Chapter 7 - First to find His Mate

Rye’s POV

I followed the alpha into the living room with everyone there; Al and Anna both sat on the couch with Patricia and Gamma Rean on either side of them, the sight of Al caring for Anna brought back memories of Alekai, dad’s beta’s son, always there to care for me even though I was always a pain to him. The sight of them brought a smile to my face, “Vira…” For a companion, she’s hardly spoken to me these past few days, “What should I do? I’m so tired… I almost lost him… We can’t stay, if dad finds us…” She hesitantly responded, “Whatever you choose I will accept…” This frustrated me, “Choose for me!” I hadn’t noticed a tear escaped till a hand wiped it off, blinking twice I now realised Patricia kneeling in front of me with tears in her eyes I couldn’t hold back the shock, “What are you doing?” She reached out wanting to touch my cheek but I caught her hand as she spoke, “I want to care for you, please let me.” I couldn’t stop the chuckle that escaped my lips, “Really, answer me this. Would you be willing to love a monster?” The question caught her off guard but she still answered, “If it’s love it wants, then it’s love I’ll give.”

Her answer really got to me but I can’t get attached, I looked into her eyes and I could feel her sincerity. Watching from the couch Al called out to me, “Towi, I’m sowi… fow keeping this fwom you.” I slowly approached him as he pulled up his sleeve referring to the bandages; I sat beside him and took in his scent, “How do you feel?” Al, “It huwts, I twied to heal it but the pain got weally bad.” Rye, “I told you, I will heal all your wounds. Your not allowed to use it until I tell you to.” I instructed him to remove his shirt and as he did I didn’t miss the winces he gave then for the first time Anna spoke, “Why isn’t… he healing?” When I looked to her she froze, stuttering, “… I mean his an alpha right, …” I smiled at the thought that they could be mates and answered, “Healing takes energy and time, you and your energy are one, some happens instantly while others take time.” I gently took off all his bandages and the sight of his bruises angered both Vira and I, “Are you going to tell me what happened?” Al, “No. It’s my pwoblem I want to handle it. Please Viwa, keep hew away.” This is the first time he’s tried to be reliable, it angered me and it didn’t help that Vira’s siding with him, “You heard him but that doesn’t mean we won’t hurt whoever touched him. His wolf is waking up Rydian let him be.”

I was too happy to care about his bruises because like Vira said I’m going to end that person. I gently placed my palms on his arms and immediately felt the gentle vibration on my palms and the slight green glow that emitted. Healing takes a considerable amount of time but it only depends on the extent of the injury, I like that my healing always leaves someone in awe but being as young as I am my energy depletes by the second and thankfully these were just bruises. I heard Anna’s excited giggles, after I’d finished I started taking slow deep breaths, this is why I always saved my energy for Al if he ever got injured thankfully Doctor Georgina had the same abilities as me and so most of the time she’d do most of the healing. Putting on the best smile I could muster I took his hands in mine and said through our mind link, “Okay, I will let this go but if this happens again Alvira won’t take your side. It’s my job to protect you because I love you.”

It seems my words frustrated him but he spoke with more excitement than frustration, “I know but you don’t have to anymowe. My wolf is waking up Towi! So you don’t have to wowy anymowe… but Towi what’s his name? Mommy and daddy named mine too, right?” The uncertainty on his face saddened me, “Yes and I’ll tell you once he’s fully awaken.” In actuality our parents never got the chance to name his wolf and during our time in the wild I anticipated this so I chose a name for him. He started bouncing on the couch out of excitement hugging me tightly with his now fully healed body, “Yay! I’m going to keep twying to wake him up. Come on Anna.” He puts his shirt on, grabs onto Anna and hurries off but then I cut him off, “Wait Al! Where are you going?” Al, “To play…” He really senses no danger with them despite his bruised body, I was about to speak but Patricia speaks, “Don’t worry Rye I’ll watch them besides I’m sure you’d like to get settled in.” Her choice of words reminded me of the meeting I’ll have with the alpha and so I smile at Al saying, “Dimenticando qualcosa?” (Forgetting something?) With a big smile on his face he runs back and kisses my cheek before leading Anna out the door.

Now seated in the alpha’s office I’m waiting for them to start but their taking their time obviously unsure of how to talk to me and so there I am seated on a chair, the alpha behind his desk with the Luna beside him, both Gamma’s at one end of the room and the Beta standing by the window and finally Harvey on the chair opposite to me. I decided to break the silence, “So what would you like to know?” If my openness left them stunned they were hiding it well, alpha, “Will you answer all our questions? Let us know if it’s too much for you.” Rye, ”I’ll answer what I can and don’t treat me like a child I can handle anything.” I made sure to put on a determined face, alpha, “Okay then let’s start with how you got here.”

We went through the incidents regarding the social worker leaving out the fact that I killed her colleagues saying another rogue did giving us a chance to escape and lightly touched on the topic of my companions, some questions I answered, others avoided especially the biggest one, my identity. I had to clarify that my brother and I were never part of the trafficking group and yes there where instances where we were almost kidnapped but even as rogues we found genuine souls who risked their lives protecting us, I had to stop a few times to take slow breathes if not I would have started crying from the last sentence that left my lips, “We lost so many friends to those mons… to them.” At one point the Luna tried to comfort me noticing my distress sat beside me but I moved away telling her I didn’t need it. It seems Al felt it because the next thing we hear is someone pounding on the alphas office door screaming, “Towi I’m hewe! I’m coming! Towi!” The alpha growled but the Luna was by his side in a second then three other voices were heard, the first was little Anna, “Cal that’s the alphas office, we’re not allowed to be here. Don’t worry, no one is going to hurt her.” Al, “My sistew needs me now I can feel it. I need to be with hew Anna.” Voice #1, “Hey pipsqueak! What are you doing banging on my dad’s door? Get away from her, rogue!” Voice #2, “Anna you know you’re not suppose to be here. Come on, let’s go.” Anna, “I’m not leaving Cal. Come on Cal, let’s go.” Voice # 1, “I said get away from her…”

At that moment I got off the couch and ran to the door, at the same time the alpha had instructed the Beta to open the door and the first thing I see is a boy with dirty blond hair with barely the same height as me about to grab Anna when all of a sudden Al’s aura changes, he grabs her and places her behind him growling at the boy saying, “MINE!” and at that moment I knew his wolf was forcefully awakened which is very dangerous, his eyes were icy blue with our signature golden specks. I was lost for words; all these emotions came crashing down on me pride, fear, pressure and uncertainty. I was broken out of my trance when a hand gripped my shoulder, it was Gamma Rean, “Please do something! Look!” Turning what I see is blood then I see Al keeping Anna from anyone that tries to get to her and Anna is sobbing behind him, I start taking slow steps towards them mind linking Vira, “What do I do? Whose blood is this?” Vira, “It’s the alpha’s, he got between the boys but Al scratched his arm. Kova was forcefully awakened. You need to stop him, he’s scaring his mate and this will hurt them both.”

I ushered them to step back but Gamma Ron and another boy refused and so while they had his attention I with my alpha speed grabbed him, one hand across held both his arms down and the other went up to his head covering his eyes but he fought against me making me slam my back against the wall, this caused Alvira to come out but my blood red eyes left them all in shock and I growled out, “Calm down. No one will harm you.” His claws dug into my flesh, his canines forcefully trying to bite my hand whilst kicking at my shins and it hurt like really bad, the thing is that my right shin is very sensitive and if anything hits it the pain can last for two to three days, since I was born with it I can’t heal it only lessen the pain and it’s a weakness I make sure to hide. I fell to my knees to stop his kicking and all he said was, “Mate! Mine! Mate!” I looked to a scared Anna in her father’s arms, “Anna…” but her father cut me off growling, “She’s not doing anything!” Now it was my turn to growl, “She’s his mate! It’s her choice!” His mate gave him a stern look and he complied that was my cue, “Anna don’t be afraid he won’t hurt you.” She hesitantly responded, “I’m … not afraid … of him….” She spoke not looking me in the eye and I knew it was me she was afraid of, so I closed my eyes, “Don’t be afraid of me. I won’t hurt you. Cal needs you to be strong, please.”

Being out in the wild enabled me to strengthen my senses so even though I couldn’t see her I could smell her scent moving towards me but Al’s struggling got more frantic, at one point she paused and I had to assure her, “Anna don’t worry I won’t do anything unless you tell me to, he needs to hear your voice. He needs to see that you’re okay.” Anna, “Okay, Cal I’m here. Please calm down.” Slowly I removed my hand from his eyes as she spoke, “See Cal I’m fine, please calm down…” He growled saying, “I am not Calron…” He said it gently you could tell he didn’t want to scare her but it hurt that she called the wrong name, Anna, “So what is your name?” He didn’t say anything and Gamma Rean spoke, “What is his name?” This made him growl again I had to hold on tighter since he started struggling but he came to a stop then I felt a hand on my arm, “What is his name?” Vira kept telling me to say it but custom wise he’s not suppose to know until it’s officially announced under the full moon as an introduction to the pack, our pack, I was hesitant but Vira assured me, “Don’t worry according to father (my father’s wolf), it’s just a formality, I understand how you feel but… we’re not part of that pack remember….” I couldn’t help the growl that came out I felt Anna’s hand retract and Al started struggling again so I had to say something, “Kova. His name is Kova.” Her hand once again reached out but this time to remove mine as she spoke, “Hi Kova I’m Anna but I haven’t met my wolf yet, so you’ll have to wait.”

As soon as I removed my arm he rushed out towards her but when I opened my eyes he held her in a tight hug, she giggled as he instinctively took in her scent it seems my eyes changed because she smiled at me before looking back at him. Cal, scratch that, Kova seemed both calm and aware of what he did and started apologising to Anna, “I’m sorry for scaring you. I didn’t mean to… and your wolf she’ll wake up soon, I know it.” It seems she already knew what to do so with a smile on her face she kept talking to him until his body slumped on the floor but I caught him in time, he looked to me with a gentle smile and his icy blue eyes were gone, “Towi… I’m so… tiwed. What happened?” He body was suffering from exhaustion and I assured him, “Ssshhhh, sleep. I’ll tell you once you’ve rested, don’t worry Anna and I will be right here.” And with that he fell unconscious.