Eight | Don't Give Up

*This chapter contains triggers of rape.*


I was pacing back and forth in my hotel. Vi said she was going to call me and it had been two days. I was trying to think of something when I picked up my phone and called the only person I could think of, Nicole. She was always with Vi and would know where she was. Going through my contacts, I tapped Nicole's name. She picked up on the third ring.

“Hello?” She answered, lowly. I could tell something was wrong by the sound of her voice and it had me worried.

“Nicole, it's Mike. Have you heard from Vi lately?” I asked, worry and panic laced in my tone.

“No Mike. I have not. I do not know where she or Ana are.” I could hear her voice crack. This was not good. They always knew where the other was. Something had to have happened to both of them.

“I am going to call her, but PLEASE have her call me when you see her.” I pleaded.

“I will Mike.” She said somberly.

With that, we hung up. I looked at my phone again and tapped Vi's name, praying she would answer.


Another day had gone by and no sign of Vi or Ana. I was starting to get real worried, since we always hung out. I sighed as I leaned closer to Alex as he wrapped his arms around me tightly, trying to comfort me.

“Love. They will call you. Don't worry.” Alex tried soothing, as he kissed the top of my head.

“We have never gone this long without talking. We always know where each other is.” My voice cracked as a few tears started to fall. I was so worried about my friends. I just wish I knew where they were and that they were safe.

“They probably went somewhere and their phones died.” Alex said, trying his best to calm my thoughts.

“It is just killing me because of the fact of not knowing where they are. I am worried.” I began to cry, burying my face in Alex's chest.

“It will be alright.” Alex soothed, rubbing my back.

Then my phone went off and I jumped, thinking it was them only to see it was Mike. Sighing, I picked up the phone.

“Hello?” I answered, lowly. I tried to hide the worry in my voice but I knew he picked up on it.

He started to ask if I knew where Vi was and I had to tell him I did not. It hurt so bad to not know where she or Ana were. It felt like a piece of me was missing with them gone. He went on to tell me he had not heard from Vi either and that caused me to panic further. He said he was going to call her and asked me to have her call him if I saw her. I agreed and with that we hung up. I set my phone down and brought my hands to my face and began to cry as Alex held me closer to him.

“Mike has not heard from Vi either.” I managed to between sobs.

“This is serious. We have to do something.” Alex said.

“What?” I asked, looking up at him through teary eyes.

“I don't know, but we have to think of something.” Alex stated, and we talked about what to do.


Sitting up on the bed, I watched as Violet slept peacefully. She looked so beautiful with her long brown hair flowing down her back. I moved my hand and slid some of the hair off her back and leaned down and kissed her shoulder. She began to stir and a grin appeared on my face. She groaned in protest at being woken up, but I did not care. I ran my hands down her sides and rolled her on her back and hovered over her, as she looked at me through half open eyes. I was about to lean in for a kiss when her phone went off. She went to sit up on the bed and I pushed her back down.


I was woken up by the feeling of someone on my back. I groaned in protest, not wanting to deal with Ted. All I wanted to do was sleep and not be around him. He did not let up and moved his hands down my sides and rolled me on my back. I looked up at him through half open eyes as he started to lean down. He stopped by the sound of my phone going off.

“MIKE!” I screamed, trying to sit up, only to be pushed back down by Ted.

“Don't. Move!” Ted hissed, pinning my arms to the bed.

“Get off!” I screamed, kicking my legs and shifting my body wildly under him. I needed to get to my phone. I had to tell Mike where I was and who I was with so he could help me.

“I said stop!” Ted growled, letting go of one arm, only to make contact with my face.

“MIKE!” I cried as the music began to fade. Once it was off, Ted leaned down and whispered in my ear.

“Your mine!” His voice was so cold, I cringed, biting my lip and closing my eyes. I let out a soft whine and shook my head.

“Am I clear!” Ted said through clenched teeth, adding more pressure to my arms.

“YES!” I cried out, hoping that would make him stop. I did not like the person he was making me out to be. I was never this weak or submissive, but he knew just how to hurt me, to make me comply.

“Good. Now get up!” Ted ordered, grabbing my arms and pulling me out of bed. Once my feet touched the floor, I dropped to my knees. Ted looked down at me and seethed with anger.

“Get. Up!” Ted demanded.

I shook my head and looked down at the floor. Ted then grabbed my hair and pulled me to my feet as I cried in pain.

“You are going to get up, get dressed, and come downstairs with me. Understood!?” Ted's voice, angry and harsh.

“Yes!” I cried again, trying to get him to let go of my hair.

Ted let go of my hair and pushed me toward the dresser where he kept clothes for me. When I opened it, all I saw was revealing clothes and was disgusted. As I was looking through, Ted came up and rested his chin on my shoulder and held my hips. Everything I picked up Ted said no to, until I got to a cami and short booty shorts.

Ted grinned and nodded in approval. I sighed and took my clothes and headed to the bathroom, only to be stopped by Ted. I looked at him as he was shaking his head.

Sighing, I began to take off the swimsuit and change in front of him as he took in every inch of me. After putting on the clothes, I pulled my hair back in a messy bun.

A smirk formed on Ted's face seeing all the exposed skin he could touch. It was hot and at that point I did not care. I guess I am going to have to get used to it. Grabbing my arm, Ted then led me downstairs to the family room where we saw Ana and Cody on the couch watching TV. I tried to walk faster, going for Ana, but Ted grabbed my arm and pulled me on the couch next to him.

“Don't think so.” Ted harshly whispered in my ear.

“I wanna see her!” I whimpered. I really wanted to make sure Ana was alright after what happened yesterday.

Ted looked at Cody and slightly nodded before they both let us go. Ana and I immediately clung to each other in a tight hug. We were hugging each other so tightly, it was hard to breathe.

“I am so sorry.” I whispered in her ear.

“Don't worry.” Ana said as strongly as she could.

“I am! I can not take it anymore!” I said, tears starting to fall down my cheeks. I was slowly starting to give up and just give in. Ana sensed this and hugged me tighter.

“Do not give up!” Ana encouraged me.

“I might!” I mumbled. I couldn't take the abuse anymore and thought that if I gave into him, it would hopefully stop.

“Don't!” Ana said more sternly. Seemed like she was the strong one and not me. I felt a hand go across my bare lower back and moved closer to Ana.

“I can't!” I cried.

“You have to!” Ana said, trying to give me the strength.

“Mike called!” I said as low as I could so she could only hear.

“What?!” Ana seemed shocked.

“Yea.” I sighed, disappointment crossing me.

“Did you talk to him?” Ana asked, rushing her words, seeing the look Ted was giving us.

Biting my lip, I shook my head. “Not allowed.” I mumbled, disgusted.

I pulled back and Ana got a good look at me. When she saw my face, a scowl came across hers.

“You bastard!” Ana snapped, and leaned over and slapped Ted across the face. Ted went to go at her, but Cody pulled her back.

“You better watch her Cody!” Ted hissed, pulling me back to him.

“You better not touch her again!” Ana snapped. Who was this girl and where was Ana? I really liked this side of Ana.

“You mean like this?!” Ted said, his eyes going cold as he slapped me across the face harder this time. I raised my hand to my cheek only to have it pulled down again.

“Stop it!” Ana yelled, trying to get free as Cody had his arms wrapped around her. Ted looked Ana in the eyes as he gave me another hard slap to the face, causing me to cry in pain and fear.

“VI!” Ana screamed, tears falling down her face.

Then I said the words I swore I would never say. “I GIVE UP!” I screamed, still holding my now stinging face.

“VI NO!” Ana pleaded with me, begging me to take the words back.

“I-I c-can't d-do i-it a-anym-more.” I whimpered through my tears.

“One down and one to go.” Ted grinned, his voice convinced he had won as he looked at Ana.

“I am never going to say it and Vi did not mean it!” Ana spat.

“Oh I think she did.” Cody sneered.

“No she didn't!” Ana yelled. “VI!” Ana raised her voice.

As I was about to speak, Ted grabbed my arm and pulled me to him, gripping my arm tight.

“Yes I did!” I winced at the pain in my arm.

“See?” Ted said, his voice cocky.

“You selfish bastard!” Ana seethed, trying to lunge at Ted, only to be held back by Cody.

“Calm her down, won't you Cody?!” Ted brushed her off, turning his attention to me.


Cody and I were sitting on the couch watching TV. I guess he was pleased with himself after last night since he just held me in his arms. As we were sitting there, I saw Vi and Ted walk into the room. I saw Vi trying to walk faster, coming to me, but Ted grabbed her arm and pulled her onto the couch next to him. Ted whispered in Vi's ear, causing her to stop. She started to argue with him and I was aware of what he might do to her. Ted and Cody gave each other a look, then nodded. Ted let Vi go and she ran to me and we embraced each other so tightly it was hard to breathe. I could tell she was losing her will to fight. When she told me Mike called, I was hopeful only for her to say she couldn't answer. This was not the Vi I knew. She was never like that. He must have done something to her. That's when I got a good look at her face. When I saw the bruises and puffiness, I lost it.

“You bastard!” I snapped, and leaned over and slapped Ted across the face. I was held back by Cody, preventing me from getting to that son of a bitch. I wanted to kill him so badly right now. Ted and Cody started to argue and I looked at Vi, who was trembling. I yelled at Ted to not touch her and that is when he started to slap her across the face, trying to prove a point. I tried to get him to stop and go to her but Cody held me back. He kept hitting her as she tried to cover her face. Then she said it. The words I never thought she would say.

“I GIVE UP!” She screamed, trying to hide her face. I was in shock. I never thought she would say those words. I couldn't believe it. I tried getting her to take the words back and admit she didn't mean, but Ted sat there with a smug look on his face as he gloated to Cody. I knew this was not hers and it was all his doing. He was not going to have this hold on her for much longer. We were going to get out of here.

I looked over at Vi who was still crying and shaking in Ted's arms as he began to press kisses on her skin. I was shifting in Cody's arms, trying to break his hold on me. He tightened his hold on me and pulled me back to him.

“You WILL pay for that later.” Cody whispered harshly in my ear. I bit my quivering lip and closed my eyes tight. Fear took over me at the thought of what he had planned.

“Ana!” I heard Vi whimper. I looked over to see her pleading eyes as Ted was moving his hands all over her body as he was kissing her neck. She tried to reach out for me when Cody smacked her hand. Her lip quivered and she bit it, closing her eyes tight. They will not win! We are going to get out of here! How? I do not know yet, but we are going to get out of here!

We all sat there and watched TV for a bit, well tried to, since the guys were all being possessive and persistent. Soon enough, Cody had shifted and stood up and reached down for me. I moved, trying to avoid him, only to have him quickly reach down and clench down on my arm.

“Ah!” I cried as Cody pulled me up.

“Do not make it worse than it is.” Cody seethed through clenched teeth.

I took one last look down at Vi and did not want to leave. I did not have a choice, since I was being dragged up the stairs by Cody. Getting to his room, he pushed me in and locked the door, a chill running down my body. I was walking backwards as Cody turned and slowly started walking toward me. Once my back hit the wall, I froze in fear as Cody reached me. He put his hands on either side of me and pressed his body against me.

“Feisty.” His voice was turned on by my actions.

“I-” I started to say until he moved back and made contact with my face. I turned my head and raised my hand to my face as the tears started to fall. Cody raised his hand again and hit me hard again.

“That will NOT happen again!” Cody barked, his teeth clenched as the anger boiled through him. I whimpered in pain and kept my head down until Cody grabbed my chin, forcing my head up.

“Understood?!” Cody hissed.

“Understood!” I cried out in fear.

Cody let go of my face and grabbed my arm again and threw me on the bed. He did not waste any time this time, as he got right to what he wanted.


After Ted was done teaching me a lesson, he began to press kisses on my skin as he let his hands wander. I looked over at Ana, who was struggling to get away from Cody. Cody leaned down and said something to her and I saw her bite her quivering lip and close her eyes tight.

“Ana!” I whimpered, reaching for her with pleading eyes, only to have Cody smack my hand down.

My lip quivered and I bit it, closing my eyes tight. Cody then stood up and reached for Ana, as she moved to avoid him. I saw his eyes light up with anger as he reached down and grabbed her, making her cry in pain. He said something to her again and then began dragging her upstairs.

I lay there shaking in Ted's arms as he was moving them all over my body, kissing wherever he could reach. He started to focus on my neck, going for my sensitive spot. Closing my eyes tighter and biting my lip, I was not going to give him that satisfaction. He started to slide his hands down under the waist of my shorts, pressing his fingers on my skin. I tensed up and could not take it anymore and a moan escaped me. I felt Ted smirk against my skin and he continued moving his hands under my shorts on my skin. Ted then started to suck on my neck hard, picking up intensity. After getting another moan from me, Ted then shifted and picked me up so I had to wrap my legs around his waist. He started to take me up the stairs and I knew where he was going. I dropped my legs and tried to get out of his hold but he pulled me back to him.

“Not this time!” Ted growled in my ear, breathing heavily. Once we got to his room, he opened the door and pushed me in. He wasted time in taking me to bed and pushing me down. He leaned down on the bed, hovering over my quivering body. He lifted my shirt over my head and pulled off my shorts. Soon his were off and he had his way with me, yet again.