Ch. 7

It was nighttime when his flight arrived in city K in the capital, he went back to the villa in a cab. The villa which hadn't been inhabited for weeks was dusty, he went directly to his room and put away his language. With nothing to do and him not having the need for sleep Jiang Rong just went into the space which was still clear as day. There was no day or night in the space just the clear sky, he didn't necessarily need sleep, sleep to him was like refilling his spiritual energy and with the spiritual spring and the spiritual foods in the space he didn't have to worry about him running out of spiritual energy.

He said hello to Mao Qui who no longer had time for anything except to circle around the bladderwort plant and went to soak in the hotspring, he soaked for about an hour before coming out feeling reshreshed and very energized. He changed into farming clothes he bought earlier before going to the plant more seeds.

The whole night was spent planting seeds and harvesting, everything harvested was organized nicely into the storage room. When it was morning he took his bath and ate some fruits to fill up the used energy in his body, he dressed up in a casual clothes. He left home around 8am when he was done with his personal things, he drove into the community his dad lived in. The maid led him into the house when after he parked his car in the villa and got down from the car, the villa he gave his dad was far better than the one he was living in and had a large open space for parking in the villa.

The family were at the dinning table having their breakfast when the maid led him in "son, have you had your breakfast yet? Come, come, sit and let's eat together" father Jiang invited enthusiastically. Seeing them Jiang Rong only felt repulsive showing his disgust for them openly, father Jiang was very stupidfied at the way he was showing his dislikes for them openly. The Jiang Rong he knew even when annoyed and angry at then wouldn't show it, he'll be indifferent the whole time whenever he came to visit but would never show any signs of dislike to them.

Father Jiang didn't know what changed, they all felt that the Jiang Rong now had change to the extent of being mistaken for someone else, but they couldn't tell what's changed about him and what brought the change. Father Jiang knew it was his son who was at present but yet he felt very distant than he did previously, they were at loss. "don't worry about me, I've already eaten." Jiang Rong refused. It wasn't new to them since Jiang Rong previous never liked eating with them.

He took an empty seat at the dining table "I'll like to get things over with, i have a flight to catch" he lied, he just didn't want to stay long with them fearing he might do something impulsive. They were very dissatisfied with his tone but no one made an attempt to complain, they didn't know why but they felt that his presence now was very dangerous, they were terrified of him for no reason even though he wasn't releasing any bloodlust to them. It was just his identify as a zombie which was affecting them due to him being on edge and as the apocalypse got closer, he could feel it and his Zombie side affected his present self more.

"What has Arong being up to lately, you dismissed your workers and stopped going to the company" Mrs Jiang said smiling flattering. "I've been busy with other things" he answered indifferently. "what things has been keeping big brother busy that big brother no longer have time for me. Acheng hasn't seen big brother for s long time" Jiang Rong glaced at Jiang Cheng and scrutinized, he felt goosebumps all over thinking Jiang Cheng was more coquettish than Pang Shao, it was disgusting that he praised himself for being able to stand Jiang Cheng for years.

"Father the documents are ready and signed, just give me the money and let's get it over with" Jiang Rong said dissatisfied, he did expect them to try to stall and talk about unnecessary things. They didn't want to pay up the money and take the company for free but he wasn't going to give them that chance, he had already made it clear to them that it wasn't negotiable and he still stand by his words. Father Jiang put down his chopsticks and wiped his lips with the napkin "Son, you see father doesn't have 10 million now, why don't you give father the documents for the company and father will give you 5 million yuan now, I'll send the rest to you in a week's time" Jiang Rong listened attentively and quietly as father Jiang said dividing the price in half to give him. Jiang Rong sneered 'who would have time to be asking for money when the apocalypse arrives' he said in heart.

Jiang Rong frowned "father I'll take the documents back if you're not yet ready to buy the company, I'll sell it to someone else and when you're ready you buy it back at whatever price the person would ask." he stood up from the chair and said before turning to leave, he wasn't actually leaving because he knew that father Jiang wouldn't let such a good opportunity slip past him. "family head!" Mrs. Jiang whispered shouted anxiously when Jiang Rong walked five steps from the dining table. "ah son, why don't you come back and listen to father first. Don't get angry at father....father will squeeze all the money in the house and give it to you, come back, come back" father Jiang said emphasizing hurriedly and anxiously, Jiang Rong's behavior today was really shocking and overwhelming that their usual way of talking and actions which makes him give in didn't make this time around.

He turned back and glanced at them coldly, they all swallowed loudly and broke into cold sweat due to the look in his eyes. When they were met with his eyes it felt like they were staring into emptiness and an abyss, there was no emotions in them like a void which terrified them. He walked back to take a seat again "father as I said I have a flight to catch....." he didn't continue but they all understood his unsaid words. It was clear to them when he gets back up to go again it is to walk out of the house without looking back. The stingy white eyed wolves knew that this time around they had to give the money first or else they loose the company to someone else, father Jiang went to bring the money to him.

The money was reluctantly handed over to him before he threw the documents on the table to father Jiang. Father Jiang quickly went through and nodded satisfied grining from ear to ear. "son since the company is now my property, i won't sell it back to you when you come back later!" father Jiang said anxiously, he knew that the price he bought the company with was far less than it's original price, he was not convinced that Jiang Rong wouldn't come back later to claim it back. "be assured that it would be yours forever, i won't come back to make any trouble for you" Jiang Rong said coldly. Mrs. Jiang rushed over to father Jiang and snatched away the documents she kissed it and hugged it over her chest beft leaving the dining table with Jiang Cheng on her tail.

Jiang Rong sneered thinking she wasn't even pretending anymore after getting their hands on the documents "father I'm leaving or i might miss my flight" he said and stood up, father Jiang stood up along with him "where are you going to? are you going for long?" father Jiang asked curiously, he was curious as to what business Jiang Rong was doing which was sending him out of the country, he began to get greedy over that which he hasn't seen yet.

Noticing his intentions Jiang Rong chuckled lightly "just out of the country, and for how long I'll be out...i don't know. Maybe very long, father i wish you well" he smirked and said with sarcasm but father Jiang didn't catch on, Ning Zhixia who was sitting and eating quietly the whole time arched her brows up and glanced at him. She wasn't a direct family member so she couldn't put involve herself when they were talking about family issues, she followed behind after Jiang Rong when he walked out of the house to his car.

"Cousin Rong please wait" Jiang Rong's hand was on the opened door of his car when she yelled, he paused and turned to her coldly. "what do you want?" he asked indifferently but she didn't take his attitude too much since she was used to it. "Cousin Rong i-i.... brother Shao he said you broke up with him..... i wanted to ask why? He's been very out....." "when did i start discussing my relationship issues with you?" he cut her off with a dangerous look. She took two steps back at once, she felt very threatened which kicked out her survival instincts.

"Don't ever appear in front of me again, tell that to him too" she nodded in understanding. She felt if she tried to talk or make an attempt of refusal then she'd loose her life right then and there, and she wasn't wrong too Jiang Rong was very pissed when Pang Shao was mentioned which made brought a fluctuation in his spiritual energy almost wanting to go berserk. He got into the car and slammed the door shut and drove fast out of the villa and the community. He's flight was booked for the next day so he had the rest of the day to spend freely, he stopped by one of the biggest supermarket in city K to shop.

It was a habit learnt in the apocalypse whenever he went out he'd find supermarkets or shops to hoard for supplies even when years passed and the supplies were long taken leaving supermarkets barren. He pushed the cart forward as he walked behind picking things from shelves into the cart carelessly. "Senior" Jiang Rong felt his heart stopped beating completely. His breath held and his palm became sweaty, the voice which called him, the way it called him 'senior' was all it took to break him down completely. He was very familiar with the tenderness of the voice, even though the voice had lost it's manliness and was a bit childish with youthfulness, still there was no way he wouldn't recognize that voice, he didn't have to turn his back to know who the owner of the voice was, because it was very obvious who the voice belonged to just from hearing it.

Author's words:

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