Ch. 10

Jiang Rong watched him being dumbfounded and awed of the scenery in the space. It was a given that anyone who comes into the space for the fist time would be amazed of it's scenery, and he was no different let alone Ye Xuan. " this the space you inherited as a family heirloom?" Ye Xuan asked not shying or hiding his surprised look. Jiang Rong smirked when he asked, "yes, this whole space belongs to me." he answered Ye Xuan's question taking Ye Xuan's hands into his "and now it belongs to you too, come with me" he added and pulled Ye Xuan leading him to the bamboo house.

Jiang Rong didn't intend to show Ye Xuan around yet, he wanted to make Ye Xuan the second owner of the space first which was very important to him. After that there would be no need to personally take Ye Xuan around to show him, because Ye Xuan would be able to sense the entire space after becoming the second owner. Mao Qui knew that Jiang Rong would be bringing Ye Xuan in after it left them and entered the space, so it had been waiting for them the entire time in front of a tall stone tablet which was beside the bamboo house.

Jiang Rong was baffled to see a stone tablet when he got them to the bamboo house, he had been into the space several times but this was the first time for him seeing the stone tablet. He walked to stand in front of the stone tablet curiously "was this always there?" he asked Mao Qui who was getting uncomfortable from Ye Xuan's burning gaze. It turned to bared it's canines at Ye Xuan who took a step back startled "hmp" Mao Qui turned it's attention sharply away from Ye Xuan after it gave him a scare gloating.

Ye Xuan couldn't help but think that such a small fox cub had a big ego and didn't like being stared at. "yes, it's mostly invisible. It only appears when either me or the master of the space wants it to." it answered Jiang Rong's question looking bored. "what are all these names for?" he asked looking through the names on the stone tablet, some where surnamed Jiang and some where different surnames. "Names of all the previous owners of the space before you." Mao Qui said.

"You, bend over" it pointed it's paw at Ye Xuan and ordered. Both Jiang Rong and Ye Xuan were stunned, Jiang Rong nodded urging Ye Xuan to do as it said. "stretch your hand forward" it ordered again when Ye Xuan squat in front of it looking curious. Mao Qui slightly bit down on Ye Xuan's finger drawing out blood, Ye Xuan hissed in pain and startled pulling his hand away from Mao Qui. Jiang Rong was horrified seeing what Mao Qui did.

He walked to Ye Xuan and pulled him up on his feet away from Mao Qui who looked carefree after what it did, it didn't think that it had done anything wrong. Jiang Rong held Ye Xuan's hand up to inspect it, he was very troubled when he saw the bite mark and blood on Ye Xuan's finger. He turned to Mao Qui looking very pissed "You... why did you bite him?!" he asked releasing his aura which was eerie and cold full of bloodlust, Mao Qui sneered and stood vigilant against him. "didn't you want him to have ownership of the space? That's what I'm doing" it snapped back.

"What does that have to do with biting?!" Jiang Rong asked still pissed. "his blood is needed in doing so" it answered nonchalantly making Jiang Rong more pissed. "There was other ways in getting his blood, why did you have to use a ruthless way causing him pain?!" Jiang Rong snapped looking pained at the small puncture in Ye Xuan's finger. He was very disturbed by Mao Qui's way of doing things. "Senior don't get angry, don't fight. I'm fine, look it's just a small wound" Ye Xuan cut in, he didn't want to see Jiang Rong argue with Mao Qui over a small bite.

Ye Xuan started seeing Mao Qui with respect and admiration after Jiang Rong explained about the space to him, Mao Qui was the guardian spirit of the space so he couldn't afford to see Jiang Rong argue with it when he should be friendly to the guardian of the space. Wouldn't it be bad if Mao Qui got annoyed and prevenit Jiang Rong from using the space, he thought, but the truth was that even if Mao Qui was to get annoyed it couldn't prevent Jiang Rong from using the space. It was the guardian spirit of the space but Jiang Rong was the owner and master of the space making Mao Qui his too.

"But you're hurt" Jiang Rong said with pained expression. "Senior it really doesn't hurt, you don't have to worry over such a small thing. And senior what is this about making me a master of the space? No,no,no you can't do that, this is your family's heirloom!" Ye Xuan said against becoming another owner of the space. "What do you mean? I know it's my family's heirloom and you're part of my family too. Or do you consider me to be a stranger?" Jiang Rong asked hurt. "Senior don't get me wrong, that's not what i meant by that, i just....."

"Are you not my wife? Or you don't want to be with me anymore?" Jiang Rong cut him off and asked harshly. Ye Xuan froze dumbstruck hearing him "wife?" he asked to be sure whether or not he heard right. "yes wife, i want to make you my wife. Ah, I'm sorry I didn't thinking I'd meet you now so i didn't prepare the ring yet. I was thinking of searching for you when the apocalypse comes" Jiang Rong told him seriously. Ye Xuan stood still dazed doubting his life, he couldn't help but think that he was in a dreamland and everything he was seeing and hearing wasn't real.

"Senior wants me to be his....wife?" he asked again looking like an idiot. "Why don't want to?" Jiang Rong looked at him doubtful fearing that Ye Xuan wanted to go back on his words of being with him. "of course i would want to, senior i want" he heard Ye Xuan's happy and excited voice. He glaced at Ye Xuan who's eyes turned red with tears in them smiling happily, "Pang! Pang!" he felt his half dead heart beat fiercely and active, Ye Xuan's smile was very beautiful and honest.

"So are you done?! Can we get it over with already, what are you doing wasting so much time!!" Mao Qui's irritated voice broke their beautiful moments, it looked at them disdainfully and annoyed. He couldn't stand them being lovey lovey the whole time, it felt disgusted. Jiang Rong glared at it "you won't repent on what you did, but instead you have the heart to argue" Jiang Rong said seeing it's still carefree and disdainful look seemingly it still thought it hadn't done anything wrong to be scolded for.

"Senior don't argue" "don't talk for it or it would think that what it did was not wrong." Jiang Rong stated dissatisfied with Ye Xuan's words, Mao Qui who was the cause of it couldn't tell what it did wrong. Wasn't it just doing what Jiang Rong wanted? It was confused making it more irritated by Jiang Rong's behavior and words "isn't it just a small bite, why are you overacting as if i bit off his finger." Mao Qui argued back.

"You!" "senior~ please don't argue anymore" Ye Xuan turned Jiang Rong to face him as he said pleadingly, Jiang Rong sighed and chose not to pursue anymore. He really didn't know how to talk some senses into Mao Qui who had such a big ego, Jiang Rong felt that it was no use talking about it anymore and the wound on Ye Xuan's finger was only but a small puncture which had only stopped bleeding. "forget it. Just tell us what to do from now on, don't do anything you're not told to" he warned sternly which made Mao Qui very unhappy.

It stared at Jiang Rong dumbly feeling wronged and very annoyed, "he just need to write his name with his blood beside your name" Mao Qui instructed blankly no longer paying attention to them, Jiang Rong also didn't care about it's outbursts. Mao Qui was wrong in biting Ye Xuan when there was a lot of ways to do things, he wasn't going to comply with its unreasonable actions. Ye Xuan felt bad seeing both of them that way, he felt he was responsible for it.

Jiang Rong pierced Ye Xuan's finger with a pin since the puncture Mao Qui did had already stopped bleeding, they both walked to the stone tablet. Jiang Rong's name was half way down on the tablet which was the last name there, Ye Xuan bend and carefully wrote his name beside Jiang Rong's. He stood up and straightened himself up after doing so, "what next" Jiang Rong turned and asked Mao Qui. Mao Qui ignored him and walked leisurely over to the the tablet, it placed it's paw on the tablet. A flash appeared where it's paw was engulfing the whole stone tablet for like a minute before subsiding and it took it's paw away from the tablet, after the flash Ye Xuan's name which was written in blood in crooked ways was no longer there.

Instead his name was in black ink neatly beside Jiang Rong's, they both looked curiously and fascinated. "is t..." "Ah!" Ye Xuan groaned and hissed in pain just as Jiang Rong was going to ask Mao Qui if that was all, he quickly help Ye Xuan who stumbled dizzily. "Axuan are you okay, what happened?" he asked worried. The pain subsided just as it came, he straightened himself up facing Jiang Rong's worried look. "It's alright, I'm fine. There was a burn on my chest just now but it went away just as it came." he assured the worried looking Jiang Rong. But Jiang Rong still felt distressed wiping away the swear from Ye Xuan's forehead.

"Let me see" he demanded, Ye Xuan blushed embarrassedly. He nervously undid the buttons of his shirt half way down, he turned red and flustered as he slowly pulled the shirt opened revealing his fair skin. Jiang Rong wasn't aware of his embarrassed look as he was stressing over what caused his chest to burn, he glaced on Ye Xuan's chest to find the same tattoo he had on his chest after the jade pendant disappeared. But the one on Ye Xuan's chest was in feint black ink not like his deep black ink, he traced on the tattoo with his fingers as his finger intentionally or unintentionally slightly touched Ye Xuan's pink bud. "ouch" a low moan escaped from Ye Xuan's lips making both of them stunned, Jiang Rong quickly took back his hand as Ye Xuan blushed more looking like a monkey's butt.

He quickly did back his button flustered and shy "ermh, ermh... you-my fault. Ah don't worry since we're together now" Jiang Rong wanted to slap himself after saying those words, he was also flustered that he lost his cool and didn't know what to say. "en.... I'm senior's wife now" Ye Xuan said in whisper shyly with his eyes sparkling and excited, Jiang Rong chuckled. "You're becoming more unlikable and disgusting" Mao Qui broke off their two person world again informing them of it's presence, Jiang Rong felt like Mao Qui was his nemesis in ruining his moments, he almost wanted to throw him out of the space.

He decided to keep it together and ignore Mao Qui sweeping through the names on the tablet, he was the only one who had another name attached to his name. Meaning he was the only descendant who brought another person into the space, Jiang Rong was proud. Mao Qui tapped twice on the tablet making it invisible again. It turned around to walk away when it heard Ye Xuan say "Senior can i pet Mao Qui?". Mao Qui froze and glanced sharply at him. "no, you're not allowed to touch anyone else but me" Jiang Rong mercilessly denied. Ye Xuan pouted looking wronged and aggrieved, Jiang Rong felt an itch and wanted to pat him on the head, and he did and complied with Ye Xuan's request. "just this one time" Ye Xuan smiled brightly and turned to stare at Mao Qui who stared back.

Mao Qui suddenly felt that Ye Xuan now was dangerous making him shiver and his spine ran cold. "You, don't come you dare. I'll scratch you if you touch my fur" it warned fiercely, but Ye Xuan who had wanted to pet it since long ignored it fierce warning and approached it. Before Mao Qui could attempt to ran, Ye Xuan had already picked it up into his arms and started pet and rubbing it's fluffy fur in bliss. "You bastard let me go! Human child I'll scratch your face! Let me go now!" it tried to fight but it couldn't bring itself to as it was enjoying Ye Xuan's harassment of it's fur.

"Over there, up, there, there" it's fighting words turned to requests in no time making Ye Xuan delightful and harassed more. Ye Xuan placed him back down on the grass after he had petted enough, Mao Qui regained back it's senses and glared angrily at him. "What kind of demonic arts did you use on me?! You demonic cultivator, i was wrong about you thinking you were good with how weak you look!" Both Jiang Rong and Ye Xuan were stunned hearing it's accusations, Jiang Rong couldn't hold back and burst out laughing shocked at Mao Qui loosing it's noble look and looking very wronged as it accused.

"It's just petting, i don't know any demonic arts" Ye Xuan was aggrieved, Jiang Rong laughed so hard at both of them. "Whatever stay away from me..... or I'll bite you!" it warned and escaped from there, Ye Xuan looked at its figure getting further and further away from them, he felt really wronged, he just wanted to pet it but instead annoyed it rather.

"Senior it doesn't seem to like me very much" he complained to Jiang Rong, Jiang Rong chuckled. "Don't worry, it just got embarrassed and flustered. It hasn't been petted before." Jiang Rong said doting. "So that's it, then I'll pet it more from now on and it'll get used to me!" Ye Xuan decided making Jiang Rong laughed again. At first he was against Ye Xuan petting Mao Qui, but now seeing Mao Qui's flustered look and embarrassment, he couldn't wait to see more of it. "En, you do that" Ye Xuan smiled brightly receiving his permission. Jiang Rong took him to walk around in the space and do some work.

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