Ch. 9

Ye Xuan felt all his pent-up frustrations which he had been keeping at bay for years follow out along with his tears. The bad treatments he suffered for years and his sleepless nights thinking about Jiang Rong for all those years. Even after Jiang Rong treated him bad over and over again, there was never a time he had come to despised Jiang Rong for that. Rather he came to love Jiang Rong more giving all of his love and heart to Jiang Rong.

Ye Xuan was an orphan with no relatives to turn to, so to Jiang Rong who help him once Ye Xuan was greateful to him and has continued to be. He admired Jiang Rong for his selfless and strong will not like himself who was vulnerable and easy to bully, his admiration turned to something unexpected and inexplicable as he followed Jiang Rong around on his own account.

The last time he talked to Jiang Rong was the the time he lost all will to fight for himself, leaving himself more vulnerable for people to take advantage of. So running into Jiang Rong earlier, he was very happy and energized. He wanted to admire from afar like he had always been doing before he dared to give Jiang Rong a letter confessing his love to him. But his heart was in so much excitement that he couldn't hold back and approached Jiang Rong.

He was expecting on Jiang Rong ignoring him and pretending not to know him, or like his usual self sneer disgusted by him and walk away. But what his expected wasn't what he got, rather Jiang Rong's enthusiasm to see him and even bringing him to his home. This turn of events made Ye Xuan wish for more and expected more, but then he heard Jiang Rong talk about the letter he gave years ago. Ye Xuan stood up abruptly and carelessly wiped his tears in hurry which poured out without his notice. "s... senior I'm sorry for wasting your time. I'll get going now" he sniffled while saying.

Rather than sitting to hear Jiang Rong's rejection he would rather not listen, so he can keep fantasizing about them being together and keep on admiring from afar. Ye Xuan would rather not hear what Jiang Rong wanted to say, because he thought Jiang Rong brought up the letter so he could reject him. In his mind Jiang Rong was probably disgusted with him, he was drown in so much negative thoughts that he couldn't bring himself to think rationally as to why Jiang Rong would bring him to his house just to reject him.

Jiang Rong was flustered seeing such turn of events, all the words he sat and thought hard to say to Ye Xuan were all sgucked behind his throat. He knew that if he didn't take action now things would really get more complicated, and Ye Xuan made an action of running out of the house. Jiang Rong stood up on his feet and walked in two hurried steps, he brought Ye Xuan to stand his ground as he grabbed hold of his hand.

He pulled Ye Xuan into his arms and support his nape with his other hand as he pulled Ye Xuan into a kiss. Ye Xuan froze stiff with his eyes opened wide, bewilderment and surprise could be seen on his face looking into Jiang Rong's black pupils. He stood still with their lips touching, Jiang Rong slightly bit down on his lower lips. Ye Xuan hissed in pain with his lips opened slightly paving way for Jiang Rong to explore, Jiang Rong sucked his lips and tongue kissing him deeply and passionately.

Making Ye Xuan weak in body and his legs felt like jelly, if it wasn't for Jiang Rong's strong arm around his waist supporting him, Ye Xuan would have sat on the floor. His whole face was flushed in blush and his breathing rigid, Jiang Rong felt his lower body warmed up in wanting more. He felt Ye Xuan no longer having strength to hold himself up falling into him more, he broke the kiss when Ye Xuan run out of breath and he felt going further he might do something rashly.

Ye Xuan leaned on his chest panting with his chest moving up and down, Jiang Rong hugged him and placed a gentle kiss on his hair. His face looked bright grinning happily seeing that he had a very strong effect on Ye Xuan. He carried Ye Xuan in his arms and took him to sit on the couch, he squat in front of Ye Xuan who was still feeling the after effect of such an intimate kiss with Jiang Rong. His mind was buzzing and he couldn't process what just happened, he just felt very warm in his heart and excited.

Jiang Rong chuckled lightly seeing him still in dazed, he felt a twitch in his heart looking at Ye Xuan who was flushed all over with a thin saliva at the corner of his lips. Jiang Rong wanted to take a bit at those plump rudy lips which were reddened from being kissed hard, but he held himself wanting to take it slow with Ye Xuan. Ye Xuan flinched when he felt Jiang Rong's fingers on his lips, he was jumpy wanting to find a hole to burry himself. Jiang Rong smirked and just wiped away the saliva at the corner of his lips before moving his hand away, he took back his hand and wiped the wet fingers together.

Jiang Rong froze seeing blood on his finger tips, his whole body felt like cold water was poured on him. "Axuan are you okay? How do you feel, do you feel pain or?!" he asked in hurry flustered and worried looking scared. Ye Xuan was very confused "senior I'm fine" Ye Xuan said in doubt but that didn't assure him. "Mao Qui come out for me!" Jiang Rong called in panic. Ye Xuan stood up at once when Mao Qui came out of the space, his eyes widened in horror looking horrified at the fox which appeared out of nowhere.

"I- i bite him, is .... is he going to turn. Is my saliva poisonous?" he asked concerned thinking if anything was to happen to Ye Xuan he wouldn't forgive himself. He had forgotten that he was no longer a human completely and was impulsive awhile ago. He didn't know what would happen to someone who comes into contact with his saliva, and now Ye Xuan was bitten. Be it a half zombie or a full zombie it was still a zombie's saliva, he was horrified of his own thoughts. He didn't notice the look on Ye Xuan's face who looked between him a Mao Qui in horror thinking whether he was the only one seeing a fox which appeared out of nowhere.

Mao Qui walked to Ye Xuan who also took a step back when it approached him, Mao Qui sniffed on him. "there's nothing wrong with him, for now the poison in you wouldn't act up. Not until when the corpses awaken, just feed him some spiritual foods and let him drink from the spring, but not too much since he's just a human. He wouldn't be able to contain too much spiritual energy in his body unless he starts to cultivate." Mao Qui said to him. Jiang Rong released the breath which he didn't even know he was holding, he was relieved hearing Mao Qui say.

"Then does that mean that the poison in me would start acting up when the apocalypse comes?" he asked frowning. "Yes. You should already start feeling it right, your corpse part is starting to be active as the day nears. But that doesn't mean that you can't control the poison" it explained. Ye Xuan stood there dumbfounded listening to Jiang Rong conversing with a talking fox. "how do I control it?" Jiang Rong asked. "the more stronger you are, the more control you have" Jiang Rong grimaced. He made a decision to start leveling up more from now "how do I start leveling up now? There are no nuclear crystals available now" he said disturbed making Mao Qui scoffed. "don't you have a whole spring pool full of spiritual energy, and you plant spiritual foods too. How can those crystals with impurities compare with the pure spiritual energy of the space. Another thing i forgot to mention jade with spiritual energy is comparable to those crystals, but are also far better because jade have pure spiritual energy." Mao Qui gloated.

Jiang Rong's heart which was in a knot unfolded feeling relieved. Mao Qui went back to the space after checking on Ye Xuan. Ye Xuan stared wide eyed at him "senior there was a fox....just now... out of nowhere.... it disappeared again" he tried to say but he was full of doubt. Jiang Rong chuckled seeing him in dismay. He took Ye Xuan's hand and pulled him to seat with him, Ye Xuan was still dazed doubting his life. "Axuan I'm going to tell you something, do you believe me?" Jiang Rong stroked his hands gently and asked, Ye Xuan nodded like a chick pecking on grains. "i believe and trust senior" Ye Xuan said making him smiled more. "Axuan in less than two weeks time the world as you see it now would go though a lot of changes. Everywhere is going to be in ruins, cars can't move around as they do now, money would be useless. Monsters everywhere and mutants animals and plants, human beings could no longer be trusted. Human beings will always go through transformations awakening abilities, everything would no longer be as it is now." Jiang Rong said lightly making sure to take notice of his expressions. But Ye Xuan listened attentively and quietly with no change of expressing.

"An apocalypse?" he asked. "en.... A zombie apocalypse. Axuan doesn't believe me?" Jiang Rong said disappointed. Ye Xuan quickly shook his head "i believe everything senior said" he said in hurry not wanting to be misunderstood. "How does senior knows this?" he asked watched the changes in Jiang Rong, he didn't want to ask a question which Jiang Rong wouldn't want him to ask. Everyone has one or two secrets which they intend to left untold and Jiang Rong was no different and so was he, Ye Xuan thought. "Mao Qui told me, the fox you just saw. Oneday i found a family heirloom which contained a space and Mao Qui is the guardian spirit of the space, he told me somethings so i have been preparing" Jiang Rong decided not to tell him about his regression, because if he talked about it then he'd have to inform him about their past together.

He really didn't have the heart to tell Ye Xuan about their terrible past, all that have to be buried and never to be remembered again, he was now with Ye Xuan so what happened doesn't matter anymore all he had to do now was to treat Ye Xuan better and give him a good life together with him. Ye Xuan nodded believing his words "then senior we have to start gathering supplies and inform people to do so" he said anxiously understanding the seriousness of the matter. Jiang Rong turned him to face him "relax i have started to do that okay, from now on just relax and believe in me and everything would be alright. And as for warning people we can do that on Weibo and internet but we have to be careful not to let the government in on us, we'll be arrested and a lot of things can happen." Jiang Rong said and he nodded in understanding but he wasn't really relaxed as Jiang Rong wanted him to be.

Jiang Rong understood where his tension was from, if he hadn't experienced the apocalypse himself and someone was to inform him like this. He might call the person a lunatic and not believe and even if he was to believe he wouldn't be able to sit realxed. He stood up with Ye Xuan "I'm going to take you somewhere very magical, but before that i wanna show you something about me. Axuan even if you get scared of me and want to run i won't let you go, because you're forever mine now" "senior i won't be afraid of you and I would never run from you" Ye Xuan quickly promise.

Jiang Rong smiled brightly "remember your words now, i won't allow you to go back on them" he said and closed his eyes, he took deep breaths and prepared himself for when Ye Xuan might become scared of him. When he opened his eyes again they were completely red with no pupils just fiery red, Ye Xuan sucked in his breath stunned. He stared at them terrified in his heart and his body trembled, he folded his knuckles nad unfold them calming himself down in other not to run because he really wanted to. He felt as if he was face to face with a predator and a very dangerous one, Jiang Rong didn't blame him because even the him in the past was terrified when facing zombies so he knew how Ye Xuan was feeling now.

It made him admire Ye Xuan more that he could stand his ground and not try to make it out of the villa now, he quickly took back his aura not wanting to scare Ye Xuan more. "senior ~" Ye Xuan called in teary puffed eyes as his legs gave out and was about to fall, Jiang Rong quickly caught him and supported him up. "I'm no longer a human, so will you leave me?" Ye Xuan shook his head and he smiled happily. "we would face whatever it is together, i will never leave senior if senior doesn't sack me" Ye Xuan answered aggrieved. He couldn't tell what he'll feel the day Jiang Rong would come and no longer want to be with him, Ye Xuan thought he would prefer death to that. "drink this" Ye Xuan opened his mouth as Jiang Rong fed him water from the spring after drinking he felt more energized and no longer was affected by Jiang Rong's dark and eerie aura.

Before he could ask there was a flash as Jiang Rong took him into the the space. His mouth was wide opened and his jaw dropped looking at the scenery which was completely different from the hall they were in a moment ago. "Welcome to my space" Jiang Rong smirked seeing his bewilderment.

Author's words:

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