Seven | How Are You Related - Pt 2

*This chapter contains triggers of rape.*


I was in the middle of training these dead weights that my father had hired. They were really annoying me with their lack of skill and their not listening. I was in the middle of yelling at them when my phone rang. Holding up a finger to them, I answered.

“What?!” I snapped.

Cody then went on to tell me that Brett was there and he was out talking to Violet and Charity.

“That sneaky little bastard!” I seethed. “Get rid of him!” I hissed to Cody.

Cody told me he was going to do something to get Brett to leave. After we hung up and turned to the 'talent' my dad hired and let my anger out on them.


Violet and I were enjoying some nice quiet alone time. I could not believe Cody let us come out here, yet letting us come out alone. I was trying to shake all the thoughts out of my head and listen to the birds so I could relax. I was starting to feel at ease and relaxed for the first time in one day when I heard a voice.

“Hey ladies.” A male voice said, causing me to spin around and look.

Vi lifted her head quickly and when I looked she had a slight smile on her face. When he got closer, I noticed it was Ted's younger brother, Brett. I let out a sigh of relief and looked at Vi. She looked at me with a slight smirk, knowing she was right.

“Hey.” I said once Brett walked up to us.

“Hello, Brett.” Vi said softly, as Brett pulled up a chair and sat in front of our loungers. We both sat up so that we could talk to him better.

“How are you both doing today?” Brett smiled at us. I am guessing he has no clue how they both treat women. We both faked our best smile.

“Good.” I replied, obviously lying.

“Great and you?” Vi lied as well.

“Doing good. Have the day off today.” Brett said, sounding happy.

“Ah. What do you do?” I asked Brett.

“I work at my dad's training camp helping to train up and coming wrestlers.” Brett explained.

“Well, that is nice.” I smiled at him.

“You alright Violet?” Brett asked Vi, seeing how she had been quiet.

“Hm. Yeah. I'm fine.” Vi says, looking down.

“You sure?” Brett asks, eyes softening.

Before Vi could answer, we were joined by Cody.


After hanging up with Ted, I looked out the window. He was over there talking to them and I could not make out what they were saying. I decided to go over and see and stop them before saying anything. Grabbing my phone, I walked to the door and headed over to the pool. As I walked over, I heard Brett ask Vi if she was alright.

When she hesitantly answered, he asked if she was sure and I knew she was going to say something.

“Hey everyone.” I smiled my best smile, not letting Brett know anything.

I walked over and took a seat on Ana's lounge next to her and wrapped my arms around her.

“Hey Cody.” Brett said, his smile faltering.

“What are we talking about?” I said as calmly as I could, looking between Ana and Violet.

“Nothing.” Violet answered quickly and stood up. “I am going to get a drink.” She said, walking toward the house.

“I'll come with you.” Brett called and got up to follow her.

I watched as Brett and Violet went inside, then glared at Ana.


As soon as Vi and Brett left, I knew Cody was going to flip out. Sure enough, once they were inside, Cody glared down at me.

“What did you say to him?!” Cody spat, getting in my face.

“Nothing!” I screamed, telling him the truth.

“I do not believe you!” Cody hissed and grabbed my arm tight.

“Cody! Let go!” I cried out, trying to move my arm from his grip.

“No!” Cody hissed, his grip getting tighter. “Tell me!” He demanded.

“We talked about what he does! That is all! I swear!” I cried from the pain in my arm, tears running down my cheeks.

Cody then loosened his grip before letting go and leaning down.

“You better not be lying, or you will get it!” Cody harshly whispered in my ear, making me cringe. Cody then kissed my head gently and laid next to me on the lounge.


After Cody walked out, I made an excuse to go inside. I knew I would probably regret it later, but for now I want to be free of him. As I walked in the house, I heard footsteps behind me. Thinking it was Cody, I tensed up, until I heard him speak.

“Violet! Wait up!” I heard Brett call. I let out a sigh of relief.

“Hey Brett.” I smiled a real smile.

Brett seemed so much nicer than Ted. His voice was always kind and caring when he spoke. His eyes were soft and loving. He looked so much like Ted, but I could not help but to think about how they were related. Ted was so cold and sinister, while Brett was so kind, caring, and loving.

“Are you sure you are alright?” Brett asked again, his voice so soft and caring.

“I am. Why would you think different?” I asked, as I opened the fridge getting water out and taking a sip.

“You just seem so different from last night.” Brett said, noticing the change.

“How so?” I asked, walking over to a stool and sitting down, Brett taking the one next to me.

“You seemed so bright and full of life, now you seem down.” Brett pointed out.

“Oh. I just-” I started but was cut off by the door opening. Looking over, I saw Ted walking into the kitchen.

“Hey bro!” Ted said, looking annoyed, doing a fist bump with Brett. After that, he then came to me and pecked my cheek, putting his arm around me.

“Hey Ted.” Brett sighed. “How did it go today?” Brett asked, looking at me.

“Same. I do not know what dad sees in some of those people. They have no talent.” Ted shook his head in disgust.

“They are not all bad. Most of them have talent. You just have to see it.” Brett pointed out.

“I know talent when I see them and I see none there.” Ted spat, getting angry.

'Great', I thought, at Ted getting angry.

“Whatever Ted.” Brett rolled his eyes. “I have to go.” He said, standing, and my heart sank. “I will see you later.” Brett added.

Brett walked over to me and gave me a hug and I hesitantly hugged him back. I heard Ted growl before pulling me back from the hug. Once Brett was gone, Ted's hold on me got tighter.

“What. The. Hell. Was. That?!” Ted growled through clenched teeth.

“N-Nothing, I-I was being n-nice.” I stuttered, starting to shake in fear.

“Why do I find that hard to believe?” Ted hissed.

“It is the truth!” I said, pleading with him to believe me.

“Hm. We will see.” Ted smirked.

He then took my arm and started to drag me out of the house and back to the pool.

When we got there, I saw Cody lying next to Ana, who had a few tears on her cheeks.

“Ana!” I called, worried about her.

“Ana is busy right now.” Cody answered for her.

“Shut up! I wanted Ana to answer me.” I spat, not caring how I spoke to him.

“Ok. Ana, answer her.” Cody ordered.

“Yes Vi.” Ana whimpered.

“You alright.” I asked, worry in my voice.

Cody had moved his hand to her thigh and tightened his grip, by the look in Ana's eyes. She nodded her head and bit her lip.

“Ana, I know that is not true!” I exclaimed.

“I-I'm f-fine.” She whimpered.

“Ana!” I yelled, getting angry.

“Don't you see what you are doing?” Ted whispered in my ear as he brought his hands to my forearms.

“Tell him to leave her alone!” I cried, begging for Cody to leave Ana alone.

“Then stop!” Ted barked in my ear.

I bit my lip as a few tears began to fall. Ted pulled me down onto the lounge next to him. I lay on my stomach and Ted leaned over me, lying half on my back with his arm over me. I lay there and sobbed into my hands, thinking of a way to get me and Ana out of this. I must have slipped into a deep sleep because next thing I knew I was being placed on the bed. I was still in my swimsuit, thank god, and Ted was just taking off his pants, leaving only his boxers on. I closed my eyes and tried to make it look like I was still sleeping so he would not try anything. Thankfully, he got right into bed and pulled me on his chest. He kissed the top of my head and as much as I did not want to, I slipped back into a slumber.


After Ted took Vi back inside, I was once again left alone with Cody. I was lying there as still as I could, but Cody was persistent. He kept running his hands all over my body as he was kissing and nipping at my neck. I was not going to give into him and give him what he wanted this time. He was starting to kiss more aggressively, using his teeth as he was nipping and sucking at my neck. His hands were starting to move further up my thigh as he was running his thumb over my skin. It was getting harder and harder for me to resist him, as I bit my lip and closed my eyes tights. Not giving into him got Cody angry. He pulled back and grabbed my arm, lifting me up and taking me into the house. He made his way up to his room and when he got there he dropped me on the bed and hovered over me picking up where he left off.

“Do it!” Cody spat. “You know you want to.” His was tone cocky.

“NO!” I managed to get out.

“This is going to be fun then.” Cody smirked again at the skin of my neck, making his way to my collarbone.

I sucked in a deep breath as his teeth were making contact with my skin. Cody's arms slipped around my back and he slowly undid the top of my swimsuit before tossing it to the side. Cody pulled back and looked down at me with a grin before moving down and planting kisses everywhere. He slowly made his way down and started to tug my bottoms off. I wanted so badly to stop him, but was afraid of what he might do. Once he got them off, he began to kiss my lower stomach, and I sucked in another sharp breath. Smirking, Cody trailed kisses back up my body before making his way to my lips. He started to kiss hard as he started to go in for his fun. The only thing that I could do was relax and kiss him back as he had his way with me.