Chapter 1 News

The "Big Bad Beagle" HAS BEEN CAPTURED!

3282 Dog Years

The Big Bad Beagle is a peculiar entity, as many dogs around these lands seem to either love it, hate it, want it dead, or for some, prefer to send private messages for its professional needs to get a single picture of it during its worktime; or informally; to get someone out of the picture. No luck for those who try to get a single whiff of its scent, as it is elusive to all of us. But the only info we know is that it is a beagle, according to Major Sheriff Ruffs' bold claim, as there is not a single beagle in these lands so far except for one; and that's Waves Young Waverly; AKA, in Major Sheriff's own eyes. the Big Bad Beagle. Though, not everyone believed in that claim.

This week, to remind the last death of last week's Red Wire incidents, the death of Klassic, a worker in Lusties that claimed to have been killed by strangulation. Most think it was the Big Bad Beagle's doing, but yesterday, Casantro, the owner of Lusties, made a statement that it was one of his clients who had "beef with her". However, all of the workers in Lusties think it was the Big Bad Beagle's doing, but not Waves Young Waverly since he and the workers think that they're more than just one beagle in these lands.

But today, this isn't about our lost, but to avenge our lost, as the Big Bad Beagle has been officially detained on this very night.

According to the public of Red Wire, everyone knows who is Waves Young Waverly, a male dog that is in fact the only beagle we know in Red Wire, but we never thought of him as the Big Bad Beagle EXCEPT for Major Sheriff Ruffs, as he has a massive hunch on him, but no clear evidence that he is the murderer. However, surprisingly, Waves (his preferable name) was seen in Red Wire's Bank with a huge weapon, to which the law-dogs later figured out that the weapon, which is a massive sniper, matches with the huge, sniper cartridge our law-dogs had found a decade back during the Rocks incident, as it was the only form of evidence that the Big Bad Beagle had left; but as for his previous kills; he never left any form of clues.

Finally, the killing will come to an end, with enough strong evidence to prove Major Sheriff Ruffs' claim that Waves Young Waverly is the Big Bad Beagle, he will be going to court tonight for, and according to Major Sheriff Ruffs' reports and Judge Diana Dane's brief law check, 1 count of homicide in Red Wire, 56 homicides from outside of Red Wire, illegal job choice, no possession of firearm license, the possible murder of former owner of Lusties in Red Wire, Patherus, and 10 reports of non-consensual fights in Red Wire in secluded areas. Judge Diana Dane will apply more charges towards Waves Young Waverly. I will be in court next to Judge Diana Dane, full news report on him will continue tomorrow morning.

(Written in 4/26/82Dys)

-Professional journalist, Lady Luzi