Prologue 2 3282Dys 46 Years Old

Is there a heaven for dogs like us?

That was a question I once told myself back in Earth, before I ended up in here after my death back in the flaming wooden mansion. I saved my precious pups and my majestic harem of mates, they were all saved by me, in result of my death by the inferno. And soon after my death, everything was completely dark... and now, everything around me is gloomier, sinister, and still technically hopeless, despite our temporary morale boosters, like our dancers or brown and red liquids. I mean, welcome to the WORST area to be living in while relieving your second life in the New World.

I was starting to hear voices, many voices of different dogs barking and whimpering in sorrow and pain after their deaths. There were thousands and thousands of us, so much that I thought I would know at least ONE of their voices, but I couldn't tell. Plus, we all couldn't see ourselves and others, believe me, everything was pitched black. But afterwards, we all ran in different directions in a panic, hoping to find a source of light, a sun we hoped for at least.

That all changes, as we now do have a sun, but the Legend, our Legend who created all of us dogs, He gave us something far worse than what we've begged for. The Red Sun.

Those who end up in its ray of radiant red light without coverage are either ceased from existence, burnt to a crisp due to its extreme heat in most days AND nights since there isn't a moon, suffer like a virus until death, and losing one of your limbs, as the Red Sun would use its ray to basically just eat through a dog's fur, then flesh, and soon their bones 'till there is dust. And for all of us dogs, the Red Sun scared us forever.

One thing that is beneficial, is that us canines can now perfectly see ourselves and others now as victims of being mauled by other dogs, whether it was a dog with rabies, or those unnecessary dog fights, or possibly burned to death like me, put down, or even used and abused with no remorse from humans for either their satisfaction or sexual fantasies. But as we're given this second chance, this new second life, a world with only dogs and cats (possibly more species if you ask me), I assume the Legend wants us to prove a point that humanity is a disease for us dogs to live in... for most dogs at least.

For an example, the dogs who live in this world that were killed by humans, whether if they were ran over by cars, to being ditched by them and soon became homeless died since we couldn't do a damn thing, and also the way of how the humans abuse us by simply existing is unacceptable, as they would "reward" us with fake food and beatings from a blunt object, or with their fists, or possibly "forgiveness", especially the good ol' "being put down", which is the human's sign of saying, "you're replaceable".

Now look at us, I have been noticing some... mimicking.

Dogs being abusive to other dogs for their own sick pleasure, dogs becoming drug addicts by eating cookies to make themselves feel good 'till their bodies break because it is poisoning, and yes, COOKIES for us dogs, which is odd 'cause I don't know where these dogs be making cookies at... but I assume it's Clazzies's doing. Shit, we are even drinking brown and red liquid to ease ourselves, though I don't know how dogs around here know how to make these brown and red liquids neither, especially since that water around here is almost non-existent, and we must drink those weird colored liquids in order to survive, but they make us feel... sober. I think that is the correct word. But hey, at least we don't die of dehydration, or hunger... well, I won't die of hunger, the others can if they don't eat some good shit since caninebalism is illegal in the town I live in.

However, some dogs like me know that we're given this second life for a reason, and even though there isn't any form of nature since there's no grass, trees, or rain, and the fact that the air throughout this wasteland is utterly shit, that we must get used to it, and THE WHOLE ENTIRE SKY is fucking BLACK! No sign of white or anything actually natural in forever! But we've created something known as Dogmanity.

We've made towns, our first city, universal currency, and even a way to protect ourselves from the Red Sun, which is the Red Sun Generator, our best form of technology that can convert the Red Sun's extreme heat into cooler heat, while also blocking its ray of red light in order to prevent dogs from getting any negative effects. But we had to create a new light source, which was later solved with lanterns and torches, lightbulbs too, but all that is only in Clazzies.

Overall, with everything that we've established that can support us, we need dogs who are willing to make a name for themselves to shape the city in a formal manner. Now we have construction workers, merchants, even sheriffs and judges, and of course a leader for each town and city, or a mayor to be specific. Sadly, the informal manners, those being pimps, strippers, marauders, cookie dealers for the drug addicts... no, I ain't kidding, plus the dancers ARE the strippers! Are there more formal dogs, or informal dogs? Informal dogs, 'cause dogs can be whatever they want since we don't have universal laws, but only just rules in towns and cities to keep the peace.

Do I live in a town? Yes, I mentioned that. Do the town's rules say that I can be an assassin however? Not really, but that changed when the mayor allowed me to be an assassin in secret, but if I screw up and get in jail, that's my fault, not his. Besides, that pathetic chihuahua just loves Paws, so he taxes me to keep my app and freelance job.

So far, throughout my second life in the New World, despite me killing for Paws, creating all kinds of different weapons for myself and others to increase my income of Paws and killing methods, plus to my surprise, dogs are adapting quite well to how to able to hold all kind of guns, it's just the matter of practicing how to hold a gun with our front paws, while using our chest and hind-legs to balance ourselves from falling. Or just the good ol' standing on two-legs and shooting with your front-paws of course. Or just sit your ass down while shooting with your front paws, but no mobility. Anyways, despite all the violence and guns, and the joy I had back in my day... life is still fucking miserable.

My second life seems brutally cool 'n all... but not only do I have a robotic right forearm, but I also have permanent insomnia and I can't starve to death anymore, nor does it affect my body shape, so I'm still bodily fine 'n all. I have not slept in over TWO DECADES before, but that all changed when I found... a mate. He was a black cat, real good looking too, sexiest cat I've ever fucked and cherished, sure he wasn't one of my mates from Earth, but he was a Felidae I yearned... before his death. I'll explain to him later however.

But back when I was twenty-six years old, I had a wonderous adventure of killing bad dogs just to make a name of myself, like my very first kill I had back in Clazzies, sure that was over two decades ago, but during that time period was a thrill! But now... I'm a depressing, sleepless, hunger-less, 46-year-old beagle, kind of going from being a legal-illegal assassin to a drunk, as I don't feel that same bloodthirst anymore, plus I'm rich, so I don't really need to kill, and even if I try to keep on protecting the good dogs from the bad dogs, it wouldn't change how I am today. I also taught myself not to kill with guns, teeth, or claws, but instead to hurt them with my brute strength when necessary. I'm also protecting the town I've been living in for two decades as well, so if the head security and his men need extra support even though they all hate my guts, I'll be there if they aren't doing their job as well as I hoped.

Now that I mentioned about the sheriff and his men, I did try to help them tonight by stopping a break-in from dog burglars who were trying to break into our bank, especially since that no one wasn't guarding the bank. What were the results? Pro, I stopped them, con, I was later caught by not just one, not just two, not even three, and definitely not even four or five, but fuckin' FOUR German Shepherds, THREE Kangal Shepherds, TWO Dobermans, and the head of security, Major Sheriff Ruffs. My mind was blown, I even caught the robbers that were trying to break into a bank, it was even dark too, but all of 'em law dogs were hiding in the bank the whole time, waiting for not only for those two fuckin' burglars to come and break in, but also me! I've never been caught before either, and I couldn't even escape because they all had their rifles, six-shooters, and shotguns pointed at me at all times, and I never wanted to hurt the only law in my own town that I cared for!

So, is the Big Bad Beagle's story already coming to an end? I wouldn't be too sure of that, as I'm sure the Legend is just leading me into a different path that won't do me too much harm... I think.