
chapter 2

A fight broke out between the officers and the members, and Mickey was beaten. Tony died.

James: "I'm going to kill you, you bastard."

Hold on, James, don't let your anger spoil the plan.

Mickey: "Why so much hate towards me? What did I do to you? Or is it because of my father's actions? A person as stupid as you deserves everything that happened to him."

James: "Let me kill him, that bastard."

Officers: "No, you won't. If you mess up the plan, we'll all get killed. Hold on. Now take this son of Giorgio to headquarters."

The soldiers wrapped Mickey and on their way, they were stopped by the Blodders family. All of this was planned by Officer Lester, who prepared 200 members divided into two groups. One of the captains called Lester and said to him, "Giorgio is coming. Whatever happens, stay in your place. This sacrifice will be very beneficial for the family. Now I'll hang up. Good luck."

Lester: "2nd Battalion, bring down the plane above you. Ha ha, die Giorgio!"

Mickey: "Dad, no! I gotta get off this thing!"

Mickey broke free, and the plane crashed into the sea. Mickey started to run towards the plane, but the road was blocked by the Cornalese family. Then a black car came, and surprisingly, Giorgio got out of the car while carrying an RPG and destroyed all members of the Cornalese family except for the officers, who hid quickly. Suddenly, Captain Gonzalez surrounded the neighborhood, and Captain Salvatore came with a warplane, and they grabbed Giorgio and Mickey.

They began to cut off Giorgio's fingers and made Mickey eat them. They drew Mickey's face while he was crying blood on his father's stomach. The captains cut Giorgio's stomach and grabbed his organs and made him eat them in front of Mickey. Quickly, the police came, and with them, the FBI men started a bloody war with the Cornales family. At this time, Mickey took advantage of the time and ran away and hid in one of the holes that his father showed him and told him to hide in it in case of any problem or if someone chased him. He found a small and warm house, and he fell asleep with his tears stained with blood.

Then Mickey woke up and started crying again. He turned on the radio to hear the news, and an audio recording saved on the radio said, "Mickey, did you enjoy your father's fingers? Ha ha. The important thing is that your brother is now in school, and we made one of the children give his shirt as a gift to your brother. In that shirt, there is a bomb that I can blow up your brother at any time. If you want to keep your brother safe, go home now. If your brother is out of school and you're not home, I'll blow him up."

Mickey: "What is this torment? What is this life? Who are they? And who was speaking? To the place he told me, oh, home. Never mind, come on. I'll always try to protect you, brother."

Here I arrived, my mother, my sister, are you two here?

Captain Gonzalez: "Hello."

Mickey: "You."

Gonzalez: "If you move or do one thing, Salvatore will blow up your brother. Hold him for the second time, but this time you won't survive. The police saved you, and they are now dog food. I can't hit a woman. That's why Maria will do everything."

Maria: "With pleasure."

Maria: "Don't be afraid. You'll die quickly. They can't scream. I smashed their throats. Now I'm gonna start slitting them. Ah-ah-ha-ha."

"Now, little one, look at your mother and your sister. They are cut, and you can do nothing. If you scream, your brother will explode."

Gonzalez: "Now we will leave you."

Salvatore: "Isn't this hell deeper?"

Maria: "Oh, your sister has some nice clothes that I'm going to take. Good-bye."

Mickey: "Ah, brother? What do I do? My family died? What do I do? Ahhh. I have to be patient and wipe my tears to go out with my brother. He shouldn't see all this."

Mickey went to school and on his way, he met his brother Jeff.

Jeff: "Brother? What are you doing here?"

Mickey: "I was just walking around."

Jeff: "Why are you exhausted?"

Mickey: "It's just that my dad made me train all day and told me to go out so I could move around instead of sitting around. I have an idea. Or do you want to go to the amusement park?"

Jeff: "Really? But I have to change my clothes and bring my bag home."

Mickey: "Dad won't let me in and won't let you out. Just come like this and hand me your bag. I'll carry it for you."

Jeff: "Thanks, bro."

Jeff held his brother's hand, who was smiling, and he just tried to make his brother happy. After Jeff went and tried all the amusement park games, he was exhausted and wanted to go home. Mickey carried his brother, and he remembered that his brother had a bomb in his shirt, so he took it off while his brother was still asleep. He called one of his friends and told him, "The Boromedia project that you told me about. Can you do it on my father, mother, and sister? You know their forms well, right?"

Alvaro: "Why? Are they?"

Mickey: "Yeah, hurry up. I only have five hours at least for my brother to wake up."

Jeff: "Dude, is that a surprise?"

Mickey: "Yes, it is a wonderful surprise that you will like. And now, Alvaro, prepare the surprise."

Alvaro: "Well..."

------------------------Alfaro Laboratory------

"It was fortunate for me that I touched them, and now I have to bring Father at 40, a woman at 36, and a girl at 23."

Three hours later: "Now let's start. I'll go into the father first, and have to think of Giorgio only, okay?"

One hour later, Alvaro created the clones, which looked shockingly real. This invention led to Alvaro's lab exploding an hour later.

Mickey's phone is ringing. "Everyone's ready, but my lab, like I told you."

Mickey: "I'm sorry for that. And the secret word to open the door is..."

Alvaro: "Well, bye."

Jeff: "Ah, I'm sleeping, bro. I'm still on top of you."

Mickey: "I got tired and fell asleep on the way, and now we're going home so you can see the surprise."

Alvaro prepared the house, and then Mickey and Jeff entered.

"Happy birthday, Jeff. Happy birthday, Jeff. Congratulations, Jeff. You have ten years."

Jeff: "Dad."

Mickey looked at the instruments Alvaro had made and broke down in tears.

Marina Robot: "Why are you crying, son?"

Mickey: "No, I'm just glad my brother has grown up. And does he still want to play with me?"

Marina: "Of course, son."

Jeff: "Yes, my brother. No matter how old I become, we will always have fun together."

Giorgio Robot: "And now come to me and give me a hug."

And then they all fell asleep, and Mickey was burning inside, and he couldn't show his feelings.

Mickey: Another day in hell. I wish I could die, but at the same time, I want my brother to live a happy life.

[someone knocks on the door]

Mickey: Who is it?

Family member: Mickey, you have an invitation from the family leader. He wants you to meet him at the headquarters. Just go to Plank Sank.

Mickey: Why?

Family member: You'll find out when you get there.

Mickey: Alright.

-------------------------------------------------- ---------

This house is so fortified. After last week's incident, I can't afford to lose another person.

--------------------PLANK SANK-------------------

Mickey: Here we go. Now what?

Stranger: You, person.

Mickey: I see. They don't want anyone to know that this is a family home. I have to be careful.

Stranger: Look to your right. There is a person from the family who needs help, and to your left, there is an old woman who needs help crossing the road. Who will you help?

Mickey: I'll help both.

Stranger: Interesting... Come with me.

Now get in the trash can and say your name.

Mickey: Are you making fun of me, or is this one of Alvaro's inventions?

Stranger: That's right. Now jump.

"I jumped up and said my name. I don't know why, but I felt a strange feeling in my heart. I ignored it and found myself in an underground place. The important thing is to get to the president."

Captain David: I know what happened to your family. It's a real pity. You lost your father, and we lost a family member.

Mickey: Is it possible for family members to love each other to this extent? It's not normal that he compared his respect for my father to my love for him, while I am his son.

Mickey: I want to ask you, how much does the family love each other?

David: The love in a family is like the love between family members. If you need help, always remember that the whole family is ready to protect you.

Mickey: Thank you.

David: Now, when you enter this door, you will find the chief. Go ahead.

Office of the President:

Giovanni: Hi, Mickey. I'm sorry about what happened to your family. Do you know why they kept you alive?

Mickey: They may have had a plan.

Giovanni: We detected their plan, but unfortunately, they couldn't catch the captains.

Mickey: What was their plan? How did you discover it?

Giovanni: When I entered this place, I said your name. We recorded you with your photo, and when you jumped and said your name, the machine recognized you and inserted your heart machine. This machine lets the family know whether the person is dead, alive, or in critical condition. It applies only to registered members, but you were unregistered. Tomorrow, you'll be fully aware of the family members' feelings, and you'll know their names and looks. After we learned about your father's death, I called the captains and told them to hurry to you for a briefing with the commanders. But Gonzalez and his group ran away from them, and the captains found explosives in your house, which they were going to use when they left the neighborhood.

Mickey: So, the bomb was in my house, not in my brother's shirt.

Giovanni: Yes, that's correct. Gonzalez is a danger to us all. If you can take care of him, I'll make you a captain. Remember, without the captains, you would be dead by now. And even if it were the captains, without the commanders and the people who distracted Gonzalez, you and the captains would be dead.

Mickey: Thank you. I'm beginning to understand why my father loved this family.

Giovanni: Here are their numbers. You can go now. I'll leave the Gonzalez case to you.

Mickey: Before I go, is Alvaro a member of the family?

Giovanni: You'll find out tomorrow.

After a day:

Mickey: Now I know that Alvaro is one of the captains. Why didn't he tell me about this?

Gonzalez: This family is dangerous. I killed Mickey's family. What happened? His mother was cut into small pieces. How? Was it a disguise? Nobody wants to sacrifice themselves, or they made a clone. It's impossible to make a clone with human organs. Maria, I want you to touch and hit Giorgio's daughter.

Maria: Why?

Gonzalez: Just do it.

Maria: Alright.

Mickey: Alvaro, why didn't you tell me that you were the leader of the family?

Alvaro: I was waiting for you to join the family. Only family members know. What happened with your family about your sister's stolen clothes?

Mickey: You made it up. Never mind.

Alvaro: The Cornalez gang is the only one who knows about the clones. We have to destroy them.

Mickey: I'm going to crush them. Now, I have to go to practice.


Maria: Hey, do you know where the perfume shop is?

Lisa: Sure, it's on the first floor to your right. Are you new here?

Maria: Yes.

Maria: Thank you for helping me go shopping. I hope we meet again.

Lisa: We will meet again, but at the headquarters.

Maria: Headquarters?

Mickey: You're welcome.

Maria: I have to run.

Mickey: In your dreams! You're not as fast as I am! Take this punch, and this, and this! Now, that's your throat! I'm going to break it! Huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh!

(Lisa and Mickey run to a car as the police arrive)

Police: You two, stop!

Mickey: In your dreams!

(News report) Urgent! Yesterday, there was a chase between the police and Mickey. He trampled more than 100 people on his way, and a clip of him was also seen torturing Maria, one of the captains of the Cornalez family.

Gonzalez: That fool had to be killed. Nobody hurts family members and survives!

(Gonzalez's phone rings)

Commander Travis: He could easily defeat a family clerk. This guy is dangerous. We're going to exterminate the blooders. What's that sound?

Gonzalez: Chief, the place is collapsing. What's going on?

Mickey: You fool! You think I'm stupid? You'll never get a chance to touch family members, you bastards!

Salvatore: Hey, take this!

Mickey: In your dreams!

Salvatore: It's fast!

Gonzalez: I'm going to run!

Giorgio Robot: In your dreams!

Gonzalez: You're just a copy. Get away from me!

Giorgio: I'm not a clone. I just got a second chance at life. Your crush will go to my son, and I will crush your friend Salvatore!

Gonzalez: The captain will kill you!

Giorgio: Your captain? Ha ha ha! He's coming for you!

Commander Powell: Hello, did you bring him in?

Powell: Absolutely.

Gonzalez: Commander, how did all this happen?

Travis: I don't know.

Giorgio: And now, you're all going to be tormented in headquarters, captains. We'll leave you here to distract the police. Goodbye.


Mickey Gonzalez: Ha ha ha ha! Take this and this and this! Your agony has begun!

Gonzalez: omg , that's hurt !

Mickey: Ha ha ha! You're so weak! Take this and this!

Ha ha ha!

Giorgio Robot: Mickey's face is terrifying, Mickey!

Mickey! He doesn't want to pay attention to me, Mickey. That's not enough.

Mickey: You're right. I still have to level up.

Ha ha!