Mood-Improving Splurging

Even after Suan Bian left, Lei Mingxing and Chang Liuyun's bad moods persisted.

They remained silent, each of them occupied with their own disgruntlement, but the one thing both had on their mind was the question of how to avoid any future meetings with this arrogant young master.

Chang Liuyun contemplated changing his entire attire, including his mask. Unfortunately, there was the matter of Lei Mingxing's face having been exposed and Suan Bian seeing his eyes.

There was no way for him to change that aspect of himself even if he wanted to, the only other possibility would be to use an artifact to mask them, but those are famously very pricy.

Well, he didn't intend on doing either of these things anyway, not with those words still haunting his dreams.

Chang Liuyun sunk deeper into his thoughts, trying his best to recall a long-lost memory but it remained blurry no matter the effort.

Meanwhile, Lei Mingxing continued to feel slight anger bubbling inside her, her inner Qi boiling along, threatening to amplify the emotion if she wasn't careful.

But she just couldn't help being annoyed by this hateful and entitled young master!


Deep down, she realized that this anger was actually a tiny seed of fear and doubt, causing her stomach to churn and her knees to shake slightly at the idea of it growing into the same horrors as her last life.

This thought, however, only made her anger grow.

She wished that she could simply burn that Suan Bian to death, like that mercenary at that time. It wasn't like that Suan Bian's intentions were any better!

Unfortunately, the other had a lot of guards around him. Not to mention that his cultivation base was also above Lei Mingxing's. And she had no idea by how much.

Yet another reason for her to gnash her teeth in frustration.

Wordlessly they reached the closest dress store.

Chang Liuyun briefly explained their needs and the store clerk quickly returned with a small variety of clothes that fit their criteria.

From the pile, Lei Mingxing chose two dresses, one deep blue and the other dark red, both with white and brown accents respectively. For now, she put on the deep blue dress with a matching blue face veil, which had a few feather motives printed on it, clearly of better quality than her last face veil.

Not to be outdone by Lei Mingxing, Chang Liuyun also changed into a set of white robes with light green seams, in addition to the gray and blue robes that had caught his eye. Of course, buying a green mask to match the former look as the black one he still possessed just didn't fit. Telling himself that this attire was for special occasions only - and today.

The price of all these clothes came down to slightly below 6 silver, which they paid boldly, before contentedly stepping out of the store.

Spending money really improved one's mood!

Now much more relaxed, the two strolled down the market on their way to find a clinic for Chang Liuyun's injuries, only stopping for a moment to buy themselves a few scallion pancakes.

Lei Mingxing stepped forward to order this time, masking her nervousness by acting deliberately confident. This was the first time she ordered something after the incident in the shoestore.

"Fo-four scallion pancakes,... please?"

Her voice still betrayed her in the end, cracking in the middle of the very first word. Leaving her flushing beneath her face veil in embarrassment as she was barely able to complete her order.

The middle-aged lady manning the shop accepted Lei Mingxing's order while laughing and busily poured a few fresh pancakes.

As Lei Mingxing embarrassingly put down her hand after paying and hung the coin pouch back on her waist, she could hear a muffled chuckle from behind her. Lei Mingxing turned even redder in response and lowered her head slightly.

But before she could truly beat herself up for acting so shamefully, she glanced at Chang Liuyun behind her.

His lips were still twitching slightly, clearly trying his best to suppress his laughter but with Lei Mingxing looking at him this task became harder and harder. Lei Mingxing blinked at his silly behavior a few times before bursting out laughing.

The mere thought of what kind of face Chang Liuyun was currently making under his mask was enough to distract Lei Mingxing from her embarrassment earlier and cause her to laugh instead.

The sudden sound of Lei Mingxing's laughing stunned Chang Liuyun for a moment, but he ultimately couldn't stop a silly grin from spreading on his face.

Soon the lady finished packing their order and handed it to Lei Mingxing, bidding them farewell with a smile.

Continuing on their way, they quickly devoured the hot and oily pancakes with relish. Both of them were extremely hungry after the strenuous battle yesterday. Although..., Lei Mingxing was actually always hungry and wouldn't complain about receiving food at any time of the day, even in the middle of the night.

But she had to admit, these pancakes tasted especially delicious for some reason.

It didn't take long until they found a clinic.

After waiting a few minutes, the doctor was finally able to take a look at Chang Liuyun's injuries.

The doctor inquired how he had received these injuries and, after hearing Chang Liuyun's explanation, how high his cultivation base was.

Judging the injuries to be pretty clean fractures, he prescribed a few Mending Bones Pills, which would make the recovery period only about a month.

But he also gave them a prescription consisting of a few different herbs, in case they couldn't afford the expensive pills, although with only the herbs the time for the injuries to heal would also change to slightly longer two months.

Finally, he sent them off after stabilizing Chang Liuyun's arm and leg with splints and bondages.

Their next destination was the pharmacy.

They deliberately avoided Somber Spirit Pharmacy and visited a smaller one. They bought the pills, flaunting their newfound wealth by directly paying twenty silver for four Mending Bones Pills.

This was no time to be stingy! The longer Chang Liuyun was injured, the higher threat to their lives as it would make escaping a lot harder and slower.

For now, their goal was to leave Dark Spirit Town and put a lot of distance between them and Huo Dong, the sooner the better!

Still, ... directly paying twenty silver stung Chang Liuyun a bit... It was more money than everything they had spent thus far added together.

But there was nothing else he could do about his injuries.

Having finished their errands, their last goal was to stop by Unyielding Branch Forge.

After all, Lei Mingxing hadn't told Jing Jiang that she would come later and she had a slight suspicion that the other was still waiting for her.

However, after they reached the forge, what greeted them wasn't a worried Jing Jiang but an equally excited and anxious Jing Jiang who immediately rushed towards them as soon as they stepped into the storefront.

He directly clasped Lei Mingxing's hand.

With an overjoyed expression and a voice trembling because of suppressed excitement, he exclaimed:

"There you finally are my one and only apprentice! I have some great news!"

Small theater:

Scallion Pancake Stall Owner: What a cute couple!

Lei Mingxing and Chang Liuyun originally posing as siblings: ...