silence could settle around us.

“I prefer your slow pace. It’s kind of calming and peaceful.”

“If only my friends could see that.”

“Maybe you can show them now. We are going out.” Wait, what?

“Today? I thought the party is tomorrow.”

“The party is tomorrow but they wanted to go out today and celebrate us joining the quiz team.” Now I remembered the conversation they had during our break earlier in the week. I definitely wasn’t prepared for this.

“Do I have to go?”

“Apparently you’re the driver.” She shrugged her shoulders and released a giggle.

“I don’t like my friends most of the time.”

“They’re your family.”

“My point still stands.”

“That’s so true.” This time both of us began chuckling. I’m glad we could at least find this amusing. If Valda was coming with then I probably would enjoy it.

“There you guys are.” Felix said as he joined us in the hallway then made his way to Valda’s side. “Now that we’re friends, do you have any hot friends you could set me up with? I mean, I don’t want to be the only single guy in the group.”

“I’m still single.” I pointed out.

“That’s because you’re stupid. I, on the other hand, am amazing so when your friends ask you to describe me then you can tell them that.” Felix clearly wasn’t interested in anything I had to say. I guess he and Valda got to know each other on Wednesday while I wasn’t around because she was comfortable with him. She’s been comfortable with the group for the past couple of days as well now that I think about it. I’m actually glad she’s friends with everyone.

They continued talking while we made our way to the rest of the group waiting by my car. I know I have a big car and none of us are really big built except for Martin but fitting 7 people in it was becoming a little ridiculous now.

“Okay, everyone’s here so let’s go.” Martin stated once we got to my car.

“Where are we going?” I asked them as I unlocked my car.

“Rusty’s.” Carlene informed me. I wasn’t surprised there; Rusty’s was one of the groups’ favourite spots, mainly because they didn’t mind serving us drinks as long as we didn’t make a noise and sit in the corner where no one really bothered to sit.

“We’re going to drink.” Martin cheerily stated then got into the car with Jessica right by him. They decided to sit in the boot space since I did have enough space for them there.

“But no one is getting drunk.” Carlene said that as more of a warning than anything else. I took my seat in the driver’s seat and unsurprisingly saw Carlene jump into the passenger seat next to me while everyone else filled the backseat.

“Yes mommy.” Martin sarcastically replied.

“Anyway, I have to be home by 8 because I’m working tomorrow morning.” Felix informed us as I started the car and began our journey.

“Jess and I have a meeting at school tomorrow as well so we have to be home early as well.” Mandy added.

“Then we just have to make the most of the time we’re going to spend together.” Carlene stated.

“You’re such an idiot.” Mandy told me once we dropped Valda at home. It was just before 8 so we were still on schedule and everyone had a good time, at least I did. I spent most of the time talking to Valda and actually speaking to everyone. It felt… nice, like things used to be.

“I agree.” Felix added.

“Why am I an idiot?” I decided to ask them but kept my eyes on the road. I didn’t drink but I still wanted to stay vigilant.

“You should’ve dropped Valda last bro.” Martin told me.

“But it made sense to drop her first because she’s the closest and the rest of us are out of the city.” I pointed out.

“Love doesn’t make sense.” Jessica replied. That was definitely true when it came to her relationship with Martin. Everything points to them not working out but somehow they do.

“Love?” A word I never thought about in a long time; I still wasn’t thinking about it.

“Look, we’re not saying that you should marry her but no one in this car can deny that there is something happening between the two of you. There’s not even a spark between you guys, it’s a runaway fire right now. She’s good for you and she is bringing out a side of you I never saw in a long time.” Mandy clearly didn’t hide how she felt about us. I turned to Carlene in the passenger seat but she looked nervous about something, like she was hiding something.

“What do you think about it?” I asked Carlene. She turned to me but immediately hid her emotions.

“You should follow your heart.” Carlene’s generic reply wasn’t fooling me. She was anything but generic so something was going on.

“Then he definitely isn’t going to get anywhere with Valda.” Felix’s words got us laughing. Even I had to agree with him there. I didn’t know what I felt for Valda but I knew that I didn’t want to stop hanging out with her.

“Just ask her out on a date.” Mandy told me. I clearly got her support.

“Pretty sure if you just kiss her then it will be enough.” Martin added.

“I’ll think about it.” I replied but my mind was still thinking about Carlene and what she said. Something just didn’t feel right.

Thankfully the topic changed so I paid little attention to it and just focused on driving. I dropped Jessica at home first then dropped off Felix since he lived closest to the avenues but I decided to drop Martin and Mandy first instead of dropping Carlene. I pulled up to Carlene’s house then stopped the car but she didn’t get out. I guess she wanted to talk to me about something as well.

“What’s on your mind?” I decided to ask her.

“You and Valda make sense together.” Carlene stated. There was no emotion, just a plain and simple statement.

“And that’s a problem?”

“Yes, no… I mean, she’s a nice person and I really enjoy her company…”


“I just think that she’s going to bring your more pain than happiness.” I didn’t believe that for one second and I didn’t think that she believed it either. There was another bigger reason as to why she didn’t want Valda and I together but I was willing to indulge her for a moment.

“Maybe I need that right now. You can’t have the rainbow without going through the storm. If she’s the storm then I’ll be alright.”

“I’ve seen how much damage someone can do to you, hell I’m still seeing it so I just don’t want you to get into something knowing that it’s going to end badly for you.”

“And I appreciate the concern, I really do. I thank you for sticking by me for these past couple of years but you must also remember that you had the power to stop me from feeling this way.”

“I know and I will forever be sorry for that and that’s why I don’t want to see you hurt again. That’s why I am being honest with you right now.”

“Again, I appreciate the honesty so I’m going to ask you right now; is there something you’re not telling me?” This time I looked her dead in the eyes but she was unable to hold my gaze. There was definitely something she wasn’t telling me and now she knew that I knew.

“Everyone loves you and you try your best not to betray anyone’s trust. The problem with being everyone’s friend is that you can never truly be honest with the one’s you love.”

“I’m sorry.” I could hear the sincerity in her voice but that didn’t help the pain I was feeling right now.

“I know.” I unlocked the door and just looked forward at the dark road before me. The stabbing feeling in my chest right now reminded me of exactly why I turned into the person I am today. I never wanted to feel this way again and yet here I was. She was so concerned about Valda hurting me that she forgot that she could do much more damage.