Eleven | Plan of Action


It has been a few days since I gave into Ted. Since then, it seems that he has more trust in me. He has things to do and actually lets me stay alone, no Cody...nothing. I was lying there for a few moments after he left, making sure he was really gone. Once I felt he was not coming back, I quietly made my way over to his dresser. Opening a drawer, I looked through it, hoping to find what I was looking for. Finally, after looking in the 3rd drawer, I tried and I found it. Making my way to bed, I laid down, covering myself with blankets. Hitting the power button, I turned on my phone. I was relieved to see that I had enough battery to send one text. I went through my phone, clicking on the name I was looking for. I started to tell them where Ana and I were until I heard a knock on the door. All I got in the message was 'West Palm' before I sent it. Taking my head out from under the covers, I looked up to see Ana standing in the doorway.

“A?” I whispered, peeking from under the covers and hiding my phone.

“It's me.” She whispered as she made her way over to the bed. She then laid down next to me and we took cover under the blankets, talking in hushed tones.

“I do not think we will be here much longer.” I whispered.

“What do you mean?” Ana asked, shocked.

“Well, Ted did not hide this too well...” I showed her my phone with a smirk on my face. “...and I told someone that we know very well where we are...well part of it.”

“Only part?”

“Well, I heard a knock on the door and panicked.”

“So, send the rest.”

I nodded as I went back, sending a bit of a more detailed message. Giving as much information as I could, I sent the message.

“Now to wait.” I sighed. I really hope my messages got through. This was our only hope of getting out of here. Ana and I just enjoyed the time that we actually got to spend with each other, since it was the first time in weeks we got this chance.


I was at a local cafe with Nicole and Alex. We were trying to think of any place that Vi and Ana could be. As I was sipping my coffee, my phone went off. Picking it up, I was surprised to see a message from Vi.

“Guys! It's Vi!” My voice relieved as I rushed my words. I opened my phone and read her messages. She was so close, yet so far away. I couldn't believe it.

“What did she say?!” Nicole asked in an anxious tone.

“She said they are somewhere in West Palm Beach, a big mansion-type house...” I scrolled to the next message.

“And?!” Nicole was getting more anxious.

“Hold on.” I said. “...she really doesn't know more, but she said you, Nicole, might know the guy...he has been following her...” I trailed off since I had no clue.

“Oh no!” Nicole sighed, fear coming over her. From the look in her eyes, I knew this was not good. Who was this person who had Vi and what was he doing to her?

“We will get them back!” Alex soothed, pulling her closer as he kissed her head.

“Well...if he has had them the whole time, we need to go now!” Nicole stated as she stood heading for the door.

“We don't know where he lives there.” I said, confused.

“I got a plan.” Nicole grinned.

“Lets go then.” Alex said as we made our way to the car.

We all got in as we started the journey to get Vi and Ana back. Once we get them back...I plan on telling Vi how I feel about her. I cannot keep these feelings I have for her hidden any longer. She is the one for me and I plan on telling her that. I just hope this guy hasn't broken her to the point where she won't even trust me anymore.


After about 2 hours of driving, we finally made it to West Palm Beach. All the houses there looked like mansions. Since Alex was driving, I sent Vi another text.

Mike: “What is the address?”

Vi: “I don't know.

Mike: “We WILL find you both.”

Vi: “HURRY!!!!”

We drove around a bit more until we saw a car Nicole recognized.

“I think that is his car!” Nicole pointed out. Alex carefully drove up as we waited for the person to get out.

“That's him!” Nicole said. We watched as he walked into the house, looking around behind him.

“Well, since it is late, I think we should go to a hotel and check in the morning.” Alex suggested.

“No, now!” I demanded. Now that we knew where they were, we HAD to get them back and NOW.

“Mike...Alex is right, it's late and there is not much we can do..” Nicole added. “..at least we know where they are now.”

“I guess you are both right.” I sighed, leaning my head against the seat. Alex then drove in the direction of the closest hotel. The further we got from the house, the more tense I became. We were so close to having them back and he had to give up for the night. We got to the hotel, we went to our rooms, then headed for them for the night. As I laid down on the bed and looked at the ceiling, all I could see were Vi's blue eyes looking back at me.


I had just gotten home from another long day at the training facility. This was really getting in the way of my work but I could keep an eye on what I had going on there as well, since it had been a while since I was there. I looked behind me as I got out of the car, having a feeling I was being followed. Seeing no one, I made my way to the house. As I walked in, making my way to the kitchen, I saw Cody sitting at the counter.

“Hey man.” I said as I put my keys on the counter, getting water from the fridge.

“Hey.” Cody replied.

“The girls?”

“In bed...been there all day.”

“Any problems?”

“Nope...they have been good...so far.”

“Alright, well I am heading to bed...long day.”

Cody nodded as I made my way up the stairs to my room. Opening the door, I saw Violet and Ana sleeping peacefully.

“You are not getting them both.” I heard Cody hiss behind me.

“They are both sleeping, plus we have a long day tomorrow.” I walked into my room, stopping Cody.

“I am taking Ana.”

“They are sleeping, let them sleep.”

“You touch her...”

“And what?”

“Nothing.” Cody mumbled, hanging his head.

“That's what I thought.” I grinned. He knew better than to test me, especially after the day I have had. “Now goodnight.” I closed the door before he could say anymore.

I walked over to the bed, taking my shirt off as I went. Tossing it into the hamper, I began to take off my jeans. Setting those in the hamper as well, I walked to the bed pulling the covers back. I climbed into bed, pulling Violet close to me. It was so good to have her in my arms after such a long and rough day. Looking her over, I took in every inch of her. Smiling, I leaned down and kissed her cheek. Resting in my spot, I laid there running my fingers through her hair until I drifted off to sleep.