Chapter 4 Lusties

Around me, the sound of music erupts in all directions, specifically electro swing, quite a popular genre of choice to most dogs in these lands, it's everywhere, we just create as we go! And as my ears listen to the precise metallic beats rhythmatically following the old piano's notes, my red and blue eyes begin to remember where everything is at in Lusties.

On my left, there's a big, golden door that has golden plated letters that says "OFFICE" above the door, which is basically where Casantro is at. We ended our trade route with Rocks and started our own mining expedition for resources like gold, which is why the bank and jewelry store were built due to the amount of gold, gems, and diamonds we've been finding. But besides that, Casantro is my concern.

On my right is the bar, a bar with comfortable wooden blanket stools manufactured in Clazzies, and there are a few big dogs who were part of the crowd in court are sitting and drinking, with a cute robotic feminine dog that has a heart of circuitry and paws serving the drinkers non-stop, and she of course makes the best brown and red drinks in Lusties. I would always drink 'em and hope for the best to sleep, but obviously it won't work, yet I grew to actually like them, so now I'm just drinking for joy rather than to try and put myself to sleep, it helps when I need calm down at times.

In front of me, down those wooden stairs, is a big, slim wooden platform with steel railings to keep off horny dogs, and a pole in the middle of the platform to show off their stuff, and there are thick, purple curtains with big, black paw marks behind the sides of the platform, but behind those curtains are the stripper's stations, wardrobe, makeup, all that junk. Then of course, once their names are called out by the DJ, the pretty girls and boys will appear and dance for the horny dogs that will drink and gawk, while also they would sometimes give the dancers tips through Casantro's app. However, most of the income comes from the reservations, his strippers are worth thousands, and it makes sense!

I focus completely at Casantro's office, I know I can just simply go to the bar as usual and just drink 'bout my night as usual in hope of putting myself to sleep, but-



Fucking great... I shift my focus back to the bar, and I can see two big male dogs, one is a nasty looking Great Dane that is holding the neck of a glass bottle he most likely took from the robotic dog with his only white, front right paw, while his left paw is brown. The other big dog is a dalmatian, though he definitely does not look like a fighter, look at 'em, he's making himself look smaller, he isn't cocking his head back to avoid being jabbed easily, his claws aren't even unsheathed neither. In other words, he needs help, and that's where I come in as part of me being Casantro's bodyguard.

"It was an accident, calm down mate!" The dalmatian barked in an accent. "W- We can settle it with a drink, yeah? How 'bout it? P- Pleas-"

"I told your bitch ass to NOT touch my tail again, you fucking deaf or something?! I'll make you deaf by cutting off 'em ears!" The Great Dane snapped before waving the broken bottle at him.

"N- No sir, no need for that, I- I'll jus-"

"Dave!" I barked loudly while getting next to the dalmatian. "Drink off, gawk off, then fuck off, this ain't a fight off!"

Dave, I know, a lame ass name, can't believe it myself, looks at me with a smirk, and the dalmatian gasps in shock.

"Waves fucking Waverly. The hell you here for?" Dave asked with a cackle, pointing the broken bottle down at my face. "Gonna murder one of us? You heard what the bitch sa-"

I slap the broken bottle with my metal paw from off Dave's front paw. "Don't you fucking call him that."

"Him? I was referring to Diana, dumbass! Who you thought I was talking too? Him?" Dave questioned mockingly before he shifts his focus to the dalmatian, who is eyeing me with fear as I turn my head to look at him.

"Him?" I scoffed. My pointy ears then perk up in a flash, and my big and bushy tail wooshes beside me before gripping on something tightly. I turn my head to look back up at Dave with a smirk, my tail gripping tightly on his big, white front paw with his claw out. "Who's the dumbass now?"

"You, still!" Dave spat before he raises his other front paw that also has its claws out, then as he swings it down at me, I easily grab his paw with my metal right paw. Without hesitation, I shoved him back while letting go of his paws.

"I think you need to fuck off now, I ain't fighting tonight, Casantro won't like it, neither will I, so leave."

"Leave?!" Dave laughed before looking over at the other two dogs, who are small, sitting in their stools like good boys unlike Dave, watching me with their glass cups filled with brown liquids. I'm glad the robotic dog ain't seeing this, she's most likely in the kitchen, which is good. "Who fucking hears this murderous bitch?!"

"Dave, final warning, swear to Legend, fuckin' leave, this is getting long! Seriously! Way too long!"

Right after I said that, Dave looks at me with a stupid grin on his face. "I ain't leaving! You ain't shit, you ain't special-"

"No shit Sherlock!" I snarled, then I going to lunge at him, but a small whistle pierce through the music and into my ears, and I look behind me to see a majestic, angry, groomed, female Pomeranian, with a pink bowtie on her purple collar to match her pure pink dyed fur. She also has a piece of thick hair covering one of her purple eyes, and from her chest down to her underbelly is shaved a few weeks ago, but it is slowly growing back that's for sure. In other words, it is but one of the strippers, Trixie, the one who hate my guts the most, especially since she was Klassic's closest friend.

"You leave Dave alone!" Trixie snarled aggressively while walking up to me with her fluff bouncing up and down. She then brushes past my legs roughly and move herself under Dave protectively, then she turns to face me fully. "Fuckin' murderer!"

With a sigh, I look back at Dave with a slight snort. "I can still throw you out, but I'll be nice, your Paws is more important than your life anyways, I advise spending it all in this very place..." I snarled gently as he grins wider.

"I know I will." Dave snickered before looking down at Trixie as she looks up at him with a gleaming smile. "Especially on this broad, she knows how to handle her Paw-making dadd-"

"Just!" I interrupted. "Fucking don't mess with the dalmatian, or I'll kick you out for reals this time. Please, and thank you." I soon after, then I turn my back from them and past the dalmatian. "You're welcome." I grumbled to him while making my way to Casantro's office.

"W- Wait!" The dalmatian suddenly shouted.

"Whaaaaaaaat?" I groaned sluggishly before I stop moving, then I turn myself around. "The hell do you wan-"


A whole male dalmatian just licked my head. I ain't complaining, but... why?

"Listen, Waverl-"

"It's Waves." I huffed while looking up at his face to see him grinning down at me, and for some reason, he ain't scared of me.

"Right." He snickered. "Waves. I was one of the dogs who growled, back in court I mean, and despite your... habits, I think there is still goodness in you. You know that?"

"No, I don't, not by the slightest." I grunted. "Go enjoy yourself." I turn back to the office.

"You see, my name is Bailey, an-"

"Don't care." I said swiftly before walking off to the office again.

"C- Can I just please-"

"Nope!" I growled out, a few inches close to the door.

"Waves, please!" Bailey beckoned, and suddenly, my body and legs stop moving, which stops me from moving away from him and to the office. "Just... it's a simple meet, my place at Clazzies, just some tea and a chat, I think you would want to hear it. We'll meet next Thrursday, and today it's Monday, so just in a few days, okay?"

"...I'll think about it. Happy?" I scoffed.

"Gladly. See you around then, I hope."

"Whatever..." I sighed before my legs and body finally resume functioning and moving again, but luckily, I'm close enough to the door. And as I'm pushing myself inside of his office, I personally question my body to why it had a malfunction for a second, all because of the voice of a dalmatian?