
chapter 3

Urgent: The Blodders family took control of the Cornalez family after the massacre they committed, led by Mickey, the new member who wanted revenge for his father and his family. He made the Cornalez captains look weak in front of him.

_________________Willy's HQ___________________

Lipton: "This boy is going to outsmart us. I'm getting scared of this family."

___________________Naomi's HQ_____________________

Hatter: "This family will surpass us. We are the stronger family."

____________________Blodders HQ____________________

Giovanni: "Most of the families will now increase security, as we have become their nightmare. Everything is going well so far,  All thanks to you , Mickey."

Mickey: "Thank you, Chief."

Giovanni: "And now, Mickey, I pronounce you an officer of the Blodders family."

Mickey: "Thank you, Chief."

Giovanni: "He didn't object even though he easily beat three captains. He's now at the captain level. Now let's celebrate this. I'm going to invite the whole family."

After hours of partying...

Giovanni: "Mickey, I want you to race against Captain Patrick, as he is the fastest and best driver in the family."

Mickey: "Well, that title will go away from you now, Patrick."

Patrick: "Ha ha, do you think you'll beat me? Let's see. But first, Alvaro."

Alvaro: "Well, here's your disguise."

(Mickey and Patrick's appearances changed)

Mickey: "That's not a disguise. It's another person. And couldn't you find a better disguise? You made me look ugly."

Alvaro: "This will clear the doubts, and now I will transfer you to the race site."

Mickey: "Do you have teleportation?"

Alvaro: "I have many inventions that you will learn about later."

___________________Race Venue______________________

Mickey: "Oh, what is this place?"

Alvaro: "Mickey, this is an underground place. It's very big, and you, Patrick, I think you know everything."

And now, after three, two, one, off they go.

Mickey: "This car is cool and fast."

Patrick: "Don't be complacent."

Mickey: "Absolutely."

After an exciting and wonderful race, the result ended in a draw.

Mickey: "It was a great race."

Patrick: "I finally found a racing rival. But where did you learn all this from?"

Mickey: "My dad."

Patrick: "Now bring us back, Alvaro."

Mickey: "Don't take me back. I want to meditate here for a bit and practice driving."

"As you like."

Mickey: "This is David. Let's start practicing."

_______________After 5 hours of exercise______________

Mickey: "Come on, take me out, David or Alvaro."

Mickey: "What is this? Who are you?"

Hatter: "Alvaro, he's one of our gang."

Mickey: "What? What? This is not true? I've known Alvaro since I was little."

Hatter: "Alvaro knew that you would be invincible, that's why he always made you fear the leaders and made the whole family share the same opinion with him. You are stronger than your whole family combined."

Mickey: "I don't think that's true, but even if it is, I can't keep up with them all at once, but I can run away."

Hatter: "What is this? He has teleportation."

Alvaro: "No, it's only his speed. He's indomitable, and now I'm going to obliterate you."

Hatter: "What? Run away!"


"After Alvaro gathered the Cornalez and Blodders families, he crushed them in the underground headquarters he built and threw Jeff's body in front of Mickey, which may have caused his madness that could destroy everything."

Mickey: "Oh, what a hateful world. What's all this? I've lost everything. My brother , my , my , my , myyyyyy broooothr!!! This world will pay the price. Come now to your doom, people." Aaaaaaaaaa

Alvaro: "Yes, destroy everything, kill everyone. You are the only one who can do this. Finally, everything I have done these years has not been in vain, and this world that has wronged me will be destroyed by Mickey."

Mickey: "Destroy, destroy, destroy. My mother, my father, my brother, my sister, my family. This world in which you were killed will not remain."

Alvaro: "He's getting stronger. The more he gets hurt, the stronger he gets. But now his level of stamina and durability has reached a frightening level. And did he fly? Or is this just a big jump? My modifications have a good effect, and now he has to destroy the city of New York, and then his true strength will appear. I connected him to the multiverse, and he takes his strength from the universes that he creates and destroys endlessly..."

Planet kestin

Chife of the Reds

Alvaro: "Here we are again, Chief Reds. There's a kid devouring planet Earth. What do you plan to do about this?"

Leader: "Why should I act? Why don't the aliens or Martians handle it?"

Alvaro: "This monster is drawing power from the universes. You are the only one who can stop it."

Leader: "He will not be able to keep up with us."

They sent a death squad, a faction where the weakest member could destroy a single universe with their full strength.

"Death Squad":

- Balt

- Sully

- Raft

- Cable

Alvaro: "I'm tired of hearing this. At least Mickey will crush them, and then the whole universe will be distracted. Then I will escape to another universe to become stronger. As far as I know from the books I studied, a month in the tenth universe is equal to a second in this universe. I will train in it and then destroy it from the top."

Mickey: "My family and their bodies have died in my stomach. There is no use in all his."

Death Battalion: "Mickey will die for eating a planet."

Mickey: "Who are you? Die, aliens!"

With one blow, Mickey eliminated Cable and Raft, making the rest wary of him.

"Your Generation": "Fight it with all your might."

A bloody fight broke out between the Death Squad and Mickey.

Mickey: "I hit them hard. I'll be hurt if they hit me. It's fortunate I have super speed, but how did I get this power? Most likely it was one of Alvaro's actions, but why? Is it possible he's still alive? I don't rule that out. I have to get rid of them and then find Alvaro. Now I have to increase my level to 5 percent."


And now Isaac.

Alvaro: "What is this? He's reached a frightening level of strength. But Mickey, you're my help dog. Thanks for the early distraction. Now let's say goodbye."

Mickey: "Those mice have been crushed. Now I have to search before anyone gets to me."

Mickey circled the entire universe in a split second, yet couldn't find Alvaro.

Mickey: "Could he be dead? Or did he escape to another place? Can I go to another universe?"

Reds Leader: "What did you say?"

Mickey: "Huh? And who are you? Take this and relieve me from Mashhad."

Leader of the Reds: "I dealt with it. What is this weak blow? An earthquake? Hide this thing. It will be difficult to defeat this person. For this, the Chief Shouts: 'To all beings in this universe, come and help me. If you don't, we will all die. This person killed the Death Squad in seconds without even using a quarter of his strength.'"

Mickey: "What is this? What are all these creatures? I just want to ask one of you, do you know Alvaro?"

Leader: "I remember Alvaro. He escaped to another universe."

Mickey: "It means my prediction is correct."

Leader: "We will eliminate you, then we will go and eliminate Alvaro."

Mickey: "Let's see."


Mickey: "This wouldn't be fun. Killing the Death Squad helped me a lot, and now I'm going to fight you without using my energy, just my normal punch and my normal speed. Let's have fun."

Mickey began to eliminate the weak, and after hitting one of the aliens, the Reds leader punched him in the shoulder, but Mickey was unaffected.

Leader: "What is this? All this won't work. Let's unite our strength in one fell swoop."

"Mickey is sleeping."

Leader: "This is the opportunity. Unite your forces and now, come on, ahhh!"

Mickey: "Huh? I slept a little. What is that? This hit will..."

Leader: "Awa, we spent it."

Boss: "He destroyed universes 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10, but why didn't he destroy this universe?"

Mickey: "I deceived you. I transferred your blow to other universes. Now I can take 100 times more power per stack, unlike the universes I create and command."

Boss: "Hey dog, are you talking about the universes inside you?"

Mickey: "Yes."

Leader: "But I don't see it being destroyed."

Mickey: "You're going to spoil the look."

Leader: "Huh, this sight is frightening. You killed all beings."

Mickey: "You seem very determined."

Leader: "Where did you get all this power from?"

Mickey: "Mostly from Alvaro."

Leader: "Are you the sample?"

Mickey: "He deceived you again. Most likely he made that sample and your power he sent it to me. And now I'll let you do as you please with Alvaro."

Alvaro: "Just get into this vortex of agony."

Mickey: "Who are you?"

Alvaro: "I am Alvaro, and I see that you are getting stronger. I want to have a fun fight with you."

Mickey: "I will avenge my family. Take this!"

Alvaro: "Huh, is that chalk?"

Mickey: "What is this?"


Alvaro: "You have increased your power. Fight me with your full strength, or you will die."

Mickey: "Take this universe!"

Alvaro: "Show me your best, and now take this!"

Mickey: "What is this? Half of me is ruined. I have to renew."

Mickey wonders how he became so strong, and Alvaro says it's because of time.

Mickey: "Is it possible? There is a difference in time between the earth and space, so is it possible that there is a difference between the universes or the planets?"

Alvaro: "Yes, you are very smart, and now let's start fighting."

The fight begins between Mickey and Alvaro, whose strength rises as they fight. Alvaro grabs a sword, and one blow from it could destroy billions of universes. But Mickey renews himself and hits Alvaro with his strongest blow until the space between them turns dark.

Suddenly, a stranger arrives.

Mickey: "Who is this?"

Alvaro: "Yep, our main strength. Or do you think the strength of these weak beings will make you like this?"

Vision: "You have deceived me, dog, and now I am going to plunge you into an endless cycle of torment."

Alvaro: "I trained in the tenth universe, and then it was destroyed. And now that I'm stronger, this kid is as strong as you, but I can keep up with him with half my strength."

Vision: "Boy, I offer you to cooperate with me, and together we can kill him."

Mickey: "I will only help you because I want to avenge my family."

Vision: "Good to hear that."

Alvaro: "Now the fun begins."

In Universe 100, an earthquake occurs, and the three most powerful beings in the multiverse are fighting.

Boss: "It's a problem."

Mickey: "Oh, you heard that."

Alvaro: "Yes, our power is out of our control. Arbitrate the extent of your power's impact on remote areas."

Vision: "This is because of me. I do not want interference from other beings."

Mickey: "This fight is useless to me. In my mind, forget it, person."

Vision: "My name is Vision."

Mickey : Vision , touch me

The vision : "Where are we?"

Mickey explains that they are in Universe 102849148 and they have to create a copy of themselves to fight in Universe 1048294838420482.

Vision: "Why are we fighting?"

Mickey: "To grow stronger and be able to defeat Alvaro. Now let's start; fight me with your full strength."

After a period of fighting, Mickey eliminates Vision.

Mickey: "Ha ha, it all went as planned. I hid my energy by hitting the beings in my universe so that Alvaro thinks I'm using my full energy. By killing Vision, I'm now stronger, but I have to grab his brain and take his knowledge."

"He knows a lot of things. In Universe 1500, I can develop the capabilities of my brain and imagination, and in Universe 3000, I can get infinite power. I will torture Alvaro, but the strength difference between us is not great, so I will dispatch him using my full strength."

Alvaro: "There you are?"

Mickey: "Take this!"

Alvaro: "What is this? Where am I? This is painful!"

Mickey: "Now let's go. If he comes back, he will be stronger because of this blow. I'm going to send a hidden barrier bomb. 'Destroy Universe 3000.' And now I'm going to search."

After 5 minutes, Mickey realizes that to get infinite power, he has to evolve each time he hits. He can get this in Universe 1000 and must get 100 hits equivalent to the power of 100 trillion universes.

Mickey: "I guess I should hit myself, but just in case, I'll put 1 percent of my strength in here. And now let's get started."

Mickey begins to beat himself, and with each blow, his body becomes more durable, stronger, and faster. He grows two horns that strike with a power equivalent to that of trillions of universes. In the final blow, Mickey is transformed into a scarier-looking being.

He contacts Universe 1500 and destroys its beings, learning how to obtain the power of transforming imagination into reality. The conditions are that the level of intelligence exceeds 1,000,000, which is what Mickey has become after being exposed to so much knowledge.

Mickey gains great knowledge and huge power with a wide imagination afte

r taking it to know the vision. He destroys Universes 3000 and 1500.

Next, Mickey imagines Alvaro being tortured by the whole universe of aliens, and this is what happens. However, he cannot bring a person back to life with it.

Mickey finally gets his revenge. He can now copy anyone's ability, even if it is not copyable, and he can disable any power, even if it is not adjustable. No one can hide or banish him to a far place. He has become the strongest, but he has lost everything.