Chapter 3 Red Wire

A couple hours passed; it is now eleven at night. I was escorted out of the court through a small, hidden passage by a Doberman, then the law-dog warned me to hide somewhere if I didn't want to get overrun. Matter of what, that was my plan after getting out of court. So, when the large number of dogs came out of court 'n shit like that, I was already hiding in a slim, dim alleyway.

Now that it's been long enough for the whole town to sound quiet, I slowly walk out of the alleyway and on the wooden sidewalk, and the lights suddenly start to automatically dim to make the small and tall wooden buildings in front of me look darker, signaling that it is now midnight. I can't really sleep, but it would be nice, ya know? It would be nice to dream, wake up with mornin' wood, forget everything that happened tonight, and just move on. But nope, insomnia is a bitch, yet look at me, I ain't dead by it.

I look both ways from the wooden sidewalk, noticing how all of the dog's personal wooden shacks and some tall wooden apartments that are dark and quiet.

However, to my right, the only thing that has light is the tavern, which is across from me, but will take a few minutes to walk that far, though I don't go to there because their brown liquid isn't strong.

To my left however, far from where I'm standing, is blue light flashing at the wooden sidewalk and the burnt dirt road. There would be a big line around that light, but I'm assuming a lot of horny hounds already are inside the infamous Lusties. The outside may just be light, but the inside has everything, from the strongest brown liquid to the strippers that hate my guts but don't know how to talk shit to me... sort of.

Bzzz! Bzzz! Bzzz!

With an annoying sigh, I move my right metal paw up to my right ear, then I gently tap the inside of it. "Speak."

"Big Bad Beagle!" Casantro laughed deeply in my flickering right ear. "Waves Young Waverly! You should visit me dog, Lusties right now, you dig?"

"I'm coming..." I grumbled. "In fact, I'm up ahead." I barked before taking a left down the sidewalk to head over to Lusties.

"Exactly triple B, nobody knows you're comin' in now, neither did I until I called your ass, thought you were sobbin' while getting a girl or dude nobbin' that meat!" He laughed continuously, until he then dies down and clears his throat.

"Define..." I froze, then I took a deep, disappointing sigh. "Actually, my dirty mind is worse than a fucking stripper, I get what cha mean now, and I wanna hurt myself in the process... Anyways, you know I don't pick up girls or boys anymore in the streets or any clubs, I'm not that beagle anymore."

"Aight, aight, we'll see 'bout that when you hit up Lusties, bodyguarding for a few hours." Casanatro barked in a regular tone.

"Trust me, every single one of your strippers, clients, and drunken customers hate me even after they knew I was the Big Bad Beagle."

"Nah fool, my bitches liked ya BEFORE they knew you were killin' left 'n right, they were just teasing your fine ass 'till they realized they were teasing a straight murderer, and that was when they REALLY hated your guts!"

"Well woopy-fucking-do, no surprise there, just makes me want to NOT be in Lusties."

"...But you're still going to come over 'ere, right?" Casantro asked in a soft tone, a slight hint of him pleading for me to come to Lusties.

"I... still will, not like I have anything else to do, ya know? Banned to kill 'till next year."

"Buuuut..." Casantro groaned. "You can still work for me, sell your weapons, so on..." he mumbled, but then suddenly, "hey Waves, I uh, maybe we coul-"

"Anyways, I'm a few paw-steps to Lusties, I'll be there soon, alright?" I barked.

"Oh... right. Totally." Casantro mumbled. "Just meet me in my office and-"

"Ciao." I barked before I flatten my right ear to end the call, then lift my right ear back up. Yes, I knew he was going to say something, but I don't want him to keep talking to me in my ear throughout the whole trip. Plus, I'm finally at the double metal doors with a big, flashing, blue sign that says "Lusties" with complex spirals and lines around the title shining brighter than the sign itself. I can also hear rhythmatic beats from the inside, loud enough to know that the music is good.

"Aright Casantro..." I mumbled to myself with regret washing inside of my body. "Let's see how everyone will react, shall we?" I push the door open with my head, and waves of music start to easily go into my ears, and with a pleasing smirk, I walk myself fully inside.