Ch. 11

In a hotel room of city M in Sichuan Province, a youth was seated on a double size bed with a laptop in hand. He was focused and reading the messages showing on the screen as he typed replying to one or two messages. The youth was no other than Ye Xuan who was intent on warning people of the coming apocalypse, but his good intentions were taken lightly as he was mocked and accused of causing public fear. Jiang Rong and Ye Xuan arrived in city M in Sichuan Province three days ago.

Jiang Rong who came to city M for a purpose had being roaming around in the city after the day of their arrival searching and marking locations of solar panel industries and high tech electronic industries in the city. He rented a warehouse is the outskirts of the city buying more supplies, like daily necessities, chest fridges and other home electrical appliances, meats, canned and preserved foods and more seeds. Even though the supplies bought before could last them for their lifetime, but because of the habits accumulated in the apocalypse Jiang Rong still felt they were not enough.

Ye Xuan turned his attention to the door when he heard a click, he watched as Jiang Rong strode into the hotel room. Ye Xuan quickly put aside the laptop and got off the bed as he walked to Jiang Rong with a bright smile, his enthusiasm affect Jiang Rong who came back looking cold. Jiang Rong returned back his smile when their eyes met, he stared tenderly at Ye Xuan. "Senior you're back!" Ye Xuan welcomed with excitement. "en, I'm back" he gave Ye Xuan a short reply and shuffled his hair looking at him with a doting look.

Ye Xuan giggled belatedly "were you good?" Jiang Rong asked as he brought his hand on Ye Xuan's face stroking gently. "en" Ye Xuan hummed in his nasal. "you seem very excited, were you waiting for me?" "En, said you'd take me out for dinner tonight.....and it's almost time" he answered shyly as the tips of his ears turned red, Jiang Rong felt funny seeing him still acting shy with him.

What Ye Xuan didn't know was that everytime he acted shy he sounded and looked very coquettish, Jiang Rong always felt an itch and wanting to pounce on him like an hungry wolf which he was. "okay, I'm sorry for being late, let me take a quick shower and get ready. You do so too" Jiang Rong apologized and rubbed his face more before walking away into the bathroom. Ye Xuan watched him go feeling inexplicable and was in a hysterical mood, he may have reminded Jiang Rong of their dinner together but he was nervous with his thoughts running wild. He clenched his fists to calm himself down and unclenched again after calming down and went on to get ready too.

They both walked out of the hotel room side by side after getting ready, Jiang Rong drove them to a five star restaurant about thirty minutes drive from the hotel. He drove into the parking lot and parked the car before leading Ye Xuan into the restaurant, they walked to the reception. "Sir what can i do for you" the receptionist asked politely. "Reservation under the name Jiang Rong" Jiang Rong said coldly and expressionless. The receptionist shivered in fright and nodded she glanced down on the screen, she quickly searched for their reservation and showed them to their private room. She sighed in relief after she watched them leave 'so scary' she thought.

Jiang Rong ordered for them all Ye Xuan's favorite, having been living with Ye Xuan these few days he had made it his mission to find out all preferences of Ye Xuan. What he likes and what he hates all those things, in this lifetime he wants to give Ye Xuan the best and never wrong him because to him he owned Ye Xuan a lot which can't be repaid in both of his lifetime, but he would still do all that he can do. His face softened as he watch Ye Xuan ate, other than the food planted in the space anything he put into his mouth was unpalatable so he didn't bother himself to eat much. He just focused on picking the dishes for Ye Xuan and watching him ate made him feel satiated too.

"Senior why don't you eat too, pick for yourself i can take care of myself" Ye Xuan picked a dish and sent it into his bowl too seeing that Jiang Rong was just taking care of him without eating himself. Jiang Rong's heart softened more seeing his caring and worried look. Because he had been eating the food Ye Xuan cooks with the ingredients from the space, he hadn't yet told Ye Xuan about him not being to eat human food. Jiang Rong chuckled seeing his wronged look "it's because the food was not cooked by Axuan, so i don't find it palatable" Jiang Rong teased making Ye Xuan blushed from the tips of his ears.

"Senior stop teasing and eat too, i thought we were having dinner together?" Ye Xuan pouted looking like a puffed fish, it made Jiang Rong chuckled. Jiang Rong stretched his hand over and caressed his puffed cheek. "Axuan doesn't have to worry about me, i can't eat human food anymore, it's unpalatable to me. I can only eat the food Axuan cooks with the things from the space." he explained in a soothing voice with a smile. Ye Xuan felt pained when Jiang Rong informed him, he grabbed Jiang Rong's hand on his face and rubbed against it a few times "Senior~" his voice broke. "Axuan doesn't have to worry, I'm okay. I don't get hungry anyway, i just eat the food in the space because of the spiritual energy in them" he comforted.

Ye Xuan wasn't very assured of that but since Jiang Rong didn't want him to worry he'll just let it for now, he thought in heart that he must help Jiang Rong find a cure for himself. "c'mon finish eating first" Jiang Rong took back his hand and urged. Ye Xuan shook his head "senior I'm done, i can't eat anymore" he stated putting down the chopsticks. Jiang Rong nodded and stood up, Ye Xuan also stood up when he saw Jiang Rong up. Jiang Rong walked with a bright smile on his face to Ye Xuan, he knelt on a knee in front of Ye Xuan who looked at him shocked and with bewilderment. Ye Xuan started to get nervous seeing his intention, Jiang Rong took out a box from his pocket, stretched it to Ye Xuan and opened it. "Axuan w...." "Yes!!! Senior i would!" Ye Xuan answered before he even had time to ask, Jiang Rong felt funny looking at the youth with red teary eyes, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "I didn't even ask yet" he chuckled and said making the youth blushed all over.

"Senior doesn't have to ask, I want to be senior's wife" the shy looking youth answered nervously trying to hide away his embarrassment which made him looked aggrieved as if being bullied. Seeing his aggrieved look Jiang Rong really wanted to bully him, he was stimulated as he felt a twitch in his pant with his rod bulging. He felt that he could no longer hold back anymore, for the past three to four days sleeping together on the same bed and waking up in each other's arms, Jiang Rong had been doing his best to hold onto his sanity. But now with the expression the youth was making he felt the last string holding together his sanity snapped, he took the youths hand and put on the ring on his ring finger.

Ye Xuan did the same for him. Jiang Rong grabbed his hand tight and dragged him out of the restaurant after settling the bills, he put the youth into the car and drove away. "Senior where are you taking me to?" Ye Xuan asked noticing his behavior and hasty actions. "We're going back to the hotel" Jiang Rong answered with a serious face. Ye Xuan nodded and sat back honestly hearing his reply, his naive self couldn't tell why Jiang Rong was in a rush, he just thought Jiang Rong must've remembered something that was why he was in a rush to go back.

Ye Xuan stumbled several times as Jiang Rong dragged him behind walking in hurried steps, Jiang Rong's whole body was hot as his hard rod twitched painfully in his pant making his mind muddled. He was so focused on getting into their room that he didn't take notice of Ye Xuan who was having a hard time being dragged along and trying his best to match Jiang Rong's walking pace, but Ye Xuan chose not to complain and let himself be dragged quietly.

Jiang Rong crushed his lips onto Ye Xuan's as soon as they walked into the room and locked the door. Ye Xuan widened his eyes stunned, he felt Jiang Rong's hand snaked around his waist as he was pulled into Jiang Rong's chest. He opened his mouth granting Jiang Rong entry, Jiang Rong sucked his lips and tongue exploring into his mouth unceremoniously. The kiss was long and deep with passion and hunger, Ye Xuan was kissed deeply to the point where he could no longer stand on his feet and his breath rigid.

Jiang Rong reluctantly broke the kiss and supported him up as he panted trying to catch his breath. His mind was fuzzy and his eyes blurry with tears in them, he couldn't bring himself to think straight as his gaze focused on Jiang Rong who was staring into his eyes. Jiang Rong looked like an hungry wolf which was starved for years and was looking forward to satiating it's hunger. Jiang Rong's body was hot feeling heat from his breath and the body in his embrace, there was a tender looking meat in his hand and him being a starved wolf, how could he let go of the tender meat which was already caught in his mouth.

He carried Ye Xuan bride style into the bedroom and laid him on the bed, he hovered on him. Jiang Rong undressed in haste as he did Ye Xuan, he took his lips into his once more continuing from where they left. But this time around he intended to do more than just a kiss, they were both in need of each other's touches and none of them wanted to stop.

Jiang Rong sat on the bed as he stuck away the hair on the sleeping youth's face after cleaning him up with a clean cloth and water. "hmm" Ye Xuan groaned in his sleep, he felt pained and depressed seeing that. Jiang Rong blamed himself for being an animal and repulsive, he wasn't able to control and hold himself back being the first time in so many years in both lifetime. He ignored the youths pleas and tears and he tossed the youth over and over again, he was only able to regain his sanity after Ye Xuan fainted from tiredness and excessive tossing. He gently wiped and clean the tears stains on Ye Xuan's face before tucking him well under the covers.

Jiang Rong got up from the bed not wanting to disturb Ye Xuan's sleep, he walked out to the balcony. He stood there as the air blew on his facing looking into the distance afar at nothingness, he felt a strong sense of danger as the days to the apocalypse got shorter. He could feel himself being stimulated and on edge, Jiang Rong could feel that he was getting scared and nervous as the apocalypse got closer. He thought he wouldn't be affected by the apocalypse anymore since he had lived in it for years, but now he felt that he was short sighted. There was no human who sensing crisis would be unaffected, he maybe only a half human but he was still a human who could sense the crisis approaching thanks to his zombie self, he was stimulated by both parts of himself making him on edge and losing control.

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