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Chapter 7

“Afternoon dad.” I greeted my father as he sat in the lounge the next day. I just came back from fetching Valda with Mandy and Jessica which took longer than I would have liked. I thought it would be half an hour at most but that was an hour ago. Apparently they had to raid Valda’s cupboards searching for clothes for all of them to wear even though they hardly came out of the apartment with anything. Needless to say, I did not feel like going to this party.

“Afternoon.” He casually replied then went back to watching some show on the TV mounted against the wall.

“I thought you were working.” He was at work when I left earlier so he should’ve only been back tonight and not lounging around like he had nothing to do.

“I’m going back tonight. They need extra hands patrolling at night on the weekends, especially around the avenues.”

“We’re going to a party in there tonight.”

“Where exactly?” I could hear the concern in his voice. If he had the power to forbid me from going to certain parts of our town then he would’ve done so and the avenues would’ve been top of that list.

“Around the corner from Jessica’s. I’m going to park my car there then we’re going to walk.” At least that was the plan the group agreed on yesterday.

“Okay, be careful though.”

“You too.” I knew the dangers my father faced every day working for the police so all I could do is hope that he was careful and vigilant on his patrols. I don’t even understand why he did patrols anymore. They basically gave him a free pass to do whatever he wanted to do at the police station and he still chooses to do the most dangerous things.

“Have you seen Maddison by the way?”

“With her dad. Gina and her boyfriend apparently went on holiday and are only coming back next week sometime.” That explained why everything was quiet next door.

“Oh, when she does come back and she’s looking for her jacket then you can tell her that I put it behind the door in her room.” I informed my dad.

“Will do.”

“I’m going to take a nap.” I heard my dad’s usual grunt signaling that the conversation was over so I made my way to my room and closed the door before planting my tired body on the soft blankets covering my bed. I closed my eyes and tried falling asleep but for some reason my mind decided to go into overdrive. I wasn’t thinking about anything in particular but it was enough to keep me awake for now.

“Yo, time to wake up.” I felt someone dragging me out of my sleep. I slowly opened my eyes then saw Martin standing over me. “Get dressed, the girls are apparently almost finished.”

“That gives me at least an hour.” I groggily responded. He responded with a smile before leaving my room. I slowly swung my legs off the bed then just sat on the edge of the bed trying to wake up properly while finding any sort of enthusiasm to go to this party. One thing I was definitely looking forward was seeing Valda again. I enjoyed our time yesterday so hopefully we could just pick up where we left off yesterday. I heard laughter coming from lounge and I knew that Martin and my dad didn’t exactly get along to the point where they would laugh with each other so that meant that someone else had to be there. I stood up and slowly made my way to the source of the laughter and found Felix sitting on the couch next to Martin so that explained the laughter.

“Why are you not ready yet? I need my wingman tonight.” Felix excitedly told me. This was one part of Felix that I couldn’t figure out; he never really showed interest in girls until it came to parties and then it was like he was an animal on heat desperately searching for a mate. Martin used to be his partner in crime until he found Jessica. Since then I was dragged into being his new wingman which is why I always made a point to stay away from Felix during parties now.

“I am not going to do that.” I replied as I stretched my tired body.

“Because he is going to have his tongue too far down Valda’s throat.” Martin stated with Felix nodding in agreement next to him.

“I’ve been hearing about this Valda girl a lot, when am I going to meet her?” My dad asked.

“It would honestly be my honor to go fetch her right now and introduce you to your son’s new girlfriend.” Felix offered.

“Firstly, she’s not my girlfriend.” I stated.

“Only because you haven’t asked her out on her date.” That’s as far as Felix knew. I was pretty sure that taking her around the town was considered as a date but that didn’t mean I couldn’t make my move there.

“You guys just need to stop talking crap. I’m going to shower me then get ready.” I told them then made my way to the bathroom before they could reply. It took me about 20 minutes before I rejoined the guys in the lounge but they weren’t there anymore. My dad was the only one left sitting on his usually couch.

“Where’s the guys?” I asked my dad.

“They went over to Martin’s house. Told me to tell you to meet them there.” My dad informed me.

“Okay. I guess I’ll see you later.” I was about to step out of the house but there was a question that kept plaguing my mind and I wanted to ask my dad for some reason.

“Something on your mind?” He saw me standing still by the door reaching for the doorknob.

“Do you think I’m ready to be in a relationship again?” I decided to ask him. I mean, what harm could come of it?

“Honestly, I didn’t think you were ever going to be in a relationship but then I saw how you were with Heidi and now I can’t picture you without a girl by your side. She brought out a side of you that I… you were just complete. Whether or not you find that with someone else is up to you to decide. Whether or not you’re ready to give dating a try again is up to you to decide as well.” He was way too ready to answer that question. Did he know I was going to ask him that question one day? Was this just another one of those moments where parents just know what to say? One thing he said confused me though.

“If you hadn’t noticed, I’ve been single since Heidi left.” I pointed out.

“Single but not alone. Carlene and Mandy were by your side every single day.” A reluctant smile appeared on my face as he said those words. Valda pointed out something similar so I guess they were both right about my friends.

“Thanks dad.” I gave him a nod but his static expression didn’t change which I took as a good sign. “See you later dad.”

“Be safe.” I heard him before I closed the door and made my way to my car. It was just after 7 that evening and the sun had just about set but the temperature was still hot enough to continue without a jacket so I kept mine off as I drove to Martin’s house which was literally less than a minute away. I was pretty sure that I was still going to be waiting for the girls to finish up but at least I had enough to think about.

An hour later we finally found ourselves striding up the paved walkway to the party that had seemed to find it’s wind already. We were instantly met with loud music as soon as we entered the house. It wasn’t exactly loud enough to completely drown out other noises but shouting was definitely the method of communication you’d use if you were going to talk to someone inside the house. I saw Martin whisper something in Felix’s ear before we began worming our way towards the backyard.

“I am definitely not drunk enough to endure that music.” Felix commented once we were outside. I saw Jessica and Mandy greeting people as we made our way through the house so at least there was some people from our school here and not just strangers.

“Then let’s get us some drinks.” Martin suggested.

“The guys can go get the drinks and us girls will wait for you here.” Mandy stated.

“Any preference?” I asked Valda as Martin and Mandy began arguing. I knew that we would end up going to go fetch the drinks anyway so I didn’t know why Martin was putting up such a fight.

“It’s your choice.” I know that her words could’ve been seen as flirty but the tone with which she said that instantly triggered my flight or fight response. I was dumbfounded, we hadn’t spoken since last night and we had such a great time and now she spoke to me like I wasn’t worth her time. What the hell happened since last night?

“Let’s just go.” Felix dragged Martin away from the group so I decided to follow them. “What’s happening between you and Valda?” Martin asked me before we were consumed by the music again but this time it wasn’t as loud. I guess someone turned down the volume somewhat. They probably got some complaints.

“I don’t know.” I shrugged my shoulders.

“Hopefully a drink will help.” Martin replied. We made our way to the kitchen then saw the table filled with alcohol bottles of all kinds. I saw beer and cool drink cans in a bath next to the table so at least they catered for everyone.

“And you better ask her out.” Felix ordered me as he and Martin began pouring the drinks.

“The way things look, she’s more likely to kill me than say yes to that.” I pointed out causing a few laughs.

“Then you just have to bite the bullet.” Felix added. I let them sort out the drinks as usual then grabbed one for Valda and I while they skillfully grabbed the rest. We began making our way back outside but I didn’t see Valda with the rest of the girls anymore.

“She went inside with Geoffrey.” Carlene informed me when she saw me looking for Valda. Things weren’t the best between us but I gave her an appreciative nod before heading back inside. I looked around the dancefloor but I didn’t see them dancing. I walked around a bit more then finally found them leaning against the staircase while they spoke. A tinge of jealousy immediately made its way through my body when I saw them standing so close to each other and talking a bit loudly. I could hear some of what they were saying the closer I got.

“Maybe you should go find Hudson again.” I heard Geoffrey say.

“I spent enough time with him.” Those words hurt me much more than I thought it would. Is this what I get for thinking about having something more with Valda? Maybe Carlene was right about her.

“I’ll stop bothering you then.” I piped up when I reached them. The smile she had on her face immediately disappeared as I handed her drink. She was definitely too shocked to replied but I decided to just walk away. All I wanted was just to get as far away from Valda as I could get. I didn’t even realize where I was going until I found myself standing with Felix, Carlene and Mandy again.

“What happened?” Mandy’s question didn’t register in my mind until she poked my arm.

“Valda and I are never going to happen.” I replied then decided gulp my drink. It was much stronger than I expected but I couldn’t care less right now.

“So does that mean you’ll wingman me?” Felix asked me.

“You know what, let’s do it.” I agreed then drained my glass.

“Yes, that’s the spirit.” Felix cheered then draped his arm around my shoulders as he looked around. “I see a pair of girls that need our attention.”

“You guys are disgusting.” Mandy told us but we ignored her.

“What’s the plan?” I asked him.

“Just follow my lead.” Felix stated then directed me.