Unpleasant Offer

The sedan chair's door mercilessly closed and the two inside looked at each other a bit awkwardly.

Young Master Suan was the first to open his mouth.

"Who are you?"

Chang Liuyun stayed quiet for a brief second but soon answered.

"I'm, uh,... Chang Liuxing's older brother, Chang Mingyun...?"

Young Master Suan's eyes immediately brightened upon hearing Chang Liuyun's introduction.

"So you're siblings! Nice to meet you, my name is Suan Bian, the head alchemist at Somber Spirit Pharmacy."

Suan Bian happily stretched out his arm for a handshake and Chang Liuyun gladly took it while feigning a sense of awe and inferiority towards the other's power.


Fortunately, he hadn't forgotten the cover identities they had made up after that incident in the forge.

Posing as siblings supporting each other in Dark Spirit Town was much easier to explain than whatever their relationship was at the moment. And it would help keep their secrets while also preventing any misunderstandings or potential future trouble.

At least misunderstandings like the one with Jing Jiang.

Although Chang Liuyun was still the only one of the two aware of this misunderstanding...

And he wouldn't bother clearing it up any time soon. Nobody would, after scoring a magic weapon because of such an innocent thing.

"So, about the Horned Red Jade Tiger..., how much would you sell it for?"

Suan Bian asked in a good mood, waking Chang Liuyun from his thoughts.

Instantly, Chang Liuyun's eyes became sharp.

Finally, the question he was waiting for!

"How much would you pay for it?", he asked in turn.

Carefully observing Suan Bian's amiable expression, Chang Liuyun waited for the other to state their price.

He knew that he was in a very unfavorable position, selling an item without knowing its worth to someone who clearly knew and asking the other to set a price.

But he had no other choice, he did not want to offend this Young Master by stating an outrageous sum, and he also wasn't so keen on making a massive loss.

In the end, he left the judgment to Suan Bian, while hoping that he would be able to catch it if the other was ripping him off.

So, Chang Liuyun nervously awaited Suan Bian's reply.

Suan Bian didn't care about Chang Liuyun's concerns in the slightest, casually stating a price slightly above average.

"How about 70 silver?"

Chang Liuyun was too stunned to speak for a moment. His mouth was so dry from the shock that he had to dazedly swallow a few times before he was able to answer.

"Al, right," Chang Liuyun clumsily croaked.

Suan Bian nodded unhurriedly, with an unperturbed face. On the inside, however, Suan Bian gloated over Chang Liuyun's foolish behavior.

He was truly superior to the common folk. Such a measly amount of money and the other was already in a stupor!

It made him wonder, would the other die of shock if he received a gold coin?

An amusing thought, but he wouldn't act on it, he still wanted to curry favor a bit for the sister - was it Chang Liuxing?- 's sake. Killing her brother probably had an adverse effect.

He commented in his mind, chuckling softly.

This Chang Liuxing...

She was truly beautiful.

In an inherently seductive way, entirely different from the pretty, innocent young ladies who only ever acted reserved and shy.

Just her voice had been enough to draw him in, melodic with a temperament hidden underneath, arousing his curiosity to see who this voice belonged to.

And when he finally got to take a look, he helplessly fell victim to her deep, dark eyes that could only be described as soul-stirring. Unforgettable even if only met for a short glance.

But her eyes weren't the only thing that captured his fancy, her elegant, straight nose, her sensual lips, her bold brows... all that attracted him immensely.

Especially this peculiar boldness in her demeanor was a trait that intrigued him, as he had only ever seen it in the women he hired from the entertainment district.

Although she was many times more beautiful than even the most prized of the entertainers.

Almost like a queen of demonesses.

And he ached to be the man to conquer her.

As this greed and hunger welled up inside Suan Bian he ordered one of his servants outside to prepare a pouch with 70 silver coins. After a short hot glance at Lei Mingxing who was strolling along a few meters away from the sedan chair, Suan Bian turned back to continue his talk with Chang Liuyun.

"Your money is being prepared, but there is something else I wanted to ask," Suan Bian said, barely able to contain his foxy grin, "As the head alchemist at Somber Spirit Pharmacy, I wanted to offer you a spot as a shop assistant, you and your sister of course."

Chang Liuyun squinted his eyes slightly at Suan Bian's words, frowning beneath his mask.

He was no fool, no matter how stunned he was because of the sudden fortune they had made, Chang Liuyun wouldn't miss Suan Bian's obviously impure intentions toward Lei Mingxing.

The question now was, how to deal with them?

"I'm really sorry, Young Master Suan... my sister already has a job and she is unable to quit because of certain circumstances."

He answered with great 'regret' in his voice, concluding that the truth was better than any excuse he could come up with on the spot. Although he still chose to conceal a few details, like her workplace, or what her work actually was.

There was no telling what the other would do if he casually told him everything.

Besides, he hadn't lied about the 'certain circumstances'. After all, just starting an apprenticeship as Artificer was a pretty good reason for not quitting. Especially when the other offer was completing odd jobs at some pharmacy, even if the salary was better.

Hearing Chang Liuyun's rejection, Suan Bian's expression stiffened slightly.

Did the other just reject him?

How dare he! Everyone knew that working for Somber Spirit Pharmacy was a great blessing and only obtained through even greater luck. No matter the position, the pay was always at the top of the profession.

Only a fool would not take this offer!

Wait, didn't he already establish that the other was a fool?

Of course! This was the only reason someone could reject him because of something as silly as another job!

In that case, he would be so generous as to lend a hand.

"What are these circumstances, maybe I can-"

Just as Suan Bian began talking, one of his servants knocked on the sedan chair's door.

"Excuse me, Young Master. We have arrived in the town, the money has also been handed over."

Chang Liuyun immediately took this chance, with a pleasant tone, Chang Liuyun bid Suan Bian farewell.

"Oh! We are already here! Thank you very much for your generous help and offer, Young Master Suan, but we won't inconvenience you any further! Have a very pleasant day!"

He hurriedly rose from his seat, not leaving any room for protest from Suan Bian.

He opened the sedan chair's door and stepped out, too brisk for his injured leg. Chang Liuyun stumbled and almost fell to the ground but Lei Mingxing, who had already been on her way to the sedan chair, quickly caught him.

With her help, Chang Liuyun avoided planting face-first on the ground.

But this short delay gave Suan Bian the opportunity to address them before they could leave.

"Wait!" Suan Bian hurriedly shouted, his tone tinged with a hint of annoyance.

"What about you then? You are a mercenary, right? But with that injury, you won't be able to hunt for some time, so how about you temporarily work at Somber Spirit Pharmacy?"

Annoyance rose inside Chang Liuyun as well and he wanted to refuse, but after seeing Suan Bian's eyes, he choked back his words.

There was a harsh and ruthless light glinting inside the other's pupils, and Chang Liuyun realized that he shouldn't push his luck any further.

He quickly feigned another fawning smile and agreed to Suan Bian's request, hiding his reluctance as best he could.

Satisfied, Suan Bian expectantly glanced at Lei Mingxing, hoping that she would be impressed by his generosity and quickly fall for him.

But Lei Mingxing was unimpressed, keeping her face hidden except for her eyes, and bowing her head in a 'thankful' gesture.

Slightly disappointed, Suan Bian withdrew inside the sedan chair again and soon left, oblivious to the disgusted expression on Lei Mingxing's face.

Small theater:

Suan Bian: No girl in Dark Spirit Town can resist me, my charm is unmatched!

Lei Mingxing: Fortunately, I'm not a local.