Chapter 5 Casantro’s Office 

I have to admit, his office has improved, like the flooring was just wood, but now it's one of those carpet floorings, which is odd considering that wooden is rare in these lands, but Clazzies found an alternative, and as it is a secret, wood is available and pricey. Casantro's walls are still made of smooth metal, but now the metal walls have perfectly outlined diamonds carved in, and he also has a fucking glass chandelier dangling above us in the middle of the room too, which is definitely new too.

"Waves Young Waverly!" Casantro barked from across his big, glass desk in his pristine office, sitting on his huge, black, padded office chair as usual. "Take a seat on that chair, I had to switch it out since I knew you'd come."

"Hm." I walk up to the other office chair, then I leap on top of it and adjust myself to it. Afterwards, I face up at Casantro emotionlessly.

"So. Waves..." Casantro yawned. "About Klassic... and the person you killed that was assumed to be our killer. I think I know who is the REAL killer is now."

I slowly raise an eyebrow. "I... beg your pardon? I thought we already killed him? Please tell me you're not throwing me off the bridge here..."

"I know, I know, but hear me out triple B." He said, getting a bit soft on me. "It wasn't one of our clients, but it has to be one of my workers." Casantro explained before he moves his big paws from off his chair and on his glass desk in front of me. "And I know you can't kill... but you can bring that worker to justice."

"Justice?" I scoffed. "Since when did you ever cared about justice? You're doing this for the sake of your club, to make sure everything is fan-dabby-dozy. You made me killed an innocent dog who lives in Red Wire that we thought was the one who killed Klassic, how the hell did you fucked that up?" I asked, anger growing inside me as usual, the noise of my growls start to attach itself to my barking. "You got your fuckin' strippers giving me hurt and hateful vibes, you broke my own code too!"

"Thing is, Waves..." Casantro sighed calmly. "Birdy is onto something, but he won't tell me... You however, you can get him to spill it for me."

I start to calm down a tiny bit, but I am still pissed off. "And what if Birdy is wrong like you? Shit, Birdy probably doesn't even like me now, even if he freed myself from getting murdered first day in the cells!"

"Waves!" Casantro soon snapped. "Calm your ass down! Talking all that shit for no reason at this point, I fucked up, I know, but this time I won't fuck this one up again. Shit man, sound like a rabid chihuahua." He ain't wrong, I do need to calm down and focus on this mistake.

"Fine. What about your other strippers? Are they workers that need to be searched?" I soon asked in a lighter tone.

"I was thinking the real workers, like the DJ, our bartending robot, and most definitely the customers, but don't slit their necks if you spot something suspicious, just fuck them up." Casantro explained, matching my serious composure. "And no, Birdy isn't the killer just to make things clear."

"Mmk... and what do you get to have in return? I could go for free drinks 'n shi-"

"No." Casantro said sternly. "No Waves, what the hell? Listen man, when I gave you the last free drinks months ago, you weren't yourself, you were moody as shit, you were shoving dogs, getting into unnecessary fights, and you this method of trying to put yourself to sleep makes you just an addict."

I slightly growl at him, but then I softly slam my face on the glass table. "...I thought it would help my insomnia, Casantro. I really did. And I'm even more fucked up than before." I winced in sharpy, when suddenly I feel his heavy paw gripping on my head gently, then he forces me to look back up at him in a displease manner.

"You know I got your back, right? That I worry for you? You've done a lot for me, and you're doing nothing for yourself that has no benefits whatsoever. And now look at you, a drunken old fool. Y- You were something else, Waves, you were way different man. We haven't even spoken in weeks man, WEEKS! Do you even know what day it is?"

"...Wednesday?" I guessed with a weak, stupid grin, and he just frowns down at me.

"It's Monday." Casantro huffed before letting go of my head, and I straighten my head a bit with a sigh. "Either way man... I don't even know if I should make you work here in your conditions, your insomnia, your depression, your anger issues, and your addiction. When was the last did you sleep before Dasha's-"

"DON'T!" I snapped suddenly. "You fuckin' bring him into this... he's..."

"I miss him too, ya know. A real piece of art for you, and a heart of love that made all of his friends look up for."

"He wasn't art, he was my mate..." I winced upsettingly before looking down. "He never deserved that kind of brutality in our own bed..."

"If he was here, he wouldn't want you to experience this, Waves. And you wanna know who else feels that same way? Birdy Fitz."

I slightly perk up my ears. "Birdy...? Bullshit..."

"Mm... no. He's fawn of you, my own mate. That's who you've been perving at too when you get the chance."

"No!" I immediately barked, shooting a glare up at Casantro with slightly teary eyes. "I ain't perving on him, I just admire him, that's that."

"Or... he just simply reminds you of Dasha, hm? Don't lie now neither, 'cause I can see the resemblance, from the black fur to the curves. You just want him in your bed, then ravish him 'till you're pleased." Casantro whispered down at me with a deep snicker.

"It's... the opposite. I just want to talk to him. Me and him never spoke, until he spoke for me in court. I could've said something to him, but... I didn't."

"Which is why your reward of finding our real killer is to let you have Birdy tomorrow, at night, for FREE. I know you have the millions to reserve for Birdy, since you just want to 'talk', it makes sense not to reserve for him, as more reservations are just to please the horny dogs. Plus, we're a duo man! Whatever you need, I will provide, and that will be my mate." Casantro explained with a small smile.

My ears soon flatten from his words. "Casantro, that's fucked up, you shouldn't do that because of my own problems! You could even just give me a place to sleep where you live, or use an open dorm in here?"

Casantro then laughs before smirking down at him. "Giving you a place where I live would sound right just for me... but nope, Birdy is your reward, as I have already told him about it before you came in here, except for the part that you wanted to simply chat with Birdy." His expression then quickly changes into being completely serious. "But... you need to understand one thing, Waves before you get with Birdy. HE is my mate. I own every bit of him, but I'm allowing you to simply chat with him wherever, tomorrow night, okay?"

"Fine..." I said with a hesitation in my voice. "But... I'll get work on finding the killer."

"Good. And once you do find 'em, don't kill 'em, you know you can't kill anyone for a year, so instead, do what you do non-lethally." Casantro explained, still keeping his smirk on his face.

"I know." I mumbled before slowly hopping off the chair.

"My bitches will start dancing in at least twenty minutes or less, so don't hurt our customers, they're here to give me Paws and get a bit of pleasure, no one ain't trying to get brutally beaten by ya. We'll talk ahead of time, and PLEASE, take care of yourself, for me, and for the ones who still have care in you triple B."

"..." I stayed quiet, and just simply walked out of the office without saying another word.