Twelve | My Saving Grace


I woke up early the next morning eager to go get Vi back from that douche. All I could do was pace around my room as I waited for Nicole and Alex to come over. Checking my phone every 30 seconds, I was getting more impatient the longer I waited. Finally, after waiting for 20 minutes, Nicole and Alex came over. I walked over to the door after grabbing what I needed. I could not wait to have Vi back in my arms again. I missed her smile, eyes, voice, soft and smooth skin, and her intoxicating scent.

“About time.” I mumbled, annoyed.

“Someone is in a mood.” Nicole scoffed.

“I have been waiting for over an hour.” I gritted, annoyed at the situation and not her. I felt bad for projecting my frustrations on her but I could not help it.

“Relax. It is still early, we have time.”

“Lets just go.” I pushed the elevator button repeatedly. “Come on!” I moved from foot to foot anxiously as the elevator seemed to take forever.

“What is your deal?” Alex asked, looking at me and lifting his brow.

“Nothing.” I mumbled. What was wrong with me? Vi was gone and in the hands of some creep and I was not there to protect her from it. This was the first time I was not there for her. I was ALWAYS there when she needed me.

“I think something is up. You have been acting differently these past few weeks.” Nicole adds, a hint of indication in her tone. We stepped into the elevator. Sighing, I turned to face them.

“I am in love with Vi.” I admitted. Finally, after all these years of keeping those feelings inside, they were finally out in the open and I could not have been more relieved. They looked at me, then smiled.

“I knew it.” Nicole grinned.


“The way you look at her, the way you act when another guy is talking to her. Plus, I have noticed how worried and determined you have been to get her back.” Nicole said.

“That obvious?” I blushed. I was trying my best to hide it but I guess I didn't try hard enough.

“Yeah.” Alex chuckled.

The elevator finally reached the lobby and we headed out to the car. Once in the car, we made our way toward the house where Vi and Ana were.

“Soon you will be with the one who truly loves you.” I said to myself as we headed toward the house where my Vi was being kept. I would do anything to get her away from this man and have her be safe, no matter what it took. We pulled up into the street, parking a distance away as we waited for any movement. The waiting was making me bounce with anticipation and my nerves were all over the place. Finally, after hours of waiting, we saw movement and I was shocked when I saw her.


Early the next morning, I was awoken by someone gently shaking my shoulder. Groaning, I rolled over on my stomach as I buried my face in the pillow. Feeling around, I noticed Ana was not where she was last night.

“Ana!?” I lifted my head in a slight panic. I was breathing heavily as I looked all around for her.

“Shhh...” Ted whispered. “...she is getting ready.” I looked over at him and saw his signature smirk on his face. God I hate this man.

“F-for what?”

“We are all heading to the training arena.”

A slight smirk played on my lips. “Do we have to?” I pouted, trying to convince Ted to let her and I stay behind.

“ get ready.” Ted demanded in a slightly harsh tone.

Biting my lip, I sat up on the bed as I stretched. Moving to the edge of the bed, I swung my legs off as my feet hit the floor. Ted walked into his closet to get ready, so I took the chance to grab what I wanted to wear, hurrying into the bathroom as I locked the door. After getting dressed, I made my way out into the room to grab some shoes. As I sat on the bed putting my shoes on, Ted looked over at me with a disapproving look on his face.

“What?” I asked, knowing what was wrong. I don't care what he thinks about my clothes. After today, I will no longer have to deal with him and his annoying ass self.

“That is not what I had picked out for you.” Ted shook his head.

“I did not want to wear that.” I shrugged, not really caring anymore. Today was finally the day I would be free from him and nothing else mattered.

“I do not care!” Ted spat, walking over to me. I flinched at the tone of his voice. He was pissed and that was the last thing I wanted right now.

“Ted...please!” I pleaded, moving away from the bed as I headed for the door. I had my hand on the handle when his hand went over mine and he leaned down to my ear.

“You disobeyed know what happens when you do.” Ted grabbed my arm, spinning me so I was facing him.

“I-I...” I stuttered, but it was too late. Ted raised his hand, hitting me across the face. Falling to the floor, I grabbed my face as tears fell down my cheeks. I could not wait for him to get what was coming to him. I just hope Mike's not too late.

“Are you going to disobey me again?” Ted said through clenched teeth as he knelt down to my level.

“” I shook my head, not wanting him to hit me again. My face was stinging again after the swelling had already gone down.

“Good.” Ted grinned as he grabbed my arm, pulling me to my feet. We made our way out of his room, heading down the stairs. When we got there, I saw Ana there in almost the same outfit as me. Noticing my red, puffy eyes, Ana came over to me.

“ alright.” She hugs me.

“I'm...” I started only to be cut off by Ted.

“She is fine.” Ted spoke for me.

“I want HER to tell me that.” Ana hissed with a glare.

“Don't start...” Ted said, irritation in his tone.

“Then...” Ana is cut off by Cody.

“Ana...please?” I begged for her to stop. I just wanted all this to stop.

“Ugh..fine!” She rolled her eyes.

“I am fine. Can we just get this over with?” I said, getting annoyed myself. Ana hugs me tighter, sensing my anger building. Finally, the guys were ready, then we headed out to Ted's car. Ana and I get in the back as Ted and Cody get in the front.

As Ted starts to drive, Ana notices a car following behind us.

“Vi...” Ana whispers as she nudges me. “ that?” She nonchalantly nudges her head toward the back of the car.

“Shhh...” I whispered as I nodded after looking.

“Hey!” Ted calls. “No secrets!”

We fall quiet as we drive in silence the rest of the way. After arriving, we get out as the guys walk over to us wrapping their arms around our waists. We head inside and Ted heads over to the people he will be working with, as Ana, and I sit off to the side with Cody. Shortly after we were seated, we saw Alex, Nicole, and Mike walk in. I notice as a sense of relief floods over me.

“I need to use the restroom.” I say as I stand only for Cody to stop me.

“Not alone you are not.” Cody stands as well. He motions his head and some other guy comes to stand over by Ana.

“Where the hell do you think I can go?!” I spat, wanting so badly to punch his lights out.

“Many places.” Cody steps closer to me. “You are sneaky like that.”

“Whatever.” I rolled my eyes as I walked away with Cody closely behind me. Since Ted was out there, Cody assumed Ana would be watched by the guy he motioned over.


As Ted was busy with his 'talents', Ana heard her name. Looking around, I only saw a few men standing close by. Cody must have someone watching me while he is with Vi.

“Ana!” I heard again, but in a hushed whisper so I could hear. I looked around again and saw Nicole standing behind some boxes by the wall.

“Nicole!?” I looked over relieved. I looked around and saw no one was looking, so I took the chance and ran over to her.

“Yes... let's go.”

“Vi...” I said, looking in the direction Vi and Cody had gone. I couldn't leave her alone and once they saw I was gone, it would be worse for her.

“Mike will get her... let's go.”

“But...” I bit my lip.

“No buts...lets go.” Alex rushed.

They made sure no one was looking as they carefully snuck me out of the building and to the car. Once inside the car, I broke down in tears as Nicole hugged me, trying to comfort me.

“What happened?” Nicole asked after a moment.

“It was horrible. They were rough with us, made us....” I sniffed, biting my lip as my tears came fast. “...they made us sleep with them, almost all the time. Made us dress all slutty...” I began to shake. It was even worse remembering it then when I was experiencing it. I couldn't help the sobs that left my mouth as I shook in Nicole's arms.

“Well you are safe now, they cannot do that to you anymore.” Alex soothed, rubbing my back.

“What about Vi?!” I panicked. “When they see I am gone, they are going to take it out on her!”

“Mike is getting her, don't worry.”

“He better hurry.”


As I walked around the decent-sized training area, I saw no sign of Vi. I looked over to one of the rings that were set up, seeing the man that Nicole said was Ted. Anger ran through me as I clenched and unclenched my fits. He began to walk over toward me, as I gained my composure.

“May I help you?” He said a bit cocky. Yup. This guy was a douche and so full of himself. If only he knew who he was dealing with.

“Actually, I am just checking out local training centers to see the best fit for me.” I explained, clearly lying. I already belonged to a gym and it was a good one too. Thanks to my new job, I was even more jacked then I used to be. I just hope Vi doesn't hate me for it. She thinks I am working in a big cooperation, but that is just a facade for something bigger.

“Well, we are full. Good day.” His tone still cocky as he walked away. I can't wait to take this guy down and hard.

“Douche.” I mumbled to myself. Turning on my heel, I headed back through the training room. As I turned around, I saw Vi walking from the back, with who I assumed was the guy who had Ana. Cody looked over at me as if he recognized who I was. He grabbed Vi's arm, pulling her back in the direction they came from. I knew she saw me as her eyes went wide in shock. My blood boiled at the way he was handling her and the fear in her eyes.


I was getting annoyed with the people I was working with, so I told them to take a break. I hated coming here and I could not wait until I could tell my dad to shove it. I needed this one last business deal to go through, then I could cut ties with all this. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw no sign of the girls or Cody.

“Where the hell are they?!” I mumbled angrily to myself.

I turned as I began to make my way to the back. As I was walking, I noticed the guy from the club that Violet was with. How the fuck did he know about this place? He looked familiar but I could not place it. I watched as he looked all around as if he was looking for someone. I had to play this carefully for him not to get any idea Violet was here.

“May I help you?” I said a bit cocky as I approached him. He looked jacked but not as big as some of the men I had working for me. We could easily take him.

“Actually, I am just checking out local training centers to see the best fit for me.” He explained. There it was. I knew he was lying. He was so full of himself that he clearly didn't think this through. I knew he didn't need to come here, not from the way he already looked.

“Well, we are full. Good day.” My tone was still cocky as I walked away. I was done dealing with him. Once he was out of the way, I would get Violet all to myself and not have to worry about anything. I turned to head to the back and, as I was almost to the back, as Cody and Violet were coming out. I shook my head as Cody looked over, noticing the guy from the club. He quickly took Violet by the arm, pulling her back in the direction they came from. I followed slowly, not wanting attention being brought to us. I needed to get her out of here before he noticed she was here.