Chapter 10 Lusties 

There are surprisingly a lot more dogs here tonight than the last time I came here, it could be an event I didn't know of, or maybe because they were getting ready, letting their mates sleep off while they go off to gawk at boys and girls. Every dog is near the stage on couches and armchairs, drinking and watching Birdy doing his usual entertainment for the horny dogs. Birdy prefers to get on his hind-legs when he entertains, as he would grind his back or front body against the pole to show off what he can, his ass is what most people would rather see, and when they do get to see it, they just automatically transact their Paws to him through the app.

Anyways, I'm on my usual spot, watching Birdy on the staircase from behind the crowd, when suddenly, my ears perk up high by heavy paw-steps. Then, in the corner of my blue eye, Casantro suddenly sits right next to me. I slightly growl. "No warning?" I

"Just wanted to check you out..." Casantro scoffed.

"Well, don't, your mate is on stage right now." I sighed while keeping my focus on Birdy.

"Hmph..." Casantro huffed before watching Birdy as well while sitting down on the same step beside me.

"Were you... surprised that it was Disco?" I soon asked. "I'm sure Birdy told cha everything 'n shit, except for the part that I took his body somewhere, but I didn't kill him. At least the music is still going, but who else are we going to find that can create music like him? I mean, I'm sure the dogs 'ere don't care, but-"

"We were a nice couple, hm?" Casantro barked suddenly, his tone a bit lighter than deeper. "You still look the same as always, it could've been the Red Sun that stopped you from aging to dust, but to still look... beauti-"

"Casantro, please, shut up." I shuddered in embarrassment.

"Come on..." he snickered, "you still look the same like before, I'm still myself that you loved... what was the real reason that you said that our relationship wouldn't work out?"

I snarl louder than before as a warning while looking up at Casantro, my face warming while he looks down at me with a slight snarl. "Why the hell are you bringing this up?"

"And why the hell are you trying to make this seem like a normal thing? You left me with blue balls, and soon Birdy came into my life and repeatedly doesn't leave me with blue balls, but what we had together, I wanted something like that from Birdy, but he doesn't provide that, and you expect me to be alright with that? I thought I did something wrong that made you not want to be together."

"Oh Legend, you're being overdramatic..." I sighed. "You seemed to be fond when you discovered Birdy, but what about now? You're just using him to remind him of me? Disgusting..." then, as soon as I try looking away from him, one of his big, strong paws move under my chin, and he tilts my head to face back up at him.


My heart skips an aggressive beat that would've made me snap at him, but instead, I can feel my face flustering from him. "...Casantro, not here, not now."

"Don't make this difficult. How about we leave the club, then me and you can go to my place, and we'll... make up, hm, Waves?" Casantro persuaded with a wide grin. "We'll even get to be alone without Birdy around for a few hours... a long time to figure things out, yeah?"

I slowly lower my ears and let out a small, tempting wince, then I look away from Casantro to look over at the exit instead. "Well... mayb-"

"Waverly!" Birdy squeaked in front of us, and Casantro pull his paw away from my chin so me and him can look down at Birdy. "Uhm... did you liked the performance?"

I sigh in relief and relax my flustering face. "Uhm, yeah, of course." I barked softly before looking back up at Casantro with a glare. "Did YOU as well?"

Casantro looks back down at me, then he rolls his eyes in annoyance before getting up, and then he walks off to his office with his tail lashing.

I turn back to Birdy, looking at me with a frown. "You weren't watching, were you?"

"I was." I sighed. "Until your fuckin' mate interrupted me."

"My... mate?" Birdy questioned.

"Casantro." I reminded.

"What? Casantro? No, I am not his mate."

"You're not? Then why the hell was Casantro... actually... after our conversation before, he was basically saying that he was using you to remind himself of... 'someone else', for your information." I explained with a slight shudder of disgust. "But if you're not his mate, then you're single?"

"Yes!" Birdy said immediately. "Single, you're correct, but I'm... afraid to say that to him. I know I shouldn't be, but he's crazy in the head about breakups, ya know?"

"Yeah..." I said with hesitation in my voice. "You ain't wrong about that." I soon soften. "But hey, he won't do anything to ya when I'm around, he's easy to manage around me, but he'll be difficult of my logic of course; doesn't want to accept the facts ya know?"

"Uhm... so... my friends kept warning me about how dangerous you are, and... you can get angry easily, so... I need you to befriend them."

Damn, he really changed the subject on me. I look away from him to look over at the bar, and I don't see anyone, including Karma. Weird. "I can't really befriend them right now. I shouldn't anyways, they're a loss cause, letting hatred, drama, and unnecessary lust get in their way from the horny dogs they call 'lovers', and looking at me as just a murderer."

"H- Hey now." Birdy squeaked reassuringly. "Trixie loved you; you know that? But she had to move her lover back to Dave, because of your previous habits. But since you've changed in my eyes, then maybe there can be hope that they'll look at you a bit more differently than what they see you now. Y- You don't nor shouldn't need to be Trixie's mate, she is a slut, but reassure her and everyone else that you've changed. Okay?"

"You usually call your friends sluts?" I asked with a small snicker while still staring at the bar station. "I get it, but Legend, that's messed up. But... I'll think about it, but first, I gotta check on Karma.

"F- Forget about her!" Birdy suddenly whined.

I look back at Birdy with a slight glare. "Why the hell would I want to forget about her?" I asked, but no response came from him, but he decides to just run away from me towards the backstage. I can't tell if he's being weird on purpose, or he's always this weird to everyone. Shit, and I thought I was falling for someone so perfect, but he's just weirdly perfect.

Anyways, I look back at the bar, then I got up from the short stairs and walk over to a taller stool. And when I got to that specific stool, I jump up and on top of it with my beefy legs before sitting down on it; and of course, Karma is still not back... but there's this small device that is conveniently in front of me. I lift it up to my face with my metal paw, and then a small, holographic, static screen appears in front of me, and words start flickering from one word to another, and also repositioning at random.













"What in all of Legend...?"


I quickly look over at the kitchen, then I drop the small messaging device on the floor before jumping over the station like a horse jumping over a fence, and I ran inside the doorless kitchen on my left side. And with my both of my claws out, I see broken bottles on the floor, the strong, scentful mixtures of brown and red liquids flowing in the kitchen and into my nose, and of course, the three threats in front of me. Two medium size looking dogs that have metal helmets with clear glass in both of their merciless eyes, and also, they have these makeshift metal body armor that have some of their body parts exposed. There's also a small dog with no armor, but has the same helmet that matches its small head. And as of now, they're ganging up on Karma, with one of the medium dogs putting their paws on her as she isn't moving an inch. She could be broken, dead possibly!

"HEY!" I snarled out, then one by one, the dogs look behind their shoulders to look at me, and I can see the shock in their eyes.

"It's really him!" A small male dog squeaked in the helmet. "Kill him!"

As the medium dog, the one that isn't touching Karma, tries to pull something from off its chest while its head is still looking at me but his body facing Karma, my focus is completely on the dog that STILL has its paw on Karma while staring at me. But soon enough, I immediately rush towards that dog, then I jump over the broken glass to prevent myself from getting my paws shredded while trying to pounce on the dog. But, as soon as I was going to get on top of the dog, it just dodges out of the way, and I end up landing on nothing. Except, I almost land on Karma.

I swiftly turn my body around to look for that one dog that had a paw on Karma, but with my quick reflexes, I duck my head down from a small, swinging hatchet that almost struck my neck, and I glance up to see the other medium dog holding a hatchet with one of its front paws while balancing itself with the other paw, and I can hear the dog snarling loudly inside of its helmet while looking at me through the two piece of clear glass with its blue eyes, but as the dog tries to suddenly slam the hatchet down at me, I cock my head back for the hatchet to penetrate through the kitchen floor. For this opportunity, with my metal claw out, I horizontally slash through its helmet with one swift move. I glance down at my metal claw to detect fresh drops of blood on my claw, then I look back at the dog as it collapses on the floor with a heavy thud near the small dog; to which the small dog stare up at me with white eyes piercing at me through the metal helmet's glass.

"Y- You bloody killed him... damn the Alpha!" The small dog yipped. However, his eyes glance at something behind my shoulder before glancing back at me.

Immediately, I put my metal paw on the hatchet to yank it off the kitchen floor, then I quickly turn around to throw the hatchet directly through the last medium dog's metal helmet, then automatically it collapses onto the ground with a deathly sigh in the end.

I turn back around to see if the small dog is gone, and to no surprise, it is gone.

I look back down at Karma, and she is still on the ground for some reason. They could've fucked up her systems or something, but she's still functioning, I can sense her; even as her eyes are still shut and she isn't moving an inch.

However... the bodies that are in this kitchen was my doing, which means I'm going to have to clean all this shit up, or els-


I swiftly look over at the kitchen door, then my heart sinks to see none other but Birdy Fitz looking at me in shock and... amusement... odd.