Dessert in Distress - Part Il

“What happened?” I inquired, but she shook her head and did not look up. Even a child could tell there was something wrong, but she denied it. I was about to roll my eyes, but I restrained myself.

“Please tell me. What is the problem?” I persisted, and she sighed again, but this time she looked up.

“I can’t seem to get the mixture right for the Chiboust cream for my A gâteau St. Honoré.” She said and my eyes widened. Gateau is one of the most difficult desserts to make. Being the baking enthusiast I am, I had tried to make A gâteau St. Honoré when I was merely sixteen. And I must say, it had left me traumatised to say the very least. Even so, I had given it a shot again after two or so years and after many failed attempts, I had succeeded.

“Also, the pastry won't come out right no matter how many times I tried. I almost ran out of the ingredients. I might as well give up.” She groaned throwing her head back. I truly felt sorry for her.