Thirteen | My Saving Grace | Pt 2


Cody and I were walking back from the restroom when he suddenly grabbed me by the arms, pulling back from where we came from. I quickly glanced up to see Mike in the room. My eyes went wide in shock. He was here. He came to get me. Suddenly, Cody made his way to a room, pushing me in once we got there.

“What the hell!?” I spat. “I did nothing wrong!” I crossed my arms as I tapped my foot on the ground. Thankfully, he didn't notice that I had seen Mike.

The door opened shortly after to reveal a not-so pleased-looking Ted. I began to back up until my back was against the wall. Ted walked over, putting his hands on the wall and pinning me there. The look in his eyes had me trembling with pure fear.

“What the hell is he doing here?!” Ted spat through clenched teeth.

“I-I d-don't k-know.” I bit my lip, looking down. I actually did know, but I was not going to let him know that part.

“I think you do.” Ted raised a brow, his voice unconvinced. He was about to raise his hand, causing me to flinch when Cody spoke up.

“Ted....where is Ana?” Cody asked, after noticing Ana was not in the room. I sighed internally at the fact that they had gotten Ana out already. I was relieved she was safe. I would endure anything to keep her safe.

“What do you mean? I thought she was with you?” Ted turned his head, looking at Cody.

“No...Violet needed the restroom, so I left her with...” Cody's jaw tensed as he released she was with some other guy he called over. Ted slowly turned his head toward me. I bit my lip as I closed my eyes tight, knowing what was coming.

“He got her...didn't he?!” Ted demanded an answer.

“Like I will tell you.” I spat fiercely.

Next thing I knew, I was on the floor and my face was stinging. Holding my face, I let the tears fall.

“I am glad she got away.” I muttered.

“What?!” Ted spat, walking toward me. Ted was almost to me before Cody stopped him.

“Ted...not here.” Cody whispered to him.

They stood there for a minute whispering something before Cody left the room. Ted took me by the arms as he led me over to a chair that was in the room. Sitting down, Ted pulled me down into his lap. Wrapping his arms around my waist tightly, he began to roughly nip at my neck. I closed my eyes tight as I bit my lip, praying someone would come get me. After what seemed like forever, the door opened.

“Get her?” Ted mumbled against my neck, not looking up. A smirk appeared on my lips. I don't know how he did it, but he did. Finally.

“Well...” Ted said, looking up. As he looked up he was met with a fist to the face. As he fell to the floor, I got up and ran toward the door. I was so relieved that Mike had finally found me. I turned back to see Mike beating Ted. I knew Mike was strong but damn, he was really beating him. As sexy as it was to watch, I knew I had to stop him and get the hell out of here.

“Mike!” I called. “Lets just go!” Mike was not stopping, so I walked over, grabbing his arm to pull him away. I had to use both arms to wrap around his one. When the hell did he get so much muscle? “Mike! Before Cody gets back.” I made him look at me.

Mike wrapped his arms around my shoulders as I wrapped mine around his waist. I took in the sense of security I had being in his arms. I buried my face in his shirt and inhaled his heavenly scent. Taking one last look back at Ted, Mike pulled from the hug, taking my hand.

“Oh...don't worry about...Cody.” Mike smirked.

“What did...” I started to ask, until I saw Cody lying in the hall. Good. That asshole got what he deserved as well. I just wish I could have done it.

“That was for Ana.” Mike's smirk got bigger. “That back there was for you...even though I was not done.”

“Getting me away from him is good enough for me.”

“He is not getting to you again.”

“Lets hope.” I sighed as I leaned into his side as he kept his arms around me, holding me close. We slowly made our way through the training center, being sure not to draw attention to ourselves. We walked out of the building and a sense of freedom and happiness came over me. I was finally free and safe from that douche.

“Finally!” I sighed to myself as we made our way to the car. Almost immediately, Ana and Nicole ran over to me, engulfing me in a hug. I was so happy and relieved that Ana and I were safe. I couldn't contain the sobs that left my lips, so we embraced each other.

“I am so glad he got you out of there!” Ana cried on my shoulder.

“Me too.” I cried along with them.

“What happened?!” Nicole said after seeing my face.


“I told you!” Ana breaks down.

“Well you are both safe now and nothing is going to happen again.” Alex walks over, hugging us all.

“Not as long as I can help it.” Mike says, still angry.

“What he said.” Alex agreed.

“Can we just get out of here?” I was heading to the car. I can't wait to get the hell out of here and back to my life. This was going to take some time to get over and recover from, but I knew I could do it with the friends that I have by my side.

They all followed me to the car as we got in. Alex drives with Nicole in the front with him as Ana, Mike, and I sit in the back, me in between them. I leaned back against the seat, only to have Mike gently pull me onto him. I got startled, and soon relaxed into his touch. Mike puts his arms around me, trying to comfort me the best he can.

Nicole notices, then nudes Alex with her arm as he looks in the mirror, both of them smiling.

After a long drive back to Tampa, we got back to Nicole's place, since it was bigger than mine and Ana's that we shared. Once we got there, we all walked in as we headed into her living room. We sat down as we told them everything that had happened over the past few weeks. Hearing that made Mike and Alex even more angry.

“Mike relax.” I said, noticing how tense Mike was getting. I needed him to relax for me. He was starting to make me nervous now.

“ too. They are here and safe now.” Nicole says to Alex. Alex was always like a brother to me. We all grew up together back in Ohio.

“It is going to stay that way too.” Alex says, still angry.

“Vi...can we go talk?” Mike asked me, his voice a bit shaky as he turned to me.

“Of course.” I smiled, standing up. I was filled with anticipation about what Mike had to say. I really hope he does not want to stop being my friend after what happened. The thought tugged at my chest and brought a tear to my eye. Mike and I walked to one of the spare rooms Nicole has. I heard their faint voices as we headed up the stairs toward the extra room. Mike and I went into the spare room, as we walked over to the bed and sat down. Mike took my hands in his as he looked into my eyes.

“Vi...” Mike started, looking down. This was it. The end of our friendship.

“What is it, Mike?” I asked, trying to force down the lump in my throat.

“...I can not hide it anymore...” He took a deep breath before looking back into my eyes. Here it comes. My worst fear. “...Vi...I have been in love with you for a few months, but I did not know how to say it. Having you gone and not knowing where you were was killing me inside and I vowed to do anything I could to get you back so I could tell you.” Wait. What? Did I hear him right? Did he not want to end us? He loves me? I must have heard him wrong. Hoping I heard him correctly, I let all my feelings out as well.

“Oh Mike...” I gasped. “...all you had to do was tell me.” I gushed. “To be honest..I have felt more for you over the past year than I ever have.”

“I know you just got back, but...” He trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Tell me Mike.”

“...will you be my girlfriend?”

“Of course!” I smiled. I was so happy he actually asked me. I know I just went through a whole ordeal but I was over the moon that he finally admitted to what I have been feeling for the past year. I knew with Mike by my side, I would get through this experience and I would not be alone. Mike reached up as he cupped my face. He leaned in to give me a soft kiss.

“I promise that I will always treat you right and never hurt you.” He said as he ran his thumbs over my cheeks.

“I know you will, Mike.” I smiled. I was truly happy that he was mine and I was his. This is all I ever wanted and now I finally got it.

Mike gave me another soft kiss as he wrapped his arms around me, holding me close, never wanting to let go. After pulling away, I laid my head on his chest as he rubbed my back. I tried to stifle a yawn, but Mike saw it.

“I think you need some sleep.” He chastised me.

“I don't wanna.” I whined, burying my face in his chest. I didn't want this moment to end. I just got him back and if I went to sleep, I was afraid I would wake up and it would all be a dream.

“You have had a long day, plus I am not going anywhere.” He assured me.

“Promise?” I looked up at him through my lashes.

“Promise.” Mike kissed my head.

We then moved up to the top of the bed, pulling the covers down. We went to bed, then Mike pulled me onto his chest. He wrapped his arms securely around me, making me feel the safest I had in weeks. He ran his fingers up and down my back trying to soothe me. I slowly started to drift off in the arms of the one that truly loved me. It felt so good to be back home, not having to worry every second of the day. Mike was truly my saving grace.