Ch. 6

Two weeks passed since Jiang Rong regressed back in time, he had been traveling from cities to cities buying supplies. He left the capital about five days now and was now in Shandong Province one of the agriculture Province in China and also for it's fishing port. Jiang Rong was running against time in his hoarding of supplies. He booked a Hotel and rented a warehouse in city Y which had the largest fishing port in Shandong Province, Jiang Rong traveled around in the Province from places to places.

The first thing he did when he got to city Y was to visit a livestock and poultry breeding farm, Jiang Rong ordered for Chickens, ducks, Pigs, sheeps, cattles, donkeys and everything he found to be useful and produces meat. He paid the deposit and asked them to take the things ordered to the warehouse he rented which was in the outskirts far from the busy city. His days was spent on buying supplies from Industrial companies to big supermarkets. All kinds of life seafoods, grains, seeds and canned foods, dry foods and preserved were purchased and sent to the warehouse.

Jiang Rong didn't want to waste too much time in a place so he squeezed his schedules and everything that could be bought in city Y were bought in three days, on the fourth day which was the day he intended to depart to Sichuan Province. He recalled that in his previous life his team took a task of finding solar panels in the industrial area of Sichuan Province in city M, it was one of the hardest task he had ever taken in the apocalypse which he suffered some losses, he decided to go there before the apocalypse comes and get some solar panels as soon as the apocalypse starts.

Jiang Rong drove to the warehouse early in the morning when he woke up, he had a quick breakfast and checked-out of the hotel. He started to put everything from the warehouse into the space and entered the space when everything was sent in, things in the space could be controlled using his mind and with the help of his mental ability it was easy. But he suffers headaches whenever he uses his mind to control things in the space for long because he wasn't used to it, whenever that happens Jiang Rong takes a break and drinks from the water bottle containing the spiritual spring to ease the pains.

Having been drinking from the spring all the time his body underwent more transformations making his body sturdier than it was and he felt more stronger and could control his bloodlust more. Jiang Rong had been training his abilities in his free time making him used to them very well, he wasn't used to the new abilities at first because in his previous life he had been using the gold ability since the beginning of the apocalypse. He was amongst the first batches of ability users awakened in the apocalypse, his abilities which were changed in this life he wasn't very used to and familiar with them.

But with continuos training he had come to make them part of him now, he arranged the supplies brought into the space. The livestock and poultry were sent to the mountains where they cannot cross over to the open space he chose to plant and farm, with the barrier arrays set-up nothing could move freely without his permission so he wasn't worried that they'll cross over to ruin the crops planted. There was an open Sea in the space where all the seafoods bought alive were sent to be bred, the grains, canned foods, noodles, compressed biscuits, preserved food and everything else was arranged neatly in the storage room of the bamboo house.

The bamboo house which was built like the ancient houses but was much more convenient than the houses in the modern times, it was built as a two story building house and was wider, larger and bigger than the villa he was living in. Jiang Rong liked the bamboo house more than the villa he lived in, he mostly preferred to sleep in the bamboo house which had a hotspring containing spiritual energy. Jiang Rong planted fruit trees, grains and seeds of didn't kinds of foods, the seeds planted in the space takes only a day to grow and bear fruits which was fascinating to him. He didn't have to worry about food for Ye Xuan to eat in the apocalypse and because of the spiritual energy in the foods planted in the space Jiang Rong took the liberty of eating even though he doesn't get hungry or have to live on food.

There were more supplies to find but he didn't want to purchase with money, in the apocalypse things could be found and taken without paying. Jiang Rong was just waiting for the apocalypse to come before hoarding for the rest of the supplies, he was very satisfied with the supplies he was able to get now and the things planted in the space. The space was over 100 acres of lands excluding the mountains and sea which was far ahead. The bamboo house didn't take very much land, the spiritual spring took about 5 acres of lands and the rest was uninhabited.

Rice was planted on 1 acre of land and the 2 acres were planted with other things like vegetables, grains and fruit trees. Jiang Rong was a young master who had never learned to farm but because of the suffering in his previous life he learnt to do hard work, even though he couldn't farm he was still able to plant but he was slow. To plant on the rest of the lands he would need help, but he wasn't worried thinking Ye Xuan would help with that. Before wanting to leave the space he went to check on the bladderwort plant which Mao Qui urged him to take along a few days ago.

It was replanted at the surface of the spiritual spring by Mao Qui and it had been guarding the bladderwort plant since "what's so interesting about that plant?" he asked Mao Qui which had been focused on the plant. In his past life he knew of wood ability users who grew mutant plants to fight with in the apocalypse so he himself now had taken a liking to a devil's vine he saw at a flower shop and bought it, he had been sending spiritual energy of the wood and mental abilities and feeding it with the spiritual spring.

He wasn't sure whether it'll mutate or not but he wanted to try and see but for the bladderwort with was an aquatic plant Jiang Rong wasn't sure about it, he didn't know why Mao Qui was so interested in it. "you'll see, it's sleeping for now" Mao Qui answered lightly expressing it's unwillingness to say more or explain. "sleeping? has it already mutated? but the apocalypse isn't here yet" Jiang Rong said confused, Mao Qui turned to him disdained. "don't compare it to those corrupted energy! like me it's energy is also pure!" it said annoyed making him dumbstrucked. Jiang Rong didn't want to continue the conversation with it anymore more, conversations with Mao Qui was nerve-wracking for him even though it was his savior but it was hard for him to have a normal conversation with it without getting annoyed, he sneered and walked away to water his devil's vine before going out of the space.

Mao Qui was now focused on taking care of the bladderwort plant so it chose to stay in the space now. "Ding, Ding,Ding" Jiang Rong's phone rang as soon as he was out of the space. He turned cold and sneered when he saw who the caller was. He picked up the call and brought the phone to his ears, he waited in silence. "Son, how are you?" the person on the other side said excitedly after the long silence from him.

Jiang Rong felt bitter hearing the excited voice, it brought back memories which were long buried and forgotten. His whole body gave out cold aura making his surrounding very chilly "what do you want?" he asked coldly. His dad on the other side of the phone was very stunned as well as the three people around him, he put the call on loud speaker when Jiang Rong answered the called. His wife Jiang Rong's stepmom, his Stepbrother and his cousin were all presented along with his dad. "Son is that how to talk to your father whom you haven't seen for weeks now?!" his father asked with blackened face.

Hearing that Jiang Rong felt irritated, he really didn't want to hear this father's voice at all or talk to him. But he had to since he roughly guessed the reason for the call, and he was already expecting the call. "say what you want to say" Jiang Rong didn't want to give him a chance to dwell on father-son relationship with him, his father was very dissatisfied with his tone and was very annoyed. The wife shook her head urging him to calm down 'ask about the company' the son whispered very low thinking Jiang Rong wouldn't hear.

But they didn't know that he could hear all small movements made there and the whispering voices due to his now heightened senses, and also he had long guessed that his father wasn't alone. "Hehe son, father wanted to ask why you're no longer going to the company. The secretary called father to inform me that you can't be located, and the guards and workers father hired for you, you gave them all a vacation." father Jiang said flattering sounding concerned for him.

"Do you want the company?" he asked lightly with a carefree tone. The people on the other side were shocked from his words. "Son w...what..a..are you saying?" father Jiang stood up at once and stuttered in excitement, he couldn't contain his excitement after hearing Jiang Rong's words and so did the others, they were giggling like fools and idiots. "10 million yuan for the company" Jiang Rong smirked hearing their excited voices, he really didn't care about the company anymore. There was an apocalypse with zombies everywhere coming, were would one have the time to even think about going to work.

To him they can have it and suffer the loss and pain later, because later on money would no longer be used. His company was worth hundreds of millions of yuan if he really wanted to go through long legal process to sell the company, he didn't have that time. The happy mood of the people on the other side of the phone was replaced with with frowns "Arong what do you mean by 10 million yuan, how can you tell your birth father to pay money, isn't that being unfilial!" his stepmother said expressing her dissatisfactions, he snorted. "it's okay if you don't have the money for it, i was already thinking about selling the company and father knows my company is worth more than 10 million. But because we're father and son, i decided to give to father very cheap. I'm in need of some funds now to invest in a new business, I'll just sell the company at the original price to someone else."

Jiang Rong said with his voice laced with said emotions and unwillingness to sell the company. "it was something my mother left me and if not for the situation i am not willing to part ways with the company" his voice broke when he made mentioned of his mother, he felt his heart which wasn't really beating ached. "father will buy the company at 10 million yuan" father Jiang quickly made a decision not wanting him to change his mind hearing him being emotional. Jiang Rong let out a low chuckled when his father said in hurry. "okay then I'll come to father tomorrow to sign and hand over the company, prepare the money down for me. I'm not handing it over on credit" he stated giving no way for negotiations and hanged up the call without waiting for a reply from them.

His mood improved a lot after the call, at first his next location was Sichuan Province but now he had to return to the Capital first. Jiang Rong went and handover the key of the warehouse to it's owner before making his way to the airport.

Author's words:

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